
Mission 2

"You're are still a rookie And this is your first mission. I just wanted to go over what you can expect today." Jessica satisfies with Austin clarified. Jessica and Austin began to walk in the park while she would explain things.

Austin as an observant person checked out the park. The park was mostly low trimmed lawns with trees and park benches spread out. There was a paved path that wound around and through the park for people to walk on. There was also a good sized pond in the center of the park.

"This is a guard patrol mission," she began to explain as Austin looked around. "That means our mission consists of constantly patrolling this park looking for any wild Pokemon that may have made it into the city state. Unfortunately, the wall can't keep out every single Pokemon. Some of them do manage to sneak in and make it far into the city state. Most of them are smaller Pokemon that a D-rank trainer can easily deal with. Our primary objective is to protect any civilians that are in the park. Taking out wild Pokemon is secondary to civilian safety. Any questions so far?" Austin shook his head.

"Park guard patrols are always made up of at least three trainers," she continued. "Two of the trainers are either D-rank or C-rank. The third is always either a C-rank or B-rank who is in charge of the shift. I'm a C-rank trainer and therefore in charge of this shift since I outrank you and the other trainer in our shift."

"My mission is a supervisory mission," she explained. "It's my job to keep track of my subordinates and take care of any issues that you can't handle yourselves. I'll spend most of the shift in the guard station manning the radio and the park's intercom system. You and the other trainer will mostly be walking around keeping an eye on things. Understand?" Austin nodded again.

You're lucky," she said. "This is a fairly easy mission. The morning shifts usually see little action. The night shifts usually encounter wild Pokemon at least once in each shift. There are also usually very few citizens moving through the park at this time of day. This will be a good way to ease you into taking missions. Remember this is a civilians park other than that egg in your pouch no Pokemon should be out. Even this egg will scare the civilians."

She glanced at a watch on her wrist for the time. "Let's head back," she said. "Our shift starts in a couple of minutes." They left for the guard station. Once they made it their the 3 trainers from earlier said their goodbyes and left. Austin, Jessica, and the d rank from earlier name Tobi. Jessica ordered Tobi, who was a D-Rank for 3 years, to patrol with Austin for an hour to show him the ropes.

Tobi was one of those trainers who didn't want to become a trainer but came to terms with it only recently. That's what Austin understood from him. He plans to take his C-rank exam after he trains his Pokemon a bit more. He doesn't want his life to stop like those who stay in the d-rank all their lives.

Austin was happy that he finally left the chatterbox named Tobi. For the past hour his mouth didn't stop moving. At one point Austin thought he wasn't human because he didn't even stop for a few seconds to drink water. It was clear to Austin that his voice dried out.

Austin learned a lot from Tobi even though the guy annoyed him. He learned what to watch out for and where Pokemon might appear. The mission was pretty much bland with no action. Not even one monster was seen.

Finally it was 2 o'clock and Austin went towards the guard tower. He met up with Jessica and Tobi. He let them know everything was fine and got the proof of completion from Jessica. Austin remained in the park while the others left. The new patrol team got started.

Sometime later the birthday security team arrived the supervisor this time was John who was a C-class trainer. John gathered everyone and assigned them their positions. Austin stood bordering the party on the right, the leader was in the center, two other trainers took north and south respectively.

The first hour passed peacefully, Austin noticed that the leader and the other two trainers stopped surveying the area, but watched the party instead. Austin remained alert maybe it has become a habit now. Another hour passed with nothing to show for it. The birthday boy's mother was getting ready to cut the cake. Austin then noticed the grass left up then return to normal.

He began to think why it would do that, then he hypothesized that a Pokemon might he burrowing under ground. He summoned eevee and had hide behind him. He kept looking around the for the grass to rise. He noticed it again but this time it was close to the birthday boy. This kid was so loud and excited that all these people were celebrating with him.

Austin had eevee use agility and the he told it on his signal he wants it to quick attack a certain distance from the birth day boy. The thing underground was right next to the birthday boy. Austin command eevee who was already going to use quick attack then take down. Eevee who was rushing fast became even faster. Children noticed eevee and began to yell. The trainers were slow to call there Pokemon.

Everyone thought eevee was a wild Pokemon that was about to attack the birthday boy. Sadly no matter what they do it's too late to stop it from hurting the kid. Now they just hoped the 10 year old would survive the blow. Then something else surprised then causing the mother to scream. From behind her son, jumped an ekans from a hole in the ground to bite her son. Everyone watching the scene judged her son dead. But before the snake can even reach the kid it was hit hard by the eevee. A direct hit pushed the snake back.

Austin sighed these trainers were frozen still with shocked expression and didn't even summon their Pokemon. Eevee swiftly without stopping attacked with take down. This hurt the ekans and pushed it back. A voice was heard waking everyone up.

"Finish it with hidden power now." Austin's voice was calm. The other trainers woke up and summoned their Pokemon.

Eevee used hidden power and threw it right into the open mouth of ekans. The hurt ekans could not handle the attack and was killed on impact. Its body was sent flying right into a tree.

After finishing off ekans, eevee returned next to Austin while the rest of the D-rank trainers took care of the body. The father of the boy thought he lost his son at that moment. Austin saved his son he was so thankful he gave Austin a hundred dollars. The leader was amazed at the new guys performance.

He admit that he let himself be taken by the party mood that made him lower his guard. He knew the same thing happened to the rest. The person to save the day was the newbie. He didn't even know how Austin new an ekans would pop out from their. He thanked and congratulated Austin on a job well done. Austin merely nodded, he did not criticize nor judge them.

The parent of the boy took down Austin's name, so they can ask for him personally when putting up missions. Austen got his proof of completion from the leader once the party was done. Then he went towards the mission office to submit his missions.

Enjoy dudes

harem4lifecreators' thoughts