
An unexpected Encounter

Luix led the way towards the swamp which he encountered during his period of training. He had got to know of this place when he made Pidove learn the move 'Rain dance' from one of the locals in that swamp. Well actually I wasn't quite sure that pidove would be able to learn this move as I didn't have a water pokemon but he still gave it a shot. That was when a kind Pokemon in that swamp chanced upon us and helped pidove to learn 'Rain dance' and that pokemon was none other than a seismitoad who acted as the leader of the horde which was located in the swamp.

Luix currently felt guilty that he will have to stab a person who helped him, so he thought of another plan which is like really really stupid. It was to ask seismitoad one of his tympole for which he will trade something. But which pokemon would trade his youngling to a person in return for something. Even a brute pokemon will have some parenting emotions in it if you watch them carefully with their young ones.

Well leaving aside parenting ,the swamp was just nearby. Luix could hear it as the Pokemons in swamp had been croaking and using subsonic sound waves furiously. Somehow the sounds seem to different than usual. The sound seemed as if it had been produced to warn others of the dangers coming as it sounded furiously.

"T..tr..rou..bl.le" said Luix as he warned Ray and tugged him to sit down.

Ray too seemed to be alert as he followed what luix ordered. He tried to peek at the swamp where suddenly tiny heads popped out continuously. There were some medium heads too which belonged to palpitoad. But the leader bravely showed his entire body out of the swamp. When leader turned towards the source of this emergency it seemed to shook his head for a moment which the duo couldn't see it properly.

In front of the seismitoad's field of vision was a small flat fish like pokemon with a creepy grin on it. The stunfisk immediately without delay launched a small jolt which immediately paralyzed the siesmitoad who was unguarded. The group enraged immediately shot a blast of water towards stunfisk which seemed to have no effect on stunfisk.

Luix found it hard to believe that stunfisk laid there without a single scratch. Luix immediately checked it on his pokedex and found out that stunfisk have the camouflage move which will help them change their type according to the surrounding . Isn't that a very powerful move?

Luix thought that the group was in a predicament and needed some help. So he rushed towards the stunfisk immediately and called out servine from his pokeball. Servine a little bewildered immediately regained his composure and saw that his trainer stood few meters away from him giving him an order.

"Servine, first use leech seed then follow it with a twister. After the stunfisk gets a little weakened then immediately use vines to catch him and slam him in the ground. If he still doesn't get knocked then use leaf storm." said Luix as he thoughtfully gave servine some commands which were very easy to follow.

Servine did as he was ordered from the very beginning to the ending but the result left Luix shocked as stunfisk was wounded very badly but still held on. It seemed as if Luix was the bad guy if you look from far away.

"I admire your willpower but the time has come for you to repent and get caught in my pokeball. Servine use nature power with full force and finish this pokemon who has dared to attack one of mine friend" said Luix dramatically as if he was acting in an opera.

Servine just ignored those distasteful words of his and used nature power with all the energy he got from absorbing stunfisk before using leech seed.

The nature power took the form of mud bomb which the stunfisk retaliated using his last string energy into using a bulldoze. Both of the attack landed on each other resulting stunfisk getting knocked and Servine being injured gravely. Luix immediately threw the pokeball towards stunfisk and went towards servine after which he sprayed some potion and gave him some berries to heal itself.

"You did well servine. Come on, let's get you in the pokeball" said luix as he called servine in his pokeball.

After treating servine he went toward the pokeball which laid on the ground unmoving. Luix immediately grew happy but sad too because he might not need a tympole or a seismitoad anymore. After he kept the pokeball in his pocket he went towards the seismitoad which laid there staring at me with a hint of gratitude in his eyes.

"Are you okay" asked Luix as he didn't care about Ray who was outside the swamp's premises after all he can't actually hear noises from that far distance after all Right.

The seismitoad just nodded and he also wanted to repay his gratitude too.

"Beware of such attacks in the future too. " Luix said it as he waited turned around and tried to walk away but was stopped by the seismitoad who tugged at him.

Luix frowned a little and turned around seeing seismitoad carrying items in his hands which seemed as if he wanted to gift it to him.

Luix immediately grew ecstatic.

Our Protagonist got an unexpected reward after his unexpected battle with stunfisk. What might he have gotten as a gift. To know all about it tune in till then.