
*chck chck*

I was letting Magikarp take a little break, I know he can keep going with me stuffing him full of healing aura, but the body still needs a rest, and it was time for food anyways

I recalled azumarill, and stacked up magikarps food in a pile and carried him over for him to feed, and feed he did, like a vacuum he ate twice his weight in food and then just kinda flopped over to sleep

I set up another stack of food, this time thinking of perfect azumarill food, it's really chill, and giving it some food won't hurt, and it had my back without any complaints, so a little food shouldn't be any trouble

So after the food is stacked I call it back out and showed it the pile, it walked over picked up a kibble piece and took a small bite, went wide eyes and more or less vacuumed the same Magikarp did

You might be wondering why I'm calling azumarill it, it's because I'm not sure if it's female or male, so I use it to be safe

After finishing azumarill just looks at me with stars in its eyes and hugs me with an almost bone-crushing amount of force while cooing, hmmm alrighty…..

After it let me go, we waited an hour before Magikarp woke up, It was nice just sitting in the sand watching the waves roll in..... I picked up Magikarp and started to walk to the forest, as it turns out he doesn't 'need' water to survive which is a cool little tidbit.

As we entered the forest, azumarill trailing behind humming, seemly in a great mood after its meal, I set Magikarp down and squat down in front of him, even with life juice running in my veins I didn't have the physical strength to hold him up at such an awkward angle to speak face to face

Gideon " hey big fella, you mind showing me some of your moves"

I can feel then somehow through our link what sort of moves he has, he seems to have 3, which is just weird, this link gives me random bits of information about Magikarp, enough to get a hint of what's going on but not a full story.

He gives me a happy nod, first is he bounces at a tree hitting it head-on and making it shake....ok tackle

I ask him to show the next one, and a blueish ball about the size of a tennis ball forms and then shoots at a tree….. shattering it to pieces….. fuck….. that is deceptively powerful

Gideon " alright buddy, good stuff you got anything else?"

He just nods, and another blue orb forms in front of him this time the size of a larger beach ball forms, and suddenly jets out of what looks like a blue laser beam…. But it's water, it tears through 4 trees deep as he sweeps it, ending up knocking down about 20 trees…..

Sweet baby Jesus... I look at the 2-foot tall fish that looks at me with a 'did I do good!?' Look and I can't help but go and pat him

Gideon "well buddy I have a plan and if the kickback isn't too bad, it's gonna be epic…"

I pick up Magikarp and start walking deeper into the forrest until I come across a pair of sentret, I stop for a second, look them over and decide this is the moment...

I have already explained to Magikarp how I wanted this to go, and he seemed enthusiastic to play along, azumarill the ever-present bodyguard was behind me in case I piss off something I shouldn't have pissed off, which knowing myself is a pretty safe bet I would.

And apparently pops azumarill is a beast, a staraptor tried to dive bomb me on the way here and the beasty blue fairy mouse, appeared out of nowhere and grabbed it by the throat, and just started punching it in the face casually like this was just another Tuesday…

Anyways back to the sentret, they were eyeing me warily and they had every right to be, I suddenly put Magikarp on the ground, put my right hand at the base of his tail, and left hand under his belly, I raised him diagonally across my chest and with a *chck chck* I cocked him like a shotgun, gotta make the sounds, way more fun like that….

They weren't ready for the Fishman special, NO ONE IS!!, I aim Magikarp at the sentrets with a grin.

Gideon "Magikarp do the thing!!!"

All of a sudden a beach ball size of water energy pops into existence and then fires out like a giant fire hose on crack and well, the sentret were just gone…..

Hyper beam in this world is not so easy to learn, your Pokémon gotta be REAL strong, and not only that, there are no TM's yet…. gotta go at it old school, but if you somehow acquire hype beam, well it's basically a tactical nuke….

My fish companion isn't using that, he's using hydro pump which is a little less hard to learn but still, a straight-up fuck you to anyone it hits, water gun, water pulse, both strong…. But this is the real world…. No numbers… and hydro pump is the king of the water element, well I know about hydro cannon…. But I don't even know if it's a thing yet…or will be

And for a Magikarp, something many people seem to think is a food Pokémon to learn hydro pump? It just isn't a thing...unheard of, even as a joke rumor.

And me and my karp companion just wiped the floor with the 2 critters real quick, and I felt Magikarp grow in strength… so it works…. I guess one more thing to test out…..

And what do you know it works, I snuck up on an unsuspecting budoof we found and clubbed him with Magikarp like a bat, and Magikarp used tackle…..

Now I'm not one for animal cruelty, but this is a kill-or-be-killed world for me now and my fish needs the juice….

So I grab Magikarp in gun form again *chck chck*

" let the montage begin..."