
Chapter 365: Little Lugia’S Level Increases Like Crazy

[Pokémon: Dragonair, level Iv39-Iv40]

As Dragonair absorbs the Dragon Attribute secret treasure, it soon accumulates enough combat experience.

It has been upgraded from the original Iv39 to Iv40.

Although it has only been upgraded by one level, its strength has been doubled based on the original level.

After all, Iv39 to Iv40 is not an ordinary level promotion, but a complete leap from elite level to gym level.

At this time, Dragonair is considered a leader among all Pokémon groups, the elite among the elite.

If placed in the wild, it could occupy a large territory and become a lord-like existence.

It's just that in Xiaozhi's team, there are clouds of monsters and rain of perversions.

Well, it's just a little stronger than the original little Karami, but not much.

If we consider it from multiple aspects including potential, Species Strength, level, Ability and carrying items.

To be honest, Dragonair is just a younger brother within a younger brother.

After all, among the props Xiaozhi had obtained in the past, not many were suitable for use by Dragonair.

As a result, except for Rare Candy and the current Dragon Type secret treasure, Dragonair has not gained much strength due to Xiaozhi's system cheat.

Compared with other companions who have magical transformations and are ridiculously strong, they seem a little weak.

However, this situation will be greatly alleviated after Dragonair evolves into Dragonite at 540.

After all, Dragonite is a quasi-god Pokémon with Species Strength 600 compared to Dragonair, which is still inferior to Bidiao in Species Strength.

Even if they haven't gone through all kinds of strange enhancements and transformations like Bi Diao or Flash Gyarados.

You can still occupy a place in Xiaozhi's team with the solid foundation of Attribute.

If it can obtain some useful magical props through system mission rewards in the future, its future will be even more unlimited.

The basic strength is ahead of other companions. If the strength is increased again on this basis.

When playing against each other at the same level, he can definitely be at the forefront of Xiaozhi's team.

After reaching the gym level of Iv40, Dragonair's improvement did not stop, but continued.

[Pokémon: Lugia, level Iv37-Iv38]

On the other side, little Lugia's level is also constantly improving as it absorbs the Flying Attribute secret treasure.

It's just that the speed (bjci) is much slower than Dragonair.

Even though its base level is two levels lower than Dragonair.

Otherwise, as the descendant of the sea god Lugia, little Lugia can be said to be a late bloomer among most Pokémon.

Every time the level is upgraded, the accumulation of combat experience required is even more than that of Dragonair, which is notoriously difficult to upgrade.

Therefore, even if the absorption efficiency is slightly higher, the basic level is also slightly lower.

Little Lugia's level up rate is not as fast as Dragonair's.

It's slow, but it's stable.

At least according to Xiaozhi's perception of the waveguide power, little Lugia's aura is still steadily increasing at a fairly gentle speed.

[Pokémon: Little Lugia, Level: 038-1v40

Finally, on the other side, Dragonair's level has been upgraded to Iv45.

He was hugging little Lugia, who was silently absorbing the Flying Attribute secret treasure with a pair of fleshy wings, and his whole body was shocked.

After reaching a critical point, it jumped up a lot and almost doubled in size.

In Xiaozhi's perception of the power of the waveguide, its life breath and waveguide reaction were more than twice as strong as before.

At this time, it finally broke through the barrier from elite level to gym level and became a genuine gym level Pokémon.

Relying on the powerful talents and Species Strength of being a member of the mythical beast tribe, even the descendant of the God of the Sea.

Not to mention that he dominated the same stage when he first entered the gym level Iv40, but it is not far away.

At least among the gym-level Pokémon that Xiaozhi has encountered so far, except for those unscientific existences that have been strengthened by system rewards and whose abilities have been greatly improved.

There are very few people who can compete with the current Iv40 little Lugia.

However, this is far from the limit of Attribute's secret treasures.

As time goes by, the waveguide response of Dragonair and small Lugia continues to increase.

[Pokémon: Little Lugia, Level: Iv40-Iv48]

Two and a half hours later, little Lugia took the lead in completing the absorption.

At this time, I saw that the Flying Attribute secret treasure surrounded by its slightly fleshy wings was a little darker than before.

Through the power of the waveguide, Xiaozhi can judge that the energy of this Flying Attribute treasure has been consumed by about 1/10.

A huge amount of energy that is enough to promote normal elite-level Pokémon to Elite.

It only raised little Lugia from Iv37 to Iv48.

This shows what kind of price you have to pay if you want to Breeder a mythical beast Pokémon.

Xiaozhi can use Attribute secret treasures to speed up, which is already quite good.

Although little Lugia seems to be still in its infancy, based on its age alone, it is the most powerful Pokémon in Xiaozhi's team.

Except for Primal Aerodactyl, which has survived from ancient times, and Millennium Gengar, which evolved from Maiden Gastly and has lived for thousands of years, they have lived the longest.

He is over 100 years old!

For more than 100 years after its birth, it was raised by its mother on the Whirl Islands. It was only Iv35 when it was taken over by Xiaozhi.

It can be seen how long it takes for the mythical beast Pokémon to grow up.

It is almost unprecedented to upgrade to level 11 in one breath like today.

At this time, little Lugia, who had finished absorbing it, looked down at the Flying Attribute secret treasure surrounded by its fleshy wings with a slightly regretful look.

It's not that it doesn't want to absorb the Flying energy and continue to level up, but it just can't absorb it anymore.

Just like people will be full after eating, the amount of external energy that Pokémon can absorb in a short period of time is also limited.

After it is absorbed tonight, it will take at least 10 days and a half before it can be absorbed again.

Otherwise, little Lugia decided not to stop until he sucked up this Flying Attribute treasure.

This feeling of rapidly improving the level is really fascinating to it. .