
Chapter 36

The spearows had chased Caleb and Magby all the way to a place...

A place which Caleb has no idea about! Luckily, when he was aimlessly wondering around with a stick on his hand for half an hour, encountering mostly bug pokemons and evading the intimidating ones along the way. He came across a bridge that was suspended over a decently sized body of water that looked perfect for fishing.

Now that he was standing on the bridge, he faintly remembered that, earlier the day when he and his grandfather were riding inside the latter's car, they passed by here.

He stopped once he was on the other side, seeing a sign made of wood which had the words engraved that made Caleb's face lit up with gladness.

'Limouse City, a mile ahead'

That's the engraving written on the board. Although Caleb does not see a sight nor shadow of the city because of the trees that were blocking out the sight, the sign and the familiar surroundings were a positive indicator that he was heading the right way.

Nonetheless, he was still a little worried about Magby's condition. As much as he knew that pokemons recover injuries much faster than humans, he still couldn't keep himself secure until they are now inside the city.

Under any other circumstances, he probably would have been estatic that the chases lead them closer to the city rather than farther, but at this point, his mind was panicking because of the worry he felt.

So he needed to get there fast and let his Magby checked.

Fortunately, after around fifteen-twenty minutes of walking nothing happened. He safely finally arrived at the city.

Then, Caleb's first course of action was obviously heading towards a pokemon center.


Caleb has never been to a pokemon center before. But this would be the beginning of many visits when he became a trainer.

His first comment on the place was... The place is very clean. To the point of being spotless.

Famous for their maintenance, Pokemon Centers offered an unrivaled level of comfort and hospitality towards pokemon trainers anywhere.

It was a somewhat welcoming feeling for Caleb as the stressed out boy made his way to the lobby. The expression of his face was still worried, nevertheless.

As he had expected, the lobby was almost completely vacant of trainers, which only a numbered few were sitting down and conversing with one another. Potted plants on the shelves and he spotted a few Audino conversing with the trainer's pokemons.

Caleb made his way to the counter on the other side of the lobby. As he passed by, the trainers were giving him a curious look, because they noticed his disheveled appearance, wondering what happened to him.

Arriving at the counter while adjusting his dirt clothes and wild hair. He pressed the button at the side, signaling that there was somebody waiting for service.

It took only a few moments for a pink haired lady to arrive at the other side of the counter. She had her signature smile on her face, but frowned the moment she saw his appearance and sweaty odor.

Like in the series, Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny are an odd case. All of them are related, and looked exactly the same. Caleb wasn't sure how that worked, but tried not to focus too much on that.

"Dear me." Nurse Joy spoke in a voice that was filled with soothing compassion. Caleb felt himself relax as she talked. Nurse Joy was certainly perfect for the job in supposed to providing comfort and assistance, in more ways than just medical aspects. "What happened to you?"

"My pokemon was injured in a pokemon battle." Caleb lied after finding the words and thinking for a moment. "Me and my friends were battling when an accident happened."

He watched as she typed some things down on the keyboard.

"I see. You should be careful when you are training with your companions. Can I see your Trainer ID or Pokedex, please? I need to verify your trainer info but it should only take a second."

Nurse Joy waited, when she didn't get a response after much time. She looked up in confusion and saw an awkward look on Caleb's face. She felt weird by his reaction, but still asked again. "Can I see your Trainer ID or Pokedex, please?"

"I... Don't have either of those." Caleb slowly responded. When he saw her frowned he quickly explained. "I'm still a student, so I only have my student ID with me."

Nurse Joy was surprised, since Caleb doesn't appeared to be a student. "Oh, I'm sorry. Then can I see your student ID then? Just to inform you but non-trainers are required to pay the services the pokemon center offered."

Fortunately, Caleb had his pocket and ID with him so there was no complications. After which, he obediently handed over his ID and some cash for the fees.

Handing it all to her as she placed the student ID onto a special slot.

"Thanks." She said. She watched as the information appeared on her screen. "Let's see. Your name is, Caleb Laurent? Oh? From the Laurent Family? You have a pokemon registered to your name which is Magby, your starter of the male gender, this is all correct, right?"

"Yes." Caleb nodded. He wasn't surprised by her response since their breeding center was famous in this city.

"Okay, just give me your Magby and we'll take care of him. We only have a few patients since it's still morning, so it shouldn't be long. Additionally, do you want our staff to look at you?" She stated, clearly taking notes of his cuts and bruises.

Caleb nodded. "Thanks for your help."

"Of course, please make yourself at home. All trainers, including visitors are all welcome for however long they wished."

With that, the kind Nurse Joy recieved the pokeballl Caleb handed over and have her staff look at him.


Caleb was given bandages for all the he had after determining it wasn't infected. Just in case, he also had ointment given to him as an extra precaution.

When he had his pokeball safely on his necklace he got out of the center. After thanking the Nurse Joy and Audino, of course.

Then he headed towards the Wings Breeding Center. Caleb have complicated emotions churning inside his stomach, but mostly it was frustration.

He didn't check on his Magby since he first wanted to go towards his grandfather before checking on him. Since he wanted Magby to rest much further, he had done his job as a pokemon wonderfully and all that Caleb wanted was for him to rest.


Cesar Laurent ran his hand through his aged hair. As he looked at his clearly irritated grandson with a calm smile.

Caleb was annoyed at that smile, which clearly was seen on his face as he did not bother to hide it.

Caleb was sitting across his grandfather. Currently, they are inside his office.

Cesar was quite trouble. After listening to what Caleb had encountered and experienced in that forest, he felt himself that he also have gotten to far with his regime. 'Should I just tone it down a little?'

He thought, but then dismissed the idea as he saw that within Caleb's eyes there were some changes. And he liked the change he see.

However, it doesn't cover up the responsibility he held towards leaving Caleb on the forest. He didn't want his grandson telling his parents after all, which would be informed to his wife.

Cesar trembled at that thought. Only one person could stop the craziness in him, and that one was his fearless wife.

"Listen, Caleb-"

"Why didn't you inform me beforehand!?" Caleb abruptly cut in. A Talonflame, which was Cesar's pokemon, chirped at Caleb because it disturbed it's sleep.

Cesar sighed, caressing his bird pokemon's feather. "If you knew where would the excitement in that? Besides, you will surely have potions, etc. carried with you. A much safer small journey in the forest is not the purpose of my training."

"But still." Caleb thought, looking straight at Cesar's eye as he bravely said. "Magby could have been injured much worse by the Beedrills if there wasn't a river, which was scary to jump from such a high cliff. Fortunately those spearows didn't call for their friends or else, Magby could've... He could've..." He couldn't continue as his voice turned shaky all of a sudden by the emotion he felt from that thought.