

Touya looked at Sawk trying to think of a way to get closer to him.

"Meh, I'll do it in the traditional way" Touya said lightly.

"Hey friend!" Touya said calling for Sawk.

"Sawk?" Sawk said a little annoyed at being interrupted in his training.

"Let's have a fight and if we win you will hear what I have to say, what do you think?" Touya asked with a smile.

Sawk looked at Touya suspiciously for a few seconds, then nodded.

"Good!, Get ready friend" Touya told Oshawott excitedly.

"Osha!" Oshawott said determinedly.

Sawk got into a fighting stance like a karate fighter and Oshawott took a determined look.

"Oshawott use focus energy" -Touya.

Sawk also used focus energy and finished before Oshawott and then quickly approached.

"Oshawott use leer then dodge it and use water gun" -Touya.

When Oshawott used leer Sawk didn't seem affected, but Oshawott was still able to dodge and hit him with water gun, doing little damage.

'So that's his ability' Touya thought a little surprised.

"Oshawott keeps dodging and using water gun, stay away from him" Touya said with a warning tone.

Oshawott was able to land several blows, but Sawk still didn't seem too affected.

"Sawk!" Sawk said moving quickly over to Oshawott.

"Dodge it Oshawott" -Touya.

But just before dodging, Sawk also used leer to distract him and subsequently hit him with a double kick.

'So he can easily learn too' Touya thought a little worried.

"Are you ok friend?" Touya asked Oshawott with concern.

"Osha!" Oshawott said determinedly.

"Well, we can beat him!" Touya said with determination.

Right at that moment Oshawott surrounded himself with a blue light and after a few seconds he changed form and evolved.

"De Dewott!" Dewott said determinedly.

"Dewott use razor shell" -Touya.

Sawk used a double kick to block the attack, but he still took some good damage.

"Keep it up Dewott, we are close now" Touya said excitedly.

After a few more crashes Dewott was able to knock out Sawk who had already been badly damaged.

"Well done friend!, Now we have to wait for him to wake up" Touya said excitedly and then heal Sawk with a little potion.

After about 5 minutes Sawk got up again and looked around suspiciously.

"Hello friend, will you hear what I have to say?" Touya asked curiously.

Sawk looked at him in a bit of surprise, then nodded.

"Well you see, I need an addition to my team since we are only Osha- I said Dewott and I, so I wanted to ask you if you wanted to come with us" Touya said in a calm tone.

Sawk seemed to consider it for a few seconds, then nodded seriously.

"Perfect!, look, you just have to touch the button in the center and you will be inside the team" Touya said as he showed Sawk a pokeball.

"Sawk" Sawk said as he nodded and then touched the pokeball.

The pokeball moved from side to side a couple of times, then released a small glow.

"Good friend, we have our first mate!" Touya said picking up the pokeball and making a victory pose.

"From Dewott!" Dewott said copying Touya.

"Come out Sawk" Touya said taking Sawk out of the pokeball.

"Sawk!" Sawk said seriously.

"Welcome to the team, any opinion will be taken into account, even if I can't fully understand you" Touya said a little embarrassed.

At that Sawk nodded with a small smile.

"Okay, let's go to the pokemon center to rest!" Touya said as he happily walked to the pokémon center.

Dewott and Sawk followed a few steps behind as they talk.

"{The way you fight is impressive, you must have trained and developed confidence for a long time}" Sawk said in the pokémon language in a serious way.

"{Actually, we've only known each other for two days}" Dewott said proudly.

"{Then how could you have so much confidence in him?}" Sawk said not believing Dewott.

"{You saw it right?, He could have captured you while you were unconscious or attacked you by surprise, but he always took into account how you felt so he never did}" Dewott said with a smile.

"{We can feel what our trainer feels, and he is always like a glass that you don't even have to effort to see through}" Dewott said in an explanatory tone.

"{It's like seeing truth personified, there's nothing to be wary of him}" Dewott said proudly of his trainer.

"{Truth personified huh}" Sawk said with understanding and seriousness.

"Hey, why do I feel like you're talking about me?" Touya asked suspiciously.

At that, both pokémon were a bit scared.

"{I forgot to tell you, he's very perceptive too, so if you're hiding something just say it or he'll figure it out}" Dewott said with a nervous smile.

"{I'll keep that in mind}" Sawk said in surprise.

"Well, what are you doing standing there, we have to go back to the pokémon center, I'm already hungry" Touya said as he walked a little faster

'{Very eccentric trainer}' Sawk thought with interest.