
Chapter 138: The Giant Claydol

"What is that?"

"It looks like a Poké Ball, doesn't it?"

"But it's way too big!"

"It seems to be made of stone, but how did it get placed so high up?"

The group traversing Izabe Island arrived at a foggy gorge, and atop a distant peak was an enormous stone Poké Ball, grabbing their attention.

"Do you want to know about it? Then I'll take the time to tell you,"

As they were discussing, a sudden elderly voice from behind startled them. Turning around, they saw an old man with white hair and a beard, leaning on a cane and wearing a green cloak, giving him an air of mystery.

"Who might you be?" May inquired.

"I am the sage of this island, Elder Sigourney," the old man introduced himself.

Elder Sigourney explained that the Poké Ball on the distant peak, although appearing to be stone, was indeed a genuine Poké Ball. Its origin was tied to the ancient legend of the Valley of Destruction, passed down on the island for generations.

As their curiosity peaked, the elder revealed local specialty snacks under his cloak, including Poké Ball buns and Valley of Destruction senbei. Clearly, Elder Sigourney was a skilled marketer, stirring their interest with the legend and then using the moment to sell his goods. Without buying, they wouldn't hear the full story.

Although the group found the elder's tactics exasperating, their curiosity and hunger led them to purchase some snacks.

Rex bit into a Poké Ball bun and found it delicious, savoring the treat.

Elder Sigourney resumed his tale, producing an ancient text to verify his story. Long ago, a powerful force was sealed within the giant Poké Ball. An evil person later released this force, leaving the Poké Ball empty.

The released power caused destruction for seven days and nights. As the world seemed on the brink of annihilation, a white sage appeared, summoning a similar giant Poké Ball to reseal the power in a nearby lake.

Rex interpreted the tale as a powerful Pokémon being captured and then foolishly released by someone, much like the ambitions of Team Magma. Eventually, another sage re-sealed the Pokémon, restoring peace to the island.

Thinking it was just a local myth, Rex didn't give it much thought, suspecting it was a tourist attraction ploy.

After purchasing more snacks, Elder Sigourney led the group to the lake where the powerful force was sealed.

They arrived at a picturesque lake, with a massive stone Poké Ball partially submerged in its center. Suddenly, a hot air balloon appeared overhead—Team Rocket's balloon.

After a brief exchange, Team Rocket threw a bomb at the giant Poké Ball, creating a large hole in it.

Elder Sigourney's face turned pale with fear, knowing something terrible would happen.

The Poké Ball cracked, and a beam of light shot skyward. A giant Claydol appeared, floating above the lake. Rex estimated it to be over thirty meters tall, black with many eyes and mysterious patterns.

Claydol, ancient beings from a once-thriving civilization 20,000 years ago, were said to have come to life when strange light hit clay idols. These beings float using psychic powers and their detached arms can fly and shoot beams. They dissolve in water, using psychic power to shield themselves from rain.

Checking his Pokédex, Rex deduced this must be an ancient Pokémon, its massive size reflecting its age.

Realizing they couldn't defeat it, Rex noted its similarity to Groudon and Kyogre, believing only the island's elder could handle it.

Team Rocket, trying to capture the doll, was easily blasted away. Ignoring the group, the doll flew towards a nearby village, causing concern.

The group tried using Water Pokémon to stop it, but to no avail. The doll's casual strikes sent them fleeing.

Rejoined by Team Rocket, they reluctantly teamed up to stop the doll.

"We could use the empty giant Poké Ball on the peak to reseal it," suggested Rex.

Elder Sigourney, realizing the plan, noted the difficulty in luring the doll there.

Reading ancient texts, the elder learned the doll sought the shaman who created its clay model. They decided to dress Jessie, May, Meowth, and Wobbuffet as the shaman to attract the doll.

Though skeptical, Rex was surprised when the doll followed Wobbuffet, the true attraction. The others were tossed aside by the doll's psychic power.

As Wobbuffet neared the designated spot, it slipped, causing its wig to fall off and angering the doll.

Meanwhile, Rex and the others prepared to roll the giant Poké Ball from the peak.

"Now, push the giant Poké Ball!" Rex shouted as the doll approached.

The ball rolled but got stuck on a rock.

"Flaaffy, use Thunderbolt to break that rock!"

Flaaffy's powerful bolt shattered the rock, freeing the giant Poké Ball to roll and collide with the doll, enveloping it in light and drawing it inside.

With relief, they saw the Poké Ball successfully capture the doll.

Team Rocket attempted to steal the Poké Ball with their balloon but underestimated its weight and were sent flying.

The giant Poké Ball, now back in the lake, rested in its original position. The only change was the missing Poké Ball from the Valley of Destruction's peak.

(End of Chapter)