
EPISODE 190: Thawing the Heart of Ice!

"Welcome to the Glacevelt gym. Please look at the CCTV so we could identify you." The person speaking through the mic at the control room instructed. At the right corner of the entrance was the CCTV, I waved my hand and smiled pleasantly.

"Identification complete. Are those two challengers as well?"

"Um, no. They're my friends. I'm the only challenger." I explained through the speaker which is located beside the door.

"Oh, I see. Only one of your friends can watch the gym battle. This rule must be abided, if not... you will be prohibited to battle the gym leader."

"Me Kalem! Me! Let me be the one to come with you." Camellia leaped and volunteered with eagerness and enthusiasm.

"Wait, what about me!?" Glade complained.

"No! I'll be the one to watch Kalem!" Camellia suddenly infuriated and enraged while glaring at Glade.

"Are you alright Camellia? Cause you're usually not hot-tempered." Glade giggled and teased sarcastically.

"Please pick a friend already! The gym leader is waiting." The person watching through the CCTV instructed.

"Glade, since Camellia asked first, she'll be the one to watch me."

"What will I do then!? I can't just wait here outside." Glade complained.

"Just explore the city. This gym battle will be quick, I promise." I uttered with certainty while holding one of his shoulders.

"Ah fine. Just hurry up. I'll be waiting outside." Glade enraged and sat down on the stairs. Me and Camellia were given access to the gym.

The two metal doors, opened slowly, making squeaky and screeching noises. As I stepped inside of the gym, I could feel the cold wind running through my spine. Everything is covered with ice and snow.

The two metal doors automatically shut and locked after stepping inside. Me and Lucario were shivering due to the cold aroma and ambiance. I was surprised to see Camellia looking fine. Her body didn't dare to shiver, not even by a bit. How was she able to adapt to cold surroundings easily? The last time I checked, she was afraid of cold and harsh weather.

"Good day to both of you. I am Vermont, the referee of the Glacevelt gym." A tall man, wearing a black tuxedo and white gloves, about the same age as Mr.Florence greeted us. Camellia gave the man a malicious scowl, he looked seemingly familiar to her.

"Nice to meet you Vermont! I am Kalem, and this is my buddy Lucario. We're here to challenge the gym leader... Oh, and by the way, this is my friend Camellia." I introduced with exuberance and energy. Who wouldn't be excited during a gym battle?

"Oh, Kalem is it? What... a wonderful name. Please, follow me to the battlefield." Vermont giggled with a malicious smirk. He enabled the passcode which only he and the other guards know about. Not even the gym leader knows the password, this is to avoid so-called "imposters"

The doors opened and the cold wind blew against my face. The battlefield looks like a large ballroom back in the medieval times. Ice sculptures of the gym leader's image shrouds the sides of the gym. On top of us was a large hanging chandelier, made out of pure ice. What's in front is the one which bothered me the most. A large replica of the gym badge made out of ice can be found on the gym leader's side. The C symbol gave tingles to my spine, I was starting to suspise something about this city and gym. Camellia watched and observed while leaning her body on the doors of the entrance.

"Camellia, aren't you going to seat on the balcony?" I questioned.

"Nah it's fine. I'll watch from here, the view is remarkable from this angle anyway." Camellia refused while twirling her fingers on her vibrant hair. I have a feeling something bad is happening, even Vermont didn't seem friendly anymore after realizing my name.

Outside the gym, Glade was filled with boredom from waiting. He counted the pebbles on the street with his Mienfoo. An old man approached him after awhile. He begged help from the bored boy.

"Excuse me young child, could you please help me. My Pokemon has gone missing all of a sudden, have you seen a Crobat around here?" The old man questioned.

"Sorry but I haven't seen any Crobats."

"You seem like a nice child. Mind if you help an old man like me find a Crobat?"

"Well, since my friend is in the gym anyways. I could help you." Glade smiled pleasantly and stood up. He and the old man shook each other's hand and agreed to help each other. Glade and Shaymin went with the old man to help him find his Crobat.


"May I present to you, Glacevelt's only darling, Gym Leader Emerald!" Vermont proclaimed as the two doors of the gym leader's side began to open. Me and Lucario were getting worried as the doors continued to open widely.

Gym Leader Emerald proceeded to the battlefield. Cousin was right, the gym leader loves to wear masks. A black Pantalone mask covered the gym leader's face and eyes. Her mask was able to intimidate me and Lucario. She wears a dress made out of the color and beauty of ice as so as her glass slippers.

"This will be a six on six Pokemon battle. The match ends when either side has no longer Pokemons to battle with. If the challenger wins, he shall be awarded with the frost badge." Vermont announced.

Gym Leader Emerald dared not to talk. She kept her mouth zipped with her eyes on me and Lucario. She knows how powerful we are, and she's aware of my mega stones.

"Please send out your first Pokemon!" Vermont instructed.

"Alright! Mawile, You're up first!"

"...." Emerald tosses her first Pokeball! She sends out Jynx, a Pokemon which looked like a mermaid with blond hair.

"Let the Glacevelt gym challenge begin!" Vermont proclaimed.

"Mawile use Fire Fang!"

"Jynx, use Blizzard to push Mawile back!" Emerald uses an automated voice from her mask. Her real voice passes the small microchip inside her mask. Afterward, the microchip edits the voice, thus it sounds different from the outside of the mask.

"Mawile, we can do this! Now use Fairy wind this time!"

*Jynx was unable to react quickly due to Mawile's swift speed.*

"Jynx, now use Ice punch on Mawile!"

"Counter with Ice punch as well!"

*Jynx and Mawile faced each other. Both tried to find a weak spot to land the punch.*

"Jynx, grab Mawile's fang then switch to Seismic Toss!"

<Jynx! Jynx!>Jynx's voice was elegant just like Liligant's voice. She tossed the foe to the sky dealing a grave damage on steel types like Mawile.

"Mawile is no longer able to battle! Trainer Kalem, please send out your next Pokemon." Vermont instructed.

"That was quick. Jynx is immensely strong, but how could that be!? Mawile, return to your Pokeball.............. It is your turn to attack, rise and shine Heatmor!"

"Let this battle continue!"

"Jynx, use Blizzard once more!"

"Heatmor, thaw them down with Incinerate!"

*All those icy shards heading to Jynx melted into thin air and moisture.*

"Now, use dig Heatmor!"

*Heatmor went underground! Jynx remained calm and firm, however.*

"Jynx use Ice punch on the ground!"

<Heat!>Heatmor blasted back up to the battlefield.

"Now use Seismic Toss on Heatmor!"

"Jynx is also a fast Pokemon... This is bad." I uttered with worry and bother on my mind.

*Heatmor descended back to the ground looking wounded and badly injured.*

"Heatmor, stand up! I believe in you."

"Jynx, use Hydrocannon and finish Heatmor!"

*A ball formed and forged out of the water element was sent towards Heatmor. The foe flinched as the attack traveled closer.*

"Heatmor is unable to battle! Trainer Kalem, please send out your next Pokemon!" Vermont instructed.

"Heatmor you did a good job. Now return to your Pokeball!

How could a Jynx be that powerful? There must be a way to counter it!"

"Kalem, let me battle and defeat Jynx, then substitute me afterward," Lucario suggested.

"Ok bud! I trust you in this one, Lucario I choose you!" Determination and confidence was restored on my heart while Lucario's eyes glared at Jynx.

"Use Blizzard once more Jynx!"

"Lucario, Use Vacuum wave and send the attack back!"

<Lucar! Lucar!>Jynx's attack backlashed due to the wind unleashed by Lucario's arm.

"Now Lucario, use Aura Sphere this time!"

"Quick Jynx! Dodge the sphere."

<Jynx! Jynx!>The foe tried to dodge the move as fast as she could but failed. The sphere succumbed and perished Jynx.

"Lucario, follow it up with Force Palm!"

*Lucario glides through the ice with ease. His paws are slippery, plus all those skating practices in Enju town finally paid off.*

"Continue Lucario! Hit her hard!"

<Lucar! Lucar! Lucar!>Jynx was gravely damaged my Lucario's numerous force palms.

"Jynx is no longer able to battle! Gym leader Emerald, please send your next Pokemon!" Vermont instructed. Lucario overdid things and accidently wounded Jynx too much.

"....." Gym Leader Emerald sends out ???


"Ah!? Where am I? Where am I?" Camellia's consciousness returned. Her sight slowly returned as well after waking up inside one of the cubicles. Camellia was tied up inside, with no way to escape. The door of the cubicle is blocked with a large and heavy stone from the outside.

"Absol! Liligant! Anyone, help me!" Camellia started to gasp for air as her heart started to beat harder due to her panicking spirit. She tried to reach for her Pokeballs but the grip of the rope was too tight.

"Where are my Pokeballs!? Where are my Pokemons!?" Camellia felt that her Pokeballs were missing in her pocket. She wiggled and squirm in hopes of removing herself from the rope's tight grip.

"Help! Anyone! Please... please answer my plead!" Camellia begged. while trying to escape.

When all hope seems lost, Camellia heard the stone fall and crumble to the floor. Someone outside the cubicle was able to see and hear Camellia's plead. It seems to me that the spy was supposed to tie her mouth with a piece of cloth but forgot to do it.

"Camellia, what happened!?" The woman with a black cloth on her face revealed her identity after breaking into Cubicle's locked door.

"Hemera!? Please help me. Kalem is in danger, a clone is behind all of this." Camellia explained.

"A clone!? Zhery was right after all. Quick, we must go to the gym right now!" Hemera uttered and untied Camellia from the ropes.

"Zhery told you!? But how did she know?"

"Something about the Elite and the champion congregation thingy. She called me at midnight, when I was in the middle of my sleep.

I can't show my identity, the guards you see are grunts acting like members of the department. All of them know who I am because I am a former commander." Hemera explained while covering her face with a black cloth again.

"Do you think, Kalem will be able to determine which is which? The clone sounded like me, and acted like me. Plus, she stole my Pokemons."

"Of course! Kalem is your best friend, he'll notice a slight difference between you and the clone. Plus, if the clone uses your Pokemons, they won't obey it since they know your real scent." Hemera explained and reassured.

A missing cloth corrupted the whole mission. If only the spy did her job properly and placed the cloth on Camellia's mouth, who knows? Maybe Hemera wouldn't be able to hear her.

Still, even if Camellia escapes, entering the gym will be like entering area fifty-one. The city is filled with grunts, and most of them know about the ongoing mission. What unexpected things could lie ahead? Only time will tell as the journey continues...