
Chapter 35

This was getting ridiculous at this point.

As the first Spearow comes flying towards them with high-speed, Caleb and Magby had both immediately bolted to the other direction, not even bothering to look back at their mutual pursuers. Caleb wasn't sure if they were heading in the direction of Lumiose. But, he sure hope so, his mind was jumbled at this point.

Spearows were not Kalos native pokemons, it was usually found in Kanto. However, it wasn't like there weren't any foreign pokemons found in every region over the years.

In general, some cause of this was because of some trainers from foreign regionwould release their pokemons while in Kalos. Those pokemon would then go off into the wild and breed with other pokemo, sometimes resulting in various species of pokemon not commonly seen in Kalos appearing much more often.

This wasn't just occuring in Kalos either, as it was occuring in most parts of the world.

Looking back, Caleb noticed that the spearows were flying behind overhead, just about 10 meters distance.

After a few minutes of nonstop running, the klutz Magby tripped over a small rock, sending Caleb into a panic. As he rushed over to help his partner, he saw a charging spearow diving towards his face with it's sharp talons extended. Caleb's eyes widened in fright, however he was able to subconsciously command to his Magby: "Magby, Flamethrower!!"

Meanwhile, Magby who saw the predicament his trainer was in had already instinctively charged up flames from his mouth and with a loud roar blowed the flames towards the incoming Spearow, engulfing the vicious bird with flames.

With a thud, the wild spearow slammed on to a tree and was heavily injured because of its approaching speed and the impact from the close ranged flamethrower.

Caleb took a deep breath and regained some calmness.

As he helped Magby stand up as well as proceeding to run, Caleb huffed in exhaustion while saying. "This can't go on. We have to fight them." All the while they ran through a creek, Caleb didn't cared that his sneakers got wet.

The reason Caleb thought of fighting them was because they really have no other choices. Unless a trainer was able to help them, he realized that their difficult situation won't get any better if they would just run without any clear directions, persisting on running would eventually cease since the spearows outnumbered them.

Besides, they should fight now or else they might call for their friends, then that would get messy. Caleb already had enough with a hive of Beedrills, a flock of Spearow would be disastrous.

"Magby!(Let's do it!)" Magby cried as they continued to dash through a shrubbery. Magby was feeling frustrated that he couldn't do anything to the Beedrills earlier, now the wild birds were doing the same thing on them. How can he not be annoyed?

He held unpure intent and anger towards this two species, now in his pokemon heart marked them as archenemies starting today.

"Yeah! I feel the same way bud." Caleb agreed as he felt his partner's feelings. He continued to pump his legs as fast as they could go. "Are you ready?"

"MAG!" (READY!) Magby responded with high-spirits, with palpable desire to fight the spearows.

"As Madara Uchiha used to say, 'Let's dance!' fucktards!"

With that thought out, they skidded to a stop. With Caleb further behind Magby, who was fuming flames from it's mouth, ready to rumble.

"Magby!" (Come you damn bird brains!) Magby also cussed with a snarl, which greatly irritated the seven spearows.

Since they had already decided to fight, Caleb began to take deep breaths to try and calm his wildly beating heart.

There are six spearows as far as Caleb could see. While Magby was the only pokemon that Caleb currently had.

The situation was obvious and clear in Caleb's eyes, they are at a disadvantage in numbers.

That's obvious, but what Caleb was pondering as he gathered information around him was because he was trying to think of their plan of action.

His eyes lit up as he quickly formulated a plan. He gritted his teeth. "Despite the fact that this could get us in real deep trouble, we have no choice."

Seeing the spearows fast approaching, he commanded with no more delay. "Magby, use smokescreen on the spearow at the front then Smog."

Magby immediately complied as he released a thick black smoke from it's mouth after which he stopped for half a second before releasing another smoke but much lighter in color, which slowly headed towards the targeted spearow.

The spearow didn't stop it's flight nor stop and turned to a detour, it welcomed the combined smokes as it entered it. Along with it, two more joined the one who was leading, meanwhile the rest turned and avoided the smoke.

Smog inflicts damage and has a 40% chance of poisoning the target. The spearows at the front weren't able to sense the poisonous substance that were behind the smoke screen since the black smoke were able to cover it up from the front.

Even though, the proficiency of the two moves were still at basic-level because they didn't train the move as much as flamethrower and flamewheel, it was enough to do the work.

Caleb already anticipated this to happen, seeing that his plan was working, he said his further commands in succession. "Use full powered Flamethrower at the center of the smoke."

This time, it took a few second for Magby to charge up enough flames before releasing a much hotter and powerful attack from his mouth.

Sparks of embers could be seen the moment the flame entered the smoke because of the poison the move, Smog, carried.


Then an explosion sounded out from within, indicating the flamethrower attack had hit a target. Following was a cry of pain:


Which was quickly revealed as two spearows dropped down from the skies with a trail of green smokes, Caleb could discern from where he stood that both had a broken bloodied wing.

"Great job!" Caleb was now pumped up, adrenaline were running through him as he saw how easy they defeated two from the original seven. But, he quickly composed himself since the battle still was hardly over.

There are still five, four of whom are already in front of Magby, they were like projectiles as they zoomed towards Magby while all of them had shining beaks which Caleb immediately recognized as a move, Peck.

Caleb's face paled slightly as he saw that. He quickly reacted with a counter "Magby, quickly use Scary Face!"

Magby didn't have the chance to finish using the move as the first peck landed on his small body.

Magby groaned in pain as the attack landed, he bounce up slightly when his body hit the ground.


What happened next was a simultaneous bombardment of pecks landing on his body.

As the dust settled, Magby was still standing although he was clearly in pain as several patches of skin injuries and bruises were spotted on his body.

Caleb was worried, but he still tried to calm down. Magby still hasn't given up and he could clearly see it in his eyes that he still was able to fight.

"Hang in there bud!" Caleb yelled in worry. That's when he noticed the fifth spearow at the very back, the one who had joined the currently knocked out two inside the smog-smokescreen combination.

Unlike the two spearows, this one hasn't had his either wings damaged. Even though his feathers were roughed up and was grimacing in pain as green smokes were coming out of his body.

It's poisoned! Caleb's eyes brightened.

He said. "Magby there's one at the back poisoned, so let's not care about that guy for the time being. Focus on the four in front of you."

Magby snarled in response.

"Use flamethrower at that Spearow, when it dodges swiftly intercept it with a downward Fire Punch." Caleb was now more focused as he continued to order Magby. Their aiming towards a Spearow who wasn't flying as high in the air as the others.

Another Flamethrower was shot at that Spearow that was flying, which it evaded easily as it was able to notice it incoming. But, wasn't able to anticipate a punch on the back.

The poor Spearow had it's tongue out as it's eyes flashed in pain. Like it had just been sucker punched the living out of him.

"Step on it and use flamethrower!" Caleb saw the other spearows coming down to help their friend. "Quickly!"

With a thud, Magby landed on the body of the bird. With a menacing smile, roared out a point blank Flamethrower at it's face. Burning the bird head to a crisp.

"Dodge, Magby!"

Hearing his trainer's reminder he swiftly dodged towards a direction, managing to evade peck from two spearows. Unfortunately, the remaining one still landed on his back.

With rage and murder in it's eyes, Magby quickly turned around and grabbed a wing from the retreating Spearow. He didn't waste any time to plummet the bird on the head with a full swing fire punch. The force of the fist upon impact burst the head of the bird pokemon, which made brain matter splash everywhere.

With the remains of the Spearow still on one of his hand, Magby turned towards the remaining three who was fastly approaching. When he was about to unleash a flamethrower, but he was stopped by Caleb's yell: "Wait! Not yet!"

Caleb was shaken when he saw the blood and gruesome scene of the brainmatter. He was shaking, but he still tried to calm himself down so that their situation wouldn't get any worse. When he saw Magby was about to do a flamethrower, he stopped it as he saw an opportunity.

Magby turned towards Caleb in confusion. But when he saw the message his trainer was sending his way he complied.

When the three spearows were about to peck at Magby, Caleb yelled out almost immediately. "Flamewheel!"

Although tired and already possessed so many injuries, Magby still tried his best to perform the move.

Magby wrapped his feet with his high-tempered flames, then he flips onto his hands and spins rapidly, creating a wheel of fire around him like a hitmontop spinning, but with flames surrounding it's legs as fire was constantly shot out from Magby's mouth.

The Spearow, who was able to see this shrieked in horror as they tried to stop. Unfortunately for them, they are already so close.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

The charging spearows felt like they were slapped by a molten obsidian, as they slammed towards the ground merciless, with broken and injured beaks.

Magby stopped as he panted, exhausted. His eyes rested towards the remaining Spearow who was poisoned.

The Spearow was dazed as he saw the result of the collision.

When the Spearow saw that it was being eyed on, it cawed it fear. It lifted it's wings with difficulty before flying away in retreat.

Seeing this, Magby heaved a sigh in relief. He really have no more energy from the tough battle they just had, fortunately they won in the end and were now not chased.

He flopped on the ground, and relaxed. Too tired to move a muscle.

Caleb found himself hurriedly scurrying towards Magby, hastily making his way towards his injured pokemon.

Caleb scooped Magby before placing him on his lap, finally taking the time to assess the fire-type's injury.

Magby was conscious, but seemed to be drifting in and out. No doubt that the bombardment of pecks had given him the worst of it.

Apart from that, he had some painful cuts on it's back, likely from the scuffle on the end of the fight where he had burst that Spearow's brain, which was likely a struggle with it's sharp talons.

Caleb felt tears welling up in his eyes as he quickly realizes he'd cause this.

"Magby..." Caleb said. "I'm sorry..."

Magby was looking at him curiously seemingly surprised by the sudden apology.

Caleb knew he was the cause of the chase of both the hive of beedrills and the sparrows.

He just have to lose his composure and yell so bitchly.

He just had to anger that damn sparrow with a rock.

No! Caleb shook his head fiercely. He had no time for this. He had to get Magby help immediately. With that he stood up his tired body and returned Magby to his pokeball. "Get some rest, bud. You did a great job, I'm proud of you."

As Magby was engulfed with the red light, it smiled and said. "Mag...by..." (I'm also...sorry, friend...)

Hearing that, Caleb trembled. But it just made his resolve to return towards the city increase.

He picked up a decent size branch that was about his height. Using it as a replacement for a halberd.

With that, he took a firm step forward.