
Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime

Pokemon world, An land of fantasy, Adventure, Fun right? Wrong! Pokemon world is a ruthless vengeful world which is a trap in which many fall into. Come lets explore what exactly this world is with Ryan. Inspired by Pokemon: Master of tactics

Studious_Author · Anime et bandes dessinées
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85 Chs

Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime Ch38

Ryan saw the information of Gardevoir and was impressed. She was one strong pokemon alright!. Ralts on the other hand had a lot of potential. When she evolves she will breakthrough the Primordial talent.

With this Ryan has 7 pokemons. Thanks to his NanoDex he can keep more pokemon than he actually can. He is also collecting data for professor Oak.

Right now Ryan is going to Gardevoir's home. It was a ordinary cave with a cozy & homey feeling. Gardevoir couldn't come inside due to the memories of poachers coming to get her were not easy for her to bear.

As he went inside he saw a large amount resources. These included pearls of different sizes, evolutionary stones of different qualities. There were also gold nuggets which could be sold for a high price.

The poachers had 1 elite pokemon each totaling 6 elite pokemon. They also had a lot of money with them. He went ahead and checked their ship. Ryan soon found a laptop and found that they had massive funds with them. He immediately hacked them and transported to his account.

He also left a misleading trails which had branching paths which all branched further. The twist is that every one of them leads to a dead end. He also had set up leads here and there that leads them to other peoples accounts.

Ryan after collecting the valuables kept it in his TR device. The most valuable things he found was the Galladite and the Gardevoirite in the cave where Gardevoir and Gallade lived.

Ryan soon trained his pokemon to an extent that they can sleep soundly in yellow regions. Pikachu has now progressed to the phase 2 of the Fusion Bolt. Golbat has made excellent progress in move mastery. Torracat had also made progress using its power. Now with the power it has, it can unleash devastating moves.

Dreepy has made progress in Shadow Force along with Giratina. With his speed he almost made it a one turn move. Usually moves like Shadow Force, Fly, Dig are two turn moves. First the pokemon prepares for the move and then goes for the kill.

Dreepy has almost made the move into a one turn move. Meaning he prepares and hits on the first turn. There are 10 more days for the tournament. Ryan has to train hard if he wants to win it. After all the people who attend the tournament may have elite pokemon.

As he was thinking this, he saw Gardevoir teaching Beldum, Ralts and Pikachu about their Psychic abilities. Pikachu having genes of a Alolan Riachu has psychic type moves but he needs guidance in it as it is not his natural element.

Beldum being a natural Psychic type is learning psychic moves. He is also starting to accumulate energy in him so that he can evolve when the time is right.

Ralts just like her mother is very proficient in both Fairy type and Psychic type moves. Unfortunately her energy reservoir is quite small making all her moves less powerful. This problem has been solved by telling she will gain more power by evolving and using psychic type resources.

Currently Ryan is using his own aura along with berries to feed his pokemon. His aura acts as a medium which can strengthen them. He is also teaching his pokemon about aura, so that the power of the move will increase. For now only Pikachu has been able to use aura and strengthen his move, but other pokemon have been able to draw their aura.

Pikachu: He has a powerful aura which represent his element Electric. His aura looks like a thunder storm which destroys anything in its path. His aura crackles with lightning ready to smite anything.

Dreepy: Dreepy has an powerful draconic aura. His aura will be used for maximum carnage. He also has ghostly aura. He is like a spiritual disaster which does nothing to your body but breaks your mind, destroys your soul and banishes it to the oblivion.

Golbat: He has an toxic aura. His aura will melt and kill everyone with its lethal poison. His aura bubbles up like acid which destroys anything it touches. His gentle aura of his Flying type has negated the violent behavior due to Poison type aura.

Torracat: Torracat has an aura which rages like the flame. His aura is like the volcano. It lays dormant but when it becomes active it erupts and destroys everything. Nothing but embers and ash remain.

Beldum: It has an aura that flows around it like a liquid metal. An appropriate example would be Gallium, Mercury. Usually Steel types have aura which are like hard metals like iron, gold. Since Beldum has psychic type too it makes the sturdy aura flowing.

Gardevior: It has an aura which charms everyone. It also has an allure. Its aura can be perfectly described as Rose. It may look beautiful but has thorns around it which pricks anyone who comes to pick it.

Ralt: Ralts also has the same aura like Gardevoir but it is less devoloped. It will develop and become powerful when she evolves.

For now that is all the information Ryan has on his pokemon's aura. He also knows one thing for sure. Before attending the tournament his Pikachu will enter the elite level even though it just the bare beginning of the elite level.

Ryan has a gut feeling that there will be a participant with elite level pokemon. He has been researching about elite level pokemons and found out that the power level between Lv.39 & Lv.40 is massive. So he must have an Elite level pokemon if he wants to win the tournament.

Ryan continued his journey to other resource regions which were near the teleportation point. But there was a problem. The nearest resource region is surrounded by orange level region meaning there will be elite pokemon roaming around.

Ryan decided that he will try and go to orange region. He packed his things and gathered his pokemons. "Guys we are going to go a hostile region which have few elite level pokemon. So we have to be vigilant" Ryan said to his pokemon.

The pokemon nodded and stared their journey.