
Pokemon: Trainer SI

Embark on an exciting journey as a medical student is reborn in the Pokémon world with a nerfed AI. Experience top-notch Pokémon world-building, kingdom-building, smart progress, a competent main character, mature themes and unexpected challenges. --- P.S.: While I start weak in Pokémon battles, I am steadily improving as the story unfolds. ----- ------ NOTE: AI will not be the focus of the story. It will be my MC - Archer. He will participate in the Indigo League —————- In my self-evaluation, I can confidently state that this fic boasts some of the best worldbuilding of all Pokemon fanfics. I intentionally depicted the main character as an adult interacting with kid trainers. I'M AN ANIME WATCHER.

KK9494 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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48 Chs

Chapter 16 : News + PTC

News Anchor:

"Good evening, Kanto! Today, we bring you an electrifying showdown from Pewter City's Gym, where Archer, the rising Pokémon breeder, faced off against the seasoned Gym Leader, Flint. Let's dive into the pulse-pounding battle that unfolded!"

Video Clip:

The battlefield crackles with anticipation as Electabuzz prepares to unleash its power, catching Flint off guard with a thunderous surprise attack.

News Anchor:

"In an unexpected turn of events, Archer's Electabuzz, which is seen all over the world but 50% of them are present in Sinnoh, hence considered a Sinnoh Pokémon. That is the Poke fact of the day. Now, time for an interesting topic.

It has unleashed a Thunder attack of unparalleled intensity on Flint's Geodude. The suddenness of the strike left both Flint and Geodude wide-eyed, disrupting the anticipated flow of the battle."

Video Clip:

Electabuzz, guided by Archer's precise commands, deftly dodges Graveler's Rock Throws and weathers the storm of Rollouts.

News Anchor:

"Despite the relentless assault from Flint's Graveler, Electabuzz exhibited remarkable resilience, dodging with agility and countering with powerful moves. The synergy between trainer and Pokémon was on full display."

Video Clip:

Electabuzz channels stored electricity into a dazzling Discharge, stunning the audience with its electrifying power.

News Anchor:

"As Graveler closed in for the final onslaught, Archer seized the moment, commanding a Low Kick and Brick Break combo that smashed Graveler into the ground. A victorious moment for Electabuzz!"

Video Clip:

Golem enters the battlefield, taking advantage of Electabuzz's fatigue. A Sand Attack blinds Electabuzz, setting the stage for Golem's Rollout.

News Anchor:

"In a strategic move, Flint's Golem utilized a Sand Attack, creating a cloud of confusion. Despite the adversity, Electabuzz, guided by Archer's commands, dodges with precision, showcasing their strong bond."

Video Clip:

The arena crackles with tension as Golem charges with successive Rollouts. Archer encourages Electabuzz to face the challenge head-on.

News Anchor:

"Facing a speeding Golem, Archer's Electabuzz exhibits unparalleled determination. With a burst of speed, it summons its hidden ace—a Focus Punch aimed at Golem's vulnerable point."

Video Clip:

*The electrifying climax unfolds as Electabuzz's Focus Punch lands with precision, stunning Golem and halting its Rollout. Electabuzz emerges victorious, showcasing the incredible teamwork and strategic brilliance of Archer and his Pokémon."

News Anchor:

"Before we wrap up our coverage, we have a special guest joining us via call. It's none other than Lieutenant Surge, the Electric-type Gym Leader from Vermilion City! Surge, welcome!"

Lt. Surge:

"Thanks for having me. I couldn't miss the chance to discuss such an electrifying battle."

News Anchor:

"Absolutely! Now, we've received some questions from our viewers about the match. One of them is regarding how Thunder, an Electric-type move, affects a Ground/Rock-type Pokémon like Geodude, which typically has immunity to Electric moves. Can you shed some light on that?"

Lt. Surge:

"Great question! While it's true that ground types are usually immune to Electric-type moves. But you can't expect the grounds to be able to stay intact from a thunderstrike. It is the same way in this case. Especially, the move the young breeder managed to teach Electabuzz, thunder, is a move that when mastered shows the same power as a thunderstorm.

The type of matches comes into play when the strength range is similar. In the case of Geodude, It is a bit weaker than Electabuzz. And coupled with that Charged Thunder, you can expect such a scene."

News Anchor:

"Fascinating! Now, we also have comments pouring in about Archer's Electabuzz. Some viewers are impressed by its strategic use of Charge and Thunder. What's your take on Electabuzz's performance?"

Lt. Surge:

"Archer's Electabuzz showcased incredible mastery over Electric-type moves. The use of Charge to store energy and then unleash it with Thunder demonstrated a deep understanding of the Pokémon's capabilities. It's not just about power; it's about using that power smartly. Archer and Electabuzz pulled off a fantastic combination!"

News Anchor:

"Thank you, Surge, for providing valuable insights! And to our viewers, keep those questions coming. We'll have more discussions and analyses in our upcoming shows. Stay tuned for more thrilling Pokémon battles and expert commentary. Back to you!"


As the television screen in the Pokémon Center's lounge broadcasted my recent gym battle victory, the congratulations and praise streamed in from the passersby who recognised me, causing the balance in my account to surge. After all, I too have shares of profit from the video.

My growing popularity due to my trainer career, compared to the more conventional breeder profession, was evident in the financial rewards I was reaping from my battles.

The joy and pride I felt upon seeing the increasing account balance were accompanied by a recognition of the double-edged sword that Gym Leader battles presented.

While the videos brought in a substantial income, there was a caveat for Gym Leaders—they had certain quotas to fulfil every month. The pressure to maintain a consistent level of battles for viewership and financial support added a layer of complexity to their roles.

Brimming with pride, I retreated to my room, fortunate that my Pokémon were compact enough to comfortably share the space.

Among them, Scyther, my loyal companion, caught my attention. I reached into my bag and retrieved a special item—a black Augurite. Placing it in front of Scyther, I noticed a puzzled expression on its face.

"It's different from the normal black Augurite stone," I explained. "This one is special because it's formed by the calcified decomposition of Scyther or Scizor remains over the years." I then pointed at the ever-curious Rotomdex and continued, "Rotomdex has been scanning various rocks around the city market. Instead of finding Key Stones or Mega Stones, it found this."

Next, I unveiled a tightly sealed container containing a metallic fluid that I had personally crafted. "This is a Metal Coat composition made by me," I announced. Scyther, still contemplative, scratched its head in curiosity.

I proceeded to present three drawings to Scyther, laying out its evolutionary choices. "Essentially, you have three options," I explained.

 "Option 1: Remain the same.

Option 2: Apply the Metal Coat to become a Steel/Bug-type Scizor.

Option 3: Use your slash, the very move you've trained all your life, on this stone to become Kleavor, a Rock/Bug-type.

Keep in mind; that there is no significant difference in growth rate among the three. You might get a short boost from evolution, and that's all. Your line is called a Warrior line for this reason."

The room fell into a thoughtful silence as I awaited Scyther's decision. Considering its powerful slash is a factor in my choice of this remarkable Pokémon.

Scyther, confronted with the three distinct evolutionary choices before it, displayed a range of facial expressions and gestures that mirrored the complexity of its decision-making process. Its large, compound eyes glistened with a mixture of thoughts as it examined the drawings.

The initial puzzlement transformed into a thoughtful gaze, its razor-sharp scythes subtly twitching in tandem with its internal deliberations. Scyther's antenna-like appendages, normally held upright in a sign of alertness, are now slightly lowered, indicating a sense of introspection.

Scyther took a moment, glancing towards Electabuzz, reminding me of his goal to reach him.

So, I answered the facts of both evolutions, "Scyther, there are some benefits in evolution. I didn't immediately tell you this because I didn't want this knowledge to pressure you if you didn't want to evolve."

I then looked him in the eye, "Based on your expressions, I can see that you don't mind evolving, don't you?"

That is a serious question to ask because he has to shed the body he was born with. Unlike Elekid, whom I was sure about due to my brainwashing * cough * raising him properly. Unlike wheedle, whose evolution can't be stopped and is a natural part of their line. I need confirmation from Scyther.

Scyther gave his answer by nodding, which made me sigh in relief.

I then explained the possibilities, " If you become a Kleavor. I know of a training regime that can train your rock type quite well, helping you catch up with Electabuzz. But the resources for that regime can only be acquired after we are strong enough to win the 8 gym badges. "

Seeing him nod in understanding I said, "If you become a Scizor, I don't have the means for you to catch up with Electabuzz in the short term. While I would try my best, I don't know the location of special resources like in the case of Kleavor Path. But, the Scizor path has one advantage, you can evolve again. A temporary evolution called Mega evolution."

I then ended by saying, "I am confident in myself, in showing you the ways of improvement for you to become an Elite, whatever the path you take. As for the championship, I will be blunt, no number of resources or plans can do that step unless you are willing to die to achieve that feat."

Scyther showed brief moments of uncertainty, which gave way to a subtle narrowing of its eyes, a determined glint appearing in them.

It was as if Scyther had resolved, a choice influenced not just by the presented options but also by its innate nature—a creature driven by warrior instincts and rivalry.

He decisively cut the stone and the transformation was set in motion. I guess, he wanted to catch up to Electabuzz as soon as possible. It's a pity for the mega evolution opportunity but being the sole Kleavor is a bonus too.

The light gradually subsided, revealing the evolved Pokémon in all its glory. Kleavor stood proudly, its rocky exoskeleton gleaming under the residual luminance.

The once-sleek and agile Scyther had evolved into a sturdier, more formidable Rock/Bug-type, embodying the essence of its chosen evolutionary path.

Kleavor's appearance was marked by the fusion of rugged rock formations and insectoid elements. Its body showcased a sturdy exoskeleton, adorned with mineral-like protrusions that mimicked the appearance of a rocky terrain. The insectoid characteristics were evident in the sleekness of its limbs and the sharp, determined gaze in its compound eyes, which seemed to be focused on its goal- Electabuzz.

-------------------Next day, Training ground, Pewter Pokémon center----

The warm glow of the sunbathed Pewter City opened up to me in the morning, as my team gathered around me, a palpable anticipation hanging in the air among them.

Kleavor, my recently evolved Rock/Bug powerhouse, stood confidently beside Electabuzz, my Electric-type starter. The time had come for a true test of their strengths.

"Alright, Klevior, let's see what you've got! Electabuzz, get ready!" I called out, my voice filled with a mix of excitement and confidence.

We relocated to a nearby training area with rugged terrain, a perfect setting for a showdown between Rock and Electric types.

As a spectator/Trainer in this case, I eagerly observed the battlefield, anticipating the clash that was about to unfold.

"Kleavor, lead the way with Rock Throw!" I commanded, eager to test out the new move.

Klevior launched sharp stones toward Electabuzz, who responded with a nimble Quick Attack, effortlessly evading the projectiles. The battle was on, and both Pokémon were ready for the challenge.

"Electabuzz, use Thunderbolt!" I shouted, hoping to capitalize on Kleavor's Bug typing.

The Electric-type Pokemon unleashed a powerful Thunderbolt, crackling with energy. However, Klevior, now equipped with rock armour from its evolution, expertly absorbed the attack. 

Electabuzz grunted in response and swiftly charged towards Klevior with a Quick Attack.

"Klevior, create obstacles with Rock Tomb!" I called out, aiming to take advantage of Electabuzz's flesh and blood body, which is vulnerable to heavy boulders.

Klevior responded by summoning rocks to impede Electabuzz's movements and in the same movement sent them on to Electabuzz, wanting to completely crush him. 

However, the Electric type wasn't easily deterred. With a burst of speed, Electabuzz weaved through the boulders, showcasing its nimbleness while subtly indicating an area for improvement in Klevior—his speed. It is reasonable for a newly evolved Pokemon to have deficiencies.

As for why Electabuzz didn't have them, let's say every part of his combat skills is trained to the extreme under the strict vision of Rotomdex and AI. So, Electabuzz is only needed to increase his brute strength.

"Electabuzz, let's turn up the power! Thunder Punch!" I commanded, hoping to exploit Klevior's uncovered parts and directly attack his body.

Electabuzz delivered a lightning-infused punch, landing a solid hit on Kleavor. The Rock/Bug-type Pokemon showed its endurance and took the solid punch like a man.

Kleavor then retaliated with a flurry of slashes, showcasing its newfound strength.

As the battle continued, each Pokemon leveraged its type advantages and executed strategic moves. I found myself becoming a mere spectator, witnessing them fall into a rhythm.


In the end, it was Electabuzz who emerged victorious, landing a well-timed Focus Punch that resonated with Boom.

The satisfaction on Electabuzz's face mirrored Klevior's, one's satisfaction is from the victory and the other's is from closing the gap with Electabuzz.

"Amazing battle, both of you! Klevior, your evolution brought out incredible tactics. But you need to adjust to your new body, especially in short range, most importantly you must master Stone axe." I advised, offering constructive feedback to my Rock/Bug companion.

Turning toward my starter, I addressed Electabuzz, "You showcased the combat skills to the team well, I am honestly impressed with you pointing out Kleavor's weaknesses. But be careful, if you grow lazy, you will be the one that will be left to play catch up."

Electabuzz gave a nasty smirk at that.

I sighed as I noticed the rest of the team. Eevee was being spoiled by the wrinkly old Primeape. Rotomdex is meanwhile chasing Slakoth around to enforce the mandatory 8 hours of consciousness and 16 hours of sleep.

Only my dear Kakuna watched the battle seriously, using Harden and agility to train. I was certain this Pokemon would climb high.

Clap Clap

"Alright gather up guys. Time to study."

I then forcefully shoved down their throats, each point in detail about the battles, using the help of Rotomdex who recorded the Gym match and this spar.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over Pewter City, I thought about the next step.

It was time to make my way to Mt. Moon.



Trainer Card for Archer: recent update

(Note: You can imagine an image link here.)

Trainer Name: Archer

Hometown: Village of Plains, near Berry Town, Bharatsa

Age: 10

Home Region: Country of Bharatsa, Kanto, Indigo

Referral for Travel: George waters, Minister of commerce, Bharatsa.

Gym Circuit: Kanto (Currently)

Issued by: Viridian Gym, Kanto.

Badge Collection: Boulder Badge

------------------Pokémon Team-----------------------


Type: Electric

Moves: Thunderbolt, Quick Attack, Thunder, Thunder Punch, Rest, Charge, Light Screen, Discharge, Brick break, Low kick, Focus Punch


Type: Rock/Bug

Moves: Slash, double team, X-scissors, Fury cutter, Agility, Rock Throw, Air Slash, Rock Tomb, Stone Axe [move used only by Kleavor species]


Type: Bug/Poison

Moves: Poison Sting, String Shot, Harden, Agility, Electro Web.


Type: Normal

Moves: Quick Attack, double team, Baby Doll eyes, Charm, baton pass


Type: Normal

Moves: Scratch, Yawn, Encore, Uproar, Endure


Type: Fighting

Moves: Focus Punch, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Fire Punch, Poison Jab, Brick Break, Drain Punch, Rage, Outrage, Quick Attack, Endure, Rage fist

-----------Recent Achievements-----------

 Youngest Kanto Breeder

Education Degrees: Human Medicine and Surgery, Techno Engineering.

Won against gym Leader Flint for Boulder gym.


Biography: Archer, a ten-year-old trainer hailing from Bharatsa, has started making a mark in the Kanto region. With the Pewter Badge in hand, Archer's Electabuzz showcases a mix of power and strategy.

Bank Account No: CX9494



 Author's note: thank you Kamikaze Eagle, SmilingReader99 and RealGirlIRL for pointing out the confusion at ground type and electric attacks. 

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