
Pokemon: Grand Adventure

"Pokémon: Grand Adventure" is a Pokémon fan fiction novel which follows the story of our main character Max, who sets out on his Pokemon journey through Adele region, as he aims to become the Pokemon Champion. Along the way, he will meets many character like the one from the anime, games, manga and some original from me. Comments on spelling and grammar mistakes are welcome:)

Lourd_Xen · Anime et bandes dessinées
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12 Chs

Chapter 11

"They're taking too long..." Darren says, holding his pokeball, itching for a fight.

In the dome, Max is walking, Houndoom is walking beside him, his two pokemon went back to their pokeballs.

"Its too dark in here." Max says.

He walks towards a nearby tree, he touch it and feels like he's touching a wall, it's cold and hard, too hard for a normal tree. He order his Houndoom too burn the tree but it didn't even catch a fire.

"This place, everything in this place is not normal." Max says leaning against the tree.

He looks above him and saw glowing eyes staring at him from above, his heart skips a beat in fear. However, the eyes quickly move away.

"There seem to be quite a bit of Pokemon living around here." Max decides.

With that, Max lets out a deep breath and relaxes. "I just need to be careful." He says, trying to keep himself calm. "There's got to be a way out of here somewhere."

As Max glances around, he quickly notices something moving through the bushes. A small, round-shaped shadow quickly darts from one bush to another, barely noticeable in the darkness.

"There's definitely more than one pokemon out there." He thinks to himself as he follows along the path, slowly approaching the moving shadows.

Suddenly a loud boom can be heard nearby, there must pokemons fighting, Max stops in his tracks as he looks over towards the direction where the loud boom came from. The sounds of the fighting pokemon grows louder, almost as if the pokemon were moving closer towards him.

With that, Max quickly hides among the trees, hoping not to get seen by the fighting pokemon.

He waits for a moment and finally, the two pokemons fighting comes out, it's a Scyther and a Lucario.

The two battling Pokemon look fierce as they both charge at each other, trading rapid attacks. The Pokemon are moving quickly and with immense power, their attacks striking each other with immense force and sending powerful shockwaves with every hit.

Scyther crosses its scythes and they start to glow light purple. It then flies towards Lucario.

The spikes on the top of Lucario's paws glow white and they grow, transforming into three claws. Lucario dash towards Scyther.

But before they can clash a white pokemon appears and get between them to stop their attacks.

The surprising appearance of the white Pokemon stopping the Scyther and Lucario's attack caused Max to jump from his hiding place with a gasp. In a few flashes of movement, the Scyther and Lucario were quickly pushed back and away from one another, standing beside the white Pokemon.

Max's eyes widened as he took in the sight of this strange white Pokemon that stopped the Scyther and Lucario from clashing. The pokemon also had a ferocious and aggressive aura radiating from it.

At the entrance of the dome, where Ella, Professor Gab, and Milla are.

"Pokemons are fighting somewhere." Professor Gab says.

"I hope they're not fighting near where Max is." Ella says.

At the other side of the dome, where the man who saved Ella is. "Its sure is getting lively here." The man says, scratching his head.

He continues to walks as if he doesn't care if any danger will come to him.

Back to where Max is, the two pokemon is teaming up to fight the white pokemon and it doesn't look like that the Sycther and Lucario are doing much damage to the white pokemon.

The fight becomes intense, the pokemon seem to become more powerful with each clash they make. The intense power of the Pokemon are causing the ground to shake at one point.

The white Pokemon suddenly fires a small beam of light towards the Scyther, hitting it right on its chest. The Scyther seems to stagger back with the force of the attack, looking a bit dazed.

The white pokemon then quickly rushes towards the Lucario with a loud roar. It leaps up and grabs the Lucario in the air. The white pokemon raises its leg and kicks the Lucario directly in the stomach, it gives out a harsh cry as it's sent flying into a tree.

"That white pokemon, its look like it's not having a hard time destroying thise two." Max says.

The Lucario is stunned, it doesn't get up immediately after that strong blow, causing the Sycther to jump back in surprise.

The white pokemon then quickly turns back towards the Sycther and attacks it rapidly with a flurry of hits, it even looks like the Sycther is being pushed back with each hit, the damage seems to be piling up.

The Sycther then tries to counter with its scythes, however it is not effective and it is struck repeatedly by the white pokemon.

The Sycther finally becomes incapacitated and is sent into a wall, leaving it unconscious.

The white pokemon then turns its attention back towards the Lucario while the Lucario finally manages to pick itself up.

The white pokemon leaps towards the Lucario and grabs it in its mouth, shaking rapidly as it prepares to attack.

The Lucario is shaking in the mouth of the white pokemon. It gives out a loud cry as it tries to wriggle free but it fails.

The white pokemon finally stops shaking and raises the Lucario high into the air before throwing the pokemon down hard into the ground below.

The Lucario lands hard, causing a huge crater in the ground. The Lucario doesn't get up, its completely incapacited and unconscious.

"How strong is that pokemon?" Max asked to himself, clearly shocked of what happened.

The white pokemon stands tall and it roars victorious, but then it looks towards where Max is hiding.

The white pokemon dash towards where Max is hiding, it claws glows red and prepares to attack Max.

Max quickly stands up and tries to run away but the white pokemon is too fast, it ready its claws for an attack but Max's Houndoom stops the attack with its horns.

Houndoom faces the white pokemon and shoots out a large flame at it.

The white pokemon raises one of its paws to protect itself, but the flames still manage to burn through the defence.

The white pokemon looks shocked towards Max's Houndoom.