
Pokemon: Reborn As Ditto

Waking up in the Pokémon world as a Ditto is like a wet dream come true... or a nightmare, depending on how you look at it. I'm not sure which is worse - being a slimy, shape-shifting blob or knowing that all raunchy-ass hentai Mangas were actually going to find some use. But here's the bright side, when life throws you some motherfucking lemons, you make some goddamn lemonade. When life gives you a slimy, shape-shifting body, you become the coolest motherfucker there ever was. This is going to be one hell of a ride and I ain't got any pennies in my pocket. ------- This is a wish-fulfillment fanfic, so I would implore you to not take things too deeply. Contains Sexual Content ------- Disclaimer: This Pokémon fanfic is a work of fan-made fiction, and I don't own jack shit. The Pokémon franchise belongs to Game Freak, Nintendo, and all those other clever folks who created this amazing universe. I'm just a rowdy degenerate messing around with their toys. Don't sue me, I'm broke. Also, expect some naughty language, dark themes, and general tomfoolery. You've been warned, so don't come crying to me when your precious Pikachu gets roflstomped. Now, sit back, relax, and let's get this wild ride started! Picture Scrapped From Web, Original Artist may inform me(via comment or review) if they wish it to be taken down

Night_Specter · Anime et Bandes dessinées
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87 Chs

35. Through the air with a beauty on my back

Darn it, yet again you guys got lucky!

I missed a chapter in-between him taking flight and the fight, which is this one. So technically, its chapter numbered 35 and the Unexpected Fight is Ch 36. 

I am putting it here for now, will shift it back to correct order tomorrow.

Well, at least scheduled chapters are done for this week I guess.


As we took to the skies, Misty's grip on my feathers tightened to the point where I almost squeaked. "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" she shouted, her voice barely audible over the rushing wind. For a moment, she buried her face in the softness of my plumage. "I can't believe I'm doing this!"

I couldn't help but revel in the sheer thrill of flying. My wings cut through the air with a grace and power I'd never experienced before. Each beat sent a surge of electricity coursing through my body. I was a force of nature, and nothing could stop me.

Below us, the landscape stretched out like a vibrant canvas. Trees shrank into tiny tufts of green, and the sun bathed us in its golden glow.

As we soared higher, I noticed the reactions of the other birds. Pidgeys and Spearows scattered in fear as we approached, their high-pitched cries blending with the wind. A few Pidgeots eyed us curiously but kept their distance.

What are they all chirping about? I wondered, tilting my head to listen.

The wind rushed past my face, and I felt an unparalleled sense of freedom. My massive wings beat the air, generating a powerful thrust that sent us shooting upwards. The ground below grew smaller and smaller, a tiny patchwork of fields and forests.

Misty's reaction was priceless. She let out a blood-curdling scream, her arms wrapping around my neck like a vice. Her legs clamped around my body, heels digging into my feathers. I winced slightly as she pulled my feathers, making me squeak in protest.

"Pidgeot! Pidgeot!" I cried out, trying to reassure her, but she just clung tighter, her eyes screwed shut.

As we pierced the clouds, the air grew cooler, and the wind picked up. I reveled in the sheer exhilaration of flight, my wings beating effortlessly. The rush of the wind created a deafening roar, but I could still pick up the chatter of other Pokémon.

Pidgey 1: PIDD PIDD PIDDEY (What the fuck is this thing?)

Pidgey 2: PIGEEYY PIDGEY (Fucking hell, dude!)

Pidgeot 1: PIDGEOTT GEOTT (This is one motherfucking beefed-up cousin!)

I stared, my ears perked up in shock. Holy shit, I can understand them! I tried to mimic their chirps, but my first attempt came out as incomprehensible squawks.

"PIDD CHIRRR KASHKK?" I chirped, trying to ask, What the fuck are you all yapping about? but the other Pokémon just tilted their heads in confusion.

Pidgey 3: PIDD PIDGEY CHIRP? (What's this thing saying?)

Spearow 1: SPEE SPEAR CHIRRR (No clue, man!)

I took a deep breath and tried again, focusing on the sounds they made. This time, it came out right.

"PIDD PIDD CHIRRR?" I chirped, successfully asking, What the fuck are you all yapping about?

The nearby Pidgeys and Spearows fell silent for a moment, then burst into a flurry of chirps and squeaks.

Pidgey 4: PIDD PIDGEY CHIRP CHIRRR (Why the fuck are you so big?)

Pidgeot 2: PIDGEOTT GEOTT CHIRRR (Yeah, what's your deal, cousin?)

I chuckled, a deep rumbling sound in my chest. Alright, let's have some fun with this.

"PIDGEOTT CHIRRR GEOTT BOOBIES," I chirped, saying, It's because I love boobies.

The other Pokémon exchanged confused glances.

Pidgey 5: PIDD PIDGEY CHIRP? (What the fuck are boobies?)

I grinned, ready to blow their tiny bird minds.

"PIDGEOTT CHIRRR GEOTT BOOBIES CHIRRR PIDD PIDD CHIRP GEOTT," I chirped, describing, Boobies are the most beautiful things ever created. They're so soft and heavenly, like two perfect, pillowy clouds on a warm summer day. They jiggle and bounce, and they're just the most amazing things you'll ever see.

The other Pokémon listened intently, their eyes widening with each chirp. When I finished, they all burst into excited chatter.

Pidgey 6: PIDD PIDGEY CHIRP BOOBIES! (Boobies sound amazing!)

Pidgeot 3: PIDGEOTT GEOTT CHIRRR BOOBIES! (I want to see these boobies!)

Spearow 2: SPEE SPEAR CHIRRR BOOBIES BOOBIES! (Boobies! Boobies!)

Soon, all the nearby Pokémon were chanting, their excited chirps filling the air.

Meanwhile, Misty looked around in confusion, watching the other Pokémon squawk and chirp excitedly.

"What are they all talking about?" she asked, her voice barely audible over the wind and the cacophony of chirps.

I just laughed, a deep rumbling sound, and continued flying, the wind rushing past us and the sun shining down on our faces. This was the life.

As Misty adapted to our flight, her grip slowly relaxed. She diverted her attention from the chanting Pokémon to the breathtaking scenery down below.

Misty gazed down at the world below, her eyes wide with amazement. "This... this is incredible," she breathed, her voice barely audible over the wind. "I've never seen anything like it."

She was right. From up here, everything looked different. Buildings that once towered over us now seemed like tiny toys scattered across the landscape. Rivers and streams that once seemed vast were now thin silver ribbons winding across the land.

She began to relax against me, her body gently swaying with the rhythm of my wings.

With the comfort of winds rustling my feathers, my thoughts turned toward the earlier phenomenon. Why could I understand the other Pokémon now? Was it because I was finally embracing my so-called "Pokémon nature"? Yeah, no shit that was the reason.

The only thing I did differently this time was that the current Pidgeot body was not one that I had mimicked but rather made from scratch using earlier transformations as reference.

As I was thinking, I didn't notice the disturbance in the air.

A smaller Pidgeot flew up to me, chirping with a condescending tone. "PIDGEOTT CHIRRRRR PIDD PIDGEY GEOTT" (Freak! What's wrong with you? You must have eaten too much shit to become so big!)

I bristled at the insult, my feathers ruffling with irritation. Where did this little shit come from? I retorted, "PIDGEOT CHIRRR KASHKK PIDD PIDGEY CHIRRR" (Eat my shit, you malnourished idiot! At least I'm not a scrawny little bitch like you.)

The smaller Pidgeot's eyes widened, and it burst into tears. "WAAAHHHH! PIDGEOTT CHIRRRRR PIDD PIDGEY GEOTT" (Waaahhh! You're mean! I bet you're just overcompensating for something!) it wailed, flying away with a sniffle. "PIDGEOTTTTT CHIRRRRRRRR!" (I'm telling Mom on you!)

The fuck was this thing? How can one be such a crybaby after coming on so strong? I chuckled, watching the bird disappear. "PIDGEOTT SHOO!" I cawed after it. (Fuck off, you dumb bird!)

Misty looked up at me, our chirping rousing her from her relaxed state. "What happened? You two were having a fight?"

I puffed out my chest, letting out a series of proud Pidgeot chirps. I wasn't about to let some scrawny bird disrespect me. "PIDGEOTT CHIRRR GEOTT PIDD PIDGEY CHIRRR" (Yeah, that little shit had a mouth on him. I set him straight.)

Misty's expression turned stern. "I don't think you should have said whatever you said to that Pidgey. It was crying."

I gave her a defiant look. I wasn't going to apologize for putting that rude bird in its place. "PIDGEOTT CHIRRR GEOTT" (It started it. I'm not gonna take shit from some snot-nosed little punk.)

Misty sighed, shaking her head. "Never mind. Just be nice to the other Pokémon, okay?"

I let out a dismissive squawk, flapping my wings to emphasize my point. I was the king of the skies, and I wouldn't be lectured by anyone.

As we flew, Misty seemed to be having the time of her life, enjoying the cool winds. I was happy to see her so carefree, even if she was a bit of a backseat driver. Who needs directions when you're a majestic Pidgeot, soaring through the air with the wind in your feathers?

With my sharp bird vision, I spotted a city far away, a patchwork of buildings and streets. I reckoned it would take me about 10-15 minutes to reach it at full speed, but with Misty on my back, I wasn't going to risk it. I didn't want to deal with the consequences if she got sick.

As I gazed at the city, I suddenly turned my head. I heard a sound coming from that direction, and it sounded angry. Like, seriously angry. Like, "I'm-going-to-kill-you-and-feed-you-to-my-babies" angry.

I focused my vision and saw a dot in the distance, growing bigger by the second. Like a feathered torpedo, coming straight for me.

Oh, this can't be good.

As the dot grew larger, I realized it was a big bird, even a bit bigger than me. A Pidgeot, to be exact. The final form of Pidgey and the evolved form of... well, me.

Motherfucker, I thought that little shit was joking, but it really called its mom!


Keep the stone incoming, we are halfway there to next milestone. Just 100 stones more.