
Pokemon: The Aspen Journey

Follow Arthur Aspen the heir to the Ancient Aspen family on his journey to gather all badges while exploring the Pokémon world. ----- First time writing so don't expect anything great. This WILL be a HAREM so please don't make some dumb comment or review on why its harem. Also after the Prologue don't expect chapters too soon, I'm going to write in bulk. NO YURI/ NO POKEPHILIA/ NO TRAGEDY/ NO DRAMA/ WHOLESOME

ValidateMaker · Anime et bandes dessinées
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3 Chs


Location: Pallet Town

"Young- Cough, sorry it's Professor Aspen now, it was truly a joy working with you; the discoveries you made in the Nature of Pokemon will bring about a great change to trainers and pokemon alike. I'll miss having a great mind around, but I know your journey as a trainer will be as great as your research." An old man with gray hair in a white research outfit said to a handsome tall young man. (Image)

"Please Professor Oak, keep calling me Young Aspen; it was due to you helping me in starting out as a researcher all those years ago that I'm able to have the honor of being a Professor. It would have taken much more time in gathering all the necessary data to submit it to the League council." Arthur Aspen, heir to the Ancient Aspen Family; one of many Ancient families that sit on the League Council. The only child of the Aspen Family, it is to be expected of him to hold himself higher than others with countless tutors ranging from all different subjects still into him from a young child.

Even with a strict upbringing, he was still raised with love from his doting parents and grandparents. Of course, it was paramount that the young Arthur would not become arrogant with all that he was born into; he was always told to respect all life no matter statues, poor or rich, weak or strong. In the end we are all equal under Lord Arceaus. However, he was told to have pride in himself, for all the hard work he has put from his adolescence till now; while others his age were playing, he would study and train till dawn; for the family name he carries.

Chuckling "No can do Professor Aspen, you worked hard for this and we both know in due time the Council would have validated your research. Now let's discuss your future journey Professor Aspen, have you decided which royal starter you will be choosing tomorrow?" Professor Oak had an inkling on which starter the young professor would be choosing, but it wouldn't be his first pokemon. No, far from that; he has seen his first pokemon that slumbers in the beautiful black pokeball decorated with stars that hangs around the young professor's neck. The pokemon that slumbers in there is truly a beast that even his Dragonite cowers before, the young Professor spared no expense for its care and of course being a Professor; Oak attempted to befriend the pokemon to get to know more about it, sadly the pokemon refused to let Oak any closer.

Crossing his arms, Aspen spoke with certainty for his chosen royal pokemon. "Charmander." He hasn't even spared a thought on choosing the other two, he knew long ago which he would choose. "The Charzard line is most definitely harder to raise, chuckles, but I've raised a much more stubborn pokemon before. So no worries there." Professor Oak had guessed right on the young professor's chosen pokemon. "HAHAHA, yes you have raised a much more stubborn pokemon, I still can't believe someone so young has a full grown Tyranitar; but if it's you then it's all the more believable. I assume you will be taking Rex along on your journey?"

"Of course! I saved him when he was a young Larvitar, we've never separated once since then." Arthur still remembers the day when he stumbled into a Larvitar in the forest that covers his backyard Mansion. He was out for his physical training when a batter up Larvitar stumbled upon him, just behind it were a Houndoom and its pack. It was very surprising to see Larvitar far from its mother or the mountain that sits far into the forest, it was then he saw other people chasing far behind dressed in all black. The two parties had a stare off, Arthur knew there was no good occurring, but there was no fear in his eyes, only anger and disgust; only a fool will trespass upon his family lands. Looking into the fool's eyes he spoke with coldness, "Not only have you trespassed upon my family lands, you dare poach a baby pokemon from its mother too?" Arthur was no fool no matter his young age, he knew the outcome of the Larvitar's mother seeing from its condition and how far it was from its home.

Surprised by the young child's words and intelligence the poachers responded warely."Look brat we just want the Larvitar ,alright? We'll be on our way, don't make this difficult; I'd rather not hurt a kid." Fools, that's all Arthur thought," I refuse."

Clicking their tongue at his response," Your fault brat, Houndoom capture the kid." The Houndoom howled in response before dashing off towards Arthur; yet Arthur stood still with no fear. The poachers were assuming he stood in fright, but it was proven why he stood still. A mighty roar freezing the men's heart before an orange blur blasted the Houndoom away, standing before them was a towering menacing Dragonite, eyes dripping with malice.

" Dragonite take care of them." Was all Arthur said.

Opening its mouth a white ball formed in the Dragonite's mouth; "Shit! Run!" But it was too late for the other Houndours, a white beam blasting through the pack knocking them all out, the poachers dropping on the floor in fear. Meanwhile Arthur walked to the sleeping Larvitar picking it up in his arms. "Dragonite make sure they all stay while my family comes to deal with them." It didn't take long for his family to come along; they were livid to find someone poaching upon their land as well as attempting to capture Arthur. The poachers were even more scared when they found out whom they attempted to kidnap.

Larvitar soon woke up after extensive treatment, the poor thing loathed humans; it refused food given by Nurse Joy and only accepted food from Chansey. But Arthur didn't give up on him, he was stubborn no matter how much Larvitar lashed out, and so slowly Larvitar was able to accept Arthur, but only Arthur; Larvitar acknowledges other humans existence but that's all.

Coming back from his memories,"What about all the others, have they chosen their starters?" There were multiple trainers coming to Professor Oak to get their chosen starter, but it was a first come first served situation. But there were some benefits as working as an Assistant to Professor Oak, which was securing a royal pokemon; not like Arthur really needed it when he can ask his family for any Pokemon pretty much.

"You know my Grandson Gary was dead set on Squirtle. Ash was happy with anything, while the others will probably choose from the other pokemon I've captured around." Thinking about Ash, Arthur couldn't help but worry about him; Ash truly loved pokemon, but never did put in the effort of studying. While Gary was quite arrogant probably due to being the Grandson of a Professor, though he did show respect to Arthur for his accomplishment while being the same age as him; the same couldn't be said to his treatment for Ash. The two will never get along it seems.

"Well Professor Oak, I think it's time for me to go, I'll need to prepare for tomorrow while also saying bye to my family. You know how crazy my mother and grandmother are currently with my journey tomorrow." Thinking about the two, Arthur couldn't help but shudder at the incoming smothering that will occur, being the only child has some benefits and some disadvantages. Though he will still welcome it all; his family has given him everything and he would do anything for them.

"BWAHAHA, yes I can see how crazy those two will be." Getting a cold sweat down his back, Professor Oak came close before whispering to Arthur," But make sure you don't tell them I said that, I want no trouble from the two."

Laughing at his request, Arthur gestures to zipping his lips before walking over to an Alakazam. "Don't worry Professor I won't tell." Then proceeding to disappear from the Lab with Alakazam.

Location: Orange Islands

Teleporting into the main lobby of his home, Arthur made his way up the spiraling stairs to make his way to a large room with large leather sofas about; sitting in them were two pairs of couples. One couple were two elderly people appearing to be in their seventies, the older gentleman was very fit for his age; along with dark black hair yet with some strands of gray. While the older woman was beautiful for someone her age and full gray hair. And on the other side were two younger couples in their forties, the man was very fit but lean, with full black hair; next was the woman who had beautiful brown long hair. Making his way to the younger couple first, Arthur hugs the two before proceeding to do the same for the older couple.

Before he could take a seat in an empty spot the younger woman pulled him into her arms again. "Mom please I haven't even left yet." He said in the bated breath before his mother reluctantly let go. Before he could get his bearings the older woman proceeded to do the same. "Not you too grandma. You guys know I could always call you no matter where, even more so with a quick teleport."

His mother Mary started wiping her tears with a handkerchief before responding to him,"My baby is going on his journey. How could I not be sad, I've always had you near me all your life sniff."

Sniff "Your mother is right, we've always had you around, this big house will feel even bigger without you around." His grandma told him with him in her arms.

"Grandpa. Dad. Can I get some help?" Arthur said to the two who were enjoying the show.

His grandpa Andrew chuckled at his plight and refused to do anything, only giving Arthur a thumbs up before whispering good luck. While his father Alexander attempted to help," Come on now, he's prepared for this, no need to make such a big deal about it." But his mother pulled his father ear before berating him," I don't remember asking you for your input mister, you wouldn't understand a mother's heart." His father simply rolled his eyes while dealing with the pain.

After a few more minutes of holding him captive, his grandmother reluctantly let him go; allowing him to finally take a seat.

"You already know my plans. I'll get my Charmander then I'll spend some time in Viridian forest for a while before proceeding to take the gym. I have my pokewatch. My supplies are already in my Spacial backpack that Steven gifted. I'll also call you when I make it to Viridian City. And finally; flicking a spiraled jewel seated in a hanging earring on his left ear, I have my mega stone with Rex." Arthur made sure to appease his mother and grandmother worries, or else it'll be hours of questions to make sure he'll be safe. But it warmed his heart to see their worries, it simply means they care for him.

His mother Emma, slightly satisfied, finally relented on her concerns. "OK OK. And make sure to call if you need anything. Or if you run into trouble. Also make sure to bring me some daughter in laws! I want lots of grandchildren!" As the sole heir of the Aspen family he had a duty to keep the bloodline full, his father and grandfather satisfied with only one wife leading the "burden" of the family to him. But Aspen welcomed it, he has one fiance already; he just needed to find a few more.

Clasping his forehead, Arthur responded to his mother's wild concerns of grandchildren." I know mother, but don't expect any grandchildren soon, I'm still only eighteen." Getting up from the sofa,"I have an early day tomorrow so I'm heading to bed. Goodnight."