
Chapter 45 – Indigo League First Battle

"Indigo League here I come."

Ash was separated from Everyone as rest had their own job leaving Gary.

Gary "Hey Ashy boy come on let's register."


And they started to walk towards the Registration center.

Gary "So what's your plan."

Ash "Why do you want."

Gary "Ah I don't want your battle plan I want to know that are you going to use strength limiter."

Ash "Yes."

Gary "Grandpa gave me one for Blastoise."

Ash stopped "Do you know the price of it."

Gary "Nope."

Ash then started walking and spoke "A million per piece."

Gary sucked a breadth.

Gary "Even after I use my contribution I can only get six of it and that I have collected for half a year."

Ash nodded and spoke "I have forty."

Gary was stunned "Did you buy it."

Ash shook his head "First I thought it was gifted to me but the reality is that when I destroyed the gym it was found their but I left early and the league got it."

Gary "It means it came back to the owner."

Ash nodded.

Pikachu "Well at least they added ten more to it."

Ash "Yup."

After fifteen minutes of walk they reached the registration center no. 11.

Gary pointed to Qr. Code and spoke "Ash scan it."

Ash "That's good we don't need to stand in line."

Gary "A line of ten thousand trainers."

Ash "Hmm. Dexter."

Dexter came out and scanned it.

"Trainer Ash Ketchum

Rank *Authority denied*

Age *Authority denied*

Badges 8

Pokemons 12

Registration for Indigo League successful.

Use the roulette to find your opponent

All the best."

Gary too scanned the Code.

"Trainer Gary Oak

Rank *Authority Denied*

Age *Authority Denied*

Badges 11

Pokemons 56

Registration for Indigo League successful.

Use the roulette to find your opponent

All the best."

Ash was stunned "11 Badges 56 pokemon."

Gary laughed "Only twelve can battle properly rest are for grandpa."

Ash nodded.

Ash "Okay Dexter hide my name and open the roulette."

Dexter "Requesting to hide identity

Authority S





Opening Roulette

A wheel appeared on Dexter's screen

Please selected the battlefield

Water field

Rocky field


Forest field

Ice field

Aerial field

Lava field

You can select a field once


Ash "Random."

"Selecting Random




Lucifer Wood

Opponent Rank

Authority S


Rank C

All the Best."

Ash "Oh plains no sneak attacks then."

Dexter "Ash who are you going to use."

Ash "That's a Secret and take out all the information of the opponent. I will check and then decide."

Dexter "You will have to show your pokemon first due to your higher rank."


Ash "Hey Gary what about you."

Gary "Aerial Field


Rime Bells

Rank C"

Ash "What a name is he or she."

Gary "He."

Ash "Hmm Dexter Stadium."

Dexter "Stadium no. 11."

Gary "4"

Ash "Okay Iet's go for the opening ceremony."

Gary "Yup."

And then they walked towards the north of the island where the Marathon will start.

Soon they gathered with Oak and Green.

Oak "Ash do you want to hold the Moltres Torch and start the Marathon."

Ash "Na I still cannot control my body strength I will leave everyone behind."

Oak "Okay."

Green looked at Ash and spoke "Ash be careful while going in the stadium for the speech there are many terrorist attacks at that time and we can't reach in time."

Ash "Then why don't you keep trainers near us."

Green "First bribing second they become main targets and third young trainers are used as host of bombs."

Ash "Means even if they are their still no use then what will be my use."

Green looked at him and spoke "Your senses are heighted due to Spirit fruit and it is too rare in Kanto to find it prizes at four million."

Ash went blank for a second and then nodded.

Green "And everyone can't eat it due to age limitations and we don't have a trainer at your age who has reached A rank. Only Elite four had eaten a Spirit fruit and not even three of us ever tasted it."

Ash was stunned [How will they react when I tell them that I had more than fourty.]

Oak "Does any of your pokemon knows a move which hides you."

Ash "Gengar Night shade."

Oak "Good now just watch and walk don't jog or run."

Ash "Okay."

And then they joined the marathon.


At the opposite side of the island.

Lucifer "Hmm I got an opponent"

"Trainer Lucifer Wood

Authority D+


Identity Hidden

Rank Hidden

Age Hidden

Authority not enough to overrule it."

Lucifer "Mystery opponent good."


In the main stadium.

Lance looked at the participant list.

Lance "What Why is Ash's authority S rank I only have A+."

Lorelei "Ash Head."

Lance looked at the Man who was standing in the balcony.

Goodshow "His Father is one and other is his army merits third General Southie forth Professor Oak but mainly due to his greatness we cannot afford to lose him."

Lance "okay" then he looked at the list and spoke "He is going to get a hard time there are seven

A+ ranks."

Goodshow smiled "Okay keep that aside give him a warning to keep a look out on the stadium during speech as he is the closest to them and you four you know what to do."


And they left.

Goodshow looked at the sky and sighed "Will the history repeat itself"


All the participants entered the main stadium from all the four doors and surrounded the stage at the center.

The torch holder was closest to the stage.

Ash was in the northern block.

Ash looked at the crowd first then the trainers.

His earpiece vibrated.

"Ash this is Lance keep an eye out and report the situation."

Ash "Okay."

Ash "Pikachu observe them."

Ash first looked at the flame of the Moltres and then moved his gaze at the trainers stopping at some places.

Goodshow appeared on the stage and started to speak.

Goodshow too scanned the crowd and too found Ash searching for any abnormalities and then looked at Lance and nodded.


Pikachu looked at a person who was sweating and looking at a person in the stands Pikachu followed his gaze and saw a person giving some eye signals to him.

Pikachu concentrated and found some poison elements near the person and he tried to search more and found other orbs of Flame, Lightning and poison elements a total of seven.

Pikachu "Ash seven Orbs four poison two flame and one lightning most of them are communicating with the person in the eastern stand by eye contact he is wearing green clothes has brown hair and is in the most north eastern column top rows."

Ash "Good."

Then he looked at the person and calculated the row number.

Then he spoke into the mic "Lance Seven Orbs most of them are speaking with a person in the eastern stand with green clothes brown hair E1 Column and Row 5."

Lance "Shit are there any poison ones they are the more dangerous and can you point them as we cannot arrest the master mind as they will get alert."

Ash "That is a big problem there are four poison two flame and one lightning."

Lorelei "I am observing the person."

Agatha "They are targeting the A + rank trainers look for them and you will find it."

Lance "Okay."

Ash looked at the poison orb holder not too far away from him and saw him looking at the torch flames fervently and observed some others and saw the same reaction from them.

Ash "Lance the Torch flame what is it."

Lance who was planning was confused at the question "Why."

Ash "All of them are looking at it like a gaze of a predator."

Lance mumbled "So they are after Moltres and want to create a distraction for us good plan two hit with one stone Ash, Agatha, Lorelei, Bruno Release your aura's together and get the persons closer to you I will inform League head."

Goodshow's voice came "I heard everything on the stage is my image and now I am sitting close to the master mind."

Lance "Err sir should we act."

"I don't want causalities like last time Ash Can you stop the bodies of the trainers for a while as we all will be too conspicuous and I cannot Act."

Ash "Gengar can release Night Shade and can stiffen everyone for a minute but the sight will be blocked."

Goodshow "no Problem Act when my image ends the sentence."

Ash "Okay."

Ash spoke to his shadow "Gengar be ready"

And then All five of them tensed ready to act Ash had his mask in his left had.


Goodshow finished the sentence and All five of them acted at the same time.


An terrifying pressure encompassed the stadium and a dark field covered the Trainers."

All the Audience were bewildered.

Ash rushed toward the closest terrorist to him with Pikachu and Gengar to the next.

Lance took one.

Agatha and her Gengar took two.

Bruno just crushed one and Lorelei took one.

Goodshow then patted on the Masterminds shoulder and spoke "Good plan."

The Master mined stiffened.

There was an uproar in the crowd.

"Terrorist Attack."

Suddenly the pressure was relived and the darkness was gone and there were seven people lying on the stadium and they were surrounded by the Elite four and Ash in Mask.

Goodshow's image spoke "Sorry for the inconvenience but we captured all the hosts of the Orbs and Their Master minds."

The crowd clamed down.

The Trainers didn't know what happened.

But all started to clap.

Ash "Teleport Me."

Lance "okay."

And Ash disappeared and appeared in the office and changed his clothes.

The people were again stunned.

Goodshow "Don't worry he was just the image of a certain person by a Ninetales."

Most people believed it while some not but that was not their problem.

Goodshow "Okay go in your respective stadiums for today's battle and the rest wait the first round is going on for five days."

All trainers nodded and left while chit chatting.

Goodshow "Lock them up and go to the stadiums we will interrogate them at night."

"On it."


Stadium 11

Ash's Match was the second one.

The first match was about to end.

Ash "As I said Butterfree will win."

Pikachu "Bug bugs."

Ash "So our opponents main team has a Charmeleon, Clefairy, Vulpix, Scyther, Scizor and Goldeen. Goldeen is out of option and I think he will use Charmeleon."

Pikachu "Whatever send Eevee."

Ash "Okay."

Eevee appeared on his shoulder "So I will start."

Ash "Yup."

There was an applause and announcer voice came "Trainer Galley and his Butterfree won."


"Next Match Lucifer versus the first hidden trainer lets welcome them."

Ash wore his mask and started to walk toward the field.

Announcer "The Match is on the Plains so we are having to get a clear view on the match."

Both trainers appeared on the battlefield.

Ash looked at Lucifer and nodded.

Judge "This is an One on One Match the first pokemon to lose their ability to battle will lose now release your pokemon."

Lucifer "Go Charmeleon."

A fiery red Lizard Appeared on the field.

Ash "As thought Eevee."

Eevee jumped from Ash's Shoulder on to the battlefield.

Ash looked at Charmeleon "C+ rank."

His watch beeped and Eevee's Aura rose form D rank to C+ rank.

There was an energy surge near her.

Lucifer felt the aura and sighed in relief.


Lance looked from the box and laughed "Good he is using this to train his pokemon."


Judge "Start."

Lucifer "Chameleon Flame charge."

Charmeleon roared and rushed towards Eevee surrounded by flames burning the grass around.

Ash "Eevee Dodge and take down."

Charmeleon came close to Eevee and she jumped up.

And landed heavily on Charmeleon due to normal energy.


TO be continued.

Next Chapter : Chapter 46 – Indigo league 1