
Pokemon: Story of a Master

This story will take you to the journey of a trainer who became pokemon master through his adventures. I tried making it realistic as much as possible, but still you may find some content or some part absurd. My English isn't that good and I don't have a translator to translate it for you all, but will still try to make it as understandable as possible. May have similarities to some novels (My own which I stopped due to work load, Pokemon-Master of Steel)

devil_trainer · Anime et bandes dessinées
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19 Chs


Vermilion City:

Vermilion City is a big city with its own official Gym, this city is very famous because of the big Port on Eastern Side of City, Its only city (Except Cinnabar Island, as it is only tourist spot and to reach other part of Kanto from this Island you will have to again use Ship and go to Vermilion City from where you can travel to other parts of Kanto easily) which is connected to Whole Kanto via different routes.

Today it was more lively because a ship specially designed by Kanto League for Pokemon University students and teachers was anchored here, today was the day when students were going to return to Pokemon University after 2 Months holidays (first day for newly enrolled students).

In one corner of Vermilion city a huge bird pokemon, which was brown in color with cream colored under parts & Wings landed on ground, it was precisely the William's Pidgeot who reached Vermilion City after a long 4 hours journey (I should add here that a Pidgeot is a big pokemon with flying speed of 400 Km/Hr and its still not Pidgeot's fastest speed). Two humans, one who was in Mid thirties, had black hair with brown eyes and his skin tone was golden color, he was handsome if compared to average population of Kanto and other one was a kid of around 8-10 years old, with Black hairs and blue eyes, he also had golden skintone. These were William Smith and our MC of this story Ethan Smith.

"Finally, we reached. Its 4:30 now and we have only 30 Min. left before ship departs for Metallica Island." Said William to Ethan.

Ethan looked towards the Vermilion Port, from where he was standing, he could see a big Ship anchored on dock 3 which had Kanto Emblem and Pokemon University written with bold letters.

Ethan and William also started walking towards the ship and when they reached near the crowd who mainly consisted kids between ages 10-15, they could see that there were three lines formed by Kids and there were 3 trainers with Elite Pokemons standing near entrance of ship to check tickets and ID card of each kid.

"I guess from here you will have to go on your own, you have your ticket and ID card ready right ?" Said William to Ethan.

Ethan nodded and shown him his ticket and ID card that he received along with confirmation letter from Pokemon University, "Here I have it Dad."

"Good, remember to call us when you reach University and also don't take much pressure, if you can't handle the study of a trainer you can still try to become a doctor or breeder." Said William to Ethan who was running towards one of the rows.

William knew that Pokemon University has strict criteria for graduates who want to have their graduation in Pokemon Training, Pokemon University only take around 200 students each year as first year students out of which only 50% students are from Kanto, out of remaining 50%, 10% for each of four regions, Jhoto, Hoenn, Sinnoh and Unova. And remaining 10% is for students who are orphans, they can be from any region but they will have to pass Pokemon University entrance test along with scholarship test. Some students are given scholarships directly if they are in top 5 of entrance exam, like Ethan who ranked first among 10,000 students who applied for Pokemon University Entrance this year.

Even after getting enrolled, in first year only top 50% students are promoted directly to Second year and those who aren't promoted get option to choose from other programmes offered by University, like Medical, Breeding, ranger etc. They also get option to try again after one year and also only one time (without giving pokemon university entrance again) but competition become much tougher for them, as only Top 10% from those students are promoted.

That's why there are only around 15-20 students who get graduated each year and other enrolled either go to other fields or join as individual trainers after age of 15 years by registering themselves from any Gym around Kanto region. (Also there might be question about why they don't give pokemon entrance test again, so to answer that, Pokemon University takes enrollment of students aged only 10 years and not above that, in certain exceptional cases they can consider 11 year old or younger trainer if they get recommendation from authorized personnel.)

Ethan was also aware of this fact, but he wanted to become a trainer like Ash Ketcham and Gary Oak who were leaders of previous generation from Kanto Region.

After around 15 minutes it was Ethan's turn to show his ticket and ID card. "Please place your ID card and ticket over the scanner." Said the trainer responsible for checking tickets of his row.

Ethan obediently put his ticket and ID card on scanner as he was asked, "Ethan Smith, new enrollment from Mulberry City." Said the trainer and gestured him to enter ship, Ethan took back his Trainer ID and ticket then entered ship. He looked around for a while and finally found his cabin at 1st floor of ship, which was cabin no. 223, he entered the cabin and looked around, it was a small cabin with one bed, table, chair and television.

After around 20 Minutes ship made a loud sound, it means that ship was now ready to depart, Journey to Pokemon University was of around 14 hrs. and they will reach Pokemon university at around 7 in morning next day.

On the port, William who was standing in middle of crowd was looking at ship which was departing, "All the best son." he murmured, his Scizor who was standing beside him, put her arm on his shoulder. William looked at Scizor and smiled then he said, "I guess its time we return to city."

Chapter Ends.