

Chapter 42. Plots and Training.

It didn't take me long to reach the Hostess of Fertility, the maids immediately waved and smiled at me the moment they saw me and I happily smiled at them as well.

The Hostess of Fertility had become our usual hangout and all of us in the Hestia Familia tend to come here often enough to eat, drink or just spend some fun time with everyone.

We do it because not only is the food here delicious but we like the atmosphere as well plus we consider the maids and Mama Mia friends, well except Syr but she hasn't been around for a while for obvious reasons.

It didn't take me long to find Tione, Tiona and Lefiya, they were already waiting for me sitting by table, however they had a surprise addition to their group.

I wild Ais appeared and I honestly didn't know why but I waved at the girls nonetheless, which got me a wave from them in return, I smiled and sat on a free chair on their table "hey girls! how you've been?".

Tiona cheerfully smiled but strength shook ger head and sighed "it's been boring! we been preparing for a big expedition but it's taking so loooong~".

I chuckled while Tione sighed "there's nothing we can do about it Tiona... there's just a lot to prepare plus we need to stock in a lot of potions and food but your right it's been very boring lately".

Ais nodded in agreement while Lefiya hummed "it doesn't help that we're also waiting for our weapons to be fixed or reforged, the fact that we're also waiting for enough Blacksmiths to be free so they can join us in our expedition is making things take too long as well".

I nodded "that sounds tough, I guess that's just how it is with big Familiss, with so many people there's just too much to prepare".

The girls nodded while Ryuu appeared and walked up to our table, she then took a seat besides me, I smiled at her and she gave me a soft smile in return "hey Ryuu, are you on your break?".

Ryuu nodded but blush a bit "I was washing dishes but then Mama Mia said that my man was out there and that I should go spend some time with him...".

I turned my head towards Mama Mia and chuckled when she gave me a thumbs up, Tione and Tiona frowned a bit, Tiona suddenly spoke up "your man? are you both going out with each other?".

Ryuu nodded and grabbed my hand "yes... I decided to join Rean's harem and family, everyone is so kind and sweet...".

Both Tione and Tiona raised an eyebrow the moment Ryuu mentioned my harem while Ais tilted her head in confusion, Lefiya awkwardly laughed not knowing how to respond, Tione then tilted her head and decided to ask a question "you have a harem Rean?".

I nodded "yes, the girls that joined the Hestia Familia are my girlfriends and the little fox girl is my daughter not by blood mind you but my daughter nonetheless, her mom is one of my girlfriends".

Tiona nodded in understanding and seemed a bit pensive for a few seconds "I see, it's not rare for harems to form in Orario but I am curious as to how it happened to you?".

I hummed, it's kind hard to explain my situation to them "to be honest only my first, second, third and fourth girlfriends happened over time, we just fell in love with each other, the other two were chosen by the first four just like it happened to Ryuu".

Ryuu blushed but nodded "I was already interested in Rean... so I decided to get to know him better but it was Serafall and the rest of the girls who gave me that little push".

Tione, Tiona and Lefiya actually softly sighed "how romantic~".

I chuckled but Ais suddenly spoke up "what's... a harem?".

All of us turned towards Ais in surprise, we definitely weren't expecting that question from her but Lefiya was the one who decided to explain "well... miss Ais, a harem is when there's multiple people in a relationship with one person at the center of it".

Ais tilted her head, blinked and then nodded in semi understanding but it seems like she was still curious about it "but why?".

I raised an eyebrow at her question and I must admit, it really is a good question but I decided to try and give her an answer "well, I'm not sure how to answer that and I can't speak for anyone else but all of us in our relationship do it because we all think of each other as family".

Ais nodded and hummed while Ryuu, Lefiya, Tione and Tiona smiled, however I scrunched my brow in confusion I meant to ask earlier but I kept gettingdistracted but I am still curious about something "err... Ais, why are you here?".

Ais deadpanned at me which made me and everyone else sweatdropped but she then spoke up "I wanted to see the bunny...".

I stared at her for a long minute while everyone else looked at her in confusion *I see... she wants to see Bell, do I dare bring her to him and watch the chaos unfold?... yes, yes I dare, sorry bro!*.

Lefiya then looked confused "bunny? do you mean one of those cute creature Rean can summon? does he even have any bunnies?".

Ais shook her head which only made Lefiya even more confused, I smiled and then decided to explain "she means Bell, he's the captain of the Hestia Familia".

Tiona suddenly stood up and excitedly began to speak "ah! so she was talking about Bell! hmm... now that you mentioned it~ he does kinda look like bunny!".

The girls giggled at my poor friend's misfortune, even Ais was smiling, I chuckled and the turned towards Ais "why are you looking for Bell for Ais?".

Ais turned her sight towards me "I want to ask him how he got so strong so fast... I saw his fight against the Silverback during the Monster Feria... he improved a lot...".

*Ah so that's what she's curious about, I should have known* I hummed as begin to ponder about what to do, perhaps I should explain how "Bell has been training with two of my Pokemon, Lucario and Greninja who have been teaching him a lot and the girls have been teaching him plenty of other stuff as well, what you saw was the result of that training".

Ais looked very intrigued while Tiona looked very excited "oh!~ what are they teaching him? I've heard a lot about your Pokemon from the townspeople and the Guild! everyone keeps saying how strong they are!".

I raised and eyebrow at her, I knew that the Guild has been doing a great job keeping the townspeople informed about the Pokemon but it still surprises when someone tell me how excitedtgey are about the Pokemon "well Lucario is teaching Bell hand to hand combat while Greninja is teaching him high-speed fighting and movement the girls are teaching about magic, finances and how to handle paperwork as well, since he's our captain".

The girls were certainly impressed, Lefiya then twitch and then suddenly stood up "that's right! I wanted to ask you about your enchanting Rean! what I saw you do when you helped us with these weird monsters was amazing! I haven't seen Mana being manipulated like that before".

Both Tione and Tiona excitedly nodded in agreement to Lefiya's words while Ais looked curious, Tiona then spoke up "that spear and sword you let us borrow were amazing!".

Tione clapped and smiled "and those special attacks they could do were very useful as well!".

I chuckled and nodded "well how about we go to the Hearth Mansion, I can explain better there and Ais can see Bell".

Ais perked up while Tione, Tiona and Lefiya nodded in excitement, Ryuu smiled knowing that the girls were up for a surprise when we get to the Mansion.

We all got up, waved at everyone goodbye and left to go to the Hearth Mansion, as we walked we talked about all sort of things and had some fun joking around.

It didn't take us long to reach the mansion, I told the girls to wait a second so I could add them to the wards, Lefiya looked on in interest as I placed my hand on the big wooden gate and the whole area around the mansion glowed for a second.

I nodded to myself as I added Tione, Tiona, Ais and Lefiya to the wards scheme so they could visit whenever they want, I know they're good girls and we can trust them, besides I doubt they would say anything to anyone "...alright now you girls can come in and out whenever you want, so feel free to visit okay?".

The girls smiled and all of us walked into the mansion, however I immediately took them to the backyard while I began to explain what warding is to Lefiya, apparently there wasn't a branch of magic like warding in this world so she was naturally very curious about it.

While explained the concept and its uses to Lefiya, Tione, Tiona and Ais were wildly looking around in shock as we walked through the backyard.

The Pokemon having sensed my arrival began to come out of their resting places to say hi, the Eeveelutions 'which now had the additions of Sylveon, Glaceon and Espeon' appeared and began to run around Ryuu who just smiled at them but she looked around looking for something "... where's the small brown foxes?".

I smiled at Ryuu's question and pointed at Espeon, Sylveon and Glaceon who began to hope around "that's them, they just recently evolve".

The Loki girls look confused but Ryuu smiled and bent down to pet the three Eeveelutions "so this is what you mean, you did explain it to me before, the Pokemon's ability to evolve and grow even stronger, amazing...".

The Eeveelutions all barked their names and smiled at Ryuu, while Tiona smiled and looked at a few Pokemon walking around "they look so cool!".

Tione was already patting Nidoking who had grown curious and walked over to meet the girls, Tione smiled as she petted the Poison Type Pokemon "yes, they're definitely cool".

Lefiya had grabbed a Wooloo and hugged it tightly enjoy its soft Wool while Ais was having a staring contest with Serperior who slithered her way towards her.

It made me chuckled how easy it was for the Pokemon to make friends, after a while we continued on our way with the Pokemon now happily following us as we headed towards where Bell is training.

It didn't take us long to reach the time dilation ward where Bell spents most of his time training, Lefiya's ears actually twitch the moment we walked past them as she hummed "amazing... time flows differently within this area".

I nodded at Lefiya "I'm surprised you noticed but that's right, these wards create a time dilation within its boundaries, this way Bell has time to train and go to the Dungeon".

Lefiya nodded while the rest of her friends looked confused I guess that explanation flew right over their head, eventually we reached the clearing where Bell was training only to see him get blasted away by Kunou who was sparring with him.

The girls gaped as they watched him recover in mid air, twirled a few times and softly land on his feet, he then suddenly disappeared in a white blur as he rushed forward to Kunou.

My daughter smiled and hopped up, her tails lit up with Steel Type energy as she lashed out an Iron Tail towards Bell who barely had time to block it with his daggers, the force of Kunou's Steel Type attack pushed him back some distance away from her.

Kunou landed on her feet and immediately took a big breath and unleashed a Blizzard Attack on Bell who punched the ground and used his Mana to create a stone wall that was instantly flash frozen.

But it did its job and protected him from the worst of Kunou's Ice Type attack, deciding that it was enough I loudly whistled making both Bell and Kunou stop from continuing their attacks.

Kunou saw me and her face lit up in cheer, she instantly ran towards me at full speed and hugged me, I of course lifted my daughter into my arms and rubbed my cheek against her which made he giggle "hey Kunou, did you have fun beating Bell around?".

Kunou grinned at me and cheerfully nodded, while Bell who was already walking up to us chuckled "she certainly has been kicking my butt all over the place! but it's been fun fighting her, she's very strong!".

I nodded at my friend and Kunou proudly smiled "it's fun to fight uncle Bell! he jumps and runs around like bunny so it's fun to try and nail him with a long range Pokemon move~".

Bell slumped in defeat at being compared to a bunny again while everyone laughed at his expense, it was here he noticed Ais, Tione, Tiona, Lefiya and Ryuu and he waved at them "hi guys! you came to visit us!".

The girls smiled while Ais walked up to Bell and began to pet him which made him blush "bunny~...".

Bell sweatdropped while I shook my head in amusement "Ais wanted to see you and ask how you got stronger, where's Lucario and Greninja?".

Kunou cheerfully pointed at a tree and everyone turned towards it "Greninja is up there watching our sparring!".

We all saw Greninja jumped down from the tree and then waved at us as he walked over, while Kunou continued on "Lucario is supervising Lili's physical training~".

I nodded at my daughter and high-fived Greninja "okay how about you guys take a break and we all hang out here for a while?".

Everyone cheered and agreed right away, a few minutes later I had set up a big blanket, we all sat on it while I took out a bunch of snacks for everyone to enjoy.

Bell was certainly enjoying spending time with Ais and getting to know her while I explained to Lefiya. Tiona and Tione how my style of enchanting worked.

Most of it flew over the twin's heads but Lefiya and Ryuu seemed to understand and comprehend most of the magic formula and procedure though Ryuu was having far more fun feeding and playing with the Pokemon.

Eventually Ais began to ask Bell how he trains and how he was getting so strong so fast, when Bell began to explain how Lucario and Greninja were training him and the fact that he's walking around with a gravity spell on him surprised the girls quite a bit.

Bell was truly a hard worker and it's something Lucario, Greninja and I respect, Tione then hummed "wait... Rean there's been reports from the Guild and Rumors that you took down the Soma Familia, you did it with your Pokemon right?".

I nodded "yes me and a few of Pokemon went to the Soma Familia and killed almost all of them, I only left a few alive who seemed to be good people but the rest were put down, they were criminals and scum".

The Loki girls and Ryuu nodded, all of them had heard the rumors about Soma Familia and had seen the reports as well, Ryuu than spoke "it's seems like everyone knows it was you but the townspeople are really thankful with you Rean, the Soma Familia had been causing all sort of problems in Orario and even though the were complaints given to the guild, nothing was ever done about them, honestly the townspeople are more than happy that they're gone".

Lefiya hummed "though the Gods are a completely different matter, whatever you did to lord Soma and the fact that you took down that Familia with such small numbers made the gods very nervous even lady Loki was anxious about it".

I raised an eyebrow, I didn't know that I made the Gods nervous but in hindsight it makes sense that they are, Tiona then continued "it's was funny when they went to the Guild to speak to lord Ouranos and asked him as to why he let you do that to Soma! Loki said that Ouranos only responded with 'as long as you leave Rean and the Hestia Familia alone then you shouldn't worry about him, do know though... in the event that Rean is provoked to act against a Familia he will do so with the Guild's and my support' hahaha Loki's face was hilarious!".

*What the?... why is Ouranos going so far to protect us? Astraea do you have any idea why? I don't think I've ever done anything to gain his favor*.

[More than likely, the reason he's protecting you is because of the effect you have on the Dungeon, Ouranos has to constantly use his power to keep the monsters of the Dungeon from reaching the city, you been keeping the Dungeon happy and calm and less prone to cating out.]

*I see... my actions in the Dungeon must have allowed the old God some breathing room, if I remember correctly in the anime Fels, Ouranos's only Familia member told Bell that The Dungeon was reaching its limits and that so is Ouranos*.

[Yes that's correct, the Dungeon was definitely reaching a point where it wouldn't be able to contain all of the energy within its walls but because you and the girls are constantly killing more and more monsters on a daily basis, the Dungeon has been able to burn so much energy and was able to balance itself out.]

I was thinking about it some more but Lefiya asked me another question "Rean, why did you go after Soma's Familia? it's the only thing no one knows or has been able to find out but everyone wants to know".

I turned my gaze towards Bell who nodded at me "Bell was jumped by the Soma Familia and left to die on the floor of the Dungeon".

The girls frowned and Kunou's ears flatten against her head, I patted her head to help her calm down while Bell sighed and began to explain "I was already tired from fighting monsters plus they came at me with levels three and twos, there was only so much I could do before the were able to take me down but... it won't happened again...".

Everyone smiled at Bell's conviction, Ais nodded and said "I want to get stronger too... can I train with you?...".

Bell's eyes widen in surprise and he turned his head towards me, I just smiled at him and nodded "sure why not, plus this way you'll have someone else to spar with too".

Ais smile and Bell fist pumped in victory, Tione and Tione then grabbed and hugged my arms, Tiona cheerfully began to speak "can we come to train too?~ it sounds like a lot of fun!".

Tione nodded and smiled "yes~ please Rean!?".

Lefiya nodded and then spoke up too "me too! I want to learn magic from you Rean!".

Lefiya blushed when she noticed that everyone was grinning at her but I just smiled "of course you guys can come and train too, it won't be easy though but it will be fun, you can spar with one of us or the Pokemon as well so it will be fun!".

The girls smiled and excitedly nodded, we spend a few more hours talking and having fun and afterwards the girls left to go home promising to come every morning that they're in Orario and not in the Dungeon to train with us.

Afterwards Bell, Kunou who was in my arms, Ryuu who was holding my hand and I walked back to the mansion, Bell suddenly hummed "I keep forgetting to ask but Rean, when Lucario came to give me a hand against the Silverback he looked very different but he now looks normal again, me and Hestia where curious as to why?".

I nodded "I'm not surprised it took this long for you to ask, a lot has happened since then... the reason Lucario looked different than usual is because he had taken on his Mega Evolution form, it's a type of transformation certain Pokemon can go through, it makes the several times more powerful".

Bell's eyes widen in surprise "that's crazy! they're all so powerful already but some of them can even reach higher levels of power?".

I smiled at my friend and nodded "Pokemon are very mysterious creatures and have all sorts of abilities and powers at their disposal Bell, there's a lot about them that even I might not know".

Bell nodded and both of us along with Kunou and Ryuu stepped into the mansion, today was a fun day and I couldn't wait to tell the girls about it.

The next day the Loki girls showed up early in the morning so we invited them to breakfast, me and Wiz cook for them and they seemed to enjoy our food quite a lot, especially Tiona and Ais.

During breakfast I let the girls get to know the Loki girls and all of them seemed to get along quite well, Lefiya spoke quite excitedly with Wiz and YunYun about magic, I'm not surprised though since all three of them like anything that has to do with magic.

Tiona and Tione got along with Serafall and Yasaka though I don't know if I should be worried about that or not, Ais liked speaking with Asia and seemed quite content with Sakuya as well.

I'm quite happy everyone gets along, Hestia has been very friendly to them as well, I was worried that she might not like them hanging around here but it seems that she was fine with it.

She also took the opportunity to get to know Ais better since she knew of Bell's crush on her and began to ask her all kinds of embarrassing questions.

Bell gaped at some of those questions but luckily Ais was too innocent or too absent minded to understand what Hestia was asking about, thank goodness for Bell.

After breakfast Bell and I took them to the back yard so I could get them set up for training, I explained to them that inside the time dilation ward three to four days will go by inside while a few hours will pass by on the outside so they can train to their hearts content.

Tione, Tiona and Aiz were the most excited about this but Lefiya looked quite dead on her feet, she's a mage so she's not physically inclined as the other three and so she was dreading the physical training.

Once we got to the clearing I then cast the gravity spell on them and told them that it will be on them from now on until it was time for their expedition, it took them a few minutes to get used to their new weight but since they're high level adventurers they got used to it rather quickly.

Next I told them that they would be sparring with some of my Pokemon in order to increase their overall strength to battle "so take advantage of this opportunity and polish your techniques and skills, try to fight as long as possibe and push the Pokemon back as much as you can okay?".

The girls nodded and seemed very interested in fighting the Pokemon "afterwards the battles both Lucario and Greninja will train you in hand to hand combat and high-speed movement and fighting plus they will show you how to fight while using your environment to your advantage".

The girls once again nodded while a continued on "after that YunYun and Wiz will come by and help you with any magic related training you guys want or need".

Ais and Lefiya nodded but Tione and Tiona frowned a bit, Tiona then raised her hand "what about Tione and me? we don't have any magic plus spells don't really mesh with our fighting styles".

I nodded and hummed while I thought about what you do, the twins were good with hand to hand combat and weapon skills "... then in that case I'll train you both in some good combat skills to give you guys some variety to your arsenal, sound good?".

Both Tiona and Tione fist pumped and seemed very excited about me training with them, Kunou came running out of nowhere "hey~ I want to train too!".

I chuckled at my daughter and pat her head causing her to brightly smile "okay but don't get in their way unless Lucario and Greninja ask you to help okay sweetie?".

Kunou smiled and nodded, she then joined everyone who was deciding who was going to fight against a Pokemon first, I shook my head at how excited they seemed to fight.

My Pokemon seemed excited as well, I had called all the big guys to fight against the girls, Charizard, Nidoking, Sceptile, Scizor, Snorlax, Flygon and for good measure Gengar.

The girls will be busy for a while with these guys, deciding to leave them to their training I handed Lucario a bag full of Gels so everyone can continue to train and not worry about fatigue or injuries.

Meanwhile I headed to my forge to grind and make some cool new stuff for Tione, Tiona and Lefiya, maybe I'll make something for Ais as well, today I'm feeling rather motivated.

The girls were going to have a lazy day today as well, both Yasaka and Serafall went back to sleep after breakfast while YunYun, Wiz, Lili and Asia went shopping and walking around Orario, Sakuya and Hestia will be cleaning the house.

It's just another busy day for the Hestia Familia and friends.

Meanwhile on top of the tower of Babel, in her room and on her bed layed Freya but she looks like she's seen better days, the Goddess looked so pale and tired that she seemed close to collapsing.

She was sweating and rolling around in her bed in pain, she hasn't been able to rest or sleep well from the horrendous about of pain she's constantly feeling.

It was becoming unbearable to her, so much I fact that she had discreetly sent her Familia members to ask or find out some way to cure or break whatever curse she was suffering from.

She was certainly surprised to find out that it was a cursed that was inflicted on her, one of her high level mages was able to recognized what is was but that was all he could find or sense about it.

He had told her that the curse itself was something he had never seen before and that he was unsure as to how to cure it, so her entire Familia set out to find out someway or something to get rid of it.

They haven't found anything that work so far, the fact that all of this needed to be done discreetly is also slowing down any progress on finding a cure or at least some way to lower its effects.

She couldn't risk anyone finding out what had happened to her or they might investigate as to why exactly she was cursed in the first place, Ouranos was plenty upset about her messing with the Monster Feria and he let her known that displeasure by sending her a big fine to pay.

She didn't want to be found out by the other Gods or they might get their licks in against her if they do, especially Ishtar who is alway at the ready to make her life miserable.

But right now that wasn't important, no her beloved Bell is more important than her problems right now, she had heard of what had happened to him and what happened to Soma as a result.

Honestly, she was beginning to become very concerned about the man who had cursed her, not only did he take down all of Soma's adventurers but also did something to him that no one in Orario could understand.

Rean Hayashi had somehow taken away the ability to make wine from a God, a God who has a full domain centered in the concept of wine making, this of course caused panic among the Gods and Goddesses.

Ouranos calmed everyone down though and told them that they didn't have to worry as long as they left Rean and the Hestia Familia alone, this of course calmed most of the Gods down.

But the Gods and Goddesses whose Familias were more inclined to be on the dark side of society were nervous and with a right cause, it was a matter of time before one of their adventurers do something to piss Rean off and that made them anxious.

Of course there were the arrogant and cocky Gods who were so sure of themselves and their Familias that they didn't feel the need to worry, what a bunch of fools.

In any case she was glad that Soma and his Familia were punished for having harmed her beloved like that, at least there was something to be thankful for to Rean.

But her Bell needed to get stronger, the question is how? how to help him grow strong? "perhaps helping him have an adventure so he can level up will help him the most... Ottar come here please!".

Freya shakely sat up on her bed and winced in pain but smiled as she heard the door to her room open, she looked up and saw her loyal Ottar walked into her room.

The massive Boaz walked towards her and bent on one knee so he could be face to face with his Goddess "yes lady Freya?".

Freya smiled and softly patted Ottar on his cheek "I need you to do a little job for me my dear Ottar, can I can count on you?".

Ottar nodded "of course lady Freya, whatever you order shall be done...".

Freya smiled and then began to explain what she wants done "I want you to go to the Dungeon and train a herd of Minotaurs, turned them into powerful warriors and help that precious child of mine have an adventure~".

The giant Boaz nodded and stood up "it shall be done... but can that boy survive?".

Freya smiled, a smile full of obsession and insanity "of course he can, my Bell is getting stronger and stronger as we speak~".

Ottar just nodded and turned around to go fulfill his Goddess's request "it shall be lady Freya".

With that said the Boaz stepped out of Freya's room and closed the door after walking through the doorway, Freya layed back on her bed and as the pain continued to attack her body she grinned "show me how strong you've gotten my beloved Bell, let me see your soul shine~".

Soma was sitting on the floor of his now empty room, he's been sitting there for a long time now, ever since that adventurer appeared into his life everything has changed.

He had come to learn everything his Familia had done while he was so absorbed into his work, his Familia had caused a lot of trouble and committed some very serious crimes.

He was honestly a bit disturbed at everything that they had done, because of all of this none of the the Gods and Goddesses wanted to help him.

He understood though, what his Familia had done was not something that can be brushed aside but that left him without any solution for his current problem.

He no longer knows how to make wine, or rather he's unable to do so anymore, he had tried to re-learn but nothing stuck, it was as if he was left without an ounce of skill or talent towards his main godly domain and that made no sense to him or any other Godfor that matter.

Now he can no longer do the one thing he's passionate about, he no longer has a Familia and with his reputation he doesn't think anyone would want to join, now all he had is an empty manor and no way to provide for himself "... I should have been more attentive to what was going on...but its too late for regrets now...".

Suddenly his door opened and a group of adventurers stepped inside, Soma turned to look at them and remembered them as the ones who helped him after Rean had left him on the floor.

Kaede, Shinonome, Coco and Chandra he believes were their names, still Soma was quite confused at to what they were doing her, he watched as Kaede the Bunny Hume walked up to him "err... lord Soma, are you okay?".

Soma stared at the Bunny Hume *oh.. they're worried about me.. how nice of them but they should go and find a Familia instead of worriying about me...*.

Soma nodded "I'm fine... but why are you doing here? shouldn't you be looking for a Familia to join?".

Kaede frowned and seemed vey anxious but Chandra stepped forward "we were hoping to join you Familia again lord Soma!".

Soma tilted his head in confusion "but why? I'm a horrible God... all this happened because of my negligence".

Shinonome shook her head "yes that was a big part of what caused all of that to happened but it was also the fault of the rest of the Familia, they're the one who succumbed to their greed lord Soma".

Soma looked down "but that still doesn't answer my question, why do you want to join my Familia again?".

Coco looked nervous but still spoke "because this is our home... err it's our Familia, it wasn't always the mess it became, once it was a Familia fullf of friendly people who would have a drinking party after a hard day in the Dungeon... we want those days back lord Soma".

Soma stared at the adventurers as flashbacks of the day where he would drink with all his adventurers and Larry the night away *thats right... when I arrived to the lower world and stablished my Familia, we would always celebrate them coming back from the Dungeon with a drinking party...*.

The adventurers stared at their God who seemed lost in thought until he suddenly got up and nodded "yes... I want those days back as well, this time I'll make sure they never go away again".

The adventurers smiled and cheered, this time they'll be a proper Familia, one that can walk with pride.