
Pokemon: lazy new life

A typical Australian dude finds himself being reincarnated into the medieval Pokémon world where his new life begins. If you enjoy the story leave a review and some stones are always appreciated I don’t own Pokémon and also don’t own the cover art, if it’s yours and don’t like it up here let me know

Love_dem_fanfix · Anime et bandes dessinées
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86 Chs

Wanna flex on me?

As I head downstairs to meet with Kane, I ask my sweet little herbologist to roll me up a few more, I'm sure Kane would be down for a blaze, it's around dinner time too, bet he came for food, don't blame him though, how he can eat anything else besides my chefs cooking is beyond me.

As I make it down the stairs and into the reception hall I see Kane just chillin with pops each with a bourbon in hand, which is pretty normal .

What isn't Normal is a kid sitting near Kane, silver hair green eyes, over all a pretty handsome kid, the fella seemed to chime in every now and then with an opinion or fact, but I can tell pops and Kane know are letting him rattle off his knowledge to make him feel smart, like he's a child….

Gideon " hey hey, Kane my dude, how's it hanging"

Kane " hey kid, good to see you again, sorry for dropping by unannounced but I couldn't wait, I was really hoping on getting to dine with you and your father this evening"

Gideon " ayyyye, not problem my man, me casa, su casa as they say, if you want some grub, your welcome to stop by and ask the lads and ladies in the kitchen to whip something up"

Kane " much appreciated….besides a meal with friends, I also came to see how your first day at the academy went, and I also came to formally introduce you to my grandson, Leo Sinnoh, the second prince, he just started today as well and I was hoping you two could get along."

Seems Leo is looking a little stunned as he looks at me, oh god....he's not one of the kids I made run is he? I can't remember their faces.... Stripping down a prince and making him run laps might be considered treason…. Gotta think quick!

But he suddenly points at me and exclaims.

Leo " IT'S YOU!!!, *ahem* I mean, It's a pleasure to meet you, my grandfather has told me a few things about you, yet kept others saying it's best if I found out myself"

50/50 he was on the nudist run….. an extreme first reaction, yet his Kane isn't here with with royal guards, Uuugggh I kind of regret what I did now it had consequences...

Gideon " so uuuuuhhhh, you seemed to know who I was, have we met before somehow?"

Leo " no we haven't met, I was just there when the confrontation started with that group of nobles, I watched it from start to end!"

Oh thank fuck for that…..I regret nothing!!! And I'd fucking do it again!!!, probably should check for royalties next time though, nobles I can deal with, but royalty can just declare me a traitor, and then it's a life on the run…

Gideon " oh you saw that did ya? Well you know how it goes, a group of nobles pick on the new kid, the new kid has an unreasonably violent reaction, forces them to strip naked and run laps on a field, a tale as old as time itself, a classic really."

Leo " yeaaahh, alright, so who were they and what did they say to make you respond like that?"

Me " they were my brother and their cronies thinking that without pops protection I was vulnerable, turns out not so much…..and as for what they said? Does it really matter? It's all done now, I'm guessing the noble kids family's are preparing what ever forms of revenge they can take as we speak"

My dad seems to grimace at that, both at what i did to my brothers and the nobles, and the potential noble retaliation.

Victor " you couldn't even make it one day, and your brothers...I don't even know what to say in a situation like this…..and what you did to those noble boys, this isn't going to end so easily Gideon"

Pops seemed stressed, less so at what happened to my brothers because He can guess how it played out, but the other nobles kids he can see being an issue

Gideon " pops let me just say this...life is much easier as a mad dog that responds to provocations with sudden and unreasonable actions…..I'm telling you now, there are ganna be some unreasonable cunty nobles with sticks up their ass who want what I have, it's a guarantee at this point, and they are gonna poke and prod and play their little games expecting me to just take it and play along, well no thanks, I'm not going to respond with politics and word play, it's going to be a houndoom kicking in their front door to burn all them mother fuckers to ash, and when enough of those uppity dick bags are 6 feet under, there is going to start being some hesitation in their action towards me…"

Everyone in the room just looks at me shocked at what I just said, like I said the moon is made out of cheese of something… I think they are still trying to process what I just said, but Kane was the first to speak up.

Kane " well I can't say I agree with your tactic, but I can see how it would achieve result if you are strong enough to back up all that bravado, nobles like to think themselves top of the food chain, but seem to forget that titles can only protect you so much"

Gideon " yep, and I'm not crazy enough to just go and start wiping noble family's out, I don't have the power base for it, I have a small village in my fathers territory, and it's not enough to just go and start oodles of trouble just because I'm mad, I'm honestly just after a chill life,I don't want involve myself in petty noble politics and squabbles, I just want my own place by the ocean where me my mons and my goons can settle and live that chilled life, and nobles as much as they brag about their honesty and respect, that shit goes out the window as soon as they see something they want, I can't live my live the way I want honoured and respected, so I'll live that life, with those petty little pricks worried that a whisper might bring a hyper beam straight into their castles"

My father seemed to smile a little at that, he knows I'm smart enough to know how to handle myself, but hearing me say it is another thing.

Kane " well... I don't know what to say to that….. it might work…..but it also might make people gather to put down this "mad dog" approach you speak of"

Gideon " yeah well it's a 50/50 approach, I'm pretty confident they can't kill me, they will try I'm sure, but it won't be easy to say the least, but it is what it is, I've chosen my way to live, so gotta roll with what comes next"

Pops seems to be taking it well, the Leo kid seems to be thinking about something, and Kane is neutral to it all, but I see a small smile he's trying to hide

Gideon " well enough talking about this morbid shit, let's have a smoke, a few drinks and catch up, I can't imagine food will be to far away so we can just relax till then"

My little flower makes herself known by starting to hand out some blunts to the fellas, even little Leo, and you might be thinking, you're giving drugs to a kid!?, but let me remind you this is a medieval era, noble kids and fucking and drinking by 12

We start blazing up and the situation turns light, some laughs, couple dirty jokes, and in no time the food is ready, I really don't like eating with people new to our food….


That's why, it's fucking gross when guys do it, kinda fun to watch women though… after a quick round of embarrassment from Leo we continued our meal, over all it was pretty fun, Leo doesn't seem cunty, just a little naive, but takes jokes well enough.

And as we were finishing up dinner I get a warning from metagross about people scaling the stone wall outside the property..

Gideon " hey Kane, I'm going to assume the 5 guys scaling the wall outside aren't here to pick you up are they?"

I asked, obviously I knew they weren't but i ask all the same.

Kane " afraid not, looks like todays little provocation with the noble kids is already drawing consequences for you my boy…"

He sounded rather serious, but for someone to send people to possibly assassinate someone while royalty was with them was borderline treason, who ever sent them were fucked….

Gideon " alrighty then, gengar buddy mind taking care of them… oh and ask meragross to rip as much info as you can from them, let's see who these little peons belong to"

I'll probably have to chase down the leads a little, no one would be stupid enough to send their own men to do something so public, pokemon maybe, never people though….

10 minutes later

Turns out they are stupid enough, looks like viscount orneal sent one of his "best" for this little assignment, and his "best" was screaming how viscount orneal would take revenge if he was harmed in any way, holy fuck this guy is dumb, all these confessions in front of royalty… Kane isn't looking happy, I'd say more like filled with rage that his grandson was exposed to this shit.

Kane " how are you going to handle this Gideon, you were claiming a "mad dog" approach, let me see it first hand"

I'm sure he's going to kick up a stink on his end, but I guess it's time to show him what I mean by mad dog huh.

Gideon " normally I would just go for straight up wiping out the orneal house but that's a little much at the moment, so I'll settle for crippling them permanently….metagross, take houndoom and gengar to the orneal lands, you remember where they are don't you?" I got a quick quick nod from metagross " well I want you to take them and raid their castle, don't kill everyone, guards are fine but leave everyone else out if it, take everything of value and dump it in little town, all gold, jewels ,even Pokémon eggs that look protected….. and kill every Pokémon in their lands with advanced strength and above, this will be a long night for you 3 but you gotta get this done...you know what.."

I look behind me and see Logan standing there with an emotionless expression on his face

Me " Logan you go with them, take 3 guards with you, go through all their books and paperwork, find what ever dirt they have on other nobles and shady shit things they are doing under the table, and any evidence of general fuckery you can find"

Logan " it will be done my lord"

Dad looks a little taken aback from my approach, but doesn't say anything, Kane nods his head with approval and Leo is kinda just stunned about how fast this whole night went south.

Gideon " wait, the old cock sucker is in the capital right?, metagross go mind rape the cunt and see if he has any hidey holes for secret stashes of valuables and shit before you head off to get started"

And I look at Logan, metagross, houndoom and even gengar who popped out to stand near them

Gideon " once you get everyone out of the castle that's not a threat, burn it to the ground and piss on the ashes…."