
Successful Training.

"Big Bro Jojo here's my Rattata's poke ball." Timmy passed the small sized poke ball the he took from his pocket.

"Okay I'll train this Rattata to be able to take down that Dratini for free, You just need to be a good kid and protect the students from their bullies remember there is a saying that with great power comes with great responsibility." Joseph patted the head of the heroic kid. Joseph doesn't mind helping Timmy because he's doing it for good reason and he will just train Timmy's pokemon to the level that he can easily take down the bullies and protect the poor students.

"Thank you." Timmy is little bit embarrassed. Truthfully Timmy only have around 300 poke dollars savings in his piggy bank and don't know if it's enough for Rattata's training.

"You can comeback here later or just wait me for few minutes while playing with those guys." Joseph said then he pointed at the little guys on the playground.

"Few minutes? Wow that's so fast!" Timmy loudly said with wide opened mouth.

"I already told you that Big brother Jojo is so impressive." Ronny proudly said.

"I'll just teach your Rattata with few tricks to beat that Dratini." Joseph lightly laughed then he entered the vacant training room with Alexa.

Alexa scanned the poke ball of Timmy's Rattata then Joseph dived inside the game.

'Training this Rattata to level 20 should be more that enough to easily beat that Dratini I'll just cancel its evolution and let Timmy evolve his pokemon himself.' Joseph thought then he add the Level 7 Rattata on his party.

With just few minutes the Rattata reached easily level 21 without much effort, Joseph decided to add 1 level to learn the Rattata evolution line's signature move, Hyper Fang.

The current moveset of Rattata is Tackle, Tail Whip, Quick Attack, Focus Energy, Bite, Super Fang, Crunch, Hyper Fang and lastly Ice Beam which Rattata learned because Joseph slapped the head of him with TM13 Ice Beam to surely beat the shit out of that bully.

Joseph went outside of the Training Room and Ronny and Timmy excitedly went toward Joseph.

"How is it Big Bro Jojo? Does my Rattata learned something?" Timmy asked with full of expectations.

"Yeah follow me inside the Training room for you to see what your Rattata is capable now." Joseph gestured his hand to follow him, the two boys followed nodded and obediently followed behind Joseph.

The training area have some training equipments and an area where pokemons can spar.

Joseph pressed the button of mini poke ball and it became suddenly as big as tennis ball then Joseph threw it in the air. Timmy's Rattata appeared on the sparring area.

"Looks like my Rattata didn't have visible change, it's still the same." Timmi said while inspecting his Rattata.

"Yeah It looks the same." Ronny nodded.

"Kids, just watch Rattata to show off." Joseph smiled at the kids then he turned his head towards the Rattata."Use all of your known moves on that training dummy."

Rattata nodded, somehow he feels like he knows Joseph for a long time and they adventured together, he was confused but he did what Joseph requested him to do.

Rattata unleashed all of his moves on the Training Dummy.

Timmy and Ronny's mouths was wide open, they cant believe what's happening. Compared to his Rattata few minutes ago, the Rattata displaying his prowess infront of the kid is many times more powerful.

"Big brother Jojo are you sure this is my Rattata?" Timmy asked with robotic tone.

"Hey kid, you can't recognize your own pokemon?" Joseph shook his head.

The Rattata ended his show with an Ice Beam and froze the training dummy then he went towards his trainer and happily circled Timmy like a dog.

"It's really my Rattata!" Timmy squatted then he hugged the Rattata.

"Awesome! Timmy your Rattata knows Ice Beam!!!" Ronny excitedly yelled at his best friend.

"Yeah with my Ratata's strength right now I can definitely beat Tristan!" Timmy's eyes are filled with fighting spirit then he clenched his fist.

"Here kid, be sure to become a man of justice and don't be like Tristan. I can see a lot of potential in you, so work hard and protect the weak." Joseph said some cringe lines like an unknown powerful character to the protagonist of shonen anime and manga to boost the confidence of Timmy and also give him some brainwashing effect to become a good student and trainer.

'Big brother Jojo is so cool!' Both of the boys thought.

"Big brother Jojo I will definitely protect them with all of my strength!"

"One more thing, the training I did to Rattata is Super Secret Training that only three of us knows that's why the progress of your Rattata is so fast. Promise me that you wont leak this restricted information." Joseph said even though this secret will spread he doesn't care because technically he was a godlike existence in this world, he just want to make this kid feel like they are being trusted and it also helps to build their characters.

The two kids felt a heavy responsibility and felt happy that Joseph trusted them.

"Big brother Jojo I will promise that I won't tell other people even if I die, a man keeps his promise forever!" Timmy said with serious expression.

"Me too I won't tell anyone even my toys." Ronny also mimicked Timmy's actions.

Joseph smiled at the two then he passed Rattata's poke ball to Timmy and bid their farewell.

Joseph went back to his usual seat in the shop and waited for another customer to come, Joseph called Siri to open his PokeSNS account to entertain himself while waiting.

After logging in Joseph immediately saw his picture same as the one on his Trainer ID.

"Eh? Why my picture became viral? I admit that I'm handsome but isn't this so fast? It's just few hours but the reactions are almost reaching 500 thousand." Joseph tapped the post, it was just introduction about him being a gym leader of Viridian City. Joseph scrolled down to read some comments to know why he's so famous.

"Interesting." Joseph smiled while reading the comments. "Those conspiracy theorist is so good at making their guesses, the story they created is believable if you don't know the truth."

Joseph didn't mind those persons doesn't taking him seriously because it's better to do it this way because he want's to see their arrogance when the time they collected 7 badges and challenges his gym.


"Welcome to- Oh the impolite brat." Joseph muttered when he saw the young man he bumped in the pokemon center entering his shop.

"I finally found you Joseph Johnson! Don't call me a brat my name is Travis Westwood! You a**hole I challenge you to official battle!!" The arrogant teen pointed at Joseph with angered expression.

"Oh, OK." Joseph answered with deadpan face. 'Is he a relative of the pokemon school bully?'

"Lets do a 100% winning money stake! I want to bankrupt your shop!" Travis arrogantly said.

"If your account have over 10 million poke dollars I agree." Joseph doesn't mind taking money from this brat since the brat is irritating Joseph with his arrogant nature and want's to teach him a lesson.

"Tch, such small amount as expected from this rubbish shop." Travis mocked then he showed his trainer ID with over 20 million poke dollars on his account. "Don't drool pathetic dirt, this is just my pocket money."v