
Chapter 140: The Terrifying Mega Snipe Shot Ability, Magical Scale Effect

"By the way Misty, take this too!"

After giving the Dragon Scale, Xiaozhi simply took out the Horsea family's exclusive magic scales.

There are also two of this thing, and he and Misty's Horsea just love one each.

"Xiaozhi, what is this? It looks so beautiful."

Different from the single light blue of Dragon Scale, the magical scales are undoubtedly much more magnificent.

The scales appear to be colorless and transparent on the surface, but they actually reflect colorful light under the sunlight, making them extremely dazzling.

"This is a magical scale, a prop used by Horsea/Sedra. It should have some benefits after using it. 11

Xiaozhi didn't speak too clearly, but Misty knew that the value of these magical scales, which she had never heard of before, was no less than Dragon Scale.

Even because of its rarity, it has to be above Dragon Scale.

It seems that I owe Xiaozhi more and more~

It's not clear, it's not clear at all!

No, I have to ask my three sisters to help too!

(Xiaozhi, do you want a girlfriend? If you do, I will get one for you!)

Misty silently made a decision that went against her ancestors.

If her deceased parents knew that she was cheating on her sister like this, they would definitely jump out of their graves and give Misty a mouthful of soda or

"Ah chirp~"

At Cerulean Gym, Sakura, the golden retriever sister who was leisurely sunbathing in the backyard, suddenly sneezed.

"Sister, what's wrong with you? Do you have a cold?"

Misty's second blue-haired sister Violet asked immediately.

"No, it's so hot. How can I catch a cold?"

Sakura shook her head, confused.

"Ah chirp~"

"Strange, why did I sneeze too?"

Violet reached out and rubbed her itchy nose, looking equally baffled.

"Ah chirp~ah chirp~"

Just then, Misty's third pink-haired sister, Lily, sneezed twice in a row.

"Sister, you must have caught a cold and then infected it to your second sister and me."

Lily began to accuse.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

"There must be someone talking bad about our three sisters behind our backs, or trying to do something bad."

The eldest sister Sakura immediately denied it.

"What? Who is so bold as to dare to plot against our three beautiful Cerulean girls?

If I find out, I must ask Misty to teach him a lesson!"

Violet said in a vicious tone.

Sakura and Lily remembered the high-level Seakings that Misty had teleported back not long ago, and nodded unconsciously.

It feels quite satisfying to have a girl in my family who has just grown up and can be released to kill people.

Solemnly putting away the magical scales and Dragon Scale given by Xiaozhi, Misty decided to repay Xiaozhi well.

And Xiaozhi gave Seadra the magical scales to carry.

The magical scales disappeared immediately after being carried by Seadra.

Afterwards, Seadra seemed to have some unexplainable changes.

When in doubt, go to the Attribute panel.

Xiaozhi directly looks at the Attribute panel of Flash Seadra.

[Pokémon: Seadra(Flash color)


Potential: Elite level

Ability: Mega Snipe Shot (when hitting a vital point, the damage is increased to 2.5 times the original amount)

Skills: Leer, Water Gun, Twister, Focus Energy, Agility, Dragon Breath, etc.

Intimacy: 255 (full value 255)

What to carry: None]

Because magical scales are consumable props, Flash Seadra's carry items are still empty.

After using magical scales, the effect of Flash Seadra's Ability Snipe Shot has also changed.

The original Snipe Shot Ability effect is to increase the damage by 1.5 times when hitting a vital point.

The current Mega Snipe Shot hand has become 2.5 times.

The improvement this brings to Flash Seadra is extremely terrifying.

When it hits a critical point, the damage of the move will be 1.5 times the original.

The normal Snipe Shot Ability is multiplied by 1.5 times again, which is 2.25 times the damage.

Now Xiaozhi's Flash Seadra's enhanced Mega Snipe Shot Ability is multiplied by 2.5 times on the basis of 1.5 times.

Once it hits a vital part, the damage caused is 3.75 times that of hitting an ordinary part!

It's just a little short of reaching 4 times the level.

The effect can only be described by the four words "so terrifying" that were used badly in a certain Douzi novel.

As long as you can hit the vital point, rely on the Mega Snipe Shot Ability.

Even a Water Gun with very low power can cause more horrific damage than a Normal Pokémon using a Hydro Pump.

If the critical hit is a Water Type ultimate move like Hydro Pump.

Who knows how sour and refreshing it is?

That's why he came directly in seconds!

It can be said that just by virtue of such a Mega Snipe Shot shooter's ability.

Even if Flash Seadra doesn't evolve, it has stronger combat power than the normal Pokémon of the Three Kingdoms that has undergone the second stage of evolution.

And if it evolves, it will become Kingdra with a slightly higher Species Strength than the Yusanjia.

That's just like sending a child!

At the same level, its combat power will jump up, surpassing Xiaozhi's previous water-type Trump Card Flash Gyarados.

Of course, this must be based on successfully hitting the enemy's vital points.

If not, Kingdra is roughly equivalent to the ordinary Gosan family Pokémon.

Therefore, the next step is to strengthen the skill hit rate of Seadra/Kingdra.

Not just to hit the enemy, but also to hit the enemy's vital points.

Although there has been training in this area before [but it is obviously not enough.

Xiaozhi hopes to increase the critical hit rate to at least 90%.

Of course, if it can be increased to 100%, that would be even better.

In addition, Xiaozhi also has to work hard to create another top-notch Mystic Water.

Such a terrifying Mega Snipe Shot ability, if not paired with the top-notch Mystic Water, which increases the effectiveness of Water Type moves by 50%.

What a waste of natural resources!

Although Flash Gyarados already has a superb Mystic Water.

The cost-effectiveness of carrying the Flash Kingdra in the future is also higher than the cost-effectiveness of carrying the Flash Gyarados.

But Xiaozhi doesn't want to do this if it's not necessary.

Although he cannot completely treat the Pokémon he has conquered, he will try his best to treat them fairly.

Get the best Mystic Water that you have given to Flash Gyarados and give it back to the future Flash Kingdra.

It's so tasteless and can easily break Flash Gyarados' heart.

He is not some excellent parent in his previous life.

The younger brother/sister is still young, as the older brother/sister, can't you let him/her do it?

It's your first time being a human/Pokémon, why should you let others bet on it?

Anyway, he Xiaozhi is not used to this kind of custom, and whoever belongs to him belongs to him.

Of course, if there are special circumstances, it doesn't matter if Flash Gyarados is temporarily loaned out for use and returned immediately after use.

[Ding, trigger the mission: Conquer the huge Onix factory in Mizhao Mountain

[Task reward: Top Mystic Water*1, Intermediate Rare Candy*5, Elementary Rare Candy*10]

[Title ""Master Duanshui": Reduce the probability of jealousy among Pokémon/beauties in the team]

(Picture: Flash Kingdra/Normal Kingdra comparison).