
Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime

Pokemon world, An land of fantasy, Adventure, Fun right? Wrong! Pokemon world is a ruthless vengeful world which is a trap in which many fall into. Come lets explore what exactly this world is with Ryan. Inspired by Pokemon: Master of tactics

Studious_Author · Anime et bandes dessinées
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85 Chs

Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime Ch80

"Silence" A voice boomed.

Every trainer was startled. They all turned towards the source of the voice. All of them saw a man with a Military outfit, black hair, and hazel eyes. He had a well-built body. He also had a jagged scar going upwards from his jaw to his eyebrow and an aura that said 'no nonsense'.

Some idiots who think the world revolves around them dared to question the man.

"Who the heck are you old man?" said an idiot

"Who do you think you are ordering?" said a moron.

Do they don't understand? He is wearing the Kanto Military uniform and is high up the ranks.

"I am Lieutenant Ronald. I am assigned to defend the Cerulean City from the Pokemon horde," he said making everyone go silent. The morons who insulted him were sweating bullets. They hadn't expected he was a person affiliated with the military.

Lt. Ronald just glared at the fools before continuing "I'll go straight to the point. This wave is not like the others. The reason? This is a wave coming from the Cerulean Forest also known as 'Grove of Death'. This is classified as an S-rank mission with the 5-star threat".

Ryan's and Steven's eyes widened. They have heard how the military ranks missions and how they handle the threats. The threats are the opponents in the battle. There are a total of 6 divisions in threats. 1 star, 2 stars, 3 stars, 4 stars, 5 stars, and finally the 6 star.

1 star- Can be handled easily by the trainers in the City

2 star- Can be handled but backup is necessary.

3-star- Military will be involved along with a few elite trainers.

4 star- The military will be sending reinforcements. Gym leaders would be also needed.

5 star- Elite four will be needed to handle the threat. Thus, the military and the trainers need to stall the threat for reinforcements to come.

6 star- An national crisis and potentially an International level threat. Team Chaos is an example of that.

Steven and Ryan looked at each other before they turned toward Lt. Ronald.

"It seems like few of you know what I am talking about." Lt. Ronald said smirking at Ryan and Steven.

"Anyway, you will be segregated into groups to defend the City. Fortunately for us, all the threats are coming from the Northern direction, meaning we don't need to stretch out our defenses thin. The plan will be briefed to you after you have been segregated.

Your groups will be given soon. Also if you want to drop out, drop out now. You may die in the battle." Lt. Ronald said.

Soon Lt. Ronald went back to his quarters. As soon as Lt. Ronald left the whole hall burst into whispers. Most of them were afraid they would die while some of them were sure that they can nab a Pokemon while they are battling.

"Fools," Ryan said.

"What do you mean," asked Steven.

"They think the battle is easy. They don't know the amount of carnage they would be facing. I am positive that at least a third of us will be killed" Ryan said.

Steven could only nod grimly since what Ryan had told was the truth. Soon after, the groups were given. Luckily for Ryan and Steven, they were in the same group. They headed to their group's room where the briefing would be held.

As they went in they saw a woman who looked like an assistant. She wore a black coat and skirt which reached to her knee. She had a notepad with her.

"It seems like everyone has arrived. I shall get started with the briefing," she said.

Everyone nodded as they turned their head towards the screen which was currently blank. She switched on her computer showing the details of the wave.

"In this wave, the Pokemon we have to face are mainly water types, so if you have grass types or electric types it would be very helpful for you. This group is also the heavy assault and tank group. You would be in the center where the Pokemons will be coming in large amounts.

We have chosen you because you are the trainers who have electric-type Pokemon or Pokemon resistant to water. The main Pokemon you will be facing will be the Azumarill line, Golduck Line, Onix line, and finally the Golbat line" she said.

"You said we will be the center of the defense. Do you mean we will be taking Pokemon head-on?" a Boy asked.

"Yes," she said crisply.

"What?! That is outrageous. We are only 20 to 30 people. We also have to stretch the defense to cover the center properly!" the boy shouted.

"Don't worry reinforcements will be provided. Not only that there is a Defensive wall where you can take refuge and counter. If you have any more complaints go to Lt. Ronald" she said.

After a few questions she told "Military vehicles would be waiting for you in half an hour sharp. They will take you to the zone you have been assigned to. The wave will start tomorrow so be ready" she said and walked away.

Soon the briefing was over. Steven and Ryan went outside Association and started to plan strategies with the data they were given. Soon enough the Military vehicles came to get them transported to the zone they are in charge of.

Ryan and Steven boarded the vehicle as it headed off towards the central zone.

"Good Luck lads. Hopefully, we will see you in one piece" the driver said as he took off. Ryan took a look at the Zone they were in charge of. They were only told which zone but they didn't get a layout of the Zone.

The Zone was advantageous to them. Ryan called Steven and they thoroughly scanned the area. They can make proper defenses before sundown. They tried to rally others but they didn't listen to them.

They took everything upon them and started to lay out the defenses they had planned. It was not until night time they had finished their work. Thankfully some competent members helped them with their plans or else they would have to work non-stop without a wink of sleep.

They went to their rooms to get rest. According to the reports, the wave will start tomorrow but the accurate time was not given. The only thing they know is that the battle will commence tomorrow morning.