
Chapter 26 : Celadon gym part -3

3rd POV

"[Good morning everyone and I am pikachu , Beedrill is with me as an commentor ]"Pikachu announced

"[Is commentary really necessary ]" Beedrill asked Pikachu which ignored

And there the second round of the battle starts

"I choose you Victreebel " Erika let out a pokemon from her pokeball

It seems Erika is serious enough to choose Victreebel over her normal choice Weepingbel .

"Hmm . Pidgeotto come back . "Kenta said

Pidgeotto came back .But surpringsly Kenta didn't call her back to the Pokeball which surprised Erika.Pidgeotto stayed in the gym looking far more relaxed .

"Charmeleon come out " Kenta threw a Pokeball releasing charmeleon from the Pokeball.

Erika is looking troubled now . Not only one but he had two pokemon that have an advantage over her .Even Erika's grass-type field doesn't help her with Charmeleon being a fire type. It can easily burn every glass leaving any field advantage to nill.

"Victreebel Use leech seed. " Erika commanded Victreebel.

Victreebel tried to throw leech at Charmeleon

"Charmeleon burn using flame thrower" Kenta commanded Charmeleon

Charmeleon's flamer thrower completely burned off Victreebel's leech seed

Erika clenched in irritation. This is the reason she don't like battling against fire types . They can burn any grass rendering her grass type pokemon moves useless against them .

Erika almost considers herself mostly to lose this round .All she concentrated is to never give up and to do her drag the match to the end as much as possible.

"Victreebel use poison powder " Erika commanded Victreebel

"Charmeleon counter with smoke screen "kenta ordered Charmeleon

All charmelon could do is to counter with a smokescreen disabling the powder's intensity with the smoke.

The smoke cleared the poison .Due to the poison powder dissolving in the smoke due to adsorption and converting the smoke into the poisonous smoke .

But the perfect adsorption doesn't exist . So it adsorbed 97 percent of the poison powder molecules

"How did it happen . How did you counter the poison powder " Erika asked Kenta

"charmeleon's smoke screen adsorption properties. The entire smoke is adsorbed at the surface of the smoke . The smoke works like charcoal .I have noticed that charmeleon's works like that " Kenta told Erika

"And there is no explanation for facts like why charmeleon smoke works like that . It just does " Kenta told Erika

The truth he still didn't find out why charmeleon smoke screen works like that . He focused on the practical knowledge so much that he ignored to provide theoretical knowledge of 'why it happens'.

He did some experiments to see how pokemon move works . Applying his scientific knowledge into it . Pikachu has semi-conductor properties. And ground types behave like insulators .

He could easily build transistors and diodes using electric types with free of cost .No wonder scientists use electric types.

"[Sorry for poisoning you Charmeleon ]" Beedrill apologized to charmeleon .

"[It's okay you didn't mean any harm and in the end it made me strong ]"Charmeleon replied

"Charmeleon Use flamethrower " Kenta commanded Charmeleon

Charmeleon Used flamethrower on the confused Victreebel .Before Erika could realize what happened.

The victreebel is completely burned and is screaming in agony

"[The girl is on fire ]"Pikachu replied without any tact.

"Victreebel "Erika screamed in concern .

"I will quit .Victreebel comes back " Erika returned the victreebel back . She didn't want her pokemon to suffer anymore.

Clearly, the Charmeleon is strong enough to defeat most of her pokemon in one hit .It's great enough for her victreebel to survive that flames without any fainting.

She knows that every trainer who used fire types like charmander won her gym badge with little to no difficulties but she never expected Charmeleon to defeat her grass types to defeat that quick . Her only choice of move was to use powders and that too didn't work due to smokescreen .

A/n : We don't talk about ash's Charmander here . All you need is a strong fire type to defeat Erika in the games

She isn't a scientist herself so she is confused long enough for Kenta to take advantage of the situation.

Erika knows that pokemon battles are more mind games and one should handle the pressure inside their brain in order to win.

Erika has never faced an opponent like Kenta in her life.

All challengers come for the gym badge .But him , he came to dominate her gym and for a clean sweep .She could see the hunger in his eyes and his pokemon.

She thought he will be a graceful gentleman type but she didn't expect him to be a war machine .

Lack of challengers and proper battles made her rusty and she is more concentrated on her perfumes and business than pokemon battles .

In the end she had to admit there is no one but her to blame .She is the one responsible for her loss .

She lacked proper experience to be a gym leader .Maybe it's time she left the gym duties to one of her gym staff and she left the gym to gain experience like one of those new trainers.

Gym leaders leaving the gym is not and uncommon thing .Many gym leaders left the gym and travelled the regions for sometime to gain some experience and to achieve their goals

Koga did it to achieve the elite four status . And Brock did the same thing to become a pokemon breeder .

Erika didn't expect the flirty brock to leave the gym so causally. She is sure he is seduced by some lady . She even remembers how shamelessly he flirted with her.But still, he maintained some decency .

A/n : Foreshadowing

"Hello there, will you use your next pokemon or will you declare defeat " Kenta said with a mocking her

"Hmph! " Erika pouted

Erika lacked any counter and confidence to talk back to him .She feels utterly pathetic .

She found him attractive and decent but she is still irritated by his arrogance and his tone .And at the same time, She felt attracted towards him .

She didn't find such confident and prideful man in her life . She met humble and overconfident but no one gave the vibe that he does .Maybe he is the prince that she read in fairy tales that her mother read her in her childhood .

"Gloom come out "Erika replied and threw out a Pokeball revealing a gloom

"[Here comes Gloom from a 'gloomy girl']" Pikachu replied

"[Stop ! Erika is destroyed .You are annihilating her ]"Beedrill replied

"[No I say we make her regret the decision of coming out of her mother's womb ]" Pideotto replied

"I wonder what his pokemon were talking about "Erika wondering seeing kenta's pokemon talking about

"[Trust me you don't . If you listen to what they are saying you will die due to a stroke ]"Charmeleon replied.

"[Those people are scary ]"Gloom mumbled in fear

"[Gonna cry ?]"Pikachu replied .

Gloom is currently being bullied by pikachu .

"Ok gloom spread out your poisons " Erika commanded Gloom

Gloom replied fearfully spreading out her poisons .

"Ok charmeleon use your smokescreen and spread it throughout the gym continuously "Kenta replied to charmeleon

"[Here goes nothing ]" Charmeleon replied

Charmeleon quickly used smoke screen spreading all the smoke inside the gym making it difficult to breathe and see .

Luckily Kenta and his co were prepared for the situation so they just put on gas masks with activated charcoal which prevents any toxic substance to enter their noses through breathing.

Gloom is panicked by the smoke obstructing her visibility so due to nervousness Gloom released the poison and bad smell more and making the gym staff cover their mouth and cough in despair

Charmeleon is poisoned too but it's a sacrifice for the greater good

"[A sacrifice for the greater good ]" charmeleonwealky replied to his friends

"[So long comrade ]"Beedrill replied

"[Good job , Comrade ]"Pidegotto replied

"[Dude you just destroyed the gym and it's so cool ]"Pikachu praised charmeleon in his own unique way .

"Good job charmeleon stay there until for sometime and you will be rewarded " Kenta replied proudly

"[He got the austrilian spirit in him ]"Pikachu said referencing the mighty Aussies .

"*Cough * *cough* This is cheating " One of the members replied while coughing

"I Don't remember breaking any rules .Just tell me what rule I broke " Kenta asked camly enjoying the situation.

"*Cough* J-Just stop t-this . I will give you a-anything " Another member screamed in despair

Total destruction of the gym without any destructive force . He used Erika's own moves against her.

Which made Erika much more impressed and she made her mind.

"Stop this .I quit*Cough *You win *cough*"She replied weakly and determined

"Charmeleon stop the smoke and come back " Kenta commanded Charmeleon

Charmander stopped the smokescreen and returned to Kenta but strangely Kenta didn't store Charmeleon in the Pokeball. All pokemon of Kenta are outside.

"Everything is according to the plan .How disappointing " Kenta exclaimed in disappointment

Kenta wanted some struggle in the gym .But it went as he planned.He expected some of his moves to fail but it didn't work .Maybe he overestimated the gym leaders

He deduced that the gym leaders who are defeated by ash can be easily defeated by some trainers with a brain with little effort.

Oh! how time flies. Kenta has struggled with brock in the earlier of the journey but he had little to no struggles with Erika.

He left the ideology of just winning a match and concentrated on flawless victory. He is a man who is lost in his own perfection. That's how Erika perceived him . He is like that in his previous life . Even after the weak start he really got the pace in his journey.

it felt like an empty victory. but it's still a worthy battle compared to shitty sisters to him.

"thank you, guys. I really appreciate what you did . I am so proud of you " Kenta replied to his Pokemon.

Kenta is arrogant but he knows that his pokemon are his ad-hoc power source for now .

They have been doing all the hard work for him. So the least they deserved is thanks.

So that's the reason behind Kenta Thanking his pokemon . If he isn't grateful to them then he is no different from the people who have left him even though he helped them.

His hatred towards the people who betrayed him is the reason for him to be not like them.

The greatest motivator in one's life is his/her own enemies. They motivate us to be not like them and we feel the need to achieve success and shove it on their face.

There is a different pleasure in proving people wrong about you.

Above all Kenta knows he needs to achieve more in order to become a proper champion. And champions won't quit midway.

Well, Kenta considering himself a champion isn't just a mere arrogance,but it's the goal he himself set for him. He has one simple goal . Defeating everyone and knowing what's really happening in the world and fixing it .

Well, champions have flaws but they don't let them stop them . They will turn weak points into strengths.

But there are obstacles and many people change their mind midway.But Kenta will encounter every problem in his own way and with his own answers.

But at present he has some plan with Erika after the battle .

Why did kenta left his pokemon outside after battle . He could have easily left them inside their pokemon but why he didn't .

Answer .

And about if it sounded overconfident . It really is more about perfect plans rather than perfect results .

Not every champions have a flawless journey .Every one has ups and down .

A person with no downs is a unrealistic .

latheef_shaikcreators' thoughts