
Pokemon: Grand Adventure

"Pokémon: Grand Adventure" is a Pokémon fan fiction novel which follows the story of our main character Max, who sets out on his Pokemon journey through Adele region, as he aims to become the Pokemon Champion. Along the way, he will meets many character like the one from the anime, games, manga and some original from me. Comments on spelling and grammar mistakes are welcome:)

Lourd_Xen · Anime et bandes dessinées
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12 Chs

Chapter 12

The surprise look on the white pokemon's face is quickly replaced by a furious glare. It charges towards the Houndoom at rapid speed.

The white pokemon slams into the Houndoom, sending it flying backwards. The Houndoom grunts in pain as it tries to recover from the shocking attack.

The white pokemon continues advancing towards the Houndoom, its claws still glowing red in the atmosphere.

"Houndoom!" Max shouts at his pokemon, The Houndoom slowly stands up, its eyes glowing with determination. "You want to fight it?" The Houndoom nods. "Alright then, let's do this!"

"Houndoom! Use Flamethrower!" Max order.

The Houndoom shoots out a continuous stream of flame towards the white pokemon, the flames covering the environment.

The white pokemon raises its paws to shield its face from the blinding flames.

The white pokemon then attempts a counterattack, using its claws and attempting to strike the Houndoom.

"Houndoom dodge it then use Heat Crash!" Max command.

The Houndoom manages to evade the white pokemon and the claws, and then charges towards the white pokemon with the attack Heat Crash.

The Heat Crash connects with the white pokemon, dealing intense, fiery damage. The Houndoom's body is glowing red, the flames enveloping it.

The white pokemon growls in fury, it then punch the ground. The ground cracks and breaks from the white pokemon's powerful impact to the floor.

The Houndoom takes a step back as it attempts to retreat out of the way from the damage zone.

The white pokemon roars at the Houndoom, its anger apparent. The white pokemon then charges towards the Houndoom, with claws fully outstretched to attack.

"Alright Houndoom, Use Dark Pulse!" Max command.

The Houndoom shoots out a beam of black energy from its mouth, towards the white pokemon.

The Dark Pulse strikes the white pokemon hard, knocking it back a few steps and leaving a dark mark on its body.

"So it's weak to dark type moves huh." Max said.

As the white pokemon is knocked back, it appears as though its eyes are glowing crimson red for a moment, and the crimson effect appears to spread across its body.

The white pokemon lets out a loud roar, and suddenly charges forward towards the Houndoom again with overwhelming speed.

"Houndoom get away from it!!" Max shouts as he jumps out the way to not get caught by the attack.

The Houndoom tries its best to follow the orders of Max, and manages to get out of the way, just as the white pokemon crashes into the Houndoom's previous position.

The white pokemon charges forward again, its eyes glowing and its body surrounded by a crimson light, its speed grows even faster than before, its movements becoming almost impossible to track.

The Houndoom struggles to keep up with the white pokemon's speed, and is knocked back again by the powerful charge. The Houndoom lets out a loud wail of frustration as it is tossed into the ground.

The Houndoom struggles to its feet from the fall, and slowly faces the white pokemon. The Houndoom's eyes are glowing slightly, as though there is an inner power being built up inside of it.

The white pokemon continues its charge towards the Houndoom, its body now surrounded by a dark aura.

"What's happening?" Max thoughts to himself.

"What is this feeling? I'm sensing some kind of rage." Max looks at his Houndoom.

"No... not rage..." Max focus to his Houndoom, his Houndoom is getting beat up by the white pokemon.

He feels like his Houndoom wants to release something inside of it, some kind of power. That power seems to explode from the Houndoom now, black energy starts to spread across its body and begins to take form. The black energy gathers around the Houndoom's mouth, taking the shape of sharp teeth and strong claws.

The Houndoom stares down the white pokemon, and it feels as though there is something primal and savage within the Houndoom now.

The Houndoom charges forward, with intense speed and power, its eyes glowing brightly.

The other side fo the dome, Professor Gab feels something sinister in the lingering in the air.

"This feeling!" Prof. Gab shouts. "Let's hurry up and find Max!"

"There's seems to be a fight in there." Milla points to the side.

"Come on let's go!" Prof. Gab quickly run towards the direction where Milla is pointing, Ella and Milla follows him.

At the top of the temple, where Darren is waiting. He feels an incredible amount of power being release below the temple and he wants to go there.

The man who saved Ella is closing in where Max and the white pokemon are fighting and he seems to be in a hurry.

Back to where Max is, his Houndoom continue to fight without Max commands and it seems to be gaining the upperhand against the white pokemon.

"Houndoom why won't you follow my command?!" Max shouts angrily to his Houndoom but it doesn't even look to where Max is and it continue to fight the white pokemon.

Max suddenly feels a sharp pain in his head, he looks around but his eyesight are getting blurry, he stumble back against a tree and look at his Houndoom before passing out.