
That Time I Realized I F*cked Up


It's a beautiful day.

The sky can't be seen but that's okay.

The sound of Pokemon battling is a bit annoying, but also okay.

Nothing can ruin such a wonderful day.


But this!?

This isn't okay!

"Medusa... good morning," Huh, I think this is the first time I have ever said this word before.

Let's never use it again.

"Forwardsss," Medusa said, both Snow and Fluffs behind her.

How come I'm always the one to wake up late?

"Let's get this over with," Saying that, I lead the way towards the tunnel.

Just looking at that long tunnel one could feel chills, not from its coldness but the instinctive danger, one can feel from it.


One can't see the other side of the tunnels thanks to a mist blocking it.

"Let's go backsss," Medusa said.

"Thank Arceus!" Fluffs shouts.

"So that's the boss room," I muttered.

If they can sense the danger then it's definitely not a safe place to go. However, there are riches behind that door, RICHES.

So what if I can't use it, if it's Ice, Snow can use it. If it's Ghost trade it with Aegislash or some other Pokemon for resources we need, worst case I will hide it away for future me uses.

Most important reason to go in is that we have gained nothing but levels since entering.

I blame that Aegislash, he must have made his forces snatch them all, sh*tty bastard.

"You all can go, I'll meet up with you later," I said.

Her tail hits my head, but was unable to harm me thanks to the well-prepared cotton covering my head cushioning the attack.

"Nosss, retreatsss," Medusa commands

"I'll meet up with you all soon master, so just let me go in,"

"If you want to die, die in my hands," Fluffs said annoyed.

"Do you think you stand a chance?" I mocked, seeing him flickered behind me and used Thunder Punch.

Cotton Release, Cotton Wall.

A cotton wall appeared behind me blocking Fluffs' punch. Fluff attempts to pull out his hand but fails thanks to Cotton Spore effect of Cotton Wall.

"No wonder you like fusion moves," I said.

With the aid of Fluff Control, fusing Cotton Guard and Cotton Spore is as simple as breathing.

"Medusa, your decision,"

Fluffs' fist interchanged from Thunder Punch to Fire Punch, burning the Cotton Wall, and was moving towards me.

*pew* *pew*

Two Bullet Seeds were shot and Fluffs flickered away through Thunder Step, once more appearing behind me, his body freezes in place.

"I'll comesss, Fluffs and Snowsss retreatsss," Medusa answered.

"Leader, Beri has to be my guard, this is his responsibility... I'm sorry," The first part of her words went well before going downhill with an apology.

"Speak your mind and stop acting so cowardly!" I shouted.

Sheesh, be glad you got a childish personality and I am responsible for protecting you, otherwise, I would've killed you a long time ago.

"Eek!" and she shrieked.


"I mean, I'm coming too!" Snow shouts.

Phew, thought she intended on stopping me. In that case, I'll have no choice but to listen, and don't tell me that I do. I have my own principles.

"All of you are crazy, going straight to your deaths!" Fluffs shouts.

Crazy I might be, but watch and see as he join us.

"F*ck you and your peer pressure, I'll go,"

"Did the cookie crack?" I mocked.

"On top of your mother!"



"F*ck it! Let's just die together!" I shouted and flew through the tunnel, slowly...

I blame Snow.

Finally entering the other side the most began to clear up and what we saw was terrifying, frozen Ghost type Pokemons, all of which had unique expressions.

Are they still alive?

[Answer: No. A small amount of energy is preserved to retain its form while frozen. Their souls should have been already devoured]

Then what Pokemon is it.

[There is only one Ice Ghost type Pokemon]



"Retreat," I whispered.

So is this how I will fail my first mission, by entering the lion's den leading to the death of the one I'm supposed to protect being Snow to die?



Froslass appears in front of me and my lower body began to freeze, no it wasn't just me, but Medusa and Fluffs. As for Snow...

Froslass gets hit by an Ominous Wind, sadly it couldn't even push her back.

"Let them go!" Snow shouts angrily.

The freezing didn't stop as Froslass turns around to attack Snow.


A Bullet Seed hits, Froslass, followed by a Thunder Breath and Acid Spray.

"Retreat!" "Retreatsss!" Fluffs, me, and Medusa shouts.

Her movements suddenly halt before appearing before me once more and... sniffed?

"Kekeke, interesting," Froslass said, and I quickly lost consciousness.


Waking up, I saw myself inside a frozen cage. Fluffs and Medusa inside but are frozen. As for Snow, she's unconscious.

[They are still alive]

I know, otherwise what would be the point in putting them in here?

[Answer: To see your angry expression before freezing you with that expression]


"Kekeke, how's life hitting you, Mike?" Froslass says appearing outside the cage.

"My name's Jeff,"

"Don't play dumb with me, Daniel's son,"

"Feara!" I exclaimed.

This isn't good, not good at all. I ended up caught back by crazy.

"What do you want from me?" I asked hesitantly.

"Many things actually, let's start with the one you envy, Daniel's location, and why are you here," she said.

Why does everyone care about who I envy?

[Answer: The amount of envy you have isn't normal... unless you're an envy demon, something that doesn't exist in the Pokemon World]

[Note: Your envy has begun to drop recently]

See, I knew hell would've been cozy, my brethren are there.

"If I knew where Daniel was would I be here? As for why I am here, it was for loots. Lastly, I envy my younger brother. Happy? Can we go now?" I answered as quickly as I could.

There's a saying, 'Stay close to your friends, closer to your enemies and far from crazies,'.

"Happy? No. Leave? No. Hostage? Yes!"

"Don't be like that, we are good friends. I even helped you become a Guardian,"

"After your obsessive lover poisoned me," she snarled.

Speaking of which how did she get a Toxic Orb? I don't think the Deep Wild Zone of Route 1 would carry that seeing as though Dragonite is its Overlord.

"Not my lover. Like you, my heart is only for one person," I said.

"Also, do you still go by Feara? or do you got a new name?

"Lazuli," Lazuli replies.

"What happens if he doesn't show up?" I asked.

"He wil..." She stopped.

"I see, so you started to think the same thing as me,"

What I'm talking about exactly? Well, I will tell you if it turns out to be true.

"Love him regardless," Lazuli replies.

"So tell me about what occurred after I died,"

Our conversation went to the past, as I started talking about the previous events that lead to my death and move on to small talk while ignoring my frozen companions. I and Lazuli have really good compatibility, a shame neither of us considers the other as a friend.

We might even be enemies depending on Daniel's choice.


Topic: Type.

How does a Pokemon receive a type?

A Pokemon's type comes from the physique, like how a Slugma body is made out of lava it's unable to learn Water type moves.

What are the benefits of a type?

Some benefits of the type are the resistance provided by the type and easier conversion and training of that type of energy.

How can a Pokemon gain a type?

If they only have one type they can get another by the constant usage of another type and evolving using resources of that type. Doing this can increase the chances of getting an additional type.

Why can a Pokemon only have two typing?

We currently have no clue why. So far, if another type is added to the Pokemon it has shown to lose a typing, remaining with only one or straight up die from the experiment.

Sadly, we lack the resources for further experiments on the subject.

Written by Team Rocket Researcher #053