

Ash or rather Lapras received full on marks his splendid performance. The rest of the performers did their own performance and received their own points. Ash hummed as his name appeared as the third performer for the second round. Ash was going against a performer from Unova who went by Dani a red haired teen with blue eyes. Harley shared some general information about her how she belonged to a very well respected family and was a crowd favourite. Ash was then very interested especially after learning she was also doing a contest and gym battle route.

Dani, "Hi, I'm Dani Russell. Nice to meet. I heard a lot about you."

Ash grinned, "Hello Dani, I'm Ash Ketchum, let's do our best and give them a performance to remember."

Brittany, "Now, that's what the audience wants to see. Performers to your positions and choose your Pokemon."

Dani, "Electrify them, Pikachu."

Ash, "Show them who's boss Cyndaquill."

Pikachu appeared in the middle of electric stars, "Pika pikapi."

Cyndaquill appeared in the middle of heart shaped flames, "Cynda ~"

The audience cheered and cooed at the two adorable Pokemon appearing for the second round of the contest. Brittany cooed over the two Pokemon before announcing the start of the battle after listing the rules. Lokoko who had been watching from outside the stadium was cooing over the adorable Pokemon as well. They were adorable fatale.

Dani, "Thunder bolt, Pikachu."

Ash, "Flame thrower, Cyndaquill."

Pikachu used thunder bolt which danced around as it approached Cyndaquill while Cyndaquill created flame thrower in the shape of a Cyndaquill. The two attacks were showing off the control the two Pokemon had on their elemental attacks. The control the two Pokemon showed impressed the judges as the attack clashed and dispersed into sparkling yellow and orange colours. The audience ooohed on seeing the sparkles and on both sides the points went down.

Ash, "Quick attack."

Dani, "Agility."

Cyndaquill and Pikachu ran around leaving colourful trail behind them. Dani eyed the Cyndaquill and muttered under her breath, looks like she would have to step it up. Ash was also eyeing the Pikachu, he knew how much talent the little electric type had. Seeing another trainer's Pikachu perform just reminded him of his Pikachu's abilities and power.

Dani, "Pikachu use charm."

Ash, "Flame wheel, burn it away."

Cyndaquill rolled creating a ball of flesh just as Pikachu used charm on him. Being on the other end of their Pikachu's attack he knew how powerful the charm attacks were. The best way to counter was to use an elemental attack to shield yourself. This had caused some of Dani's points to fall making her grumble about the attack.

Ash, "Now ember swift."

Cyndaquill, "Cyn."

Cyndaquill attacked with swift creating stars which was coated with ember creating fire stars which hit Pikachu. Dani saw her points go down but encouraged her Pikachu to get up, it was not over yet. Pikachu was no doubt about stubborn line, the little lady got up and attacked creating a bright electro ball.

Ash, "Cyndaquill like we practiced okay Aerial ace."

Cyndaquill nodded and started to use use quick attack to speed towards Pikachu who shot her electro ball. Cyndaquill jumped up to avoid the attack, turned, headed down and at the last moment used both front paws to push him forward using a combination of quick attack and tackle. The combined attack hit Pikachu hard sending her outside the battle area.

Brittany, "Oh my! Looks like Pikachu is out cold. Cyndaquill wins by knock out."

Cyndaquill chirped at the victory and then started to glow and become bigger, "Qui."

Ash was grinning brightly, "You evolved, you evolved into Quilava. How do you feel?"

Quilava, "Qui la."

Ash, "Good job buddy. I'm proud of you. Let's get you to Bayleef, yeah?"

Dani, "Are you okay Pikachu?"

Pikachu rubbed her head before chirping, "Pi pika."

Pikachu turned to Quilava and flushed, "Pi pika pikachu."

Dani looked between her and Quilava and laughed, "Really? Pikachu, you fall in love with the one who kicked your ass?"

Pikachu turned pink, "Pi pika pikachu pika."

Dani, "Okay, okay I'll stop teasing and talk about it with Ash."

Pikachu perked up, "Pikapi?"

Dani, "Ash, can we talk after the contest is over?"

Ash, "Sure what's up?"

Dani, "Your Quilava impressed my Pikachu and now she's fascinated by him."

Quilava tilted his head, "La? Qui la va."

Ash laughed, "I see, sure why not. If they end up liking each other who am I to say no?"

Brittany, "Awwwwww.... That's so adorable. Do keep the rest of us updated on how the date goes."

Dani, "Maybe, if Pikachu allows."

Brittany, "Now, congratulations to Ash and Quilava for moving on to the finals. Let us invite the next pair of performers."

Harley walked up to the stage confident and smirking as he faced his opponent who turned out to be Solidad. Solidad just like Harley was a crowd favourite with two Grand Festivals under her belt, if she got a third one, she would be considered a coordinator specialist or Master. The two began their dance, Solidad calling her Ninetales and Harley calling his Jellicent. Ash was not expecting to see a Jellicent all the way in Jhoto, Misty had been contemplating catching one for a while. Solidad and Harley were evenly matched but Solidad won the match by using beauty to take away the points.

Ash, "Clever."

Lucario, -Yes, which Pokemon will you use?-

Ash, "After seeing Dani use Pikachu... What do you say buddy?"

Pikachu brightened up, "Pi pika pikachu."

Abra, -You have been practicing a lot even during the contest training.-

Ash, "Shall we? You'll have to enter a pokeball though."

Pikachu gave the poke ball a stink eye but understood it was part of the rules, "Pi pika Pikapi."

Ash, "Thanks bud. You'll be out soon."

Brittany, "Let's give it up for the two finalists, Solidad and Ash."

The crowd cheered as the two finalist stood next to each other.

Solidad, "I look forward to the final round. I do wonder what Pokemon I'll face."

Ash, "A crowd favourite."

Solidad chuckled, "I'm pretty sure you have many Pokemon who are crowd favourites."

Brittany, "Contestants please take your places and release your Pokemon at the count of three."

Ash and Solidad took their place and Brittany counted, "3, 2, 1, now."

Solidad, "Time to shine my lovely Mawile."

Ash, "Outshine them all Pikachu."

Mawile appeared in a shimmer of ice sparkles, no doubt from learning and manipulating ice beam. Pikachu on the other hand appeared by shooting a thunderwave to the sky and appearing surfing on it. Both Pokemon were favourites and got loud cheers and applause for their appearances. Harley eyed Pikachu and hummed to himself, the little guy maybe tiny but it could pack quite the punch.

Brittany, "Oh my, oh my! That was lovely and magnetic. Now begin."

Ash, "Agility and electro web."

Solidad narrowed her eyes, "Ancient power and double team."

Mawile used double team and then created a beautiful sequence using ancient power which she used to attack. Pikachu on the other hand ran from the attack jumping from one spot to another to avoid the attack while dispersing the copies. That caused Solidad some point loss but she didn't let it stop her and smirked at her opponent. She called for iron head which caused Mawile's extended head to glow beautifully bring it down right in front of Pikachu.

Pikachu jumped to avoid being hit and the released the electro web that he had been creating on Mawile. Solidad had to give it to Ash, that had no doubt been practicing that one particular move for a long time. The electric web was very beautifully woven in the shape of a large heart in the middle of a spider web. Her points were going down fast, she would have to do something to retaliate.

Solidad, "Mawile charge beam."

Mawile got up and used charge beam to disdipitate the web of electricity, "Maw."

Solidad, "Mawile?"

Ash, "Pikachu electric terrain. Let's end it with style."

Pikachu smirked and released a strong wave of thunderwave to the battle floor turning it into a brightly lit terrain. Pikachu then used iron tail to knock Mawile out in a flashy twirling move.

Brittany, "Mawile is unable to continue, Pikachu has won in a flashy and stylish way."

Solidad, "Phew, you really didnt hold back, I'm very impressed."

Ash, "Thank you, we have been practicing flashy endings for a while now. Took forever to get it right but totally worth it."

Solidad, "I'll say. You okay Mawile?"

Mawile stood up shaking the paralysis off her, "Maw."

Brittany, "Congratulations to Ash for getting his final ribbon for the Grand Festival. We look forward to how you perform."

Ash beamed, "Thank you. Look everyone we did it."

Lapras appeared, "Laaaaaap."

Lucario, -Congratulations Meema.-

Pikachu, "Pi pikachu."

After the festivities Dani met up with Ash and walked with his group which also consisted of Harley to the Pokemon center. Dani had requested her Pikachu be allowed to visit Quilava and vice versa and Ash had accepted provided she didn't mind appearing in different regions. Pikachu didn't mind and agreed getting chummy with Quilava who was being looked over by Brock and Bayleef.

Harley, "You know after seeing your Pikachus I might consider getting one for myself. They may be tiny little guys but they are tiny little guys that can give a punch."

Dani laughed, "Do not be fooled by their cute looks. They are mischievous little things."

Ash chuckled, "It's the eyes, that fool people I'm sure of it."

Solidad, "I though it was the cutest smile."

Lokoko, -It's the smile.-

Dani gaped, "Wait, hold up. How?"

Lokoko gave a mischievous grin, -When you are above hundred years old you learn new tricks.-

Harley shook his head, "Only you guys will run into powerful Pokemon."

Gou gave a nervous laugh, "I guess so."

Before going separate ways they decided to attend a concert by Brittany and her two adorable Igglybuffs. They were really cute together and Ash really enjoyed the songs, they were pretty upbeat and energetic. After that they said their goodbyes and went separate ways, they were heading towards Goldenrod City. Max mapped a path way to Blackthorn City and mentioned they would be entering the old Ryujin property.

Casey, "There are many temples around this area, each one specializing in different things."

Max, "The closest one is near a lake called Lake Enlightenment."

Lokoko, -I think I remember my trainer mentioning the lake before.-

Ash smiled at her, "Sounds like a peaceful place."

Brock, "They specialize in practicing the move 'Calm Mind', there's even a section where you can train with the Pokemon."

Gou, "Interesting, there's a Shadow Gym near the place too."

Casey, "Yeah, it's a good place to train side by side with the Pokemon while battling as well."

Ash, "We can go there and check it out. I think it will be fun and interesting."

Max, "Yeah, it's this way."

The group went off the main road to a smaller one and were soon walking through a well tended garden. It was styled in a very old Shoten way with bamboo groves growing on the sides of the road before spreading out in vast fields of flowers. Soon enough they could see the large lake which was shimmering under the bright sun and a cool breeze came from the lake. The group took a breath in and relaxed as they looked around and saw a few trainers in uniforms with their Pokemon.

Ash, "You know what I love this place. Just look at it."

Lucario grabbed Ash, -Meema this way.-

Ash, "What's up Lucario?"

Lucario, -There.-

Ash blinked, "Meowth? Meowth, is that you?"

Meowth who had been in a meditative position opened his eyes, "Kit! About time you came here nyarth."

Ash caught the cat Pokemon as he jumped on him, "I missed you too."

Abra, -Uncle Meowth.-

Lokoko, -You are a surprise indeed. I mean I was told about you but this is a surprise.-

Meowth bowed, "Thank you my lady."

Casey, "It's good to see you again."

Max, "I still can't get over the fact he can talk like a human."

Gou laughed, "You and I both but I would not change him for the world."

Brock, "You can say that again. You are a sight for sore eyes Meowth."

Meowth eyed them, "I heard you all have been running into Team Rocket a lot lately."

Ash, "We did any idea what they are after."

Meowth, "Yes, and you are not gonna like it."

[A. N.: I'm happy to see my new Transformers fanfic is getting so many stones and readers.

Thank you for the stones everyone. I appreciate it.]