
Chapter 18: Castelia Gym (Part 2)

A/N: This chapter will be from Elesa perspective.

I will do these in the story at times, to give you a take on other characters thoughts. But this is the first one.

Hope you enjoy it.


(Elesa: POV)

Taking several deep breaths I worked to calm my nerves.

Since no matter how many times I appear in front of people I always ends up getting beautiflies in my stomach.

After a few moments passed I finally managed to calm down.

Once I did so I exited the bathroom I was in and headed straight for the corridor leading to the battle arena.

Arriving I was fitted with a wireless mic, and then once I was I climbed the stairs and took to the stage directly in front of me.

Ready to win my third badge.

Just like Ezra had done moments ago.

Turning my attention to the stands for a moment I spotted him instantly.

His stark white and beautiful hair making him stand out amongst everyone else.

I gave him a small wave, and he returned it in kind.

Which helped to calm my nerves even further.

Although we only met by chance a few weeks ago I can safely call Ezra my friend.

Unlike other boys he doesn't stare at me like I'm a piece of meat.

He's more subtle in checking me out.

So subtle in fact I really didn't notice at first.

That is until I caught him staring at my butt once.

But strangely if it's him looking at me like that I actually don't mind.

'Wait. This is no time for those thoughts brain!' I screamed internally.

I then slightly shook my head and refocused all my energy on defeating the gym leader in front of me.

Since this time, I want a sweeping victory.

Unlike my first two gym battles. I lost them both.

Even though I obtained a badge for my efforts each time, this feeling of bitterness in my chest won't go away.

So today I'll erase it by winning. No, me and my pokemon will erase this feeling by winning. Since they have the same bitterness in their hearts as I do.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it's time for another gym battle to start!" The referee shouted.

As he did so I turned all of my attention to the field.

Then once he finished hyping up the crowd and stating the rules as he previously did during Ezra match, the battle was on.

"Persian." Foster said.

The pokball he threw opened, and then an Alolan Persian took to the field.

"Tynamo, go!" I said.

When she took to the field I saw both Foster and his Persian snub their noses in our direction, but they quickly covered it up.

They probably think I am throwing the match, since Tyanmo has an extremely limited move set.

Well, they are sorely mistaken.

"Persian, end this quickly. Power Gem." Foster said.

"Tynamo dodge, and then use Thunder Wave." I said.

As Persian fired off a beam from the gem in the center of its head, Tynamo dodged. She then released waves of electricity from her body, striking Persian and giving it the paralysis effect.

"Good. Now Spark." I said.

When I did so Tynamo coated her entire body in electrical energy. She then shot forward like a dart and slammed into Persian, landing a direct hit. This caused the cat to cry out in pain.

"Oh, looks like challenger Elesa came to play. Her Tynamo's speed is nothing to scoff at." The referee spoke.

'Of course it's not.' I thought.

Tynamo's speed is her greatest asset. One which we've improved on so that she can take on opponents until she evolves.

And even then we won't stop working on her greatest weapon.

Rising to its feet Persian shared a brief look with its trainer. Once this happened they look in their eyes towards us changed.

Meaning they are finally taking this seriously.


I wouldn't want to win my badge any other way.

"Nasty Plot, then use Bite." Foster said.

His Persian then powered up, and closed the distance. Snapping its fangs down onto Tynamo. Which caused her to cry out in pain.

"Give it a shock using Charge Beam." I said.

Once I did so Tynamo quickly gathered electrical energy and released it as point blank range, landing another direct hit on Persian.

Who dropped her out of its mouth and jumped back.

"Tackle." I said.

Tynamo then shot forward and slammed directly into Persian, sending it skidding across the field.

"Payback." Foster called.

But Persian was stopped in its tracks thanks to the paralysis.

"Spark once more." I said. Deciding to press my attack.

Charging up with electricity once more Tynamo darted forward, and slammed into Persian again. Landing another hit.

"Screech, then use Power Gem." Foster spoke.

When he did so Persian unleashed a horrid cry from its mouth, which struck Tynamo and stopped her in her tracks. After this happened, it fired off a beam from the gem in the center of its head and landed a direct hit on Tynamo. Which tossed her to the ground.

"Nasty Plot, then end this with Dark Pulse." Foster said.

Persian then powered up, only to let paralysis affect it before it could launch its attack.

"Tynamo quickly, use Spark." I said.

When I did so she levitated off the ground, and then coated her body in electricity. But this time something was different.

Normally her electricity is yellow, but this time its blue.

"Tynamo!" She cried.

She then darted forward and slammed into Persian. Sending it flying across the field.

"Good, now Charge Beam." I said.

When I did so Tynamo unleashed a blue stream of electricity, and blasted Persian.

As the dark-cat stared at Tynamo it suddenly fell forward. Unconscious.

Meaning we had one.

"Excellent work Tynamo. You are absolutely dazzling!" I happily told her.

"Tynamo!" She happily cried. Moving around in circles.

Then all of a sudden she stopped and began glowing.

Then a few seconds passed, and there on the field was now an Eelektrik.

My Eelektrik.

"Oh, and challengers Elesa's pokemon suddenly evolves after her victory!" The referee spoke.

But I really didn't pay him any mind.

Instead I smiled at my Eelektrik.

I also took out my phone and scanned her with the pokedex app on it, to see what moves she now had access to. Once I did this I put my phone away, while also making a note to get a Thunder Stone later so I could evolve her into an Eelektross.

That way she could shin her brightest.

Returning his Persian, Foster quickly sent out his second pokemon.

A Krokorok.

Seeing this I returned Eelektrik for now, and sent out Joltik.

Because currently he is the best choice to take down Foster's second pokemon.

But I know that only holds true for now.

That's why I need to train even harder. So that when I faced ground-type specialist in the future or ground-type pokemon I can emerge victorious despite the clear disadvantage.

I mean high level trainers disregard type disadvantage pretty much all the time. So if they can do it so can I.

Though for the moment, I'll stick with the basics.

"Krokorok, use Sandstorm." Foster said.

"Watch it away with Rain Dance." I said.

When I did so rain clouds formed and started blanketing the field with water, keeping the sandstorm from forming.

A little trick Ezra taught me while we trained together.

He really is a good friend.

I should definitely do something to thank him for all his help.

A nice dinner at a fancy restaurant perhaps.

"Scary Face, then use Fire Fang." Foster said.

"Sucker Punch." I said, a small smirk on my face.

I decided to give Foster a taste of his own medicine.

Before his Krokorok could get into position, Joltik got in close and slammed it in the face with his legs.

"Good, now Fury Cutter." I said.

When I did so Joltik delivered several slashes to Krokorok's body, making it cry out in pain.

"Grab hold of Joltik. Then use Fire Fang." Foster said.

Collecting itself Krokorok grab hold of Joltik in its left hand, and then set it mouth ablaze. A second later it bit into him. Then it tossed him right into the ground.

"Keep up the pressure, Rock Tomb." Foster said.

Krokorok slammed its left fist into the ground, and then summoned several rocks around Joltik. Which slammed into his body, creating a dust cloud as they did so.

When it cleared he didn't look so good.

But I have a plan for that.

"Rest, then Sleep Talk." I said.

I learned a valuable lesson from my battle against gym leader Lenora. Sleep Talk is a priceless move.

Falling asleep Joltik began healing itself, and then fired off a Pin Missile towards Krokorok.

"Dodge it, then use Earthquake." Foster said.

So Krokorok dodged the attack, then slammed its tail into the ground. A second later the entire battle field started to shake, and I had grab the railing in front of me to keep from falling over.

Meanwhile Joltik whined, but stayed asleep and kept on healing.

"Don't let it heal any more. Dark Pulse."

"Joltik." I called out to him.

When I did so he dodged the pulse of dark energy and closed the distance. Unleashing a powerful Bug Buzz after he did so, which knocked the Krokorok on its ass.

He then woke up.

"Good job." I told him. "Now, use Fury Cutter." I told him.

He then sliced into Krokorok multiple times.

"Fire Fang." Foster said.

"Use String Shot to tie its mouth closed. Then use Pin Missile." I spoke.

After I did Joltik shot out some white string from his mouth, and used it to tightly wrap Korokorok's mouth closed.

Which only lasted for a few seconds, but it was enough for him to launch another attack.

That struck home, and knocked Krokorok on his ass again.

And this time he stayed down.

"Oh, and challenger Elesa win's her second battle!" The referee said.

As he did so Joltik bristled with pride.

I also smiled happily.

Returning Krokorok, Foster sent out his final pokemon.

A Mightyena.

When he did I returned Joltik and sent out my partner, Zebstrika.

Since he wants to make up for the last gym battle he participated in.

"And here it is folks. Our gym leader is down to his final pokemon. While our challenger still has all three of hers. Even so, two of those are injured. So then, will our gym leader be able to pull a come from behind victory, or will the challenger sweep him cleanly by not losing a single one of her pokemon? Let's find out." The referee said.

The crowd then roared in excitement.

"Mightyena, use Crunch."

"Dodge, then use Charge followed by Spark." I said.

As Mightyena closed the distance, Zebstrika leapt back and then gathered electrical energy around his body before rushing forward, and slamming into Mightyena.

"Snarl." Foster said.

Mightyena then unleashed a horrid cry, which made Zebstrika wince in pain.

"Mud-Slap." Foster said.

Zebstrika was then hit with mud all over his body.

"Nasty Plot. Then use Dark Pulse. "Foster spoke.

"Protect." I said.

A green orb then formed around Zebstrika, keeping him safe from harm.


"Sucker Punch."

I clicked my tongue as Mightyena slammed into Zebstrika.

"Nasty Plot, then Dark Pulse once more." Foster said.

"Double Team. Then use Thunder Wave."

As Mightyena fired off powerful streams of dark energy, Zebstrika made copies of himself. He then unleashed a wave of electricity from his body, giving Mightyena paralysis.

"Charge, then use Thunderbolt."

"Sucker Punch." Foster said.

But the paralysis kicked in, stopping Mightyena in its tracks.

This allowed Zebstrika to charge up and then unleash a bolt of electricity from its body, striking Mightyena.

"Keep up the pressure. Discharge." I said.

"Dodge it, and then Crunch." Foster said.

As Zebstrika blanketed the field with electrical blasts, Mightyena dodged and closed the distance. But the paralysis once again took affect, making it pause for a brief moment. That caused it to get struck my Zebstrika's attack.

"Good. Now finish this Wild Charge." I said. Calling for the new move Zebstrika learned a few days ago.

Gathering electricity around his body, he coated himself and then rushed forward. Slamming into Mightyena and sending it flying across the field.

The hit was so intense, it slammed into the wall behind Foster.

Falling unconscious after it did so.

"Oh, and there you have it folks. Challenger Elesa has had a sweeping victory against gym leader Foster!" The referee spoke.

But one again I paid little attention to his words.

Instead I exited the stage and went down to the field. Where I wrapped Zebstrika in a victory hug.

A smile on my face.


After receiving my TM and badge from Foster I left the arena.

Ignoring his cheesy pick up lines.

I'll admit he's handsome, but not my type.

Entering the gym lobby I looked around and spotted Ezra sitting on a bench in the corner.

The moment I did so I immediately went over to him.

As I reached him to stood up, a smile on his face.

"You won. Congratulations. Looks like all that training paid off." He said.

I nodded. "Yes. But you and your pokemon were a huge help in that regard. So thank you. Ezra.'

"Of course." He said.

As he did so I nodded once more.

Then before I realized what I was doing I leaned in closed to him and...


Planted a kiss on his left cheek.

"Wow." Ezra said, touching his cheek where I kissed him.

'Wait....I just kissed him!!!' I thought.

It looks like I need to find a deep hole to crawl into a die.


A/N: There's the chapter.

A kiss on the cheek from Elesa. What will Ezra do?

Find out next chapter.