
Chapter 58 – The Lost Lapras

Next Day Tangelo Island.

Ash was walking Around the Shore with Misty.

Ash "This is life."

Misty "Mmm"

Ash "But Adventuring is better."

Pikachu "I agree."

Misty smiled.


Both of their faces got serious.

Ash "Dexter it was pokemon right."

Dexter beeped "Yes it was a Lapras."

Ash "Shoot."

Pikachu blurred even if he was suppressed to D rank.

Misty "Ash hurry we don't know the degree of emergency."

Ash nodded and increased his speed which surpassed Mortal limits.


After a minute they came across a Lapras who was badly injured with a deep scar on his neck and was getting bullied by three trainers.

Ash "Pikachu"

Pikachu "I Know."




The three trainers were sent flying.

Ash went close to Lapras but he attacked.

Ash dodged and raised his hand "Hey I mean no harm."

Lapras "hmph all humans are same."

Ash "No they are not."

The three fallen men got up and looked at Ash and at Lapras with greed in his eyes.

Ash "Pikachu."

Thunder cloud started to gather and three lightning bolts landed in front of them and scaring the shit of them and the three of them scrammed.

Ash "I will heal you."

Lapras wanted to say something but he did not.

Ash then asked Audino to heal Lapras which she happily did.

And the wound on Lapras started to heal.

Audino "Ash C rank."

Ash nodded and increased her strength.

There was a light and Audino's strength was modified to C rank and the healing speed increased.

Lapras was stunned "C rank"

Ash looked around and saw a teen in eighteens drawing the picture of them.

Misty was beside him smiling at Ash.

Ash raised an eyebrow.

Misty "Ash he is Tracey he was to running here to save Lapras and I thought he was good man."

Tracey "Hello."

Ash "Hi I am Ash."

Tracey nodded and showed his picture while healing Ash.

Ash looked at it and was stunned.

Misty too looked at it and started to laugh.

Tracey "Oh what happed and if you are thinking of that mask I thought you both look same."

Ash shook his head and looked at Lapras.

Tracey "What happened."

Misty smirked.

Ash's voice sounded "tell him."

Misty "You caught the real deed."

Tracey didn't understand first but then he took a deep breath and spoke "Destroyer is just fifteen years old."

Misty shook her head and raised all her fingers.

Tracey "Means."

Misty sighed and went towards Ash and Pulled Dexter from his bag pocket and showed it to Tracey.

Misty "Dexter Ash's Profile."

Dexter "Trainer Ash Ketchum

Rank – A+

Age – 10 Years 8 months



Tracey took a cold breath and bowed towards Ash and spoke "Master take me."

Ash "What the …"

Tracey smiled "just joking well can I follow both of you."

Ash "Yup the more the merrier."

"Good one."

Audino spoke "Ash Done"

And she returned herself.

Misty looked at it and spoke "They still didn't get used to be weakened"

Ash nodded and then looked at Lapras.

Ash "Lapras what happened to you as the wound on you was not caused by a pokemon."

Lapras nodded and spoke "My shoal was attack by a ship and we escaped with some injuries and only I got separated and drifted here."

Ash nodded "DO you know the way to your shoal."

Lapras shook his head but was stunned "You know how to speak pokemon."

Ash "No we translate it. Want to go?"

Lapras "I will follow the main route and catch up with them."

Ash "Okay as you wish and keep this and break it if needed."

Lapras took the strange device and went to the water and disappeared five minutes later.

Tracey "Why didn't you catch him."

Ash "No need if he want he can come I don't want to force anyone and I also have this."

Ash removed an egg from his bag.

Tracey "An egg."

He looked closely and spoke "It is a dragon type but which I don't know."

Ash nodded.

Misty "Okay lets roam here for a while."

Ash "Okay."


Pokemon talks.

Charizard was sitting with Charla and drinking juice and looking at the sky.

Pikachu "Hey you can you eat this."

Charizard looked down at the chili in Pikachu's hand and nodded.

Pikachu smirked.

Charizard ate it and spoke "See nothing Argghh." Flames spewed out from his mouth and tears came out.

And then he jumped into the water.


Again he ran out in fear of extinguishing his tail flame.

Pikachu laughed "So Guys Lapras he will suffer a little more. And it that egg."

Eevee jumped on him "That's a surprise."


To be continued.

Sorry guys for missing yesterday's chapter as it was a hard working day with heavy rain no lights and no network.

Same rules applied 100 powerstones for an extra chapter.
