
Pokemon: Legends Medieval

Enter the world of Pokemon set in the Medieval Age

DaoistdaE4Gu · Jeux vidéo
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Pokemon: Legends Medieval


This story is set during the Medieval Age and follows a Knight named Bellator and his Pokemon partner Infernape. These two have become somewhat legends for taking down a criminal gang called The Sultans of Sapratow. The story begins with the two heroes on their way to Salus Town to visit an old friend.

It was a calm day in the Virdivous Region. Bellator and his partner Infernape were traveling through the winding forest path on their way to the Pokemon Pub in Salus Town. They plan to visit a friend they have not seen in many years. As they walked, however, Bellator couldn't help but notice that Infernape seemed restless and on edge.

Suddenly, a shifty figure appeared from behind a tree, dressed in a tattered old cloak. The man introduced himself as Temerarious and challenged Bellator to a Pokemon battle. He pulled out a small tablet from behind his cloak and released his partner Greninja, a sleek and powerful water/dark-type Pokemon.

Bellator didn't hesitate to accept the challenge, and the battle began. Infernape leaped into action, his powerful flames lighting up the forest around them. Greninja countered with a powerful hydro pump attack, and the battle was underway.

Infernape and Greninja exchanged blows, their moves and attacks becoming more powerful with each passing moment. The two Pokemon seemed evenly matched, but Bellator could see the determination in Infernape's eyes.

As the battle raged on, Bellator began to notice something strange about Temerarious. The man seemed to be uninterested in this battle as if he was waiting for something. Bellator sensed that something wasn't quite right.

Determined to uncover the truth, Bellator and Infernape intensified their attacks. Bellator instructed Infernape to unleash a powerful move known as close combat, super effective against his Dark-type opponent. Using the tree's around him to his advantage he leaped from one branch to another trying to confuse his opponent. Eventually, Infernape leaped down and landed his powerful attack, and just like that Greninja fell to the ground.

"Well, I guess that's it," Bellator announced proudly.

"Ha, you think you can beat me with such a feeble move? You have not seen raw power before have you? Ha, I know you haven't, but you will now."

Bellator didn't like what he'd just heard and suddenly noticed his opponents Greninja getting up with a whirlpool of water rapidly swirling around him. With his eye now glowing he rushed toward Infernape in a blink of an eye. He lets loose a barrage of point-blank water shurikens at infernape which he can only hope to withstand. His hopes are meant in vain.

Greninja's final attack was unlike anything Bellator had seen before. A giant golden shuriken conjured by Greninja came crashing down on Infernape sealing his fate into shame and defeat. With the battle lost, Bellator ran to a very beaten and bruised Infernape.

"I have a decree for you, from The Highest. Bellator the Savior of Old, you will not be able to save everyone this time, give up now or die like the rest of them."

As he looked up toward where Temerarious stood he was angry and yet relieved to find him and his Geninja were gone. They faded into the forest not to be seen again until….

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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