
Kanto - Porta Vista

Ash touched his pokeball, "Our turn is up soon."

Gou who was watching from the stands, "Oh man! Is it just me or are the Pokemon that belong to the coordinators a bit different?"

Chloe, "Not just you, they look a bit more stronger than last year's Pokemon."

One of the audience heard what they were saying, "It's because of Team Rocket."

Gou blinked at the older woman, "Team Rocket Miss?"

The lady smiled wryly, "Sorry, my name is Kyoko, and yeah, the last few weeks before the Indigo Conference Team Rocket had been creating problems in Kanto."

Chloe, "We were in the Orange Archipelago that time."

Gou, "Huh... I felt like Misty and Gary were hiding something. Do you think?"

Chloe, "It's possible, they were attacked, Gary got his Seviper from the poachers right? It's possible they were working with Team Rocket."

Gou gave a frustrated sigh, "This sucks."

Kyoko looked at them with sympathy, "I understand how you feel. My husband Kensuke had to deal with them too."

Chloe, "Thank you Miss Kyoko."

Kyoko smiled, "No need for thanks, kids, sometimes things just happen. All we can do is hope they are okay."

Layla, "Now let's give it up for the next contestant who has made a headway in the Indigo Conference."

Ash sweatdropped, 'Really putting it thick there. Ah well!'

Layla, "Everyone give it up for the Indigo Cup winner."

Ash walked into the stage amidst the cheers, "Show them what you've got Charizard."

Charizard appeared in circles of fire and a loud roar that shook the audience who heard it. Lance who was watching from his office at the League headquarters, gave a smirk at the power Charizard showed off in the ring. He wondered how Ash would pull off a showmanship with a Charizard who's main strength was fire power pun intended.

Ash, "Steel armour, big guy!"

Charizard smirked and as people watched his body started to shine with the steel type attacks. Metal claw, steel wing and iron tail before the steel attacks started to glow more and cover his back, front, legs, neck and head in steel energy. Charizard looked like it was covered in steel armour that shone bright under the sun light and he flew up when Ash nodded at him.

Ash, "Now Will-O-Wisp, followed by aerial ace."

Charizard used Will-O-Wisp and circles of fire formed in the sky and Charizard flew through the circles before using aerial ace.

Ash, "Now air cutter followed by dragon dance!"

Charizard used air cutter on Will-O-Wisp and the circle of flames dispersed in glitters of white and orange color. Charizard then started to use dragon dance while still being covered in steel energy making the audience watch entranced. Ash grinned on noticing the audience were completely captivated by Charizard's dragon dance moves. Not only was it very entrancing to watch it was a move that increased stats and strength allowing Charizard to use the steel type moves.

Ash, "Let's end this Charizard. Use dragon rage!"

Charizard smirked and shot his dragon rage at Ash and covered him in a tornado making the audience shriek and shout. Charizard then flew into the tornado shaped dragon rage and grabbed Ash and flew up to the middle of the dragon rage storm. Charizard then used heat blast straight in the eye of the storm causing it to blow up with a power wave. Charizard roared as he flew with Ash sitting on his back grinning at the shocked faces of everyone in the audience. Charizard stopped using the steel type moves with another roar and landed on the stage with a grin. They both bowed to the silent audience who started to clap before giving a loud cheer and screams.

Ash rubbed Charizard's neck, "Hear that big guy! That cheer is for you."

Charizard nodded, -Yes!-

Ash smirked, "I bet Damien is kicking himself right now."

Charizard smirked back, -No doubt!-

Layla, "Woah! That was intense! Let's see what the judges have to say."

Mr Contesta, "I must say, I didn't expect that at all. This was out of the book literally."

Mr Sukizo, "Very remarkable!"

Nurse Joy, "It's very impressed, how well the moves were pulled off. While Charizards can use steel type attacks, it's not an energy type that is easy to tap into."

Daisy, "I agree with Nurse Joy. I didn't expect the ending either. That was very risky but perfectly executed. It shows the trust and bond between the Pokemon and trainer."

Nastina gave a jolly laugh, "You never fail to impress me do you sonny? Even my dear friend over there is very impressed."

Everyone blinked and turned to where Nastina was pointing and saw a larger than normal Tentacruel waving them. Ash blinked before a light went on inside his head, the Tentacruel they saw before. It was a Tentacruel with the King gene and no doubt had got their tentacles on a wishing star giving them the large body. The Tentacruel was still quite big without the wishing star but not towering over them anymore and looked happy as they waved at him and Charizard. Charizard roared in greeting and Ash turned back to the stage to see the points he had received.

Layla, "And Ash and Charizard got full fifty points."

Ash grinned as Charizard glomped him and started to lick him making him burst into laughter at the ticklish feeling. Ash rubbed Charizard's snout and went back to the lounge where the other trainers were.

Drew, "That was impressive."

Ash smiled, "Thank you! We worked hard."

Harley, "Instead of going for beauty, you decided to show off your Charizard's strength. Nice!"

Charizard rumbled, -Thank you!-

Harley's eyes widened before he calmed and nodded at his Alakazam who raised an invisible shield around the three of them, "Aura Guardian?"

Ash shrugged, "Not officially, no I'm not."

Harley sighed, "You can use aura, that's pretty rare and you should be careful kid. I mean it."

Drew, "Uh... Ash is careful. Except for a close group of friends, family and the current Guardians obviously."

Harley was quiet before speaking, "Doesn't stop people from trying to kidnap them."

Ash blinked, "You knew someone?"

Harley, "I used to, but that's not important right now. You should be careful."

Alakazam released his shield, "Kazam!"

Ash, "I'll be careful. Thanks!"

Harley humped and turned around and watched as the last coordinator performed and Layla called an end to the first round of the Festival. Ash looked back at Harley wondering who it was and what happened to them for him to have a strong reaction. He gave a grumble when he realized it was probably someone unknown, someone who was not shown on the screen. Layla in the meantime announced a fifteen minute break as they set the stage up for the next round.

Lucario slipped back stage in search of him and whispered, -Meema, the eggs! Quick!-

Ash, "Ah! Let's go outside. We have fifteen minutes break right now."

Pikachu cooed, "Pika pikapi."

Ash grinned as Charizard rumbled and led the way out of the building. Most of the other coordinators were busy with their own Pokemon to pay attention to him. They were either nervous or making last minute preparation for the next rounds. They came out to one of the beach gardens that was connected through pathways coming from the luxury hotel. Ash nodded as he walked towards the trees, and sat down looking at the two poke eggs which were shaking earlier and now glowing.

Lucario, -Here Meema. Sit here.-

Ash sat in the shade and smiled, "Okay, let's see.... Ah! They are glowing a lot! Do you think?"

Charizard rumbled, -Patience!-

Ash gave a chuckle, "Yeah, we still have twelve minutes after all."

Pikachu cooed as the poke eggs shook and glowed more than a minute ago. Ash spread a bit of his aura and he felt it, two heartbeats coming from the poke eggs. It always made him feel amazed whenever he thought of welcoming new Pokemon. Lapras and Tyrunt were already showing signs of being a battle ready adult in Pokemon years. He spent the time in Pallet spoiling and playing with them and it was not just them, if he was being honest. Ash looked at Phantump who came out of his shadow and thought about Chimchar, they were older too. How times fly!

Ash, 'Oh!'

Pikachu, "Chuuuu!"

Lucario, -Come on little ones!-

Charizard, -We are waiting. Should we tell the others?-

Ash smiled, "Come out you two!"

The two Pokemon came out surprised and Charizard filled them in on what was happening at the moment. The two were surprised but started to encourage the Pokemon to join them. Soon the glow died down and Ash couldn't help but gape at the two Pokemon infront of him.

Ash, "Beautiful!"

The two blinked and yipped at him sniffing and snuggling into him, after recognizing his smell and aura.

Lucario, -Sooooo shiny Pokemon eggs look different?-

Pikachu, "Pikachu!"

Phantump, "Phaaaa!"

Charizard, -Albino poke eggs are different too.-

Ash rubbed the two Pokemon on their belly, "Yeah! An albino Abra and a shiny Eevee. What are the odds?"

Eevee, "Vui!"

Abra looked at Ash, "Ab abra!"

Ash grinned brightly as they all welcomed the newly hatched Pokemon to the family before time was up. Lucario and Charizard decided to take over and watch over the newly hatch babies and feed them on time. Ash snickered thinking about how Gary would react when he saw his new poke babies who were albino and a shiny. He left his bag with them as well as Pikachu to help watch over and take care of the Pokemon.

Harley, "You look happy."

Drew, "They hatched?"

Ash nodded, "Lucario is taking care of them along side Charizard and Pikachu."

Harley grinned, "Will we see your other Pokemon?"

Ash smirked, "Just wait and see."

Layla, "Welcome back everyone and we have the top eight contenders on board. Unlike normal contest, during Grand Festival we have three battle rounds. The first two battle rounds will show off your Pokemon's traits in singular battles. The final battle will be a double battle which will not only show case your Pokemon's beauty and strength but also team work. Good luck to the top eight contenders."

Ash saw his face come out second after Drew and saw his opponent, "Who's Mavin?"

Harley, "She's from Unova, interesting."

Drew, "I saw some of her plays, very impressive."

Harley murmured, "Looks like I'm battling first, with ice lady, Regina."

Ash, "You know her? Never mind! You better win!"

Harley huffed, "Who do you think you are talking to darling~ And yeah, we are rivals I guess you could say."

Layla, "Let's welcome our first contestants!"

Harley waved as he got on stage, "Mwah! Mwah! Love you all!"

Layla, "Both sides will choose the Pokemon at the same time. Now let the battle begin."

Harley, "Gourgeist, time to shine!"

Regina, "Froslass, show them what you got."

Gourgeist appeared using a bright moonblast while Froslass used powder snow to make an appearance. Gourgeist, Ash noticed was the large size and he remembered reading during the war, they would pretend to be adults and steal children from the enemy camp. The children would then be trained and forced to fight the fighters of the opposing side of the war..... Frosslass pretty much had just an equally terrifying reputation as Gourgeist even though it was mostly confined to colder areas with snow. Frosslass were known to act as a helpless maiden in danger which would prompt the enemy or soldier to try and help them out. Only for the soldiers to be frozen to death or be led to their death traps. It was a very dark history lesson, and one of the reasons why people in Kanto were not fond of ghost types.

Layla, "Begin!"

Regina, "I will not loose to you this time Harley! Use Icy wind followed by ice fang."

Harley, "You can try sweetheart, Will-O-Wisp followed by brutal swing."

Frosslass used icy wind to attack Gourgeist directly making her look like a mystical and terrifying ice queen. Gourgeist on the other hand stayed cool and calm and surrounded themselves with Will-O-Wisp. Drew gave an impressed whistle at that as the Will-O-Wisp was actually keeping Gourgeist from being frozen solid. Actually Gourgeist didn't look affected at all by the attack and that is when ice fang and brutal swing clashed.

[A. N.: I can update! Finally!]