

Chapter 82.

A few minutes later Kaede came out of the house and ran towards me with a big smile on her face "look Rean! it all fits perfectly! but I wonder how you got my measurements? did you ask mom?".

I smiled as I stared at how everything I made for Kaede fitted her good, for her Adventurer outfit I made her a black and red jacket, a heavy black skirt with spats for freedom of movement, a pair of red and white fingerless gloves and a red and black shirt under her jacket.

The boots were also simple black leather boots and had also made her a white ribbon for her hair so it wouldn't get in her face as she moved around, over all it's a simple and functional design meant for exploring and fighting.

I smiled at Kaede "I didn't know your measurements actually, but the clothes are enchanted with an Auto Fit enchantment, so just in case you grow or when you take on your Oni Form your clothes will automatically fit you".

Kaede awed while looking at her clothes for a bit, she then looked up at me "so these are magical clothes? what else can they do?".

"Well, first your ribbon is special since I based it on one I've seen in a game, that ribbon is enchanted to allow you to resist status effects better, it won't completely make you immune but at least it will make it harder for you to be afflicted by them".

Kaede raised one her hand and gently rubbed the ribbon that was holding her hair in a ponytail, at first she was curious as to why Rean had made her one, but then again she has very long hair, so she thought that he had made it to get her hair away from her eyes.

Rean continued explaining "the boots will help you keep you balanced in rough terrain, while the clothes have Mana Restoration and Regen enchantments plus I also added Auto Repair on all the clothes, we wouldn't want you to keep flashing me all the time right?".

Kaede blushed and nodded, she was thankful she didn't have to worry about destroying her clothes anymore, it has been very embarrassing flashing Rean by accident whenever her regular clothes couldn't handle her strength.

I chuckled a bit at seeing Kaede embarrassed by the accidental flashing she has giving these days "the materials I used are also very durable and I enforced them quite a bit as well, so they actually act like armor despite looking like regular clothes".

Kaede smiled and then tilted her headed "you said that the materials you used for these clothes were special, and that I was going to be interested in them right?".

"That's right, you see... all the clothes your wearing have been created with Pokémon materials" Kaede's eyes widen in surprise and I don't blame her.

So I decided to give her a few more details "the skirt, jacket, spats, fingerless gloves, shirt and ribbon are made of Silk from a spider like Pokémon known as Ariados and the wool came from sheep Pokémon known as Mareep, the boots I made them from a Dragon Type Pokémon named Dragonite, I used her shed skin for that and even the buttons were made of Pokémon claws and fangs, in fact you have Charizard claw buttons on your jacket".

Kaede turned her head toward Charizard who gave her a thumbs up, the small Oni turned her head back towards me "I didn't even know you could use Pokémon materials like that!".

I grinned at Kaede's enthusiasm and nodded "it took me a while to learn to work with the material but it helped that they're far more durable and strong than normal materials, eventually I became pretty good at working with Pokémon Materials which is good because I only have a short amount stocked for some of the materials, like Dragonite's shed skin... she doesn't shed often and she tends to hide it out of embarrassment".

Charizard grinned, I knew he found that about Dragonite to be very amusing, not that he would say or show it in any way because Dragonite was not afraid to Thunder Punch him on the face if he did and my best buddy isn't stupid.

Kaede looked every intrigued about everything I just told her "I see... so because you only have one Dragonite you can only get her Shed Skin once in a while, making it very valuable...".

Kaede suddenly looked rather worried about something "errr, Rean?".

I tilted my head towards her "yes?".

Kaede looked up at me with a serious expression "are you sure you want to use such precious materials on me? don't get me wrong, I really appreciate and this shows me that you really care but don't you rather want to use these materials on your girlfriends? or even your daughters?".

I raised an eyebrow at Kaede but smiled at her nonetheless, she really is a good person but she shouldn't worry about stuff like that "my girlfriends and even my daughters have been living in the Supernatural world for a very long time Kaede, they're all very powerful and don't really need gear like this, though I am making stuff for them anyways because I love and care about them but the stuff I'm making for them is highly advanced, it's Gear adequate for their levels of powers".

Kaede nodded while I continued on "these clothes I prepared for you are meant to be used for a beginner, they will help you but they will also allow you to grow on your own, they wouldn't help them but they're perfect for you".

Kaede nodded and I patted her head "plus, as your friend and teacher I want to make sure you have everything you need to succeed and be safe, so don't worry about stuff like that okay?".

Kaede looked up at me and gave me a nod, I nodded back at her and then reached into my inventory "speaking of having everything you need, here use these in case of emergencies".

I handed to Kaede 10 Apple Gels and 10 Orange Gels just in case, Kaede stared at the Gels "what are these? candy?".

I chuckled "not really, sure they're quite tasty but they're actually Magical medicine, the red ones are Apple Gels and they Heal, the Orange one restore lost Mana".

Kaede's eyes widen in surprise once again and stared at the Gels on her hand "Magical Medicine? amazing... mom told me that things like healing potions were rare in the Supernatural and only the Devils have something like it more available plus, healing magic is supposed to be rare too... I think mom said only Saints and Angels can use Healing magic".

I nodded "well that's technically correct though every Faction tends to have their own methods of healing, Yokai use Senjutsu while Devils use skin to skin contact to heal each other".

Kaede tilted her head "huh? interesting... but if these Gels exist, why doesn't anyone use them too?".

"That's because me and Kyoto are the only ones who have access to them and even make them, the Gels are not something I want the Factions to know about or even have access too either... there's too many arrogant and foolish beings out there that wouldn't hesitate to abuse something like the Gels".

Kaede nodded "ah I see.. don't worry Rean, I will never tell anyone where I got these from, I promise!".

I smiled and nodded at Kaede glad to hear her say that even though I already know I can trust her "I know Kaede, I trust you".

Kaede blushed and seemed a bit sheepish but she was smiling and that let me know she was happy to hear that I trust her, Kaede then hummed a bit "now I need to find a way to carry these with me... maybe I should borrow my mom's fanny pack".

I raised an eyebrow at the fact that Hanako, an Oni has a fanny pack but I put that aside for now "there's no need, you can put them on the pockets of your jacket, I've added a Dimensional Pocket inside them so it will keep everything you put inside organized and safe".

"Really!? so cool!" Kaede immediately put her Gels inside her pocket and smiled when she noticed that all of them went inside and that her pocket didn't get any heavy or bulky "whoa! every girl and woman would kill for pockets like these! how do I pull stuff out?".

I grinned at what Kaede just said and then answered her question "all you have to do in put your hand inside you pocket and think of what you want to take out, the item or items will then appear in your hand soon after".

Kaede tried out with the Gels a few times and then proceeded to put her Cellphone, headphones, her purse and even Rotomdex inside, though Rotomdex squirmed and flailed a bit when she grabbed him from who knows where she was carrying him and put him inside her pocket too.

Charizard and Espeon sweatdropped at Kaede not expecting her to try that while Umbreon just deadpanned at her, me though? I was more curious as to how she actually put Rotomdex inside her Dimensional Pocket.

[Well... Rotom is a Ghost Type Pokémon so he's not actually alive and the Alolan Pokédex is no different from a Cellphone, sure it might be super advanced but it still a machine nonetheless.]

*Well... I think that's the best theory someone can come up and I rather just accept that, than having to think about all of this too deeply... Pokémon shenanigans can be too weird*.

With that last thought I sighed and then spoke up to Kaede "okay, if your ready let's get you into the Dungeon".

Kaede turned her head towards me and her eyes took on a very determined glow, she nodded to me let tong me know she heard me "I'm ready Rean!".

I nodded "alright, well be going to the first floor and like last time you'll be dealing with everything, I will step in if necessary but the main goal is to clear the Fortress we found".

Kaede closed her hands and tighten her fist, she then looked up at me and nodded, I gave her a smile and then prepared to go to Gaea's Great Labyrinth "okay then keep an eye out and be careful Kaede".

Kaede smiled "I'll be careful Rean, don't worry".

With her saying that I opened the menu and then took us to the Labyrinth for Kaede to try her second Dungeon Diving.

We arrived in the Entrance Chamber and immediately headed down the stairs, we arrived at the massive forest and Kaede instantly headed towards where we had found the Fortress.

Along the way we found the already common monsters we seen before but with Kaede's new abilities and skills, they didn't even slowed her down.

Even when the Goblin Archer and Kobold Slingers began to appear, Kaede already knew how to deal with them quickly so she shifted gears and began to use Earth Magic against long range enemies.

I was a big contrast to when she first came here, she had struggled and gotten hurt at that time but now? now she was dancing around and dodging arrows while also casting Magic, the Goblin Archers never saw the stone bullets or rock blasts coming and were killed crushed.

The Kobolds Slingers who are named like that because they attack you by throwing rocks at high speed with slings, had their own rock flung back at them when Kaede used her magic to change their trajectory.

Over all Kaede improved a lot during her week and some days of training, she was already powerful but she lacked skill and finesse to put that power to good use and now she had that.

I felt rather proud of the same little Oni who was crying when I was pulling arrows out of her was now not even being grazed by any of them, soon enough she had killed all of her enemies and continued forward until we finally arrived at the Fortress.

We decided to take a look from afar before getting close again, Kaede and I hid behind some trees and took a look to see if anything had changed but nothing had, so Kaede and I walked away a bit to talk about the next step.

Once we were pretty far me and Keade began to talk "okay, so like before we have Hobgoblins and advance types of Goblins to deal with".

Kaede nodded "yeah... plus there's also a lot of them too, can you tell me about the kind of Goblins we saw there?"

I smiled and nodded at Kaede "sure, we saw Goblin swordsmans these kind of Goblins are known to be pretty good with a sword but what makes them dangerous is their size and speed, there's also Goblin Mages which as the name suggests can use low level Magic, things like Fireballs and Lighting Bolts".

Kaede nodded while I continued to explain "these two usually act together by having the Goblin Swordsman attack in the Frontline and give the Goblin Mages time to cast their magic so be careful and make sure to take down the Mages as soon as you can".

Kaede sighed "so Monsters can use tactics huh? that's actually worrisome...".

I nodded "yeah, these Monsters are smart Kaede so take them seriously, they can even learn and adapt on the spot so make sure your not taken by surprise okay?".

Kaede frowned but nodded letting me know that she understood, I sighed and then continued on "but the Hobgoblins are the real problem here... Hobgoblins are not only stronger than regular Goblins but they can use skills and even magic as well, the fact that they wear leather armor and wield weapons just adds to the danger".

Kaede looked down and hummed as she thought about what I just told her "... if they're smart like you just told me, then they're more than likely send the Goblins to wear me down first and then they'll attack me...".

I nodded and smiled happy to see her understand and accept how dangerous these monsters really are "yes but there's also something you should know, more than likely there's going to be some kind of leader or boss in that Fortress".

Kaede looked up at me and stared into my eyes "and whoever or whatever it is, it's going to be more powerful than the rest..." Kaede turned her head towards the direction where the Fortress is and stare for few minutes.

This is Kaede's first challenge and I have to let her come up with her own strategies and think for herself on what to do, she needs to experience this sort of situations and adapt as things happen in the battlefield.

Of course I will help when needed because I wasn't about to let her die but I still want her to experience and learn as much as she can, so when something happens in real life she will be ready.

Kaede turned her head towards me "hey Rean?".

I raised an eyebrow at the fact that Kaede looked like she had a plan "yeah?".

"Do you happen to gave a pair of googles with you?" I tilted my head in confusion as to why Kaede would ask me for goggles.

But I decided not to worry about it too much for now and just see what it is she has planned "I don't but I can make temporary ones, they'll last for a few hours only though".

Kaede smiled "that's perfect! what I have planned won't take too long and I won't need the goggles for long".

I nodded and used my Aura Construct skill to make her a pair of purple tinted googles out of my very own Aura, once that was done I handed them over to her.

Kaede took the googles with an excited smile on her face "alright! now I can begin the mission!".

Kaede seemed very excited about whatever she was planning and that made me curious as to what sort of craziness she has planned, after all I've seen Hanako do some very crazy stuff and Kaede is without a doubt, her mother's child.

Meanwhile back in the Nakashima household and in the kitchen, we can find Hanako busy at work making lunch for when Isamu, Kaede and Rean come back, when she suddenly sneezed.

She shook her head and narrowed her eyes at the suddenness in which that sneeze came, Mew who was with her and watching her make lunch tilted her head -meew?-.

Hanako turned her head towards Mew and shrugged "I don't know, but I think someone is thinking something mean about me...".

Mew just giggle finding what Hanako just said to be very silly, Hanako sighed and then laughed herself "yeah... that sounds silly huh?".

Mew nodded and Hanako just smiled and went back to making lunch with a very curious and hungry Mew watching her do so.

Kaede put on the googles and took off running towards the Fortress while I sighed and followed her, after a few minutes the little Oni reached the Fortress and hid behind a tree to get a better view of the whole thing.

I stopped at the tree besides the one Kaede was using to hide and took another look myself, even though we call the building in front of us a Fortress it is far for being an adequate one.

What it truly is, is a big house like building surrounded by log walls with stakes stabbed all around the sides, it's was big but nothing that would really make you feel overwhelmed.

But what really is the troublesome part of all of this is the fact that the wall were protected by a lot Monsters from the outside, all those monsters were all over the four log walls of the Fortress.

This was an army waiting for any intruders to come out and be fooling enough to try to invade their base, it's not something I would worry about nor any of my girlfriends and daughters, but for someone like Kaede?.

Well it's a mighty daunting task, but she didn't seem nervous or overwhelmed, instead she seemed excited and ready so I decided to just watch.

Kaede suddenly smirked "I learned this move from Mew a few days ago and I thought it would come in handy, so watch me clear this Fortress Rean~".

I nodded at her though I was now even more curious as to what sort of Pokémon attack Mew would teach Kaede, normally it would be impossible for anyone to be able to learn Pokémon Moves but it seems like if I'm around, the Pokémon can pass down their Moves to others.

I don't known if it's an affect of my skills, my energy or just my nature as a Gamer warping what reality is, but I wasn't going to complain about it.

I was curious about the process sure, I mean Kunou has learned a multitude of Pokémon Moves, very powerful Moves at that so I did wonder how is it that she can learn those moves and after a bit of observation and note taking.

I found out that the catalyst for that is me, so that's a mystery I don't have to worry about since the Pokémon would hardly teach anyone I wouldn't allow any Moves and any fools that try to force one to do so, well they wouldn't live long to tell the tale.

Kaede then jumped out from the trees and waved a hand towards the Fortress, nothing happened at first but then the wind picked up and sand began to cover the area.

The Monsters not expecting a sandstorm of all things to hit their base panicked and began to run around unable to see or even breath, I chuckled at what Kaede had done and felt a bit bad for the Goblins.

I took out a red scarf from my inventory, one I made with leftover wool and walked up to Kaede who was watching the chaos unfold from outside the limit of her attack.

She jumped a bit when I wrapped the red scarf around her and covered her mouth with it "there you go, now your ready to go in there and take down those monsters, be quick okay?".

Kaede nodded "okay! I know Sandstorm only last for a little while so I don't have a lot of time so! off! I! go!".

After Kaede said that, she jumped into the Sandstorm and vanish within it as I watched her, I activated my Akashic Dragon Eyes and kept my eyes on her location at all time "Latias, I know your there... can you make your self visible".

The air behind me shimmered and glowed a bit, then Latias appeared out of thin air, she quickly flew to my front and put her head on my chest.

I smiled at my Psychic and Dragon Type Legendary Pokémon and gave her a few headpat, Latias let out a happy chirp "always following me around huh girl?".

Latias didn't even tried to deny it and nodded, which made me laughed "a Pokémon stalker huh? can't say that's the weirdest think that's happened to me lately and more than likely it won't be the last".

Latias just smiled at me and just shook my head in amusement, like Giratina, Latias really likes to follow me everywhere I go but unlike Giratina who stays in my shadow, Latias follows me around while being invisible.

Her bond with me and the skills I have gave her had made her special ability to become invisible even more powerful, she not only becomes invisible to the eyes but to all senses, normal or Supernatural 'well except mine that is'.

This Latias became the most adorable assassin Pokémon and I can't say I dislike it, I gave Latias one more headpat and then decided to ask her for a favor "Latias can you go follow Kaede and give her some help if se needs it?".

Latias nodded and then looked up at me with her big curious eyes, I chuckled knowing what she wanted to know "don't worry, I'll be providing long range support from here so I won't be going anywhere without you".

Latias smiled and nodded, then she got away from me a bit and vanished into thin air but with my Akashic Dragon Eyes I could see her flying through the sandstorm towards where Kaede was heading.

After I saw her begin to follow the little Oni from behind, I decided to get ready and jumped up into the sky and made a platform with Aura.

Once standing high into the sky I change my Excalibur bracelet, into my Excalibur's bow mode and got ready to snipe any Monster that might sneak attack Kaede.

Kaede ran through the sandstorm she summoned with a small smile on her face as she reminisce about her recent days, the first time she came to this Labyrinth she had been completely unprepared and too uncoordinated to come out of these place unscathed.

It had made her feel like a five year old again and she ended up crying in both pain and frustration right in front of Rean, but he didn't judge her, he didn't criticize her, he didn't even say anything an just let her vent in her own way.

He sat there and just let her cry as long as she needed along giving her hug, it made her feel both embarrassed and pretty good, but she didn't want to continue staying like that.

She didn't want to cry anymore, she simply did not want to feel weak so she got up, dried up her tears, got healed by Rean and then continued moving forward as long she could.

She fought, learned and adapted while fighting the monsters around the Fortress and had killed many of them, by the end of that first trip, she had felt both satisfied and very tired.

But that was only the beginning for her, the next day and the next one as well were dedicated to her improving many aspects of her fighting, Rean put her through her paces during the last few days testing her not only physically but mentally as well.

Every morning before school she would do physical training and martial arts training with Rean and Lucario, both taught her how to move, how to react fast, think fast and how to keep her surroundings always at the fore front of her mind.

It was very tiring and amazing at the same time but she learned and took everything she was taught to heart, she didn't want to waste this opportunity after all and the trust Rean had given her.

Her mornings were dedicated to making her agile and increasing her overall skill when fighting, this way she can make better use of the Super strength she obtained as a Oni.

But after school, after she had finished her homework and during the second part of her training, was when the learn the cool and amazing stuff.

During those training periods Lucario, Charizard and Rean would teach her fighting techniques and magic, actual magic! and she was very happy about that.

She learned Fire attacks and very powerful Fighting attacks from both Lucario and Charizard and from Rean she learned how to use mana, how to control it and how to wield it both Offensively and Defensely.

Rean thought her how to use Earth Magic which was the Element she got from her heritage as a Nakiri, but unlike the Clan which uses Onmyōji techniques to use Magic she was taught how to directly channel her mana into the very earth to manipulate it and even create it.

It was amazing to Kaede and she drank everything she was thought, honestly she was very happy Rean had used those Time Dilation wards of his, otherwise she wouldn't have had the time to learn everything she did.

Rean had explained to her how they work, what they did but all of that was a bit confusing for her to understand so she just nodded to all of it, but she was still happy they existed in the first place.

According to Rean, the hours she spend inside those wards were the equivalent of at least three months and some days.

Three months of training from a few hours a day of training in real time, that was amazing and so otherworldly for Kaede and she honestly could not be more amazed at everything Rean can do.

Her new clothes were the last of everything Rean had done for her so far and as she changed she couldn't help but feel happy, that her now best friend Rean takes care of her so much.

She never had friends before and for a long time she didn't want to connect to anyone because most were just interested in her connection to her father, but with Rean things were very different.

He didn't care that her father is a powerful politician, after all he knew more famous and powerful people, he didn't care about her family's money since he himself had quite a lot of money.

He listened, he taught her, he play with her and joked around and that made the little Oni very happy, plus Rean also had something no one else has.

Pokémon, when she had first layed eyes on the Plushies she fell in love with Pokémon and when Rean arrived into her life, she had the chance to learn and meet real life Pokémon and that was just the best.

She still remembers the time when she felt so lonely and lost when her life changed so abruptly when she was attacked, but now? now she wouldn't change it for anything in the world.

Kaede silently and quickly approached the Fortress and began to pick off the Monsters around the walls as quickly as possible, her plan was to thin out their numbers while they were in disarray because of her sandstorm.

She of course made sure to target the Goblin Mages first, these little critters were the most dangerous right now since she did not have any ideas the sort of magics they had access to.

So she killed them as quick as possible, she snapped the necks, kicked their heads off, punch their head in and even choked them out until they stopped moving.

She was a bit surprised how easily she got used to this level of carnage when she was just a normal girl not that long ago, but Rean had explained that it was her Oni Instincts that were helping cope with all of this.

Oni by nature were dark and evil beings that used to feed on humans back in the day, that nature never changed, it just mellowed out with the modern days and as humanity changed.

In order to cull those Instincts Oni work out and become muscle heads or bros as Rean calls them, but her? she didn't need to because she was actively fighting and feeding that dark nature within her.

Sure that was a bit disturbing to think about but it was helping her and she wasn't going to complain about it, so Kaede quickly moved through the sandstorm and killed as many monsters as she could before it began to lose strength.

Eventually the sandstorm stopped and Kaede could no longer move about undetected but the damage to the monster's army was already done, the remaining monsters panicked when they were finally able to see the damage to their numbers.

Kaede in a matter of a few minutes had single handedly destroyed a big number of monsters, even the little Oni was surprised of what she had accomplished.

In the heat of the moment she just moved as fast as she could and took down as many monsters as she could find and the end result amazed her, Kaede looked around and stared at the bodies she had left all over the place.

She then turned her head towards the remaining monsters who were now hesitant to even get close to her, in fact they were slowly walking away from her and trying to head to the gates of the Fortress.

Kaede suddenly sighed and the took a big breath, this made the monsters flinch but all Kaede did is take a big breath and then exhale "I see... I improved so much, to think that I wasn't even aware of how much... I'm sure Rean did, so this might be his way of showing me just how strong I've become...".

Kaede looked up towards the sky and smiled "looks like I'm good at sneaking and stealth too... maybe I should be named Naked Oni... hehe okay time to be serious".

I was smiling as I watched Kaede decimated the monsters around the walls of the Fortress so fast and affectively that even I myself was a bit surprised, so I watched over her while she took a big breath and looked up at the sky.

However as my Akashic Dragon Eyes stayed on her I noticed a change in her, curious about it I decided to check her status just to make sure the change wasn't negative in any way.

[Throught her accomplishments and action Kaede Nakashima has obtained the title of Naked Sna- I mean Oni! Naked Oni!.]

I couldn't help but sweatdrop at the way the Game aka Astraea almost gave Kaede a Legendary title, but I ignore that for now and decide to check just what Kaede had gained from obtaining such a title.

[Title: Naked Oni.

A title bestowed to Oni who have mastered the art of stealth, its rare for Oni to even attempt this so this title had been deemed Legendary in rank.

The bearer of this title receives a boost in damage when using hand to hand combat, increases their stealth movement and ability to blend in into their surroundings.

This title also allows the bearer to heal by eating hunted animal and survive in all kinds of terrain.]

*What the fuck!? just how Kaede get such an amazing title?* I was both amazed and I little caught off guard by this.

[Ah well... Kaede made a joke and I found it very amusing so I decided to reward her for what she has accomplished here today and, this title is a perfect fit for that though I didn't think the affects were going to be that amazing... sorry Rean, I should have asked first.]

I sighed and shook my head *no, don't apologize Astraea, I'm not angry just surprised and I want you to be able to do the things you want as well, so you don't have to tell me of every little thing you do, I trust you*.

[Your the best Rean! I love you!.]

I blushed a bit, not because of her words but becaused Astraea has a habit of sending her genuine feeling of love to me through our bond and it's a bit embarrassing to know how much she loves me.

But it does make me happy that she does that, however the Fortress's gates suddenly opened and out came marching a big group of Hobgoblins "well, it looks like its time for Kaede to get her hands dirty... you can do it Kaede".

I watched as Kaede smiled and then got into her fighting stance, she seemed very ready and excited about fighting the Hobgoblins, It doesn't surprise me since the Goblin Mages and Swordsman were dealt with pretty easily.

Still it made me smiled seeing Kaede so strong and confident and I couldn't wait to see what she would do next.