

Chapter 5.

People were very excited that Rory had really made an appearance and as Tuka and Lelei joined her, the excitement only grew more, everyone was gaping at the girls in surprise an disbelieve, after all, it was a one thing to hear and watch them on TV and another being able to see them upclose.

When Serafall and I joined the girls, the excitement grew even more, especially for Serafall who waved and began to strike poses to make everyone around even more crazy, about the fact that they had a real breathing Magical Girl in front of them.

I just smiled and waved at everyone who was calling out to me, they were even yelling for me show off my spear, but I just chuckled and decided not to.

Excalibur is not a weapon to be shown off like an object, to me she's both my partner and friend, she only get to show off her beauty in battle.

The people gathered around suddenly parted and made a path for all of us, I smiled and handed a bouquet of flowers to Rory, who took them smiling and then began to walk down the path created by the people.

Meanwhile Yōji frowned and nodded to himself "if we don't go now, fhe Prime Minister's resignation and Risa's efforts would have been in vain... damn it! it's like we're running from debt collectors".

Yōji turned his head towards Risa " Risa, sorry but this is goodbye, take the car somewhere and abandon it".

Risa gasped "ah! wait a second senpai! you know I can't drive!".

Yōji sighed and the smiled at Risa "I know you can do it!".

Risa shook her head "what are you talking about!?".

Risa then looked down and seemed worried, something that Yōji noticed, he stared at her for a few seconds and then smiled "don't make that face".

Risa sadly said "are you coming back?".

Yōji was a bit surprised that Risa would ask that, but then he smiled and said "probably not for a while, but I'll keep in touch besides... Rean had a very serious talk with me, about us.

When I come back, I would like to talk to you about a few things, so wait for me okay?".

Risa widen her eyes and then turned her gaze towards Rean, who was walking with the girls, he must have felt her gaze because he turned his head towards to the side and then smiled at at her.

Risa teared up a bit, as she was thankful to Rean, Yōji suddenly grabbed her cheeks and squished them together "more importantly, make sure you pay me back!".

Risa pried her cheeks free out of Yōji's hands and yelled "if my doujinshi sells, I'll put it on your account!".

Yōji chuckled and then softly smiled at Risa "take care of yourself".

Risa, stared at Yōji's eyes for a second before smiling and nodding Kuribayashi and Kuwabara, who had gotten out of the Van along Piña and Bozes were waiting for Yōji to have his goodbyes.

Yōji soon walked up to their side and issue orders "Sergeant Kuwabara, Sergeant Kuribayashi, were are now going to guard our five guest from the Special Region.

If anyone tries to hurt them... shoot".

Both Kuribayashi and Kuwabara responded at the same time with a "Roger!".

The rest of the group caught up to us and together we began to walk down the path made by the people who had come to Ginza to see the girls, it was actually very impressive that so many people had shown up.

There were news reporters all over the place, cameramen trying to get a good shot of the girls and everyone else, there were even Helicopters flying above us

In a blue news report Helicopter, a female News Reporter began to report everything happening in Ginza right now "we just got word that the girls from the Special Region, who had appeared at the Diet yesterday, have arrived in Ginza.

After laying flowers at the memorial, they'll be returning to the Special Region, their fans heard the news and crowded Ginza so much that it's shut down the city.

There has also been rumors of a surprise by the two Heroes of Ginza Rean Hayashi and Magical Girl Serafall Leviathan, adding even more excitement to the crowds filling Ginza right now.

Everyone is curious about these two individuals who helped save Ginza during the attack, especially because they were seen doing very spectacular and amazing things during their defense of Ginza.

Everyone wants to know what sort of surprise they have in mind, now we'll go to Kuribayashi Nanami-san, at the scene!".

But Nanami was too distracted getting herself ready to start her report and didn't hear the other News Reporter pass on to her to continue, suddenly the News Reporter decided to call out to her again "Kuribayashi-san!".

Kuribayashi suddenly jumped and panicked a bit "ah! th-this is Ginza, reporting live from Kuribayashi!... now I mean, this is Kuribayashi, reporting live from Ginza!".

Everyone watching the news report sweatdropped at the mess up, but the other News Reporter ignored it like a champ and continued on "what's going on down there?".

Kuribayashi, despite blushing and looking very embarrassed, continued with her work "the group is heading towards the memorial while waving at the huge crowd gathered here.

Oh! there's even more people in the group! there are others as well, I see ten people in total!... huh?".

Nanami blinked when she saw her sister walking with the group, she was so surprised that she couldn't help but abruptly call out to her sister "sis!?".

Kuribayashi reacted right away and immediately turned ready to fight "who's there!?".

Poor Nanami was startle and she flinched back, while squeaking in fright, Kuribayashi suddenly noticed her and relaxed though she seemed very confused "huh? Nanami?".

Poor Nanami looked so scared and had tears on her eyes, but Kuribayashi ignored that, she knew her sister was a big crybaby and that it was best to ignore that "what are you doing here?".

Nanami was trying really hard to stop the tears "a-a TV broadcast!" Nanami suddenly shook her head and recovered and then said "hey sis! can I interview the girls from the Special Region?".

Kuribayashi smiled and shook her head "no wa- ack Serafall!?".

Serafall appeared from behind Kuribayashi and began to hug her very lewedly which shocked Nanami and her crew "who are you bullying Kuribayashi~".

Kuribayashi blushed and tried to escape from Serafall's arms, but no one escapes from Serafall hugs, no one "ack! let go Serafall! and stop touching me like that in front of my sister!".

Serafall stopped and tilted her head "sister?".

She suddenly turned her head towards Nanami, who jumped and began to tremble in fear "eep!".

Serafall widely smiled and then launched herself at Nanami, who could only just stand there and watch her end, approach her.

Serafall hugged Nanami and began to very lewdly hug her as well and making the poor woman squeak and tear up "she's adorable! she's like a little mouse! can I keep her Kuribayashi~".

Kuribayashi was now on the floor, on her knees and hands while huffing for air "only if you promise to stop molesting me...".

Nanami began to cry at the betrayal of her sister, while Serafall grinned "never!".

Meanwhile, everyone watching the news report, were either blushing and having nose bleeds from the way Serafall was grabing the sisters, the fact that Serafall herself was a very beautiful woman as well, just made the whole thing extra spicy.

Afterwards and after Serafall had calm down, Kuribayashi explained to her sister that after the flowers, the girls were going back to the Special Region, Nanami looked both sad and surprised about that and asked her sister if she was going back as well.

Kuribayashi nodded, Nanami looked down and seemed a bit sad at having to say goodbye to her sister and the fact that she couldn't get an interview.

Serafall noticed it and fondly smiled "tell you what Nana-chan~ stick around me and, Rean and I will give you and your News channel a show no one will ever forget! okay?".

Nanami cheered up and and nodded to Serafall while Kuribayashi smiled at her sister, she suddenly got an idea and maliciously grinned "oh! Nanami! I have a request...".

The next things Nanami knew, her sister was in front of the camera with a very happy smile in her face "Hey mom! how you doing? I won't be home for a while!".

Nanami was embarrassed about what her sister was doing on live TV, though she knew why her sister was doing it because she explained the situation to her, suddenly the camerawoman leaned in to her "hey! what's this? what about the interview?".

Nanami just nervously laughed and apologized in respond, while Kuribayashi continued on "but soon as I can take a vacation I'll be heading home.

But there's been people after us the past two day, thanks to this Country and that Country, trains were stopped and hotels set on fire, they might be after us right now! ".

Nanami panicked "sis!" she suddenly launched herself at Kuribayashi to stop her for saying anything too sensitive while Serafall just giggled.

Graham, who was now, not too far away from where Kuribayashi and her sister were, frowned "this is bad".

Komakado walked up to Graham while walking with a walking stick and grinned at him "oh Graham-san".

Graham frowned at Komakado and stared at him "what do you want, Komakado? the Hakone matter was settled".

Komakado grinned even more "oh, your assault on the Inn? I've been told not to complain about your mission, but I do need to keep an eye in what other Countries are up to.

By the way, Graham-san, how am I supposed to tell the difference between CIA agents and agents from other countries?".

Graham growled in annoyance "what?".

Komakado just continued to grin "if I can't tell the difference, I'm liable to make mistakes".

Graham was now very worried and shocked, but Komakado then laughed "if you're concerned, the make a phone call, there just no way to tell, you know?...".

Graham immediately took out his cell phone as was about to make a phone call but Komakado suddenly said "not that it matters".

Graham stopped what he's doing and stared at Komakado "what do you mean!?".

Komakado just chuckled "because you people decided to play dirty, you forced the one person you definitely did not want involved, to get involved.

But now that he is, now that you caught his attention... well, I feel sorry for you and your bosses, and all the countries involved in all of this nonsense will soon get a rude awakening, if I were you, I would immediately leave".

Komakado then walked away leaving Graham very nervous and tense, the way Komakado just said all of that just made his instinct send red flags all over the mind.

He unconsciously gulped and then made the phone call, he needed to make, but all he got was the disconnected sound coming from the other side.

He realized that Komakado, had cut communications off, this meant him and his agents were on their own and that was really bad news

Meanwhile, in the White House, the president of the United States was having a panic attack "what? what do you mean we can't contact our agents!? and what's with the JSDF girl!? talking about all that on camera... damn you Motoi".

The CIA agent who had given the president the bad news could only looked down and hope that he wouldn't lose his job, this entire thing was getting too out of control.

In China and Russia, they were having the same problem, all contact with their agents has been cut off and no one knew what was going on, with Kuribayashi making their movements known, they couldn't risk making an abrupt decision anymore.

Now all they could do, is watch the news report and see how everything ended, the chances to get the visitors of the Special Region, has already been lost.

Back with group.

The girls were now in front of the memorial and offering their prayers to the people who died during the attack on Ginza, Serafall's and my involvement, meant that there weren't as many deaths as in canon, but there were a few.

The Imperial Army was too spread out and there was only, Serafall and me dealing with the invading army for a good amount of the time, there were bound to have been some casualties, and even though we healed the injured we didn't bring anyone back to life.

Announcing that sort ability is never a good idea and Serafall and I wanted to enjoy our time in this world, and not have to worry about greedy countries.

But at least the number of casualties was small, compared to what the number was in the anime, Rory finished praying and then said "a bell must be rung to lay the dead to rest, yeah? someone sound a bell".

Yōji looked confused "huh? a bell?".

But I smiled and decided to use the skill I got from friend Bell, Argonaut, so I gathered energy in my head and used the skill.

The effects were immediate, white wisps of light began to float around me as a bell chime began to toll, soon after, the white wisps of light began to float all around the area of Ginza as a toll of a massive bell began to echo through the city.

The people gathered on Ginza watched in awe and amazement as the entire city was filled with white wisps of light dancing around all over the place, many watched the wisp in awe, some even tried to catched them, only for the wisps to gently pop and dissipate.

Soon, a Clock tower's bell, joined in, as the bell of my skill continued to ring loudly, adding to the sound, Rory brightly smiled "hm? thank you".

Everyone suddenly began to cheers as the doors leading to the GATE were opened, the girls watched in disbelieve as everyone in Ginza began to yell their goodbyes and best wishes at them.

I chuckled and stopped my skill, after training with it and mastering it, I gained perfect control over its effects, so safely stopping it was easy for me.

Serafall giggled and then said "they're saying goodbye, why don't you give them a little wave?".

The girls snapped out of it and waved at the people, the cheers and excitement only increases more, but the girls smiled and just happily waved.

Meanwhile, Yōji approached me "are you sure you want to do this Rean?".

I smiled at Yōji and nodded "yeah, this will futher distract the agents around, and the public, while that's happening, I'll be having Girantina clean the area and then... I'll make sure no other Country ever dares try to do what they did this time".

Yōji sighed but then nodded and smiled "okay, thank you Rean, your the best, you know that?".

I chuckle and shrugged "just helping out a bit, I'll see you back at Headquarters Yōji and continue to keep an eye out for Rory okay?".

Yōji nodded and then soon rejoined the others, Serafall walked up to me while dragging a very nervous News reporter with her by the hand, for some reason the News Reporter seemed very familiar though.

Serafall stopped in front of me and gave me a cheerful smile, I chuckled at her and then decided to ask her why she was draging a News Reporter around "Sera, did you kidnapped a News Reporter off the street?".

Serafall giggled, while the News Reporter began to nervously fidget, her crew finally caught up to her and Serafall after running a bit, and were now huffing for air, Serafall then began to explain "this Nana-chan! she's actually Kuribayashi's sister and she wanted to interview the girls.

But since they need to go back, I decided to at least let her and crew get a first look at our little show~".

I raised and eyebrow and then turned my gaze towards Nana-chan as Serafall called her, she jumped and squeaked a bit, but soon recovered "um.. I-I'm Kuribayashi Nanami! it's nice to meet one of the heroes of G-Ginza!".

Whoa, that was certainly loud, she must be really nervous, maybe she's new at being a News Reporter? I can't really remember all the details about her, from the anime, I think she was only showed twice, maybe three times in the show.

I nodded to Nanami and gave her a smile hoping to help her calm down, which seems to have helped a bit, Serafall then spoke "are the guys going now?".

I turned my head towards where Yōji and the group were waiting for the GATE to be open, a LAV immediately drove through and Kurata immediately jumped out of it.

I saw him salute to Yōji, Yōji grinned at him and immediately got the girls inside the LAV, they were tired and I'm sure they will be sleeping all the way back to the Special Region and Headquarters of the JSDF.

But that was expected, it has been a couple of stressful days for them, I soon watched them leave and then drive off into the GATE and back into the Special Region.

I turned my head back to Serafall and grinned at her "they just left, are you ready?".

Serafall cheerfully smiled and took out a small round shiny object from her pockets and held excitedly in her hand "yeah! I've always wanted to try this!".

I chuckled and nodded to my girlfriend, I know she has been wanting to try this for a while, we just never got the chance to try to until now, and today the modern Japan of this world will get too see it first hand "alright, just don't forget all the moves".

Serafall nodded and then together we walked into the crowd of people gathered in Ginza, Serafall dragged Nanami with her by the hand while her crew ran after us after groaning a bit.

The crowd parted away and left a path for us, Serafall however stayed back as I continued walking forward, after getting far away from Serafall, I turned around towards her and suddenly waved my hand.

The space between us and to the sides expanded to the shocked gaze of everyone around us, I could already hear whisper of amazement about what I have done and how it's was true that I can manipulate space like I did in the Diet meeting.

Many were whispering and guessing what I was planning to doing, many thought I would take the Dragon's head out to show off, others thought that I was perhaps going to show off something else.

In a way the latter guessed right, me and Serafall were going to show off something to this world, this was after all, the last time me and Serafall would visit the modern word of this universe and we both wanted to leave a lasting impression.

I snapped my fingers and created a barrier around the area I had expanded to keep everyone here safe, while Serafall began to explain something to Nanami.

Nanami looked confused but nodded and then began to speak with her crew, the camera woman nodded and immediately walked around the expanded area and then began to aim her camera in a way that she could get the entire place in the shot.

Serafall sent Nanami a thumbs us and then seemed to tell her a few things while Nanami listened, while my girlfriend was doing that, I reached into my pocket and took out a small orb, a black and yellow sphere known as an Ultra Ball.

When the Pokémart became available in my Pokehome and saw that I could buy Pokeballs there, I mostly ignored it, I didn't need them because I could summon my Pokemom from wherever I was.

But for this, I decided to go all out, even though I would be using just one and Serafall another, I still bought Ultra Balls for all my Pokemon, now if I want too, I can carry them with me at all times.

Though I do prefer to let them roam around freely, I have to admit, that holding into a Pokéball of some kind filled me with a sense of excitement, that had me feeling rather exhilarated right now.

I looked down towards the Ultra Ball in my hand and grinned "well buddy? are you ready to have our first official Pokémon Battle?".

The Ultra Ball shook in my hand and I could practically feel my partner's excitment, after I had put the first Pokemon inside a Pokéball, the System immediately created a Pokémon Trainer Card for me, making me an official Pokemon Trainer of the Pokemon League.

According to Astraea, this Pokemon Trainer ID will be active whenever I go to the Pokemon World, so yes, I was now and official Pokemon Trainer, and the thought of it was amusing to me.

Serafall smiled at Nanami "alright Nana-chan! I'll be using magic over you microphone, so you can hear everything Rean and I say, make sure your cameras don't miss anything, but most of all! don't blink or you'll miss something awesome".

Nanami blinked and was very confused, but she chose to trust Serafall right now, whatever her and Rean were planning must be something amazing.

After all, her and everyone in Ginza, saw Rean just expand the ground and the very air, like he did doing the Diet meeting, suddenly she was brought out of her thoughts when Serafall suddenly lifted her hand and press on something in her hand.

A yellow and black ball grew in her hand and Nanami could see the excitement shinning in Serafall eyes, it made her feel anxious and excited as well.

I heard some of the people gathered in Ginza gasp in shock when Serafall made her Ultra Ball expand, the shock increased when I did the same and we both got ready.

There was silence and tension in the air, many had recognized the Pokeballs in our hands, but they were either in denial or too shocked to do or say anything about it, so there was a deafening silence in the area.

Serafall grinned and I couldn't help but grin back at her, we both reared our hand back and then threw the Ultra Balls into the field I had made.

Both excitedly called out to our partners for this little show "Charizard!", "Lapras!".

"I choose you!"!".

Both Charizard and Lapras exploded from their Ultra Balls and loudly roared, their battle call were so strong that they released a shock wave that made everyone in Ginza scream and gasped in shock.

But soon things calmed down as both Pokemon stared dow at each other ready for battle, for this little Pokémon battle, I let Serafall borrow Lapras and both her and the Ice and Water Pokemon seem ready.

I grinned, but soon let out a chuckle "alright let get this started, Charizard! Fire Punch!".

Charizard roared and took off flying towards Lapras, with his fist engulfed in flames, Serafall grinned and then yelled out an order to Lapras "Lala-chan! fire a Dragon Pulse!".

Lapras reared her head back and then fire a beam of Dragon Type Energy at Charizard, mid way it turned into a roaring Dragon and sped up towards Charizard at full force.

I wasn't about to let Charizard get hit by that though "Charizard, uppercut it!".

Charizard stomped on the ground as he stopped his flight forward and roared as he uppercutted the Dragon Pulse into the sky with his Fire Punch.

There was a blast of flame from the impact, but the Dragon Pulse was deflected into the sky where it violently exploded and shook everything around Ginza.

At this moment, everyone watching in astonishment began to one by one snapped out of it and then, loudly begin to cheer in excitement, some were even tearing up at seeing real breathing Pokemon battling in front of them.

Serafall and I smiled as we heard the loud cheering of everyone filled the area, both Charizard and Lapras got even more excited and roared at each other.

While this was going on, people from around the world who were watching the news report were staring at their TVs, Computers and Smartphones in disbelieve and shock, all around the world, there were people watching, real Pokémon having a real Pokémon Battle and it left everyone absolutely stunned.

But like the people physically present in Ginza, they soon snapped out of it and began to cheer, and loudly call out to the Pokémon on TV.

Adults and children watched in amazement as the Charizard punched a Dragon Pulse into the sky with a Fire Punch.

But the most interested and afraid were the presidents of Russia, China and United States, with this being shown, they finally understood what their fallen agen6t had mean that they were being attacked by monsters.

Rean Hayashi and Serafall Leviathan had Pokémon under their control, real Pokémon and the thought of such a thing being available to Japan, certainly left a shiver go down their spines.

Around Ginza, as everyone was being distracted by the Pokémon Battle going on, the Agents from other Countries, sent to capture Rory, Lelei and Tuka, were being attacked and taken away by Giratina.

The Legendary Ghost and Dragon Type Pokémon, attacked from their shadows and dragged the poor bastards into the reverse world, there, they were taken out, only a few who seemed to be the ones giving orders were left alive for Rean to get information from later.

Graham was among the ones left alive, but he soon wished he wasn't, as he got to see Giratina, kill his men and even more from other countries quite aggressively.

It made him curse the higher ups, that sent him on this mission, everything had gone wrong with it from the very beginning.

Komakado saw all of this along with his agents, they were after all, keeping an eye on everyone, he could only shake his head as he saw them disappeared in their own shadows "should have left the moment your soldiers failed Graham.

That should have given you a clue that something else was going on, but you and your leader got greedy, you very well brought the attention of something very dangerous to your Country...".

Komakado looked up towards the sky and shook his head, to him it was a shame that greedy politicians, never thought of the consequences of their actions.

Serafall immediately issued an attack while Charizard was still a bit distracted "Lapras! Psychic!".

Lapras's eyes glowed blue and launched a Psychic attack at Charizard, I grinned "Charizard! Shadow Claw!".

Charizard roared as he engulfed his claws with Ghost Type Energy and cut through the Psychokinetic attack, he then flew forward towards Lapras intending to slash her with his Shadow Claw.

Serafall however reacted away and issued her orders "Lala-chan! quickly use Brine!".

Lapras growled, her body glowed with Water Type Energy, while Charizard got in range for an attack, he quickly lashed out with his Shadow Claw attack and hit Lapras on the head.

Though he didn't come out clean, Lapras's Brine attack hit him from above and crashed into his back, causing him to get driven into the ground while roaring in pain.

Meanwhile Lapras whined in pain and was launched back towards Serafall, Charizard quickly got up and jumped back, while Serafall looked at Lapras "are you okay Lala-chan?".

Lapras nodded and narrowed her eyes at Charizard, I smiled at my friend "you okay buddy?".

Charizard stomped on the ground and then roared letting me know he was okay, I chuckled at how excited my Pokemon seemed right now, especially because all the cheering they're getting.

We usually have mock battles amongst each other but we never had a Pokémon Battle per say, this was a first for them and me, though to make this a bit safer and less chaotic I had to buy limiters in my In-game store.

Otherwise my Pokemon could destroy the city with ease by accident, even the planet is they're were to go all out, my Pokemon have gotten extremely powerful now.

They're are almost as powerful as I am, even the common Pokemon have caught up to the legendary Pokemon, and had become powerhouses.

So for this particular battle I got Limiters, I didn't want to cause a panic nor scare the humans of mordern Japan, I wanted them to see something amazing while Giratina cleaned Ginza of our unwanted guests.

And the Limiters helped with that, what they did, is lower the Pokemon's level to 100, and lower their stat to one quarter of what they are, plus it seals all resistance and special skills.

Right now, Charizard and Lapras were two normal Level 100 Pokemon, with very high stats, and that's because one quarter of their stats still makes them as powerful as Sirzechs, but at least they can hold back a bit more like this.

Serafall then pointed at Charizard and yelled "Lala-chan! use Hydro pump!".

Lapras immediately reared her head back and then fired a Hydro Pump, Charizard immediately took off flying to dodge the powerful Water Type attack.

Serafall grinned "we got you now! Lala-chan Thunder!".

Lapras roared towards the sky and a massive lightning bolt suddenly came down from the sky and headed right for Charizard "like we would let that hit him! Charizard! use Thunder Punch! catch that Thunder with it!".

The crow round the area gasped in surprise, Charizard quickly engulfed his fist with Electric Type Energy, but instead of Punching he grabbed hold of the Thunder attack and let his Thunder Punch take the brunt of the attack.

He still got a bit shocked but he just gritted his teeth and took it like a champ, he quickly flew down towards Lapras like a comet, and the lashed out with the overcharged Thunder Punch in his fist.

Serafall clicked her tongue, she obviously didn't expect us to have a counter for Thunder, she should have know better, but she the quickly got on the defensive "Lala-chan! use Reflect!".

Lapras immediately created a light barrier in front of her, just in time for Charizard to punch it as hard as he could while letting the electricity he had gathered explode.

The lightning that exploded from Charizard's Electric attack, pushed Lapras back while she took some damage, but her Reflect took the brunt of the damage.

However Charizard and I weren't done "Charizard, use your other arm! use Brick Break! Charizard pushed himself forward towards Lapras and raised his fist up while it was engulfed in Fighting Type Energy, Lapras and Serafall widen their eyes and could only watch as Charizard hammer fisted down towards Lapras.

His Fighting Type move crashed into Lapras's Reflect and shattered it, his attack then hit Lapras in the head, the Ice and Water Type Pokémon whined in pain and then reared her head back.

She suddenly engulfed her head in Psychic energy and launched herself towards Charizard, she crashed into him head first with Zen Heabutt and sent him flying back and crashing into the ground.

Charizard rolled on the ground and then stood up, while Lapras shook her head and seemed a bit daze, it seems that Brick Break hit her hard, perhaps that counts as a critical hit.

Serafall suddenly yelled "Lala-chan! use Whirlpool in front of you!".

I smiled as I saw Lapras trust Serafall and not even hesitate to fire a Whirlpool at Charizard, Lapras has always been attached to Serafall, I think it has to do with the fact that she's a Sitri and a master of Ice Manipulation.

She's water and ice personified and Lapras must sense that in her, that's why she easily befriended Serafall, but I couldn't let that Whirlpool hit "Charizard Fire Spin! then prepare for anti water attack!".

Charizard roared, while Serafall seemed confused at my at my mentioned of an anti water attack, Charizard the whipped his tail forward and from his tail flame fired a Fire Spin, both tornado like attacks of fire and water crashed against each other.

They fought for dominance for about 5 seconds, but then exploded in a massive blast of steam, the crowed awed and cheered in amazement, while both Lapras and Serafall tried to see where Charizard was.

I grinned as I felt Charizard get ready for her next attack "Alright! use Solarbeam!".

Serafall's and Lapras's eyes widen as Charizard flapped his wings and dissipated the steam, right on his mouth was the gathered solar energy he had began to charge immediately after firing his Fire Spin.

Anti water attack is code for him to start charging Solarbeam and to get ready to fire, Charizard then reared his head back and then with a big roar, fired the very powerful Grass Type attack at Lapras.

Both Lapras and Serafall weren't expecting that and we're caught by surprise, Charizard's Solarbeam, crashed into Lapras engulfing her in explosion Grass and Solar energy.

Serafall could only yell in worry "Lala-chan!".