
Pokemon the Force

This a story about a trainer and his Pokemons to a wonderful journey filled with mystery, joy and so much more. Can he and his pokemon take on the challenge up ahead of them? Or will they fail? Disclaimer! The cover is not by me neither is Pokemon nor some other thing too. The only thing I own is the story and some OC. I might not be the best to write a good grammar story, so I hope that you guys will help me with it, including the story too. Also, this is my first book in Webnovel so I hope it going to be good.

Lixon99 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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136 Chs

Chapter 24: A Fight Between Mega Pokemon

Both of the Pokemon stared at each other as a smirk started to form on their mouths. Before he knew it, Soul was take away from the spot by a mysterious force that he knew well. Only now, he realized what those two were going to do.

His other Pokemon noticed it too as they retreated and his Hoenn Team went with Alakazam, and Latios, who formed a barrier around them for protection. The same happened with Soul as Shadow and Mew created a barrier to protect him from impact.

His Kanto Pokemon though didn't any protection at all as their strength was close to each other, so they could pretty much join the fight too if they want. But they won't win against Anubis, who can see into the future, along with other overpowered ability, not to mention the buff he got from the two mysterious stones.

Soul looked at Charizard, who was in his X form. Or should he call it Mega-X form? Soul sends his thought to his Hoenn Team and told them to watch the battle carefully, as it could benefit them to see their seniors power.

Mega Charizard(Shiny)

Types: Fire/Dragon

Relationships: 100%

Sex: Male

Abilities: Tough Claws

Lvl: 98

Hp: 322

Atk: 321

Def: 283

Spe. Atk: 319

Spe. Def: 231

Spd: 261

Movesets: Scratch, Ember, Growl, Smokescreen, Dragon breath, Bite, Metal Claw, Ancient Power, Dragon Claw, Flamethrower, Air Slash, Fire Fang, Thunder Punch, Fire Blast, Sunny Day, Flare Blitz, Inferno, Fire Spin.

Charizard didn't reach his full limit of 100 yet, so who knows how he would grow in the future.

The fight starts with Charizard using Sunny Day to boost every Fire-Type moves, increasing his total combat power.

Anubis didn't do anything and waited for Mega-Charizard to make his next move. He didn't hesitate and was about to use Flamethrower when he felt a sharp pain on his stomach.

It all happened in a flash as Anubis disappeared from their sight and punch Charizard with a powerful Force Palm. The shockwave of his fist went through Charizard, who flew away, destroying every single thing that touched his body.

Seeing this, all of Soul's Hoenn Team looked astounding as they didn't know what happened. Even Soul, who used the All-Seeing-Eye couldn't see everything.

Not long after, an explosion sound could be heard as a Mega-Charizard could be seen flying towards Anubis with Dragon Claw. Anubis smiled and got ready for the clash.

Another shockwave was created as the ground beneath them shook, and was destroyed. Both Anubis and Mega-Charizard didn't back down as they kept pushing each other back and forward.

Mega-Charizard then opened his mouth as a hot flame came out of it. The surrounding begins to melt away from the heat, just then, Mega-Charizard managed to push Anubis a little further. Suddenly, Anubis disappeared, confusing Mega-Charizard and some others.

Still holding the Dragon Claw, Mega-Charizard was on guard when a shadow came from behind and was about to hit his back, but he managed to block it with Dragon Claw. Blocking Anubis Phantom Force.

Another shockwave was created as the peaceful surrounding starts to become more chaotic. Charizard covered himself with even hotter flame as more of the surrounding begins to melt, flowers, trees, grass also started to burn into ashes.

Anubis, who stood around 10 m away from Mega-Charizard smiled and taunting him by making 'Come on hand gestures'.

This enraged Mega-Charizard further as the flame became even hotter, making it hard, if not able to breathe for normal Pokemon and humans.

Anubis formed a staff made out of aura as he got in his stance. The aura around him begins to shake violently, both Soul and his Pokemon could feel it, even from afar and protected by a barrier.

Mega-Charizard, who used Flare Blitz charged at Anubis, who's aura calmed down for a reason. Anubis held his staff in front of Mega-Charizard, who had reached his destination. Time seemed to slow down as when Charizard was about to strike Anubis, Anubis' power suddenly rose to a higher degree as a dark ball was created from the tip of his staff. With a quick swift, both Mega-Charizard and Anubis hit each other as the surrounding was once again destroyed.

A huge explosion occurred as not after a long time, the shockwave of the clash spread around the area, destroying everything in its path, and made a crack on both barriers. It was small, but it was something that Soul didn't expect to happen as it shook both him and the Pokemon, who saw it. They quickly repaired the cracks as smokes could still be seen.

Soul: Shadow, Mew, let me pass through the barrier.

Both of them shakes their head, meaning that they won't do it due to Soul's safety. Shadow, who also wanted to see the aftermath of the clash at a closer range didn't do it.

Soul: Come on, I'll be fine. In case, I can heal myself you know?

Another shake happened, Soul sighed as he wanted to see the status of those two. No matter how strong they are, that hit would have seriously injured one, if not both of them. It's not that he doesn't trust their ability, he just didn't want his Pokemon to accidently make a wound, that would take weeks to recover.

That had happened before and there was still some guilt in between him, and the one who did it.

As the smoke begins to disappear, Charizard could be seen with wounds all over his body as he struggles on standing up. Anubis, on the other hand, didn't have many injuries but still got some burn from the attack. Both of them breathed heavily.

Soul: 'Alright, that should be it-'

Just before Soul could finish, Charizard took a step, which surprised him and even Anubis, who didn't think that Charizard would have energy left after the last attack he received.

Just before Charizard could use another move, he was hit from the back by Sylveon, who watched the battle from another place. Charizard fell after he was hit by Moonblast and fainted.

Just like that, the battle ended with a kill-steal from Sylveon.