
Episode 209: Newyear!

The sun has risen through the horizon, and everyone starts to wake up in an unusual manner for today is the last day of this year. And of course, who wouldn't be excited for the upcoming year? New adventures and new conquests awaits!

Nine in the morning, the four of us start to wake up. Of course, what could be a better way than to cherish the remaining hours of this year by walking around with your Pokemons?

Ah, yes. With our Pokemons by our side, we went to the fields of Meteor Town just to fiddle with one another. Me, Lucario, Shaymin, and the rest of the gang! Just by looking at their faces, I can say. I've done a decent job raising them up like a father.

From Kirlia to Gardevoir, Scyther to Scizor, Treecko to Sceptile, and many more. I do hope that for the upcoming years, we will continue to adore one another.

As for Kira, bonding with her Pokemon is a must. Especially with her newly evolved Piloswine. Have I mentioned that?

On the other of the field, Glade could be seen training with his Pokemons for one last time before a new year starts. And as for Camellia, she's quite silent nowadays. Perhaps something is bothering her mind.

The clock strikes twelve, and it is lunch. Thankfully, this town is bountiful with old-fashioned restaurants and diners. It's been a long time since I've eaten Unagi and Soba.

And as we eat, I just realized that this will be our last lunch of the year. And since it is a last, me and Lucario will be spending it wisely by eating a plethora of Soba!

As we eat our lunch, let's see what the rest of the region is doing. Of course, New Year occurs not only for us but for everyone in the whole world. Although, we may be a bit advanced since our timestamp is two hours ahead from the Galar and Kalos Region.

At Silvent City, Zhery could be found with her Pokemons, resting on an inn. This will be her first time to spend New Year with only the image of her mother. Sometimes, she would shed a tear, hoping for the wheels of time to revolve back to the way things were.

The Elite Four and the Pokemon Police Department will also be spending their New Year with their loved ones and families. Draco, Melody, Alice, and Groyle. For one day, they will be separating to return to their homelands.

What about the gym leaders? Ah yes, gym challenges are closed too. Of course, even Gym Leaders have their own family such as Admiral Brook's grandchildren, Avery's husband, the couple gym leader, Florence, and his daughter, Morduk and Zedrick, and many more.

With a patient heart, we wait for the arrival of dusk. The clock strikes three, and the cooking begins. Camellia and Kira go to the kitchen just to bake pastries and cook fine cuisine.

Meanwhile, me and Glade will also be helping out with the additional chores. As for Shaymin, I could say! She's the most excited out of all of us. Sometimes, she would run around and peek through the window, just to wait for the sun to set. With a wagging tail, her eyes couldn't resist the urge to look unto the horizon of our motherland.

And right, I almost forgot. New Year is known as the most peaceful festival since, during that time, crime rates drop to zero which gives me a guess that even the regime enjoys the festival.

The clock strikes six, and the sun begins to set. Everything is prepared and set, especially the food on the table. Now, only a few hours remain before the advent of new beginnings.

In Silvent City, Zhery sits on a hilltop with her Pokemon. She stares at the orange hues brought upon by the sunset while remembering her mother's image. The first tear broke loose, and the rest followed like a stream.

Meanwhile, the citizens of Laurenburg head to their backyards or perhaps to their outdoors. They wait patiently, while fiddling with one another.

The clock strikes nine, and everyone remains in silence. This is their final moments to spend time with their Pokemons. Me? Alongside with my Pokemons and friends and their Pokemons, we sit on a hilltop, stargazing at the twilight blanket.

On our grasps, are the lanterns that will drift across the sky in a few hours. The clock strikes to the final hour of the year, eleven in the evening. We wait for the signal, the final tick.

Seconds turned into minutes, and it finally reaches the year's last-minute, eleven fifty-nine. To be honest, this is the only time when my parents allow me to sleep late with Riolu, but things changed recently after their death.

The countdown then begins, ten seconds before the upcoming year. With a single voice, the people of Laurenburg recited the countdown. From Elites, Gym leaders, to us, all in one, our voices remain in perfect sync.

The timer reaches zero, and yes, all the burdens are finally behind us. Welcome to a brand new year. Without another moment to lose, we drift our lanterns across the sky, giving it a beautiful array of colors.

I look around, and I could see lanterns coming from different parts of the region. From my hometown to the obvious Dracovolt City up ahead.

A New Year is definitely no time for sadness, and that includes Zhery. After shedding all those tears, she finally glances unto the night sky, watching the lanterns drift off, carrying our hopes and dreams.

As for Camellia, she sheds a tear, hoping to see her mother again. From the dungeon, her mother watches the celebration from an arc-shaped window, remembering her daughter.

The streets begin to make noises to drive away those hefty spirits. Well, I do not believe in that kind of culture, but it is our tradition.

And you may ask, what about me? I feel a bit scared for what is to come and at the same time, I feel happy since only two months remain before the Pokemon League commences and sad, since my parents aren't physically with me and Lucario to watch the lanterns.

I then look to my Pokemons, and beam with determination and encouragement. "Alright, everyone! We're still far from achieving our dream, and this is only the beginning. We're one step closer to the Pokemon League!"