
Pokemon: Radical Redux

You know the drill, a medical student was watching the finale episode of Pokemon. "Man can't believe it's finally over. Looking at his clock, Shoot I'm going to be late." But our protagonist met our old friend Truck-kun due to a change in destiny. "At least things aren't so bad I get to start my Journey, wait why am I Ash, Why is almost everything and everyone different, and why is this world so much harder than the original?!" Additional Tags: Maybe-Harem, Not stupid MC, multiple plot lines, Random decisions from dice rolls No dead pokemon parts to increase strength No potential stuff Only training methods and bond ________________________ So hey, this is my first fanfic, Please don't murder me, secondly, this is an AU with anime, games, and manga elements, with a bit of the novel. Earlier chapters are ruff, but I think the later ones get better. Also if you have a complaint, Idea, criticism, or whatever, fell free to say it I love reading feedback from you all

Katsu39 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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251 Chs

Turn the Tide

Looker and Cole walked through the tunnel, it was much larger about 7 ft to the ceiling, Croagunk was still running beside Looker as they kept going.

Looker wasn't looking at Cole, "how much farther do you think it will be until we-"

But at that very moment, Cole released his Pokemon a Arcanine which he immediately pointed toward Looker's back to attack him while they were alone

But despite what Cole hoped as Arcanine rushed forward Croagunk's Anticipation ability activated and he predicted the attack, so in a single motion Croagunk jumped back with his fist glowing purple to deflect the attack.

As the two Pokemon were clashing Cole smugly looked at Looker, "I bet you're wondering why I'm doing this, why would the great Cole be attacking another member of the International Police."

"Because you're a part of Team Rocket?"

"Because I am a part of Team Ro- wait what?" Cole felt his background crack like glass as it felt like his dramatic reveal was ruined.

"Yes, I had my suspicions about you, and you all but confirmed them right here."

Cole scoffed, "What difference does it make, for anyone to believe you you need to tell them, and dead men tell no stories."

"You forget something," Looker said as Croagunk jumped back to his side, "I am your senior officer, and I have faced worse things than an entitled kid."

Cole grit his teeth in anger, "Arcanine [Flamethrower] Now!"

"Croagunk let's do this partner"

As Arcanine charged a breath of fire, Croagunk ran forward, his fist still glowing purple.

Brock, Yellow, and Misty where facing Colress and his Magnezone, they had Graveler, Gravvy, and Starmie respectively but even with the 3 v 1 they were struggling, 

To anyone analyzing this battle Brock was in the best position because of Graveler but Yellow wasn't as experienced in battling with Gravvy so she was falling behind, and Starmie was a water type.

"Graveler [Rock Blast] now" Brock commanded as his rock grabbed multiple stones from the ground and started throwing them at the flying magnet.

Despite Magnezone's infamy as one of the slower electric types, it dodged most of them only barely grasped by the last stone chipping against its metal body.

Colress looked unimpressed, no he was actually disappointed, this battle went on for about 5 minutes and yet nothing happened that truly impressed him.

"Magnezone [Body Press]"

Magnezone's magnets circled as it flew over and dropped its magnetism to use the force to crash into Graveler, he tried to catch it but the momentum just made him slide back

Misty took that as an opportunity, "Starmie use [Psychic] and grab it!"

Starmie's central gem began glowing as Magnezone began getting covered in a light purple aura and it was raised, leaving it vulnerable.

"Yellow now!" Misty signaled

"O-ok, Gravvy use [Smack Down]," Yellow said almost stuttering

Gravvy ran forward with all his arms raised and ready to slam into this magnet when suddenly Colress spoke again.

"[Flash Cannon]"

A beam came from nowhere and slammed into Gravvy's side and sent him crashing into a nearby building.

From the side a Klinklang floated over, its gears shifting like a clock and Magnezone broke free, Colress looked at them, "Did you really think I wouldn't use more than 1 Pokemon."

While Graveler went in front of Magnezone and Starmie stood in front of the Klinklang, Yellow was worried and ran over to Gravvy, at the same time Chuchu jumped off her shoulder and Dody jumped out of his Pokeball to both stand guard and protect Yellow.

Colress noticed this and chuckled as he looked at her, Brock and Misty both noticed this so Brock pulled another Pokeball and released Onix in case he tried anything funny.

But Colress didn't plan on doing anything like that, instead, he raised his arms and pointed at Yellow, "Isn't it truly a shame, the difference in our power."

Yellow was helping Gravvy out of the rubble as she looked at him, "What do you mean?"

"Your Pokemon, they are all weak, all of you, you can't even fight against me alone."

"Hey, you take that back!" Misty yelled

But Colress shook his head, "But it's not your fault, it is just the way all your Pokemon are, truly they start weak and no matter how much you try they will stay below Pokemon like mine."

"That's not true, they are my friends!" Yellow said, looking at the scientist.

Brock and Misty looked at him, "Yeah, there's no such thing as weak Pokemon, every Pokemon can grow to be stronger if they are raised right!"

"Friends?" Colress laughed, "What good is that, friendship is useless, no matter how much you think the power of friendship will help you, it is unless in the end that Pikachu will always lose to a Raichu, water types will lose to an electric type, and your rock types will lose to steel types."

"Isn't it a shame that you can't change that?" Colress said, looking at everyone.

Brock and Misty looked at him but Yellow felt different.

When she heard what he said she felt her fists clench, "You take that back," she said with her teeth clenched.

Colress looked at her, "Why should I, it's only the truth, proven by science time and time again, friendship is worthless, all that matters is a Pokemon's power."

Yellow looked up, and on a closer look her iris looked like it was glowing, "Then I'll make you take it back."

Suddenly Gravvy got up as its wounds began healing rapidly, looking at the ground small objects began floating with a light yellow aura, and Chuchu, Gravvy, and Dody began to feel their power start growing.

So much so that Gravvy and Dody both started glowing a bright light, then their bodies changed, Gravvy lost his extra arms and gained a shell and Dody gained a new head as they both evolved from the flux of emotions.

Yellow stared at Colress, "I'll show you what my friends can do!"

"Interesting!" Colress said smiling like a madman, "Very well let's put this to the test. I look forward to the results!"

Spark, Candela, and Blanche continued their assault on the two bids, their main focus was to weaken them enough so that maybe they could break through, but as of everything going on it wasn't working.

Spark was still playing support to both of them making sure Zapdos protected everyone, "Zapdos get Candela out of the way and [Zap Cannon]"

In a flash Zapdos disappeared followed by Candela and Salamence, out of the way from Moltres's [Overheat], then they appeared above where Zapdos shot at Moltres's wing sending it down.

Candela looked surprised seeing the sudden fall, and before anyone could acknowledge it she made Salamence dive bomb down to catch it, as they fell she could hear Spark and Blanche yell after her.

But she didn't stop, after all, this was all originally her fault so she will fix this no matter what.

Cliff, Arlo, and Sierra were battling against Ash, Green, and Gary, but with the way that they ambushed them Cliff was battling against Ash, Gary against Arlo, leaving Green and Sierra.

Green let out her Clefable as she was battling Sierra's Houndoom, as they all took care of their individual opponent.

Green pointed towards Houndoom, "Clefable use [Dazzling Gleam]"

"Houndoom breakthrough and [Crunch]"

Houndoom began running towards the Pink Pokemon as she released a barrage of glass-like fragments in the air that began going to his side, but even still it was neutral damage so it kept running through and charged his fangs.

Green quickly retaliated, "[Minimize] quickly"

Clefable's body quickly shrunk disappearing from view as Houndoom chomped at nothing, leaving him looking around 

Sierra looked at Green mockingly, "So you're running now, pathetic."

Green smirked back "Oh we're not running, just buying time for a [Focus Blast]!'

Clefable reappeared and in a flip shot a red orb from her hand and slammed to Houndoom's side sending him down.

Sierra glared at them, "[Inferno] Now!"

Houndoom began igniting in flames preparing for an attack, when suddenly a blast of water shot from the side and extinguished Houndoom's flames leaving it steaming.

From the side, a Blastoise jumped into this battle, but not just any Blastoise, it was Gary's Blastoise who he sent over to help.

Speaking of which, Gary was faring much better against Arlo.

"Arcanine [Flame Wheel]!"

"Scizor [Vacuum Wave] on the ground!"

Arcanine began spinning as he charged toward the iron bug, but Scizor began punching the air, each punch releasing a blast of air that disrupted the path that eventually led to Arcanine bouncing over Scizor.

Arlo smirked, "Now [Bullet Punch]"

As he was in the air Scizor began punching rapidly into Arcanine's stomach, juggling the dog each time knocking the wind out of him.

That is until a blast of fire came in and hit Scizor back and left Arcanine back on the floor, and flying next to him was a Charizard, Ash's Charizard who he sent over.

And speaking of which, Ash's battle was probably more of a Grudge Match, as Tyranitar and Machoke had their hands clasped as they tried to push the other one back.

Tyranitar was stronger but Machoke didn't let him get any footing,

Cliff yelled over, "Tose 'em now!"

Ash did the same, "[Low Kick]!"

Both put in effort, this was the first time Machoke fought someone stronger than him, he should be afraid and yet this only made his blood boil and excite him, suddenly a small burst of strength exploded and he managed to throw Tyranitar back.

Tyranitar got up and Cliff clenched his teeth, "Tyranitar [Stone Edge]"

"Machoke [Dynamic Punch]!"

Tyranitar was about to punch the ground to send rocks at Machoke, but before his fist could touch the ground his arm was covered in vines, and when Cliff and Tyranitar looked back they saw a Venusaur, Green's Venusaur.

With that distraction, Tyranitar couldn't finish the attack causing Machoke to land a devastating uppercut to the dinosaur.

Cliff took a moment to process what happened but he shook his head as he went to his bag, "2 on 1 isn't far, let's make things a little more even." 

Then Cliff held another Pokeball, but before he could release it, Ash appeared in front of him and grabbed his hand, and pulled him into a punch square on his face making him drop the Ball and letting Ash kick it away.

Cliff took a step back feeling the place he was hit, then he looked at Ash with shock, Ash just kept the smirk on his face and cracked his knuckles, "Who said anything about a fair fight."

Blaine was almost out of everything, he threw almost everything he had and yet it wasn't enough, his Charizard Y was barely standing and all his Magmortar were out cold, and yet Zapmolcuno was still up.

And what's worse his arm started hurting, as both he and Charizard looked up at the monstrosity they know as Zapmolcuno, it charged one final attack aiming to destroy him and the Volcano.

The worst part is that as soon as the Volcano is destroyed all of Cinnabar goes down with it, and yet he can't do anything else, Charizard stepped in front of him with his wings extended hoping to protect him

Zapmolcuno released the sphere of triple energy down and as it got closer Blaine didn't look away.

Which is why he was surprised when another Charizard flew past and broke through the energy ball in an explosion.

Before Blaine could question what happened he noticed the Charizard had a necklace, and then a man walked past him and tossed him a green potion, a Full restore.

The man was none other than Lance who let his cape flow through the wind, "Sorry I'm late, but it looks like you did a good job without me, I guess that's why you're the second strongest gym leader with the most experience."

Blaine blinked then immediately started giving Charizard the potion, "How did you find out about all this."

"We can talk about that later, but for now let's end this once and for all," Lance said as he pressed a bracelet he had hidden under his sleeve, "Mega evolve!"

His Charizard's form extended as his flame burned brighter, but instead of a deeper orange like Blaine's, it was a dark blue as his body turned black, revealing Charizard X.

When Blaine was done Charizard flew forward, as now it was Charizard X & Y vs Zapmolcuno

{Zapmolcuno - 40% health remaining}


I felt generous so I'll give you the rare Sunday upload, now hand over your stones