
Pokemon: Pallet Town's Genius

A 17 year old guy called Colson from Earth gets a second chance at life, but in a completely different world with different customs and new creatures. Lets see what his journey will bring us and what he will achieve as the twin of Green in Pallet Town ______________________________ This fanfic is made by me on this account. If seen anywhere else, it's a copy and paste. Colson will not limit himself to the gyms in Kanto and will join another league! But you will have to find out your self :) Pokemon is owned by Pokemon co, and the only thing I own are the MC and my OCs. Im a busy boy so don't expect a stable upload schedule but I will try my best to upload a few chapters a week. Also no colour or talent system. This story will be based on the anime with a sprinkle of the games and a pinch of au. Things like ways of evolving, the age of some characters, move mechanics, and what Pokemon can mega will be different. Comment if I made a grammar mistake as it's my first time writing any stories outside of the quick narratives I wrote at school.

Cabrera4 · Autres
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48 Chs

First Battle! [19]


Everyone reading I have a power stone goal for a bonus chapter!

200 Stones = 1 chapter

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Cynthia and I are currently over at my house after a lot of convincing, after getting her grandma's permission. My family and Cynthia's grandma are now watching us at a small field both of us each holding a single Pokeball with each of us taking glances at each other waiting for my dad to start the battle.

My Pokeball showing a Fire icon and Cynthia's, a Dragon icon.


The Green's Backyard field

"This will is a one on one battle!" Alex says with a joyous voice eager to see his son's first ever Pokemon battle.

The audience consisting of Colson's parents and Professor Coralina are currently excited as they want to see the results of the battle.

"You can win this brother!" An enthusiastic Lily shouts cheering for Colson.

Alex seeing that Cynthia and his son are ready shouts.


Both opposing sides hearing the signal sent out their Pokemon.

On Colson's side of the field can be seen a Chimchar with the height of 0.6m. While on Cynthias side can be seen a sand shark called Gible that's currently at the height of 0.72m.

Making the most of the situation, before Cynthia does anything else Colson takes the chance to check out her Gibles status.

_ _ _

[Species: Gible♀ (The Land Shark Pokemon)

Junior Tier (lvl 14)

Location of Capture: Celestic Town (Sinnoh Region)

Type: Dragon/Ground

Ability: Sand Veil (Gives the Pokemon better perception in a sandstorm and gives it the immunity to a sandstorm), Rough Skin (When the Pokemon is hit with a physical attacking move some of the damage is returned to the attacker).

Basic Information: This Gible is currently very healthy and its trained very well, This Pokemon for its level. It's 1.2 times bigger than the average Gible and is very aggressive/serious at times due to its dragons pride. It seems to be enhancing itself constantly with a certain method

It has been given F grade supplements.]



Beginner: Sand-Attack, Dragon Breath, Iron-Head, Thrash, Outrage

Intermediate: Sand-Tomb, Tackle,

Mastered: None

Enhanced: None

Signature Move: None


Coordination: F

Strength: E+

Endurance: E

Agility: F-

Core Capacity: F+

Core Potency: E+


I barely read all of it, but the thing I took away the most was its level, limited usable moves and its kinda mixed stats. It will still be a challenge but I can try to exploit its speed and coordination for a bit.

Cynthia's Gible has a great foundation, the only reason it's higher level than Chimchar is because its trained its physical stats and hasn't focused on its moves making it a bit weak, but it's understandable as it's still in its lowest point of being a dragon because of its slow growth.

Don't misunderstand though it's still way stronger than Chimchar though. A difference between physical stats can mean the world. An F and an E stats are a jump in power.

But now is not the time to think about its foundation it's time to battle. To test the waters I will start with the first move.

"Chimchar, Ember!" I shout. While shouting this I just realised how screwed I am. My Chimchar's only attack that can do decent damage is Power-up Punch which is just a neutral attack.

The Gibble not moving at all stands still tanking the ember like a champ puffing its chest a little.

"Gibble, Sand-Tomb" Cynthia shouts.

Gible using the move Sand-Tomb sends out a small sand vortex towards Chimchar.

"Chimchar, dodge to the left!" I tell Chimchar that his closest option for dodging is the left side from my angle.

Chimchar dodging the attack uses Ember. Gible blinded by his his own Sand-Tomb didn't expect Chimchar to dodge and gets hit by the ember sent on his way making him distressed.

"Chimchar, quickly use Power-up Punch!"

"Gible, Iron head!"

Chimchar gritting his teeth at this exchange of moves as he's clearly out powered by this hard headed Gible. My Chimchar now wincing at the Iron-head sends out another Ember trying to cover for itself.

"Chimchar make distance!" I shout

"Gible, Dragon breath!"

Chimchar dodging the dragon breath suddenly gets swept up in the old Sand-tomb still in play sweeping Chimchar off its feet sending it crashing towards Colson. Chimchar quickly gets up with a fire in its eyes and starts to become more vigilant.

"Gible, Sand-Tomb!" Cynthia commands Gible.

"Chimchar, dodge to the right!" Chimchar now dodging the Sand-Tomb suddenly gets a boost in speed, realising this as an opportunity I quickly tell Chimchar to attack. "Chimchar Power-up Punch!"

Chimchar now with its new found speed, runs up to Gible getting two direct punched at its right side without it being able to counter at all. Gible now flinching suddenly goes for an Iron-Head getting a clean hit sending Chimchar a few steps back.

"Chimchar, use ember!"

"Gible, dragon breath!"

Both attacks colliding makes a small smoke screen covering the middle of the grass fields. The smoke quickly disappearing, I quickly realise something.

Cynthia seeing my reaction smiles.

"Gible, Sand-Tomb!" She shouts with a wide grin plastered on her face.

Quickly realising her plan all along I can only hope for Chimchar to dodge.

"Chimchar, get out of there!" I shout, but it's too late. My Chimchar is stuck in between three Sand-Tombs without any way of escaping.

"Gible, finish this match off with a Dragon breath!" Cynthia shouts as Gible prepares a full powered Dragon breath quickly sending my Chimchar hurling towards my direction fainted.

"Chimchar is fainted! So the winner is Cynthia and Gible!" My dad shouts as everyone claps at our battle.

Quickly picking up my Chimchar I start to use a few Max Potions on him.

In the middle of the fight I felt a little spark but I'm not sure what it was but it might have something to do with my aura. So I can just speculate about this some time else.

Realising that the match is over, after healing my Chimchar I walk over to Cynthia.

"That was great battle!" I said in a cheerful voice "I didn't expect you to trap my Chimchar with three Sand-Tombs!" I complement her.

I mean seriously, to counter her Pokemons weakness of mobility she used the advantage of planning a head and baiting my Pokemon to where she wants him to be is just amazing. Cynthia is clearly an amazing talent.

Cynthia hearing my compliment gets a slight tint of red on her cheeks and starts to talk.

"Yeah I thought of multiple strategies for Gible to win his earlier battles as his first form." She says bashfully "I wan't a more direct and aggresive style but it has to wait!"

Hearing this I nod knowing all the poor souls this future Garchomp will harvest on its way to helping Cynthia become Sinnoh's Champion.

Everyone seeing us happily chat starts to smile as my sister Lily jumps on my back telling me to give her a piggy back ride because I lost. Obviously as the loser I had to offer this to Cynthia too, but this ended up just making her look away from me.

Cynthia and Professor Coralina decided to stay over at my parents house for a month in the guest rooms so I will have more time to talk with her as she is an interesting person. The day quickly turning into the night I start to head into my room with my dad following me right after I enter.

Noticing this I turn around and ask.

"Dad? what are ya doing over here?" I question.

Hearing this he starts to smile.

"That was a great first battle you had today!" he said cheerfully. "But I've noticed that you got a little frustrated near the end there." He said in a serious tone.

Obviously losing wasn't something that was uncommon, but it still is frustrating when it happens. Especially when you get outplayed like that, I mean seeing your Pokemon get knocked out is never a good thing.

"I just want you to know that losing is normal and that with every loss, the more you can improve as a trainer as you find your flaws." My dad tells me "Today was your first battle so just take a deep breath and relax, you did well"

After that conversation with my dad I felt like a small weight was lifted off my shoulders. Because of some of the status I've gained from being a gym leaders son and Professor Oaks future sponsored trainer, I've been pressuring myself for no reason at all without myself knowing.

So dad talking to me to say that I did well was very heart warming to me. Knowing that they care is all I need to know as they are my family now.

Slowly drifting to sleep I start to smile thinking of how good today was.

_ _ _ _ _

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Cabrera4creators' thoughts