
Pokemon: Trainer SI

Embark on an exciting journey as a medical student is reborn in the Pokémon world with a nerfed AI. Experience top-notch Pokémon world-building, kingdom-building, smart progress, a competent main character, mature themes and unexpected challenges. --- P.S.: While I start weak in Pokémon battles, I am steadily improving as the story unfolds. ----- ------ NOTE: AI will not be the focus of the story. It will be my MC - Archer. He will participate in the Indigo League —————- In my self-evaluation, I can confidently state that this fic boasts some of the best worldbuilding of all Pokemon fanfics. I intentionally depicted the main character as an adult interacting with kid trainers. I'M AN ANIME WATCHER.

KK9494 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Chapter 2 : Befriending Sam

Author's Note: Please comment, review, and power stone the fanfic


---Archer's Pov-----

The morning sun cast dappled shadows through the dense foliage of the Forest near my village.

You could say, I set out on a quest to seek out Sam. Determination etched across my face, I moved to and fro on the winding paths, while hearing the occasional rustle of leaves and distant Pokémon calls.

Such is the security of Pokemon League society that I, a 6-year-old have the freedom to roam. Though this is only the perimeter of the forest. But I am sure that one day the entire territory of Bharatsa will be tamed the same way, allowing passage for all 10-year-old Pokemon trainers like Kanto.

The only reason non-Pokemon trainers are restricted from free access to the forests is because they may provoke the Pokemon due to lack of knowledge and of course, some Pokemon species are violent by nature.

But it felt stupid to me on second thought. I mean except for kids which person doesn't have a Pokémon? I am sure, some kids already have a Pokémon before the age of 10. It is like driving a car without a license. 

Sure, the analogy is weird and inaccurate considering the difference between a car and a Pokemon, that is the closest thing I can think of. Still, in this society, everyone is walking around with Pokemon, so it may not be such a big issue as long one doesn't participate in the official league or exams.

After a brief walk, I spotted a clearing ahead, and there, beneath the dappling sunlight, was Sam, deep in training with his Beedrill.

I observed from a distance, watching Beedrill soaring over swinging logs. I shook my head at his repeated mistakes in using his wings. According to the Beedril biology books, his wings are not the organs used to turn the direction of his flight. Rather, it is their Drills.

More confident about my plan, I decided to make my presence known.

I approached with a friendly wave. "Hey, Sam! Mind if I join you?"

The 10-year-old, surprised by my sudden appearance, hesitated but eventually nodded. "Sure, Little Archer. Just a regular training day with Beedrill. But I can't say the same for Beedrill."

As I prepared to interact with Beedrill, I used my trusty AI. " Let me whip up something special to win over Beedrill. I believe that I need a snack that speaks the language of Pokémon."


Processing the request.

Navigating the database.

Result: Please make a blend of Oran and Pecha berries infused with the essence of honey in a ratio of 3:6:8. Suitable for the taste buds of Beedrill Species.]

I set to work, crafting a delectable ball of berry pulp, which promised to entice friendship. While it is no Pokeblock, there is no problem in fulfilling my need to give a treat to Beedrill.

It was while I was in the process of mixing the pulp of the berries, that I saw a new Knowledge point popping up from AI.

I guess study well now so that you can study deeper stuff in the future. Such is the cruel truth of Studying.

[Knowledge point: It is these immersive plantings of berries, grown under the delicate care of humans, which set a base for human and Pokémon symbiotic relationship. In targeted large-scale schemes, it can even decrease the wild Pokémon hunts of each other. After all, even Pokémon of crueler species like Arbok wouldn't mind tastier berries than killing another sentient being to sustain themselves.

 -Samuel Oak.]

With the berry concoction in hand, I approached Beedrill cautiously during its break from training. Sam watched, curious but skeptical.

I extended the treat, and to Sam's surprise, Beedrill's wary demeanor softened from the smell of the treat. It tentatively accepted the offering, savoring the flavors with unexpected delight.

Sam's eyes widened in amazement. "I've never seen Beedrill react like that before. How did you do it, Archer?"

I grinned. "The secret is in the berries and the taste of honey. You've got to cater to their tastes and provide nutrition to help them grow strong. It's not just about battles; Pokémon require much more to thrive. Nutrient-rich food gives greater gains, and the taste helps in building a bond between you."

As Beedrill enjoyed the berries, I took the opportunity to discuss today's battle. "You rely heavily on Beedrill's dodging skills, Sam. It's impressive, but you might be overlooking its attack power. Try to focus on a balance between agility and strength."

Sam, still processing the unexpected turn of events, nodded in contemplation. "You might be onto something, Archer. I never thought about Beedrill's attack power that much."

Other than me, this 10-year-old is the most mature of the age group in our small village of plains.

It is one reason to help him, and the other will be better approached after the rematch. Hopefully, he wins this time because my plans hinge on it.

Well, it is not much of a plan. In simple terms, to help him win the rematch with Jon, I plan to request him to help me catch a Pokémon.

Days turned into weeks as I found myself visiting Sam's training spot in the Forest daily. I assumed responsibility for Beedrill's diet and nutrition, creating a personalized plan based on its body type and metabolism. Utilizing the extensive library resources, I delved into books on Pokémon nutrition.

With the help of AI, I found the perfect balance of nutrients to enhance Beedrill's strength and agility.

Sam proved to be a willing student, absorbing the knowledge and implementing the dietary changes with dedication.

The once skeptical look transformed into gratitude as he witnessed the positive impact on Beedrill's overall well-being.

Every day introduced a new exercise routine, carefully selected from training manuals and modern research.

Beedrill's movements became more refined, showing a good balance between agility and power.

-------Few weeks later--------

The forest echoed with the sounds of Beedrill's wings as he raced across the logs much more easily than before. I nodded at the noticeable improvement.

Thinking back to the previous match between Jon and Sam, I decided to fill up a hole in Beedrill's move set. 

I suggested my idea to Sam. "In the match with Jon, Beedrill didn't have a move that could work long-range and instantly disrupt Butterfree's Solar beam. You lost because of that, so I have a way to correct that."

Sam raised an eyebrow at that, which was his way of telling me to continue. A trait that seems to be specific to Sam, one I intend to take up. The reason is simple- It looks cool.

"Venoshock is a poison-type move that drenches the target in a special poisonous liquid generated by the user. While it is not easy for a young Beedrill like yours. I can help make a few changes in his diet to promote his poison glands to work it out."

Sam agreed to give it a try considering the positive results from my previous suggestions.

 So, I took it upon myself to teach Beedrill the mechanism of Venoshock. As I sat down and explained the concept, Beedrill seemed to scratch its head, trying to comprehend the drawings on the ground.

I used the drawing on the mud to explain the concept, "Imagine Beedrill, using Poison Jab. Our aim is for you to consciously control the poison you produce in your Drill. This is step one."

Beedrill nodded at that, understanding this part.

I continued forward, "Good. The next step is to change the composition of the Poison so that you can easily spray it like a pump. Of course, the poison should not lose its strength. Leave this part to me, I have the perfect plan."

 To elevate the training, we incorporated a practical aspect. Sam brought in a few chew toys of local muks, and together we rigged the targets with them.

The forest clearing soon became a place filled with Toxic fumes and acidic sludge. Luckily Sam brought Antidotes for us to continue this training.

I am becoming more hopeful seeing this sight. Because he has a good background, hopefully, I could get his help.

Though initially perplexed, Beedrill began to grasp the concept. Day by day, its poison became more fluid, and the Venoshock finally took shape.

After a month of dedicated training, Beedrill could execute it, though mastery was a work in progress. Regardless, it was sufficient for the upcoming rookie tournament. Probably the site for the re-match between Jon and Sam.

Dramatic, I know.


Beedrill gave a trill as the Drill on his hand glowed poison Purple as the torrent of poison surged out. I watched in joy as the poison flew through the air and stuck the target.

The sizzling target made Sam, shout in excitement. This moment is showing his age as he jumps up and down with joy. I could hear his shout echoing, "Well done Beedrill. Let's make a mark in the rookie tournament and show everyone what we've accomplished together."


Beedrill's trill had displayed its happiness. It further sealed the agreement with a hug to Sam. Now, I was more or less certain that he would win the rematch in the rookie tournament. The other 10-year-olds were just that =10-year-olds.

Nowhere were they as skilled as Jon or Sam.

Unlike the main Kanto circuit, the hometown tournaments were generally restricted to the surrounding ten villages. These tournaments were exclusive to 10-year-olds, who were only allowed to train their starter Pokémon. Only those with a single win can start their journey.

The tradition of 10-year-olds embarking on a Pokémon trainer journey was proven and enforced by Professor Oak.

Even Bharatsa, with its strict traditions, started allowing 10-year-olds to train Pokémon, influenced by Oak's success in Kanto. Though it is nowhere as free and progressive as main Kanto.

Let me tell you, how ahead Kanto is compared to the rest of the World.

In his words, the pure 10-year-olds, free from crippling prejudice, allowed bonds with Pokémon to establish easily and strongly. The responsibility of adults was to ensure they were ready to take it safely.

Oak scientifically proved his theory. He then proceeded to fulfill his adult responsibility by taming all of Kanto and, then Johto's wildlife, by making deals with the wild Pokemon tribes. He even promoted the Obscure Ranger series to maintain his arrangements.

Then there was his crown achievement- he had an eventful career of brutally crushing criminal organizations. Allegedly, he used to raid at least one criminal base every day at his peak.

I couldn't help but recognize the positive changes Oak had brought to the Pokémon world. His rather extreme ideas, such as waiving the Pokémon limit, had a ripple effect in boosting the popularity of Pokemon training and promoting a Pokémon centered economy.

All these factors combined to make Kanto like a Disney fantasy where a 10-year-old can go on an adventure as long as they have a Pokemon. 

It is no wonder that every person in the world respects him.

It's mind-boggling for me to see one man affecting the entire world like this. No wonder every character in the world knows Oak. All it led to was for me to flame my ambition to reach the same heights—wealth, fame, and power.

All these things solidified my decision to go to Kanto for my Pokémon journey. Currently, it is the only place in the world with such progress in Pokemon-human relations.

Still, I am getting sidetracked. I need a Pokémon for a Journey. Sam will hopefully agree to catch me a Pokemon starter.

I choose him because even if he spills the beans regarding my request to his father, there is a high chance of it being fulfilled.

You see, Sam's adoptive father- Dregen is a famous man in this village. Once upon a time, he participated in the Indigo League after winning the 8 gyms in the Kanto circuit.

Rather than continuing his journey or migrating for a better future using his talent, he came back to change Bharatsa.

He even gained an incredible following for killing some gangsters tormenting the common folk. Though he disappeared from public view some years ago. And he is a bit of a recluse now.

His history aside, his good reputation, and any connections he may have for me to participate in the Kanto circuit are enough for me to go to the trouble of helping Sam.

I believe my Skill at the perceived 6 years of age is enough of a guarantee for his investment.