
Chapter-38:Fuchsia gym part-3(Final)

3rd POV

Everyone has arrived at the battlefield in anticipation of what is to come in this match.

Koga arrived at the scene with a calm expression on his face, as if the previous defeat didn't affect him in any way.

"Shall we start the next match? " Kenta asked him

"I agree... " Koga told him.

"Both the gym leader and the challenger...get ready for the second round of the battle. " Aya announced.

"Crowbat go...I choose you " Koga replied.

"Go Pikachu " Kenta replied.

"[I am going to kick the bat up]" Pikachu replied in a sassy tone with confidence.

Both Crowbat and Pikachu has positioned themselves.

"Pikachu use thunderbolt " Kenta replied.

Pikachu attacked Crowbat with a thunderbolt, which Crowbat has dodged with ease.

"Crowbat use poison fang " Koga replied.

"Pikachu use iron tail " Kenta replied with a confident smile.

That is really a good move...Iron tail is a very good choice to counter a poison-type move like Poison fang.

Pikachu didn't receive any damage from the exchange, but crowbat on the other hand flew back a little with recoil.

"Crowbat use sludge bomb " Koga commanded Crowbat.

"Pikachu use agility to dodge it " Kenta replied and Pikachu dodged the sludge bomb with ease and grace. Pikachu approached Crowbat's back by moving at light speed.

"Pikachu use thunderbolt " Kenta replied to Pikachu who has found Crowbat's critical point.

Unfortunately, Crowbat couldn't avoid it and is deeply affected by Thunderbolt...But it hasn't managed to knock Crowbat off.

"[Damn, With that hit it shouldn't have been knocked off...I guess plot armor is working against us. I feel we aren't like the protagonist here...We use well-timed moves but still, the gym leader's pokemon survive here. ]" Pikachu pointed out.

"Crowbat use whirlwind to blow the Pikachu off " Koga replied.

Crowbat produced fast and strong winds to send Pikachu to the other side of the ring.

"Pikachu use agility and then use electro ball " Kenta commanded Pikachu.

Before Pikachu can blow to the other side, Pikachu has managed to perform agility and manage to produce an electro ball and throw it towards Crowbar...

The electro ball hit Crowbat and everyone had expected it to finish crowbat up...But to everyone's surprise, Crowbat is still standing.

"How did it, survive. Agility *2 times electro ball hit it...And a thunderbolt hit it previously...How in the world a flying type pokemon survived that hit " Kenta asked him with surprise.

"A ninja is always rough and never gives up...Tha's Crowbat's ninja way " Koga replied.

"[I swear I think I am going against a shounen mc here, The next hit better knock it off ]" Pikachu replied with disdain.

"Crowbat use confusion ray " Koga replied.

"Pikachu close your eyes and use your aura to sense Crowbat out...and don't make it sound like you know about aura " Kenta sent an aura message to Pikachu.

"[ Ok so I am maintaining a low profile and I should beat Crowbat by sensing its location right]"Pikachu replied.

Pikachu closed his eyes and concentrated on his own aura and detected Crowbat's location...Pikachu lunge forward towards Crowbat and..

"Now...Volt tackle " Kenta commanded.

"[Bravo six...Going dark]" Pikachu replied with his own eccentric tone.

Pikachu produced an electric field against his own body and charged electricity in his body and lunged towards Crowbat hitting him on contact with voltage. Pikachu received some recoil damage by the volt tackle move.

"[There is no way crowbat could survive...I am deeply hurt by recoil damage...There is no way crowbat can't take too many blows ]"Pikachu replied hoping it would end

Crowbat struggled up for a few minutes and has managed to stand up for a few minutes...Before his exhausted body pulled its a body down.

Even Aya is shocked at Koga's defeat...Koga's eyes blanked out the entire time...it's like Kenta prepared for each of his moves...Kenta looked like an unbeatable fortress in the second round...Koga wondered how he improved himself compared to the first round where Kenta struggled. How can Kenta change his position so quickly and gain an upper hand against him?

"[I want to battle, but the body doesn't listen to me ]" Crowbat complained.

"Crowbat has fainted.... the winner of this round and battle is Kenta Kiyoshi and Pikachu " Aya has replied after she has recovered from her shock.

"Crowbat NO...How could this happen " Koga replied.

"Well, I can say why... " Kenta replied to him.

"Since the beginning of our battle, you underestimated my strength of me...Whether your opponent is an infant or an old man, doesn't mean that he won't have any chance to beat you up...Your resilience is admirable...But in the end, you lost" Kenta told him.

"How...are you pokemon so strong " Koga replied while still being in shock.

"My pokemon are not the strongest in the bunch, but they are perfectly prepared for this battle. I prepared completely for you, and you haven't prepared to battle against my team...So it is obvious who won...I won't pay it much mind...But can we finish the proceedings...I want my badge after all " Kenta replied.

Koga gritted his teeth, he lost the battle and he accepted his defeat after some time. But he has formed newfound respect for Kenta.

"I have marked you as a random arrogant trainer, but you have managed to prove that your arrogance is justified... here you deserved this badge much more than any trainer here...With little more practice, you could become a world-class trainer " Koga replied to him.

"And with little more practice, you could become an elite four member " Kenta gave Koga some advice.

"Yes, I do that...And my sincere condolences for judging your capability. I hereby offer my apologies for the harsh statements I have made against you. Better luck on your long journey...And I hope you are prepared to overcome your despair and shortcomings with this battle " Koga replied to Kenta.

"Jeez...Now you are forgiving him...after he destroyed you in battle...Now who is arrogant here, Koga " Erika taunted him.

"I don't remember you defeating me either Erika...So shut up until he gives me badge here " Kenta replied to her.

"Hey, Hey whose side are you on...You always oppose me as if I were your sworn enemy. Why is that? Are't I your friend? " Erika replied.

"The point is that you and Koga were the same...Arrogant and yet defeated by me " Kenta replied to her.

"Hey, Hey don't compare me to him...I am becoming better "Erika replied to him.

"Here is the soul badge as proof that you have defeated me..." Koga replied to him while ignoring Erika completely.

"Now they are both ignoring me...How cruel " Erika replied with short tears in her eyes.

"Hold yourself, Erika...I understand your pain " Aya on the other hand consoled her.

And Kenta has managed to 5 badges on his arsenal.

<After leaving the Fuchsia gym>

3rd POV

"Thanks for your cheerleading, I helped me very much " Kenta replied to Erika.

"Oh! And now you are prasing me...Where is this sudden kindness coming from? " Erika asked him.

"On compensation, I will give you ice cream...But I need another body massage from you...and also you have to cook today's dinner for me " Kenta told her.

"I am not your maid to cook and serve you " Erika replied with tough demaour.

"Oh! Then I guess, this ice cream will melt...Then poor ice cream left alone by the owner" Kenta replied.

"Hey...Wait give it back I will do it...For today " Erika replied.

"That's what you have said for 5 days...But you are still doing it...I am using your sweet tooth for a great purpose "Kenta replied

And there goes one of those flirtaeours banters between Kenta and Erika.

Erika is massaging Kenta's whole body while wearing a maid outfit and she is cooking dinner for him like a obident maid she is.

"I need some tea here...Erika " Kenta replied.

"yes...master " Erika replied with an annoyed expression on her face.

"Good girl " Kenta replied while patting her head like an obident servant.

"You are going so far with this whole master-servent thing" Erika told him.

"I could have done much worse " Kenta replied while calmign sipping tea like a British gentleman.

And that's it...That's the chapter after long time.

Thanks for the patience you have.

Comment on the chapter folks.

latheef_shaikcreators' thoughts