
Chapter 355: Bird PokéMon Lover, Museum Owner Falkner

He also has the task of using all Flying-type teams to defeat Violet's Gym Leader and obtain the Violet Gym Zephyr Badge.

At present, the three of them are not tired yet, so there is no need to rest, so they directly choose this gym.

Then rest in Violet City for a few days so that you can have more fun and relax.

After walking for more than 10 minutes, the three of them finally entered Violet City.

After catching a wild old man on the roadside and asking him about the location of Violet's Gym, Xiaozhi and the other three arrived in front of Violet's Gym in the western suburbs.

The entire building of Violet Gym is a tall tower, and its shape is a bit like the elevated little spray mushroom in Plants vs. Zombies.

It's quite unique, and Mikey is different from all the halls that Xiaozhi has challenged before.

"Is this Violet's Gym? It looks so weird!"

As the heir to the Cerulean gym, Misty can almost be regarded as the gym leader. She looked up at the tower and couldn't help but say something.

"Each gym has its own characteristics. Buxia, have you forgotten that we have encountered weirder gyms?"

Xiaozhi said with a smile.

"Xiaozhi, are you talking about the Cinnabar Gym on Cinnabar Island?"

Misty immediately figured out which gym Xiaozhi was talking about.

After all, among all the gyms they have challenged, only the Cinnabar Gym built on magma can be said to be more bizarre than the Violet Gym.

"Correct answer, congratulations 993 on your correct answer, you will be rewarded with extra meals in the evening!"

Xiaozhi snapped his fingers and hinted.

Misty's face suddenly turned crimson. She didn't want any extra food. Aren't you always full after drinking?

If you want to add another meal, your belly will burst!

Serena couldn't help but give Misty a wishing look. She couldn't help Misty carry it.

I can't bear it, I can't bear it at all!

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore, let's go into the gym!"

Seeing that Misty looked scared, Xiaozhi withdrew a reward.

Misty breathed a long sigh of relief and reached out to pat the panda, which had a small lotus on its chest and revealed its sharp horns.

Holding Xiaozhi's arm, he followed Xiaozhi towards Violet Gym.

Disappointingly, the door to Violet's Gym was closed, apparently not during reception hours.

"Xiaozhi, the gym leader seems to be away. Should we find a place to rest first and come back next time?"

The bad start made Serena frown, and then suggested to Xiaozhi.

It doesn't seem like today is a break. Why isn't Violet's gym leader here?

"It's okay Sally(bcdh)na, the owner will be here soon!"

Through the power of the waveguides, Xiaozhi sensed two living creatures and one dead thing above Violet's gym, and the three waveguides were circling.

He grabbed Serena who was about to leave and said to her.

"Are you three here to challenge the gym? Sorry for keeping you waiting!"

Before Serena could ask, a young man's hearty voice came from a distance.

Looking up, I saw Soaring in the sky a man with a Hoothoot standing on his shoulders, landing on a glider towards Xiaozhi and the others.

The man was very skilled in piloting a glider. It only took him a minute or two to stand firmly in front of Xiaozhi and the others. He put away his paraglider and introduced himself to them with a smile.

"Hello everyone, I am Gym Trainer Falkner from Violet's Gym, and I aspire to become a Bird Pokémon Master."

"Hello, Master Falkner, I am Xiaozhi from Pallet Town in the Kanto Region. These two are my companions, Misty and Serena from the Kanto Region and Kalos Region respectively."

As courtesy goes back and forth, Xiaozhi also introduced himself to Falkner.

Kanto Region?

Kalos Region?

"Three of them have come from afar. They must be here to challenge the Silver Conference. I wonder who are the specific ones who want to challenge the gym?"

The smile on Falkner's face became even bigger after hearing that Xiaozhi and the others were not locals of Johto Region.

He hasn't encountered a challenger from another Region for a long time.

Don't know what kind of Pokémon you can see this time?

It's really exciting!

"Master Falkner, I am the only challenger, and Misty and Serena are my traveling companions.

Do you think it's convenient to accept the challenge now?"

"Convenient, of course convenient, please come with me!"

Falkner said hurriedly, and then opened the door of the gym.

He led a group of three people all the way up the outside of the tower to the gym battle arena on the top floor.

Because he specializes in bird Pokémon, Falkner's Violet gym battle arena has no height limit, so it is located on the top floor of the entire tower.

This is also a major feature that distinguishes Violet Gym from other gyms.

"Master, are you here?"

There are staff waiting here at all times at the battle site.

After seeing Falkner bringing Xiaozhi and his party here, they hurriedly stepped forward and said to Falkner.

"This is Xiaozhi from the Guandong Region, and he is also today's challenger. Please check Joshua's venue and arrange a fight as soon as possible.

Falkner spoke to the staff in a gentle tone.

"No problem, the venue was inspected two hours ago, and gym battles can be held at any time."

"That's great, Xiaozhi [should we start now or give you some time to rest?"

Falkner nodded slightly, then turned to Xiaozhi and asked.

"Let's start now, it's just what we've been looking for!"

Xiaozhi thought about finishing the gym battle quickly, completing the tasks, getting the rewards, and then finding a place to stay. When Xiaozhi saw that he didn't need to do any other preparations and could start directly, his face became confused.

"The next challenger Xiaozhi from Pallet Town in the Kanto Region will fight against Violet Gym Trainer Falkner."

"The rules of the battle are 3v3. If all three Pokémon on one side lose the ability to fight, it will be considered a failure.

"During the battle, the challenger can change Pokémon for training, but the gym trainer cannot. The gym trainer will be the first to release the Pokémon, and the battle begins!"

As the referee announced the rules of the game, Xiaozhi and Falkner fought on both sides of the field.

Challengers from the Kanto Region, I'm really looking forward to what kind of Pokémon they will use.

Falkner thought to himself, and then patted his shoulder.

"So, this is the first Pokémon I send out, go Hoothoot!"


After receiving the command, Hoothoot chirped, then flapped its wings and came to the battle field, waiting for its Rival to appear.

"The decision is yours, go ahead, Butterfree!"

Due to the challenge of Violet's gym mission, all three Pokémon used must be of the Flying type.

The first Pokémon Xiaozhi sent out was the first Pokémon he conquered after embarking on his journey - Butterfree.

Butterfree, who hadn't played in a battle for a long time, came to the battle arena with excitement in his eyes.

It's Butterfree.

Falkner, who originally had high expectations, had a slight flash of disappointment in his eyes. Butterfree is also very common in the Johto Region, and even a bit bad.

(Picture: Violet Gym).