
Pokemon: Grand Adventure

"Pokémon: Grand Adventure" is a Pokémon fan fiction novel which follows the story of our main character Max, who sets out on his Pokemon journey through Adele region, as he aims to become the Pokemon Champion. Along the way, he will meets many character like the one from the anime, games, manga and some original from me. Comments on spelling and grammar mistakes are welcome:)

Lourd_Xen · Anime et bandes dessinées
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12 Chs

Chapter 10

"They're taking too long, don't you think?" Prof. Gab said while searching for something on the ground.

"I should have wait for them in the entrance." A girl standing behind him said.

"Milla, they're not a child anymore, they can take care of themselves." Prof. Gab said.

Somewhere inside the Mt. Kurin, the bottom of the cliff where Max falls. Max is lying on the ground, his bag is open and his pokeballs are scattered on the ground opened.

Max slowly open his eyes. "Ugh... Where... Am... I?"

He slowly sit down, as he looks around him, he noticed that he's in some kind of a dome.

"How did I survive that fall?" Max said, he puts a hand on his forehead and start rubbing it. "I'm still in one piece..."

He slowly stand up and walk towards his bag and the two scattered pokeballs on the ground, he reach inside his bag to see if the egg is still there but he can't feel it inside.

He grabs the two opened pokeballs on the ground and he starts to panic as he recognized that the two pokeballs are for his Houndoom and Mankey.

"Oh no!" He quickly put it inside his bag but as he starts to run he quickly got stop by a pokemon cry behind him.

He looks behind him and saw Houndoom, he quickly runs towards it and hugs Houndoom, Mankey is on the back of Houndoom carrying berries.

"Guys! I thought i lose you all!" Max said as he hugs Houndoom, he released his hug and notice something is moving behind Houndoom. A small sparks emits to the figure and reveals a yellow, round-bodied Pokémon with black stripes. Its arms are bulky in proportion to its body, It has two stripes on its arms, which wrap all the way around. There are two horns on top of its head which resemble the prongs of a power plug, complete with holes in their sides.

"Wait... Is that an Elekid?" Max slowly walks towards it. Elekid quickly jumps towards Max's arms and hugs Max's heads.

"You're the one from the egg right? You're my Elekid!" Max hold it between his arms and smile. "Now, I just need to figure out where am i."

Somewhere inside the Mt.Kurin...

"Are you sure Max is going to be okay?" Ella asked. "And who are you?"

"First of all, this whole Mt.Kurin is a dangerous place, this place is crawling with strong pokemons and below there, is the dome where all the dangerous pokemons lives." The man explains. "I going down to see if your friend is still alive, you said there's someone waiting for you inside the thunder temple right?"

"Yes, Professor Gab is waiting there." Ella said.

"Gabriel..." The man said. "Alright, Alakazam teleport her to her friends."

"Wai–" Ella is cut off as Alakazam teleports her.

In the entrance of Thunder Temple, where Prof. Gab and Milla are waiting. Ella appears behind Milla with Alakazam on her side.

"Ella!" Prof. Gab shouts. "Wait... An Alakazam? Is that yours?"

"Professor!" Ella cries as she run towards Prof. Gab.

"Ella, where's Max?" Prof. Gab asks.

"I'm not sure where he is." Ella replies anxiously. "He jump down a cliff."

"What?!" Prof. Gab shouts in surprise. "What is that kid thinking jumping down from a cliff?!"

"I heard that down there is a dome where dangerous pokemon lives." Milla said. "If he survives the fall then we need to find him quickly."

"There is a way to go down to that dome inside the Thunde Temple." Prof. Gab said. "Follow me quick."

"I'm coming too." Milla says as she hurries to follow Professor Gab.

The three of them rush into the temple, taking careful steps as they make their way through the dimly lit corridors.

They pass by several small rooms as they descend towards the bottom of the temple and eventually, a small staircase leading downward.

"Max would be at the bottom of this staircase." Prof. Gab says, pointing down into the darkness. "But we need to be careful, pokemons down there are stronger than normal."

"We can't delay too long." Milla replies anxiously. "The longer we wait, the more in danger Max is."

"We can't be hasty either. That dome... There is one pokemon in there that is said to be a match with legendary pokemons." Prof. Gab said. "We cannot afford to get into a situation where we have to face that pokemon. We have to find Max as quickly as possible and get out of there before any more danger arises."

"But even if we do find Max as quickly as possible, how do we know he'll be all right? What if he's hurt?" Ella asks anxiously.

"All we can do now is pray that Max is still in one piece." Prof. Gab said.

this chapter is only 800 words so it's short, but I will make the next chapter long.

Lourd_Xencreators' thoughts