
Pokemon Legend: The Journey

In a world where Pokémon training is not just a game, but a way of life, a man from Earth finds himself inexplicably reincarnated as Ash Ketchum. The Pokémon world he thought he knew from the franchise takes a startlingly realistic turn, with larger-than-life challenges and mysteries. The differences between this world and the one he once knew are staggering. The stakes are higher, and the Pokémon are more than just cute creatures in Pokéballs. As Ash, he's grown to accept his new reality after living sixteen years in this strange realm. However, a part of him can't shake the lingering questions that keep him up at night: Why is he there in the first place? Is there a greater purpose behind his reincarnation, and what role must he play in this vivid, realistic Pokémon world to find the answers he seeks. ... This is the first story I've ever written. I've always got a ton of ideas swimming around in my head, but I've never really had the experience of putting them down on paper. If you could lend me a hand, review my work, and give me some feedback on how to make it better, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks, y'all!

TheTeacher · Anime et bandes dessinées
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4 Chs

Chapter 1

The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow across the quaint town of Pallet. Ash sat on the soft grass atop the hill, feeling the gentle breeze ruffle his hair. His eyes were fixed on the town below, where familiar rooftops and chimneys dotted the landscape.

A gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the tall oak trees that surrounded him, carrying with it the scent of blooming flowers from the valley below. The distant murmur of people going about their evening activities mingled with the songs of crickets, creating a soothing symphony that echoed through the air.

He took a deep breath, the cool evening air invigorating his senses. Tomorrow, his journey would begin, and his heart raced with excitement at the thought.

"Sixteen years already," he murmured and it was still a mystery how he had arrived in this new world, one that bore a faint resemblance to his old knowledge of it but was different in so many ways.

Under the twinkling stars in the darkening sky, Ash stood up and began his descent from the hill. The lights of the town below glimmered like distant fireflies, casting a serene glow. Following the familiar path, he arrived at a small crossroad. Without hesitation, he turned right, setting his course towards Professor Oak's lab. The night was still, save for the occasional rustle of leaves and the distant chirping of crickets, enveloping Ash in a calming ambiance as he made his way to the lab.

When Ash neared the lab, he spotted Daisy stepping out of the door. He greeted her with a warm smile. "Hey, Daisy," he said.

Daisy returned the smile, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "Well, look who it is! Ash Ketchum, aspiring Pokémon Master, ready to conquer the world!" she teased, her tone playful.

"Argh, not that again," he groaned, his cheeks flushing with a tinge of embarrassment. 

The memory of that one time he tried to act like an anime protagonist played vividly in his mind. He remembered donning cloths that resembled those that Ash had in the anime, striking dramatic poses, and delivering overenthusiastic speeches about friendship and determination to a crowd of Pidgey. It had ended up being more cringe-worthy than he could have ever imagined.

But what made the whole scene even worse was that Daisy had recorded everything. She had captured his most embarrassing moments on video and had used the footage as leverage to ensure his compliance. In exchange for her silence, Ash had reluctantly agreed to become her sidekick for an entire month.

The memories of those days were both amusing and slightly mortifying, and Ash couldn't help but chuckle at the thought.

Daisy laughed then enveloped Ash in a warm hug. She told him to be cautious and not rush into things. He returned the hug and assured her that he would do his best to stay out of trouble.

"Take care, sidekick," she said, "and don't forget to call me." 

With a final, heartfelt squeeze, they released their embrace, and Ash smiled at her. "I won't."

Ash entered the lab and made his way to the office of Professor Oak. The laboratory, despite the late hour, was still well-lit, with a warm, inviting ambiance. Fluorescent lights on the ceiling cast a soft, even glow that illuminated the entire space.

He walked through the lab noticing how quiet it was. All the lab's occupants had already called it a day and had left. The silent atmosphere was a stark contrast to the bustling activity that usually defined the lab during the daytime.

Ash approached Professor Oak's office, it was situated all the way to the back of the hall.

The door was wide open and he could already see Pikachu munching away on food at top the desk. Pikachu noticed Ash's presence and waved with its little paw.

The sight brought a soft smile to Ash's face. He knocked and stepped inside. The room was neatly organized, a rare sight for those knowing the professor. Bookshelves lined the walls, filled with books and papers, and research materials. The desk, where Pikachu sat, like always was cluttered with papers.

Professor Oak was taking out food containers from a green basket when he saw him, his face broke into a warm smile. "Ah, Ash, my boy! Here you are." 

"Just in time for diner," Professor Oak continued with his customary warm smile, "why don't you join me, Ash? We can discuss your upcoming journey."

"Thank you, Professor, I really appreciate it, but I don't feel like eating tonight."

Professor Oak nodded understandingly, his smile holding a touch of nostalgia. "Ah, to be young again," he said, his voice carrying a hint of sentimentality. He knew well the excitement and anticipation that came with embarking on a new adventure, having experienced similar feelings in his own youth.

Ash sat down in a chair opposite Professor Oak's desk, and Pikachu hopped onto his lap, contentedly munching on its meal. Ash looked up toward the professor, "Professor, how did Pikachu's routine checkup go?"

Professor Oak smiled warmly, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Everything was in order, Ash," he replied. "Pikachu is as healthy and energetic as ever. I have no doubt that he will shock the world." 

Ash smiled at the innuendo and stroked Pikachu's soft fur. "I'm glad to hear that Pikachu's test went well. He's come a long way, and I couldn't be prouder of my buddy." 

"Chuu." Pikachu patted his chest, his mouth still full. 

As they sat in companionable silence, Professor Oak finished his dinner, savoring the flavors of the meal. The room was filled with a comforting warmth, a sense of home and familiarity that Ash had come to cherish over the years.

Ash reminisced about the past. It hasn't always been easy for him, coming from another world, where this reality was just a fantasy, was a huge adjustment. But he was grateful for the support he received from the professor Oak and his mom during that phase.

He couldn't help but think back to the day he had been caught by Professor Oak, only to discover that Alakazam had known about his origins from the very moment he was born. He had been so terrified, he nearly passed out.

After a while, Professor Oak stood up and walked to a drawer behind his chair. He opened it and pulled out a small, beautifully crafted device, its sleek design adorned with black and red coloring. It was a state-of-the-art Pokédex, the latest and most advanced model.

He extended the device towards Ash. "Before you leave, I have a gift for you, Ash. This is a brand new Pokédex, equipped with the latest technology. It's directly connected to my own server. Just be sure not to lose it or let anyone else access it. It'll be your trusted companion on your journey."

"Thank you, Professor Oak," Ash said.

"Knowing what awaits you in the future, any advantage is a valuable one."

The professor settled back into his chair, and let out a heartfelt sigh. "I've been fortunate to have such a dedicated assistant in you, Ash. Your help with the Pokémon in the range has been invaluable. You've become an integral part of the lab, and I'll certainly miss your presence when you're on your journey."

Ash accepted the professor's words with a hint of embarrassment. "I'll miss being here too, Professor. This lab, these Pokémon, and of course, your guidance—they've all been a big part of my life."

They talked a little more, then the professor turned serious when the he admitted that Celebi came to visit him

"She came by?" Ash asked, his curiosity piqued. "What did she want? What did she say?"

Professor Oak nodded and leaned forward, his expression thoughtful. "She did visit, but she was cryptic in her words. She refused to divulge anything concerning you. All she said was, 'You are who you are. You are where you are meant to be.' It was a cryptic message, and I'm not entirely sure what it means."

"'You are who you are. You are where you are meant to be,'" Ash repeated, his brow furrowing in thought. It was clear the legendary Pokémon held some insight into his journey and his existence in this world.

He thought back to what Alakazam had said in the past, about how it wasn't a possession or traditional reincarnation, but rather a transformation of his soul and a growth that was distinct from anything the wise Pokémon had witnessed before.

Ash's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts as he considered the words of both Alakazam and Celebi.

"What if it's not about being someone else in this world," Ash murmured, more to himself than to the others in the room. "What if it's the other way around? What if I am Ash, but with memories and knowledge from a different reality?"

As he mused on this new perspective, Ash couldn't help but express his doubts. "But what purpose does it serve? My knowledge from the other world barely fits here. I'm was no Pokémon expert, and there's so much about this reality I didn't know."

He was aware of his limited exposure to the Pokémon franchise. While he had watched the series and played a couple of games, the depth and complexity of this world extended far beyond his previous experiences. He hadn't delved into the manga, and his knowledge was like a grain of sand in the vast beach of the Pokémon universe.

Professor Oak, sensing Ash's uncertainty, offered a reassuring perspective. "While it's true that you might be lacking in a lot of knowledge, some events do seem to align with the knowledge you brought from that reality." 

Ash turned his gaze back to the professor, a question lingering in his eyes.

"Lance Wataru, just became the new Champion," said Professor Oak. "Just like it was in that other reality

But the professor's tone turned more serious as he continued. "I must admit it was a surprise even to me. While Lance may be powerful and talented, he is way too young and inexperienced to hold the position of Champion."

Ash nodded, he came to learn early on that, the position of Champion wasn't that simple. This position held a significant amount of political influence, far too valuable to be bestowed upon just anyone. It was more akin to becoming a general on Earth, where strategic prowess and leadership skills were just as critical as sheer power on the battlefield. The position carried not only significant power but also the weight of political influence and responsibility.

Following some casual conversation, the professor's expression grew more solemn. With a serious tone, he addressed Ash, "Ash, my boy, I'll reiterate it one more time. Never, under any circumstances, discuss your special situation," he warned, a gravity in his voice that Ash hadn't seen from the professor before. "Not with me, your mother, or anyone else, and certainly not over the phone."

"I understand," Ash responded, the weight of the professor's words not lost on him.

Ash rose from his seat, and Pikachu hopped into his shoulder. With a final nod of gratitude, he bid the professor goodbye. They shook hands and he wished him good luck. With those last few words, Ash left the Lab and went home.

Hi everyone, this is my very first time writing a story. I would appreciate it if you could give me your insights on how I could make it better.

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