
Pokemon: The Rise of a Legend

"Finally, after all of this fighting, I can finally rest." Or so he thought "Well Hello there." Said the being who would kick start Cyrus' next life, leading to the rise of the Legend himself Cyrus Lockhart "The King of Pokemon" --------------------------------------------------------------- Hey guys, I hope you all like my story and if there is anything I can improve on please let me know along with any recommendations or comments, all feedback is welcome! As a heads up, I will not have a concrete release schedule, I am writing this for fun so it all depends on my available time. Some weeks I may write 4-6, while others I might release 1-3. So please bear with me! Just a heads up this world is an AU, while its nothing over the top crazy, there are still a good amount of AU elements I do not own the cover art or any of the characters in the story except for my OC’s

LazyCaveman · Anime et bandes dessinées
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8 Chs

Team Rocket

Author's Note: Hey guys! i know i haven't updsatedf in a bit but that was due to me having to move into my dorm for the upcoming year, now that Im situated ill get back to updating, the releases might slowdown a bit but nothing crazyt hopefully!


(Female Intruders Pov)

Sigh, why the hell did I have to be assigned to a mission with this colossal dumbass?

I mean, these idiot keeps making all sorts of noises and shit, acting like we aren't currently breaking into one of the most well-protected Estates in all of Kanto!

Ugh, once this is over I am definitely going to tell the boss about this Neanderthal's behavior during this mission.

"Come one Shane hurry the hell up and look, we don't have all fucking day!"

"Oh shut the hell up Ella, I will take as much time as I damn well please!"

As I was about to turn back to the rows of ledgers and continue looking for the location of the Charmander eggs, I suddenly heard a rustling sound behind me.

"Huh, what the hel-


"Ella? What the fuck are you doing over there? wait what the hell?"

(3rd Person Pov)

With a loud crash, Cyrus used a small amount of his wind manipulation and punched the female intruder squarely in the back and it sent her flying forward and crashing down into one of the shelves.

"Man, you two have either got to be the bravest, or the stupidest people known to man to even attempt to break into our Estate," Cyrus said as he moved closer to the large male intruder and got ready for a face-to-face confrontation.

"What the, a kid? no matter, come here you little brat, I'm sure the boss would greatly reward me if I caught a Lockhart brat!" The man yelled as he launched himself toward Cyrus and clenched his fingers into a fist.

Cyrus promptly dodged the punch and returned it with a swift kick to the man's shin, sending him stumbling back but eventually, he regained his composure as a new look of pure fury adorned his ugly face.

'Well would you look at that, looks like the big buffoon isn't just a senseless meathead.' Cyrus thought as he moved forward and pounced on the man again, this time using his psychic perception to its fullest as he could perceive every little movement the man was going to make, effectively making it seem like Cyrus could predict the future as he dodged every single blow the man sent out.

"Ahh! What the hell, stay still you fucking brat!" The man roared as he threw a heavy punch toward Cyrus' face only for him to sidestep the blow and return it with an Aerokinesis-powered punch of his own to the man's gut.

With a loud grunt and the sound of air leaving the man's lungs, he flew backward and crashed right on top of his female compatriot.

Now that the two would-be robbers were dealt with, Cyrus could hear the tell-tale sound of an Arcanine running toward the building and what do you know, Cyrus was right. A few moments after he fought the intruders and beat them, Elias had come running into the building followed by his Arcanine, he expected to get wrapped up in a fight almost immediately but instead much to his surprise all he saw was his 8-year-old son standing in front of two people who were wearing all black and were slumped over a broken shelve.

"Huh, Cyrus, what the hell are you doing here?" Elias asked with some urgency in his voice worried his son had gotten hurt and he also looked around just in case there were any others.

"Oh, hey Dad, I was playing with Erik in the pool when we heard a loud noise that sounded like glass breaking, so I went to investigate and found these bad people searching through the ledgers, they said something about looking for some Chamrander eggs," Cyrus explained while trying his best to sound like a curious kid, but not going too over the top with it

After he explained what had happened to Elias, Cyrus had been sent back to the mansion to go and wait in the living room so his father and some of the guards could get the whole situation sorted out, mainly just tying up the two intruders and fixing some stuff before leaving the rest to the clean up crew.

(A couple of months later)

'To think that Team Rocket would be so audacious that they thought two low-level grunts could successfully break into our Estate, ha, it's almost comical.' Cyrus thought as he read over a copy of the report his father had sent to his grandfather.

'I mean, come on, they didn't even have any Pokemon with them, this has to be some kind of joke, or maybe they were set up as to get rid of them? well no matter, I'm sure grandfather is most likely going to be on a warpath to dismantle any Team Rocket bases near Pallet town, I wonder if he will be able to figure out that Giovani is the leader of Team Rocket.'

Speaking of, as soon as Cyrus entered the dining room to sit down and eat some breakfast, Siulas could be seen sitting at the head of the table and sipping on a cup of coffee with the newest edition of the Kanto Gazette, the premier newspaper of the Kanto region, although it only deals in regional news, there are other much larger companies that release news from all over the different regions.

As Cyrus was about to greet his grandfather, Silas felt his Pokegear go off and he pulled it out of his pocket and opened it to answer the call he had gotten.

Sitting down a few seats from his Grandfather, Cyrus was able to pick up bits and pieces of the conversation and it saddened him some, but Silas? He was stricken with grief as soon as the news was broken to him.

From what Cyrus had heard, his Uncle Damion and Aunt Ana had both been killed while protecting Rollard City from an attack from a couple of aggressive Pokemon tribes that felt like attacking the city.

Rollard City is a place that wasn't a part of the games or show but in this world is the largest city in Kanto that borders the 'Pokemon Wilds' as they're called.

considering its close proximity to the unsettled northern wilderness that is infested with any and every kind of Pokemon you can think of, it really isn't all that unusual that an attack from the Raticate Line, Ariados Line, and Arbok line had happened, however, this time around the attack that happened consisted over 100 pokemon in total, and the incursion was led by three very old and very powerful pokemon.

It was one of these three that had taken out Damion and Ana, the Pokemon in question was the Arbok who led the Pokemon of its line in this attack.

Along with Damion and Ana, three of their Pokemon, two of Damion's and one of Ana's had also perished with them. If it wasn't for the other rangers and their Pokemon, all of Damion and Ana's Pokemon would've gladly fought till the end with their trainers and companions.

From what Cyrus had heard, the rangers were going to help heal the Pokemon that survived and then send them back to the estate so they could live out the rest of their days here, maybe even making a family or tribe of their own.

(Later that night)

Seated around the dining table was every member of the family, Cyrus' grandfather, parents, siblings, and second uncle were all seated at the table eating in silence with a heavy atmosphere of sadness permeating in the air.

Alexander and Samuel were both currently in their rooms, most likely crying their little hearts out after the death of their parents had been told to them by Silas.

'Even though I hadn't spent all that much time with them, it still is quite sad that both of them died like that, this event really drives home that this world isn't all sunshine and rainbows like the anime and games were.'

'Sigh, well, all we can do about it is move on and make sure we keep living, for their sake.' Cyrus thought as he looked at the two empty sears where his cousins should be

Cyrus was no stranger to loss, having had to bury many friends he had made in the military along with his brother who had died in battle before Cyrus had been deployed. That day was a sad one as they couldn't recover his body due to his dying out in the field somewhere in Taiwan.

Having experienced all of this, Cyrus knew what his cousins needed was some time to process and grieve, but he knew due to their young ages, this was bound to scar them in one way or another.

(a few weeks later)

It had been a few weeks since Damion and Ana's passing, the family had held a funeral for both of them as according to their wishes, they were buried together in the same large casket.

During the procession, Samuel had broken down crying and Alexander just stood there with a cold yet sad look on his face, he eventually turned toward his younger brother and instead of giving him some positive words or even hugging him, all Alexander did was coldly tell him to suck it up.

This was the first of many instances where Alexander had changed and was becoming colder and increasingly bitter toward others, nowadays he stays locked up in his room reading books about Pokemon and how to train them.

From what Cyrus could tell, Alexander had felt like he needed to become the strongest trainer around just so he could become a Frontier Explorer and go and exterminate the Pokemon who killed his parents.

While that's all good and well, during this time, Alexander had started becoming more and more aggressive along with everything else, just two days ago he had raised his hand against Samuel and almost smacked him for all of a sudden crying when Damion was brought up, although he was stopped by Silas, he still carried the same cold look and anger when he looked at their grandfather after he caught the boys hand and admonished him.

Cyrus was able to tolerate Alexander's new behavior since the boy hadn't done anything to directly anger him, but that all came to a head when Cyrus and Erik were playing outside throwing the rubber Pokeball around when accidentally, Cyrus had thrown the ball to high and it went over Erik's head and landed near Alexander who was reading outside.

As Erik was going to go and retrieve the ball, Alexander for no reason grabbed the rubber Pokeball and popped it with a pen he had on him, and threw the deflated ball to Erik, who got mad and yelled at Alexander for destroying his ball.

At first, Alexander didn't care, but when Erik said something about him being mean and nobody liking his new attitude, Alexander got up and in a fit of anger, shoved Erik who almost fell, and said, maybe Cyrus and Erik's parents should also die so they could feel what he felt.

Although it had pissed him off a little to hear the brat say that, Cyrus knew he was just lashing out in anger due to him only being 9 years old and having to deal with the death of his parents, however, what happened next sent Cyrus over the edge.

When Erik heard what Alexander said, he got mad and hit Alexander in the arm, knocking the book out of his grasp and further enraging him.

As Cyrus was walking over to de-escalate the situation, Alexander got up and punched Erik in the face and kicked him in his shin.

Before Alexander could even move an inch, he quickly caught an Aerokinesis-powered kick to the face and it sent him flying backward into the outdoor couch he was sitting on.

Before Cyrus could do anything else to the barely conscious boy, Elias had come outside after hearing the sound of Erik yelling and crying from earlier and he stopped Cyrus from sending a fire-covered fist toward the boy.

Although he was still mad at Alexander and what had happened, Cyrus' attention was quickly brought to his hand which still had fire emanating from it.

It would seem through sheer anger, Cyrus had used Pyrokenisis almost instinctually and covered his fist in the yellow-orangish fire.

Elias who was also surprised at the development, still pulled the boys apart and berated both of them for what happened after Erik told him about how Alexander hit the boy.

"You both are cousins, family! there is no damn reason for why you should be fighting, much less hitting each other and using your elemental manipulation!" Elias yelled at Alexander and also switched to Cyrus toward the end

"Yes Father, I am sorry," Cyrus said mechanically as he really could care less about Alexander at that moment, sure, the boy was grieving but that gave him zero excuses to hit Cyrus' innocent little brother

Instead of saying sorry, all Alexander did was give a quick "Tch" and walked back into the mansion. no doubt heading upstairs to seclude himself once again in his room.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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