

Chapter 37.

That night while Rean and the girls were having a calm and friendly dinner night, Hestia was attending the Denatus and having a bit of fun speaking with her God friends which were both surprised and confused upon seeing her in a very expensive dress, when asked all she would said was that her new Familia members payed for it.

Though tonight she was looking for two particular Gods, one was a family member, her niece from her pantheon who was also a good friend of hers and Loki who she still needed to speak with after one of her Familia members had the gall to insult and make fun of Bell.

She was still pretty pissed off about that and she was going to make sure Loki and her entire Familia felt her righteous anger but first she has to find them.

After a few minutes of looking around she couldn't find them yet so she decided to eat something for a bit and wait, so she walked towards the food table and began to eat a little bit of everything "hmm Rean's and Wiz's cooking taste better...".

Rean had already cooked for her and Bell these past two days and she had to admit that he had quite the talent for cooking, she also tasted Wiz's cooking this morning and the young Goddess of water and home had also impressed her with how delicious her food is.

However a voice caught her attention "oh? if you think their food is better than this, I want to taste it now".

Hestia turned around and brightly smiled at the beautiful red haired and eyepatch wearing Hephaestaus who was looking down towards her and giving her a soft smile "Hephaestaus! I've been looking for you!".

Hephaestaus raised an eyebrow "I'm not giving you any more money Hestia...".

Hestia grunted as if in pain and gasped at Hephaestaus "that's not what I'm looking for you for! how could you say that?!".

Hephaestaus rolled her eye at Hestia "right... so what do you need me for then?".

Hestia giggled at her niece and was about to speak when another voice interrupted her "there you are tiny! I've been looking for you everywhere but since your small I might have walked past you and not even notice!".

Hestia's eyebrow twitched in annoyance while Hephaestaus sweatdropped and sighed but to her surprise Hestia suddenly gave Loki a vicious smiled that made Loki jump a bit and gulp *hmm... it seems like Loki made my aunt angry... bad idea Loki, aunty Hestia is very vindictive when she's angry..*.

Hestia then spoke to Loki "ah~ there you are Loki! I was looking for you too~".

The way Hestia spoke to Loki so sweetly and full of hate at the same time made both Hephaestaus and Loki step back in fear, suddenly Freya appeared out of nowhere "ara, what's going on here? what has you feeling so angry Hestia".

Hestia however just pointed a finger at Freya who blinked in surprise "you! shush! I dont have the time or patience to deal with you right now, go a bother the man here, I have important things to talk to Hephaestaus and Loki about".

Freya giggled and rose her hands in surrender as she slowly walked away, she might find Hestia funny but even she knew better that to really piss her off.

Hestia glared at Freya until she disappeared into the crowd, Hestia then sighed and turned to look at both Loki and Hephaestaus "Hephaestaus I want to ask you a favor and Loki here is going to pay for it... after all her Familia endangered one of mine and they even laughed at him for almost dying..".

Hephaestaus rose an eyebrow towards Loki who gulped but she didn't say anything, Loki frowned "come one Hestia! your other Familia member almost killed mine! can't we let by gones be by gones!?".

Hestia however just shook her head "that mutt of yours deserved that, if it was me I would have killed him after what he said about Bell, be glad you were able to convince Rean not to kill him, now are you going to pay or do you want Rean to go finish the job and take down a few more of your Familia members while he's at it?".

Loki flinched, she knew that Hestia was being perfectly honest with her threat and seeing the ease in which Hestia's new Familia member took Bete down she didn't doubt for a second he could do the same to the rest of her Familia, plus there was just some odd about that guy, as if he was more than what he seemed and something inside her told her not to try and find out.

So Loki with a frown on her face sighed and then said "fine! Hephaestaus can just send me the bill! are ya happy now!".

Hestia smiled and nodded at Loki "thank you Loki! oh!... if that mutt of yours makes fun of Bell like that again, I'll skin him alive..".

Hestia's eyes glowed ominously and Loki couldn't help but nod and then quickly leave. Hestia then sighed and turn her head towards Hephaestaus who was silently staring at her "what?".

Hephaestaus shook her head and smiled at Hestia "nothing, it's just being a while since I've seen you like that and what's this about you having a Familia now?".

Hestia smiled and then excitedly clapped her hands "Yeah! I have a big Familia now~ at first it was just Bell but now there's Rean, Serafall, YunYun, Wiz, Sakuya, Asia, Yasaka and the cutie pie Kunou! plus Rean has this amazing creatures he can call at anytime! and...".

Hephaestaus happily smiled as Hestia excitedly spoke about her Familia members and a part of her was very proud of her, especially since it seems like she got some very powerful and skilled Familia members.

Still she was very curious about what Hestia wants from her, so as soon as she saw that Hestia stopped speaking to catch her breath she decided to ask "Hestia what is it you want to ask me for?".

Hestia caught her breath and then stared at Hephaestaus with a serious look in her eyes "Hephaestaus, I want you to make a weapon for Bell, that child of mine is trying hard to become strong and now that I have more Familia members he's going to become a captain, Rean is already helping him but I want to do my part to help him as well, as his Goddess I want to do anything in my power to help him reach his dreams".

Hephaestaus frowned but stared into Hestia's eyes and saw how sincere she was, so after a moment of thinking it over she sighed and the nodded "alright... since Loki is paying for this I'll help you this one time, you've changed aunty and I'm glad your willing to help your Familia member like this, now come on lets go to my forge you can tell me more about Bell there".

Hestia happily nodded and followed Hephaestaus as both of them left the Denatus to go make Bell a weapon, one that will help him on his journey.

The next morning I left early to head to the Dungeon this time however Yasaka, Yuki and Kunou decided to go with me, so we can spend some time together

We left Bell to train in a time dilation with Lucario and Greninja again, while the rest of the girls decided to stay at home and be lazy for once, well except Sakuya and Asia.

Sakuya liked to take care of the mansion while Asia loves to take care of the Pokemon along with me and Kunou and now that I have a small farm to take care of she has taken it's care as her responsibility.

Serafall was sleeping and just refused to get up, not that I blame her, like Yasaka who is a leader of a whole faction, Serafall most of the time is too busy to rest, so Serafall is also very tired the fact that we spent the entire day in the Dungeon yesterday must have really drained her quite a bit, she might be the most powerful devil in our world but even fatigue can get to her.

Wiz stayed at home to try a few new dishes and to fill our pantries with food and other things we might need, YunYun also stayed behind to give Bell some training in magic as soon as he finishes his physical training with Lucario and Greninja.

All of us were busy with our own things as usual which to me is funny, even when we're having fun we usually very busy as well.

As Yasaka, Yuki, Kunou and I walked towards the the Dungeon we were catching the attention of everyone in town, I think its because of both Yasaka and the Pokemon, as well as Kunou who was cheerfully on my shoulders looking around curiously.

Renards which is what they call Kitsune in this world were pretty rare to begin with but ninetailed ones must be a surprising sight, not to mention Yuki who was elegantly walking besides me.

But that's not all, this morning I summoned three new Pokemon with the Mystical Pokemon Tokens I got from the Quest I got yesterday when YunYun, Serafall and I killed the three Black Goliath.

So Kunou wanting to get to know them decided that we should bring them with us, so now we had a Mewtwo (male) floating besides me, a Celebi (female) who was riding on Kunou's head and a Articuno (Kantonian, female) walking behind us and leaving a trail of snow behind her.

Honestly I don't blame the townspeople and Adventurers for gawking at us, Articuno was impressive enough as it is but Mewtwo was a scary Pokemon with how he would always glare, though when Kunou would speak to him he would have a small smile on his face.

Celebi would cheerfully look around everywhere and stared at everyone in curiosity, luckly it seems no one panicked since the guild had already announced my ability and the Pokemon to the whole town and the fact that the Pokemon's were friendly to any children who would approach them and pet them set everyone around us at ease.

Eventually female Adventurer and townspeople would approach Yasaka and begin to gossip with her about me, her daughter and the Pokemon.

Yasaka showed her massive experience in public speaking and began to calmly explain the story Hestia, Bell and I had created to explain the Pokemon's existence.

Everyone seemed to accept and understand, so soon enough many would stop us on the way and asked to pet a Pokemon who everyone except Mewtwo allowed.

Mewtwo instead handed out handshakes and nods which is the best anyone could hope for from him but overall the people were accepting of the Pokemon and that set me at ease.

Even though my Pokemon can and will defend themselves I didn't want them to be attacked or be treated as monsters.

Eventually we made it to the Dungeon and because this was going to be Kunou's first Dungeon Diving experience Yasaka and I decided to start from the upper floors and make our way down slowly.

We will let her lead the expedition and allowed her to command the Pokemon since this would be a very important lesson for her to learn and since me and Yasaka will be present we will make sure nothing to bad would happen.

Not that we needed to worry about Kunou since the moment we arrived in the Dungeon she immediately took off and began to slaughter every monster in her way with the Pokemon following her lead and helping by making sure she wasn't overwhelmed or attacked from behind.

It was adorable how Mewtwo and Celebi would cover Kunou's back while Articuno who couldn't really fly in the upper floors, instead would walk around and peck Goblins to death.

For such a big and majestic Legendary Pokemon she looked rather silly running on her skinny legs while pecking monsters.

Kunou was having the time of her life running around and trying all the moves she learned from the Pokemon though she did scare me a bit when she tried to do a Hyper Beam only for a puff of smoke to come out of her mouth.

Thanks goodness she wasn't able to use that move yet, still maybe I should talk to my Pokemon about not teaching Kunou how to fire big fuck you beams of energy.

Yasaka was just enjoying the stroll through the Dungeons while hugging my arm to her body, it said something about us that were treating Dungeon Diving as a sort of date.

But meh that's just how we roll I suppose, all of us are a bit crazy after all, either way we continued going through the Dungeon and soon enough we reached the middle floors.

Here Kunou started to become more cautious and the Pokemon who now had more space to move around started to get more proactive, my daughter decided to engulfed her little hands in Ghost Type energy and begin to Shadow Claw her way through the monsters.

While Mewtwo, Celebi, Yuki and Articuno began to use big attacks when the monsters began to spawn more quickly and in greater numbers, throughout our time here I had asked Astraea about the Dungeon's mood.

According to her, it was resting and peaceful at the moment, so we didn't have to worry about it suddenly spawning a big army or enhance the monsters so seeing as I could relax a bit I decided to use the random skill orb I received yesterday and see what I get.

Yasaka watched curiously as I took out the skill Orb and then crushed it, I immediately got a notification telling me the skill I just obtained.

[Ding! Ding!.

Through the use of a random Skill Orb you have received the skill: Kagebushin no jutsu (Naruto series).

The Kagebushin no jutsu (Shadown Clone technique) is a forbidden Ninjutsu created by the Second Hokage of Konoha Tobirama Senju.

This jutsu allows the user to make one or more copies of themselves, the user's energy is divided evenly between themselves and the clones.

Depending of the amount of clones created by the user the amount of energy needed to make the clones might reach dangerous level, this is the reason why this jutsu is ranked as forbidden since it could lead to the death of the user if not careful, only high ranking ninjas as the Jonin, Anbu and Kage are allowed to learn this technique.

When the clones disperse all the memories gained by them gets sent to the user allowing the user to learned everything the clones have learned, this is why this technique is considered a great spying technique.

Notice: Due to the user having access to Stardust energy, one of the densest types of energy in the universe the clones created by Rean Hayashi will be extra durable and far more power than normal.]

I gaped a bit as I stared at the skill I just obtained this one jutsu from the Naruto universe is one of the most broken in that world, not only is it useful for training but for everything else as well.

What's best is that I can give it to the girls so they can have more free time, especially to Yasaka and Serafall who are the most busiest of them all.

Honestly I'm pretty sure I was smiling like an idiot and it must have shown because Yasaka giggled and decided to ask "fufufu you must have gotten something really good Rean, that was one of those random skill orbs you mentioned before right?".

I grinned at Yasaka and nodded "yes and I did get something great not just for me but for you girls as well!".

While Kunou was busy bringing the most adorable chaos and destruction to all of the monsters I decided to show Yasaka what I just got, so I crossed my finger and then said "Kagebushin no Jutsu".

There was three puffs of smoke and Yasaka stared at them with a tilted head, her eyes widen when the smoke dissipated and revealed my three clones, she scrunged up her brown as she stared at the clones "... these aren't illusions, I can feel your energy within them".

She walked over and began to poke and prod me and then my clones which made us chuckled since she looked so confused right, so I decided to explain "these are real solid clones Yasaka, this technique allows me to create as many as I want but the best part of this technique is that everything they learn, I learn as well as soon as I dismiss them".

Yasaka tilted her head and stared into my eyes but as soon as the implications of my explanation hit her, her yes widen and she began to gape at me, knowing that she understood I decided to give it to her right away, so I created a Skill Orb containing a copy of the Kagebushin no jutsu and gave it to her "here you go, now you can learn it and never have to worry about paperwork, now you can spend even more time with Kunou and us".

Yasaka stared at the Skill Orb in her hands for a long second until she looked up at me and teared up, I know that Yasaka feels very guilty about the fact that her job doesn't let her spend too much time with Kunou, it is one of her biggest regrets so I'm pretty sure that right now she was feeling very emotional.

Yasaka suddenly crushed the rob and learned the technique and then gave me a big hug, I hugged her back and she looked up, she then gave me a kiss, after a bit she leaned away a bit and brightly smiled at me "thank you so much for this Rean".

I shooked my head smiled at her "you don't need to thank me Yasaka, I'm happy to help you, now lets make sure our daughter doesn't destroy the Dungeon~".

Yasaka giggled and nodded at me and together we went to check in our daughter who was now on top of a big pile of dead monsters fist pumping in victory, the entire time Yasaka held my hand and she didn't let go.

After a few more hours we reach the seventeenth floor, this time however there was no Black Goliath or anything for that matter so Yasaka, Kunou, the Pokemon and I headed straight to the eighteenth floor Rivira.

Both Yasaka and my daughter where awed by the beauty of the eighteenth floor and how diverse is the eco system is, though Yasaka did mention that she sensed an enormous amount Senjutsu in this floor.

That surprise me because I hadn't noticed it until she pointed out but yes there was quite a lot of Natural Energy in this floor, I was curious about it but not enough to be distracted, especially when I have a daughter running all over the place and I have to pay attention to her.

But both Yasaka and Kunou enjoyed our trip in the Dungeon all three of us got a good amount of Exelia too as a matter of fact, I noticed that because we're all in the same party we all get Exelia regardless if we fight or not.

Which is great, I have to grind Exelia because I need to increase the power of my Falna for Astraea but with this all the girls can also get stronger as I do so.

I want them to enjoy their time in this world and not just be stuck Dungeon Diving, I want them to have a lot if fun whatever the want, especially since this is supposed to be a vacation after all.

So after spending sometime in Rivira we decided to go home, it was already pretty late in the day and Kunou was also tired, she might powerful, especially since I gave her a lot of skills and perks but she was still very young and not used to adventures or Dungeon Diving but she will get used to it eventually.

So with my now sleeping daughter in my arms and with Yasaka hugging my arm, I teleported everyone right into the backyard of our home, Yasaka took Kunou from my arms and gave me a kiss, she then carried our daughter to the Mansion with Yuki following her close behind.

Mewtwo, Celebi and Articuno took off to find a place to rest and I headed to check on Bell, he has been improving a lot, especially since he's getting training and spending time in a time dilation.

Now the rabbit looking adventurer can spar with Greninja and Lucario and last a few minutes and that's speaks volumes of his growing skill, of course my Pokemon are holding back but the fact still stands that Bell is growing in strength rather quickly.

Today I'm going to teleport him in the middle floors so he can put what he's been learning into practice, as soon as I reached the time dilation wards and stepped inside I saw YunYun giving a lesson to Bell on magic.

Bell of courses was giving YunYun all of her attention which in turned made her very nervous but YunYun just soldiered on.

It made me chuckled because even though YunYun has changed a lot there we're times we're the shy and unsure YunYun would show up, like right now, still I can see that she's having fun teaching a student.

My chuckled however, caught their attention and both of them turned to look towards me, I waved at them as I walked towards YunYun and as soon as I reach her I gave her a kiss "having fun?".

YunYun smiled and nodded at me "Bell is a good student! he learns fast and listen to everything I explain, all he needs now is some experience in using magic in battle".

I nodded "that's why I'm here, I'm going to take Bell to the Dungeon so he can put everything he has learned to practice".

YunYun nodded and I turned towards Bell "alright captain go get the Eevees and get ready, Lucario and Greninja will go with you this time but you and the Eevees will be fighting everything for the most part".

Bell nodded and then stood up, as soon as he got up he ran off to the mansion to get ready and get the three Eevees.

A few Minutes later he came back fully equipped along the Eevees and ready to fight, I nodded at him and then handed him some Apple Gels and Orange Gels "here, just in case you need them, get ready".

Bell smiled and then nodded, both Greninja and Lucario stepped closer to me and I immediately teleported us to the middle floors "okay Bell, I'll come back and pick you up at dinner time so you have a good five hours, go wild and don't worry about picking up any drops or Magic Crystals, Lucario and Greninja will do it for you".

Bell nodded and then took of his Pixie Knife and got ready "okay! thanks Rean I'll see you later!".

With that said Bell took of running at high-speed, he moved so fast that he probably looked like a white blur to people, the Eevees used Quick Attack to follow him close behind, Lucario and Greninja followed after him soon after giving me a grin and a nod.

I chuckled and shook my head "so impatient, he didn't even give me time to remove the gravity spell... oh well might as well leave it on so this can count as more training then".

Soon after I teleported my self back home, I had a few projects I wanted to get started.

A few hours later I had built myself a Forge in one of the empty rooms of the mansion and soon after I bought all the tools I need and the Blacksmith skill, the skill gave me the basic knowledge of blacksmithing which I began to put to use right away.

I will need to grind a quite a bit to make it reach Legendary rank so I could begin to really make some good stuff but for now I'll be making simple weapons and accessories, and then sell them in the in-game shop to buy more materials.

I do have the dropped Loot from the many monsters the girls and I have killed but I don't want to used them yet because it would be a big waste when the skill is on a beginner rank.

Thankfully in the in-game shop I can buy all kinds of metals and gems, and since I have quite a bit of money I can splurge a bit on materials plus with me reselling whatever I make, I'm not taking any financial loss, especially since I'll add a one or two simple enchantments upping the price of what ever I make.

I also placed a time dilation ward around my new Forge so I could have plenty of time to work and play around with this new skill.

While I was buying everything I needed for my forge I also sent a Shadow Clone to create and give everyone a bunch of skill orbs containing the Kagebushin no Jutsu skill and explained how it works, though I will have to explain it to Serafall later since she was still sleeping, my clone still gave it to her as she slept.

And so I spent a few hours hammering away and creating a bunch of simple weapons and accessories, thanks to my Protagonist's Growth perk I was making good progress.

A few hours later Sakuya knocked on my door and I stopped heating an ingot of steel and went to open my door, Sakuya smiled at me and then stepped inside "you seemed to very busy Rean".

I smiled at my super maid and gave her a small peck on her lips "I would hug you but I'm bit dirty and sweaty Sakuya and yes, I've been grinding my new Blacksmithing skill".

Sakuya smiled and then shook her head, she then gave me a hug, Sakuya is the type of girl who was very affectionate when we're by ourselves, most of the time she's a bit shy when there's other people around, well except the girls of course, still it never ceases to surprise me when she is affectionate to me "I don't mind if your dirty Rean, it shows that you been working hard".

I smiled and gave Sakuya a hug, she then looked around as saw the daggers and swords I had already made, she then stepped away from me and grabbed hold of one of the daggers and felt it's weight, balance and grip "... not bad for a beginner rank weapon, you even gave it an enchantment... Spark?".

Sakuya can physically see magic with her eyes, it's an ability that not a lot of people know she has but it is the reason why her eyes glow red, I nodded to her and began to explain "it's a physical Pokemon move, originally its just a tackle while your body is engulfed by electricity but added to a weapon as an enchantment and it charges the weapon in electricity and even has a thirty percent chance of causing paralysis".

Sakuya nodded and stared at the dagger "can I keep it? I think a dagger like this would be very useful to me".

I nodded "of course you can Sakuya, if you want I can make a few more, that way you can have a set of the same enchanted weapons at all times, the reason I'm grinding this skill its because I want to make more things for all of you".

Sakuya smiled and put away the dagger I made, she then grabbed my hand "it's almost time for dinner so you should go get Bell and come down to eat".

I nodded at Sakuya and then wat her leave the Forge, I then placed the Ingot I was heating in stasis and then cleaned up everything with Psychic, soon after I teleported back to the Dungeon to go get Bell.

I found Bell fighting a couple of Minotaurs by himself, he was dancing around them and slicing their legs to limit their movements and then finish them off with the Pixie Knife's Venom Shock while the Eevees were keeping any other monsters away from Bell, it seems like they have leveled up.

I stepped up to Greninja's and Lucario's side and then spoke to them "he's already taking out Minotaurs huh? he's getting stronger and stronger".

Both my Pokemon nodded, Bell finally noticed me after looking around just in case there were more monsters and then relaxed, he then smiled and walked up to me with Eevees following him close behind while Lucario and Greninja began to take out the Magic Crystals off the dead bodies of the Minotaurs which then turn to ash "oh Rean! is it time to go home?".

I nodded and the grin at him "yup! it seems like your not afraid of Minotaurs".

Bell nodded "I got to admit that at first they made me nervous and a bit afraid but Lucario taught me how to calm myself during battle and I was then able to easily fight them.

I nodded and watched as both Lucario and Greninja walked up to us and held the Magic Crystal on their paws, I then turned around a saw a sack full of Magic Crystals of all kinds of sizes "that's a great haul Bell, you must have fought a lot".

Bell sighed "well yes, the monsters in this floor spawn to quickly and in big numbers, it caught me by surprise a couple of times but I was able to handle it with magic, having Magic of all kinds of elements is very useful".

I nodded and then placed the sack of Magic Crystals in my inventory and after looking around one more time to make sure we didn't miss anything I teleported everyone to the first floor, from there we walked towards Guild Building.

Lucario, the Eevees and Greninja caught the attention of all the adventurers in the Guild Building but no one approached us, Bell went to speak with Eina while I exchanged all the Magic Crystals he collected.

Greninja and Lucario stared curiously at Eina and stepped up to her, both of them began to stared at her while the Eevees began to run circles around her making her nervous "errr.. can I help you?".

Even Bell was confused about their behavior so after getting the Valis for the Magic Crystals I stepped over to Bell and handed him the sack of Valis which he gaped at since it was big and heavy.

I then turned my head towards Eina "sorry about that Eina, for some reason my Pokemon seemed to be very attracted to elves, I think it's because they're creatures connected to nature and elves also have that connection to nature as well and they can sense it".

Eina nodded and then slowly reached a hand over Lucario and patted him on the head which made him smile and bark out his name, Eina giggled and the spoke up "so these are the Pokemon you were talking about, they're certainly impressive, Bell told me these guys went with him to the middle floors, at first I was going to scold Bell for going so deep in the Dungeon! but if he has these guys covering his back then it should be fine but do take care of Bell okay?".

Lucario nodded and I patted Bell on the back since he had a mini panic attack when he heard that he was going to get scolded, after that we went home and had family time eating dinner.

Serafall had finally woken up and she looked so relaxed and happy that we didn't even say anything to her about sleeping too much though I did explain to her about the Kagebushin no Jutsu.

Like Yasaka she teared up and gave me a big hug and a kiss which I happily returned, we all spent the rest of dinner eating and speaking about our day.

Eventually Wiz told us about the Monster Feria which she heard about while she was on the market, she was curious about it because there will be stalls with all kinds of sweets and snacks being sold.

She wanted to go and check it out, everyone got excited about it and so everyone made plans to go and check it out.

Me on the other hand knew what would happen tomorrow, Freya was going to mess with Bell and set free a bunch of monsters but since I've been changing a lot of things here lately I wasn't sure if Freya would actually do that tomorrow.

But if she does then I'll make sure to punish her for risking Hestia's and Bell's well being just for her entertainment.

In the tower of Babel, on the top floor sat on a throne the Goddess Freya and she wasn't happy at all, in fact she has been in a horrendous mood as of late and most of her Familia didn't know why.

The reason for her bad mood was because something has been preventing her from spying on Bell, everytime she tried to use her special crystal ball all she got was a blank image and nothing else.

She grew so frustrated that she had sent two of her Familia members to Hestia's abandoned church and see what was going, only for one them to return alive.

The other one was dead, the one alive had somehow survived whatever had happened to them and had dragged himself and his partner's dead body back to the tower, Freya was absolutely livid and horrified.

The surviving one had told her that there was no abandoned church where she had told them to go and spy, only a big masion surrounded by big tall walls and a big wooden gate.

So they decided to go over the wall and check out the place, the Familia member who had died had jumped first and as soon as he almost reach the other side of the wall he was then suddenly repeled back so hard and unexpectedly that he was sent flying through the air and crashing against a wall were his neck snapped from the impact.

As soon as the other one saw this, the adventurer braced himself as he was also sent flying and was able to mitigate the impact, which allowed him to survive though heavily injured.

He then dragged himself and his fellow Familia member's body back to her.

Freya was stunned and very upset, sure the Adventurer that died was a level two but she really does care about her Familia and the death of one of her Familia members hurt her.

But now at least she knew there was something going on with the Hestia's Familia, she had also noticed last night that Hestia was wearing a very expensive dress during the Denatus but she didn't have a chance to ask about it.

So something definitely was going and she had the suspicion that it had to do with the young man she saw speaking with Hestia three days ago, she was going to have to investigate and find out what's going with that young man.

But for now she was going to have to make sure to stay away from Hestia's home, she didn't want anymore of her beloved Familia members to die or get hurt.

Tomorrow will be a good opportunity to both test Bell and see what else is going on with Hestia, it will certainly be an entertaining Monster Feria.

And done!.