
Pokemon:Rise of a Legend

A Pokemon game streamer gets transported to the Pokemon world, he was really happy at first thinking he will be the best Pokemon trainer with his game knowledge but little did he know real Pokemon world and training real Pokemon is nothing like clicking buttons and increasing levels and EV's. Follow him on his journey of trying to be the very best.

Lazykage · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

Chapter 2: Viridian City

An hour or so has passed as I walked into the forest and I managed to find a pathway thanks to the forest being not so dense which should lead me to a town or some place where there will be humans.

As I was walking I noticed the surroundings and got to see different types of Pokemon like Weedle, Beedrill, Butterfree,paras and even Nidorans. Personally I was ready to run if they seem aggressive like many people theorize Pokemon in real life would be in the world I came from but they act much like in the anime some seem friendly some afraid and some doesn't even care like they see humans daily which probably should be the case nevertheless I am happy that my life isn't in danger.

*After walking for few minutes*

Just before I reached the end of the pathway there's something like a gate with a small building so I ran towards it. The gate was open so I walked inside ,an elderly man dressed like a Police was sitting there "Finally a human" I thought to myself.

I walked up to him and asked

"Excuse me Mister can I ask you a question?"

He looked at me with a smile and said

"Sure young man"

"Umm where is the place?"I asked

"Oh, you must be new here, it's the checkpost to the entrance to Viridian city"He replied

"Nice this possibly is a best place to start up my journey" I thought to myself.

The officer looked at my glowing face as I was lost in my thoughts and asked me

"You don't seem to have any Pokemon with you did you cross the forest alone?"

Sh*t I can't tell him I popped into this world from another world, not like he will believe me anyway.

"Yes, I just went to the forest to watch some Pokemon" I lied though I doubted he would believe me.

"I see, but still travelling alone without Pokemon or companion is risky.while Pokemon tend to be friendly but sometimes they do attack travellers"

As soon as he said those words I actually realised it was indeed dangerous, if any Pokemon had attacked me, as much as I belive in my running speed a Pokemon like beedrill could definitely outrun me.

"I actually want to be a Pokemon trainer but I don't have any."

Pokemon games and even in anime, starter Pokemon are given by the professor of the region or people bond with poemon so Pokemon join their team, but for me I don't know any professor or know how to form a bond with Pokemon, all I know is I throw a pokeball at any Pokemon I see.

He smiled at me a said

"You should visit the Pokemon Center in viridian City they give you Trainer license and a starter Pokemon to new trainers"

My eyes lit up as soon as I heard those.

"Thank you mister, oh i forgot I am Byson thank you for your help"

Oh man where are my manners.

He laughed at me and said

"Hahaha It's alright we officers are here to help afterall, I am Albert you can call me officer Albert"

"Thank you officer Albert"

I thanked him and made my way towards the Viridian city. It was like half a kilometre I could see the city It's a big city alright, I can see the skyscrapers from distance also different size of houses but with a lot of greenery a mixture of both buildings and nature.

*After few minutes of more walking*

Finally reaching the city I noticed what a beautiful place it is, people walking around with their Pokemon, wild Pokemon on trees and can even be found in short bushes, no wonder kids become Pokemon trainers in this world.There were many shops and even Pokemon Cafe.

I decided to ask for directions to Pokemon center from strangers and they were kind enough to help, but not gonna lie all this walking is killing me I am gonna take a long nap in the Pokemon center is what I was thinking as I finnally reached it after half an hour.

Viridian City Pokemon center is nothing like what's in the game It's a big place alright and can definitely host hundreds of people and Pokemon,I mean considering the size of the city it needs to be this big.

I walked inside and man is this place buzzing so many trainers with their pokemon walking in and out some resting some playing and finally I see nurse Joy damn she looks beautiful *Ahem I mean I can finally get my trainer license and starter Pokemon.

I approached her

"Excuse me nurse Joy I was told I can get my Pokemon trainer license here, can you help me with it."

She smiled and replied

"Please go to registration room it is on the right side."

I thanked her and went the way she told me to and got inside a room to see another nurse Joy.There was a short line ahead of me probably all of them are here to get their license and starter. It was all good until I realised they were all mostly kids I mean they start at 10 years old there were also few teens and me a 24 years old clearly looked out of place. I actually felt awkward because I was last in the line and some of them seems surprised to see a grown adult just starting now.

Nevertheless finally it was my turn and nurse Joy asked my name

"Byson" I replied

she searched in her computer for awhile but didn't seem to find my name on it.

"Excuse me have you registered before."she asked

"No" I replied

"Ah, that seems to be the case.You see all those who came today were already registered and came today to recieve their license, but since you are new you have to register first"

"Ok, how do I register?"

She gave me a form where I have to fill the details. After filling it out I gave it to her and she asked me to wait a minute as she went inside a room behind the desk chair she was sitting and after a minute or so she came out and handed me my trainer license and also gave me a pokedex and said

"Here it is, pokedex is a mandatory to be given to new trainers but there is a small problem we are out of starters right now and all we have is Pokemon eggs which will take few days or weeks to hatch."

Those words actually sinked my heart a little but I had an idea since I don't have any money or pokecoins( every form of cash is called pokecoins here) I asked if it was possible to give me some supplies instead like pokeballs or potions.

"Yes it is possible" she said and again went inside that room and asked me to wait for few seconds.

(I wonder what's inside that room)

She came out with a blue casual bagpack

"You seem to have not much with you so please take this bagpack to carry your belongings though it's a bit old I hope you don't mind"

*She's an Angel*

With a big smile I replied

"Not at all ,thank you"

She then continued

"There is 5 pokeballs here with 2 potions, remember potions doesn't heal your Pokemon completely it's only like medicine which will need time to heal but it will relief some pain so please visit Pokemon centers often if your Pokemon is hurt in battle."

"WTF potions work like this in this world" is the first thing I thought to myself.

" Can you please tell me a bit more about Pokemon medicines and items I am quite the beginner"

She smiled and replied


We talked about half and hour and I thanked her for her help she also told me I can rest in the Pokemon center as they do give rooms for travelling trainers.

After the conversation I had with nurse Joy many things were made clear to me like why trainer license is necessary, it seems every one has it since the time different Region Pokemon leagues were formed looks like the game we used to play didn't show it or maybe profile option was our license. Also it seems there are no status heal items or repels and held items like focus band exp share doesn't exist in this world only potion that can be bought are potion and super potion and like she said it doesn't completely heal the Pokemon also super potion is a bit better but it's costly so only rich use it and many more things were made clear to me but the most important thing that I heard was there is 6 months remaining for kanto league or Indigo league as they call it. which means I have 6 months to build my team and win 8 gym badges to participate in it which will be my major goal for now.

This will take lot of effort it seems but for now let's sleep I am so tired from all that walking also I can't wait for tomorrow to catch my first ever Pokemon in this world...


Since first chapter was less than 700 words I decided to make second chapter around 1500 words so I hope y'all will enjoy it.

Thanks for reading.

who do you think will be Byson's first Pokemon?

Lazykagecreators' thoughts