
Route003 : A friend and some motivation

Listening to their parents, sora, koharu and goh agreed to go play in the other room.

"Gosh darn it those adults sent us away so that they can discuss things they don't want to say infront of and ofcourse, to drink wine." said a bothered goh as he walked up to the room.

Upon reaching it, koharu started to build her toy-train's track while goh and sora sat on two bean bags.

"Still playing with toy-trains? How childish" said goh with a snobbish look on his face.

"Bruh you're literally a child" replied sora.

"Huh? Don't lump me in with that one over there! You seem childish too, defending her. Do you even know what a region is? Or a pokedex for that matter?" taunted goh.

"You seem rather childish too by arguing with us "children". For your kind information, the weather in "kanto" is rather great. Have you ever been to "hoen" before? I heard they have the best seafood out of any region." replied sora, sarcastically.

"Oh then you must be unaware of how many pokemon there are in kanto or the typing of an articuno" said a goh who looked like he was in denial.

"Oh you underestimate me, "Mr. adult".There's one-hundred and fifty-one pokemon in kanto if you count the recent discovery of a genetically modified mew. As for the typing of articuno, it's an ice and flying dual-type" said a confident sora.

This time goh was more impressed than annoyed. He was always smarter than most children so he never really got along with anyone his age. Seeing a kid his age with an IQ close to him was a great feeling.

"Okay, I admit it. You're quite smart. I'm goh, I'm about three-years old and I wish to be the best reasearcher in kanto, nice to meet you. Let's be friends" said goh in a surprisingly friendly way.

This sudden change of tone was weird af to sora, though he was glad he didn't need to argue with a guy he could discuss pokemon with.

"Yeah nice to meet you, I'm sora. I'm about the same age as you and I wish to be the strongest trainer on the planet." said sora.

"World's strongest trainer? You want to beat that monster Leon?! That's a difficult dream but I think you can do it, probably" said goh.

"Yeah, I appreciate the kind words. It'll definately be a hard path but I'm confident I can make it work. About your dream, I think you can do it too" said a sora who knew that he was gonna pull it off easily and that goh was gonna change his dream.

Just then, the sakuragi family's pet pokemon came to their room. It was none other than the goodest of bois, yamper.

It's arrival made it the center of attention. Koharu was petting it and goh joined her too as both of them though it was cute.

After petting it, goh suddenly walked away from it with a shy face. He then said "I don't think it's cute or anything, that's way too childish!" in a flustered way.

Just then, sora walked up to yamper and started petting it too as he was fond of dogs in his previous life. He then said "You know what goh? Sometimes it's okay to be a bit childish".

This kinda moved goh and he joined the two at playing with wamper.

As the evening came to an end, the three kids became friends and had a blast. But then, the time was up, goh's parents had to leave as the time for a goodbye came.

"See you sora, let's talk about celebi together next time" said goh.

"Yeah you can visit us whenever you want" replied sora.

"Seems like you finally made a friend sweetie" said goh's mom on their way home.

And so, they left and sora's boring af lifestyle continued. About three months later though, the three would meet up again for a pokemon camp.

Sora wasn't really looking forward to it even though he could've seen mew as he was too weak to catch it or get to know about it more.

The two siblings were dropped off to the location by professor sakuragi. There they met goh and some other kids. Ash wasn't there anyways.

As I previously mentioned, the camp went exactly as how it went in the canon with the only change being sora witnessing mew along with goh.

Throughout the whole camp oak just said some obvious and basic shit about pokemon and how dealing with them works. Sora already knew most of these things just like goh so he didn't pay much attention to it at all.

After the camp ended by the end of the day, all the kids were sent home, even koharu and goh, though sora was told to stay back for a bit by professor oak.

"I've heard about you a lot from sakuragi. From your genius to your great knowledge and interest about pokemon at this age. How do you intend to utilise that knowledge?" asked oak with great interest.

"By utilise you mean being a trainer or a breeder or a professor?" asked sora.

"Exactly, young sora" said oak.

"It might be a ridiculous dream to you, but I want to beat the world's strongest trainer Leon and become the greatest trainer!" said an enthusiastic sora.

"Oh..... I see, quite a difficult yet respectable dream indeed. I wish you luck, boy. I actually have a grandson your age too, he's also quite a genius. Come visit this old man if you have any questions about pokemon. I see quite some promise in you" said oak.

"Oh thanks! I'll definately visit your lab one day, after all it'd be nothing but an honour to visit the former champion and the greatest pokemon researcher of kanto." said sora.

"Oh you flatter me way too much, youngling" said oak.

After that sora got to go home after all. He took a warm bath, grabbed some milkshake and just sat on his bed.

Reflecting on how fun this life has been so far and how much more it'll be when he gets to become a trainer. Just then, he remembered his old life.

"Mom, dad and my annoying brother, I'm happy now, I wonder if y'all still think about me" said sora as he shed a tear. And eventually he fell asleep before he knew it.

______End of chapter-three_______

Next chapter is gonna cover the camp where Ash met Serena so it'll be interesting

Elephant_senseicreators' thoughts