Once I got back at my room, I tried checking my own body by the use of the system, and something popped up in front of me.
Perks and Passives:
Poison Resistance (Beginner): Has a small amount of resistance to poison type moves.
Pokemon Trainer (Rookie): Has a 5% increment in learning speed, training gain, and so on of your pokemon better.
Nicrodrill Clan Member: Has 10% increment in learning speed, training gain, and so on of pokemon which are associated with the clan.
Clan of Poison Types: Any poison type pokemon has a 10% increment in learning speed, training gain, and so on.]
I, getting the poison resistance passive is understandable because in the clan we eat our meals with poisons mixed with it. Of course, the degree of how strong the poison is different by our group of age. We the young one's are given poison that came from baby pokemon while those at the age of 7 to 10 are given poison from pokemon that are young. While at the age of 11 to 15, they are given poisons from those pokemon that evolved by one stage. By the age of 16 and above, they are given poison from fully evolved pokemon, and so on.
This is a tradition in our clan, and this tradition has also caused our clan members to be cut by 25%. Some of our clan members die because their body can't take it.
Our clan elders though doesn't care even if someone dies because of the tradition. Because for them, dying by the poison is a disgrace and they are to be eaten by other pokemon in our clan.
Cruel but I can't do anything about it. Thankfully, the poison that I am taking in is not that much painful yet, and my body can still be accustomed to it. But I fear that my body will break down if I start to take in poisons from young pokemon since my body is weaker compared to the other children.
I also can't do muscle training to make my body stronger since I'm still young. I can only do some light work outs to not damage my body. But I think those work outs still helped in making me able to resist the poison I take in.
Anyways, I first check the zubat egg that I received earlier. It has a different potential rating compared to the two which is 3.5 star, and the system says that it is 3 times better than the 2 star rating.
I clicked on the (egg) which is beside the 'Zubat', and the time which will the egg hatch appeared. It takes about 1 week for it to hatch.
Since it will take time, I should start reading the book that guy gave me earlier. So, I opened the book and started to read it.
It was still 9 in the morning, and I think I can finish this book by 2 days of reading.
Reading the book, I learned many things that can help me train my zubat when it hatches. I also learn another thing which can help my zubat even it is in it's egg.
Based on the book, I can make my zubat stronger by making my own blood drip on it three times a day. It is also noted that the blood should be fresh from the body, and no other person's blood must be dripped on it besides the trainer. It also notes that by doing this, I can make my bond, and control with the zubat stronger.
Lastly, the zubat will also be more inclined to obey me even if it evolves in the future. This made me decide to do what the book said.
Bringing my thumb close to my mouth. I didn't hesitate to bite down on my thumb, and I soon tasted my own blood. I made my blood drip down on the egg, and my blood was sucked into the egg. The book said that I have to let my blood continue to feed the egg until the egg stops sucking the blood.
After 3 minutes, the zubat egg stop's sucking my blood. Thankfully, the human body at the pokemon world is stronger compared to my previous world. I didn't even feel weaker after the continues blood loss.
I'm sure that I'll be fine after eating a meal or two. I then continued reading the book to know if their is any more information to learn about zubat.
A week passed, and it was night already. In a few minutes, Zubat will hatch from it's egg. I can actually feel a deep connection with the pokemon. Also, after doing the blood ritual thing for a week, the potential of my zubat reached 3.5 star to 4 star.
This came into a revelation that I can increase the potential of my pokemon. Reading the zubat book for a week made me learn many things that I think can help my zubat increase in potential. I also learned techniques which can help in training my zubat on it's new born phase, baby phase, and it's full matured zubat phase.
I have to think of a way to make it so that my zubat will be strong enough to protect me in the upcoming trials in a year. I also plan to evolve it in a year to make myself prepared. Also, if I am able to evolve my zubat then more resources will be given to me by the clan.
But doing this means attracting attention towards me. They'll give me attention but not too much since some in the past was also able to evolve their pokemon in less than a year of them having it.
Soon enough, I can hear a cracking noise. I looked at the egg, and I can see that a bat wing came out. Soon followed by another, and then I can see the head of zubat. It took off it's egg shells, and it tried flapping it's wings but failed in it's first attempt.
I didn't stop it, and let it do it's own thing. After a few tries, it soon learned to fly (not the move lol). It then flew towards me while giving some screeching sounds, and I softly pat it's head.
"Hello, zubat. From now on your going to be my partner. Always obey me, and you'll have a happy life." I said while the zubat flaps it's wings more eagerly.
"Come here, and drink some of my blood." I said which I followed by the book. It says that I have to feed it with my own blood for a week, and then after that we can hunt pokemon in the wild for it's food.
The zubat happily obeyed, and bites on my wrist. It then sucked on my blood for 1 minute, and it stopped. I admit that being sucked on by a pokemon is weird, and a painful experience.
Author's Note:
Vote for me, and I might be motivated in posting some of my stocked chapters. I have about 5 more chapters stocked lol.
Also, you can give some suggestions through the comment section.