
Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime

Pokemon world, An land of fantasy, Adventure, Fun right? Wrong! Pokemon world is a ruthless vengeful world which is a trap in which many fall into. Come lets explore what exactly this world is with Ryan. Inspired by Pokemon: Master of tactics

Studious_Author · Anime et bandes dessinées
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85 Chs

Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime Ch64

Soon Ryan along with Alex and Alicia started to return towards the exit of Cerulean forest after bidding farewell to Marco and Lisa. They started to jump form branch to branch -or glide in Alicia's case- reaching the exit at a rapid speed.

"You said you knew we were a Aura guardian and Psychic how did you exactly find out?" Alicia asked. Alex also turned his head towards Ryan wanting to know how hw knew.

"It was pretty easy. If a person is Aura Guardian he/she can sense other person's Aura and whether it is active or not. I found that Alex's Aura was active. Not only that he acted like an empath when he is facing a pokemon. He also took impulsive decision when he is around pokemon. This is usually the case with Aura Guardian's empath ability force them to act like that. They full rely on instinct.

As for how I found you are a Psychic, it was easier than Alex's. Usually when twins are born they share the same ability. They either are born with Aura or not born with Aura. Anything that is spiritually concerned for a twins is connected to each other but you didn't have Aura. I then observed your behavior you were polar opposite of your brother calm thinking rationally. I then concluded that you have Psychic energy which is the only thing that overrides the original traits of a person." Ryan said making as the twins got surprised.

This was something they never thought of. They just thought that no one will know their abilities since they were polar opposites but to think that itself gave away their abilities. They should be more careful since their maybe people as smart as Ryan.

"If we follow the logic you told us then why couldn't I sense your Aura?" Alex asked.

"The answer is simple. I have both Aura and Psychic energy which are polar opposites. They contradict each other just like fire and ice. Just like how a normal water forms when you heat Ice, the same way both of my abilities suppressed other not making able to detect them" Ryan said.

"If they suppress each other then you wouldn't be able to use them. Then how are you able to. . ." she trailed away.

"I know where Aura reservoir is located along with Psychic energy. I just pull the power from the region making me able to use them at once." said Ryan.

After some more questions, they started to travel silently. It was sundown when they reached the exit of the Cerulean Forest. They started to discuss and decided that Ryan would take Wendell's pokemon and Marco's Ace while the others would be taken by Alex and Alicia.

Marco's Ace was his Magmortar. A powerful fire type that was native to the Sinnoh region. A mamar needs to use Magmarizer which are usually found in Sinnoh.

Ryan and the twins parted their ways. Alicia and Alex went forward towards Pewter City while Ryan headed towards Cerulean City.

Soon Ryan rushed towards the Pokecenter to contact Prof. Oak. Soon after he reached the PokeCenter he healed his pokemon and called Prof. Oak through Porygon Phone.

"Porygon call Prof. Oak" Ryan commanded Porygon.

[Yes master] it replied.

Soon Ryan saw Prof. Oak in the screen.

"Oh Ryan it seems like you have returned! How did the trip go?" he asked.

"Prof. Oak I have to talk about Wendell. Can you send a Psychic pokemon so that I can come there?" Ryan asked Prof. Oak.

Seeing the seriousness in his voice and eyes Prof. Oak became serious. He knew that Ryan is not someone who jokes around. For someone like him to become serious like this. . . It must be a very serious business.

"My Alakazam must have teleported there" Oak said.

Soon Ryan saw an Alakazam and went towards it. Alakazam teleported Ryan to Professor Oak's laboratory.

"What is it Ryan" asked Prof. Oak.

"Lets go to a private room" said Ryan as they went to a sound proof room.

"Porygon make sure no one can wiretap or hack the cameras to eavesdrop on us" said Ryan

"Ryan what is this? you are making me nervous" said Prof. Oak.

"Professor the issue I'm telling you is very serious." said Ryan

Oak motioned him to continue.

"Professor when we left to the Cerulean Forest everything was fine. We started to go towards the lake to gather data. We also caught some elite level pokemon. I myself caught a Level 51 Seismitoad. What we don't know was that Wendell was not what he showed he was.

When we went into the deepest part of the forest we came across Champion level Ursaring. We somehow managed to avoid with the help of Porygon as a translator. Wendell soon expressed his wish to catch the Ursaring but all of us told its impossible.

After an day we reached the lake. The one of the team's member Marc fell terribly ill. So we left one of us to look after them. When we returned after gathering data we saw that Marco was dead due to the illness and Lisa was missing.

This was just the starting. After burying Marco we went towards the Lake to pack our thing only to see Lisa dead with herbs on her hand. Soon at night we decided to go after we see the Glowing Cerulean waves. That's when Wendell started to attack Alex with poisoned knife. The problem was that the poison was Lacrimae Luctus Mortis" Ryan explained as his tone became grim at the end.

"Ryan please tell me you are joking. The poison you just told was highly illegal. In fact it is very illegal that just uttering its name will result in penalty. To own it means instant death!" Professor Oak said.

"Professor this not the only thing he had he also had Essentia Eternus (essence of eternal slumber) which he used on Lisa and Essentia Nihili (essence of nothingness)" Ryan said.

Professor Oak was frozen in shock. Both Essentia Eternus and Essentia Nihili are highly illegal. Thy can only be used by the top individuals of the Council. They are used to counter poison or used as euthanasia. If used outside that the punishment is death penalty.

"This is an serious issue Ryan. I'll try to solve this as immediately as possible" Prof. Oak said seriously.

"Prof. that is not the worst thing" Ryan said slowly.

"What?" Prof. Oak said not liking where this is going. All the things Ryan mentioned were used 2 decades ago between the battles between Chaos and Council.

"Wendell told that he is from team Cipher. To prove his point he also used a shadow pokemon" said Ryan.

"This is troubling. . . If what you said was true then the world is at risk" said Prof. Oak.

"Professor there is good thing in this" said Ryan.

"Ryan what good news are there in this grim situation" asked Prof. Oak

"Professor, Wendell used an weird orb to 'turn' his pokemon into a shadow pokemon. Meaning there is a way to reverse the process. Not only that my theory of mega evolution is also verified as Wendell used a device to evolve a pokemon a stage further" said Ryan.

Prof. Oak was flabbergasted if what Ryan had told was true then they have a chance to fight against Cipher. Not only that they can save the life of lot of pokemon!

"Thanks for telling this to me Ryan. I'll make my move immediately" said Prof. Oak

Soon Ryan left using Kirlia to Cerulean city. As he left Oak plopped on the couch. Soon a dimensional whole opened near Oak and a pokemon came out.

"What do you want now Celebi?" asked Prof. Oak