
Pokemon: Gotta Catch 'em All

In this exciting fanfic, Ash has aura. Witness his journey to become a Pokemon master with his friends by his side as they take on various challenges. Will they succeed? Read and find out. This is an Amourshipping fic

LOTS_Fiction · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Hello Celadon City

It had been about two weeks since, Ash and Misty left Pallet Town. The Couple's Tournament was cancelled due to the forecasted storm that would have delayed everyone's journey. Even due to leaving on time, Ash and Misty's journey was delayed by days, but thank Arceus they arrived safely. "Hello Celadon City," a familiar raven-haired trainer said as they reached the entrance to the City.

Celadon City. It wasn't the biggest place in Kanto, but boy would they be lying if they said it was small. It was the home of the Grand Pokémon Mart. The largest PokéMart in all of Kanto. This PokéMart is said to have any and everything purchasable in all of Kanto. Even the so-called rare items could be found here. Enough about the Pokémon Mart. Another thing that Celadon was famous for was the Game Corner. A place where people from all over the world can come, pay money to receive game coins, play any of the various games, and when they have enough coins, they could exchange those coins for prizes such as TMs, evolutionary stones, and even pokémon. At first when the Game Corner was launched, the League put it under review since the sponsor was anonymous and since nothing fishy was found, they decided to let it continue. It was launched fifteen years ago.

NOTE: Team Rocket was also coincidentally founded fifteen years ago. Or at least that was when they surfaced.

Somewhere outside the Pokémon Center

"Listen up guys. We've arrived in Celadon City and tomorrow we challenge Erika for the Rainbow Badge. Who is excited for that?" His team of twelve pokémon gave various battle cries. "So here's the deal. Erika's battle is going to be a three-on-three battle and to counter that format; it is going to be Butterfree, Beedrill, and Zorua. In case she decides to make it a four-on-four battle, I'll be sending in Tyrunt. And now, training time."

After giving his pokémon instructions, he watched them get to work. The Couple's Tournament was cancelled due to the storm that was forecasted on that day, so all of them had to leave for their journeys. He was at least glad that he had been inducted as an Aura Guardian in-training. Training went by fast and soon it was time to challenge Erika.

Ash stood in front of the Gym doors. This particular gym was themed like a greenhouse. As expected, grass pokémon worked better under direct sunlight due to the fact that it made their attacks more powerful. The building was as usual, in the favour of the gym leader. As Ash walked in he smelt something that almost damaged his nose. Unlike normal humans, Aura Users had heightened senses, and smell was one of them. Ash gagged profusely until he felt a pair of hands hold him up.

"Sorry about that. It's a new formula I'm working on. I'm surprised it affected you this much."

"Thank you," Ash said after managing to stabilize his sense of smell. "I have a strong sense of smell," he half-lied.

"Oh. Good for you. My name is Erika by the way," she said revealing herself to be Erika.

On hearing that name, Ash looked closely at her. She wore a faint green kimono (I'm not good with colours and dresses. Let's leave it at that). She had black hair and black eyes, and a warm smile on her face.

"You don't mean to say that you are Gym Leader Erika?" Ash asked.

She opened her eyes. "I am in fact Gym Leader Erika. Is there a problem?"

"Not really, except that I'm here to challenge the Gym Leader for the Rainbow Badge,' he declared boldly.

"Oh. If that is the case," she said as she led him to a small room. "I only accept challenges if…," there was a dramatic pause as she flung open the doors to the room. "If you buy a perfume." Ash fell down comically as Erika laughed lightly.

As Ash got up, he thought about Erika's offer. He knew that she was only joking, but he accepted because he wanted to give it to Serena as a gift. "Okay," he said in defeat.

"Alice," Erika called. "Please come sell this young man a perfume." A girl a little older Ash came in after Erika called.

"What perfume would you like?" she asked Ash. Erika had just left towards a dark corridor. "Umm…" after about a minute of searching, Ash picks a perfume and sniffs it. He nodded his head at the girl. "I'll be taking this one."

"That'll be one thousand poke dollars," she said. Ash nodded and gave her the money from his wallet.

"So," she started after packing the perfume properly for him. "If you don't mind me asking, who's the perfume for? I know for certain that it's not for you. You don't look like the type to use perfumes without being forced to."

Ash blushed slightly as she asked. "Well, you're right about me not using it. It's not for me but for a friend of mine."

"So are you going to challenge Erika?" she asked.

"Yeah. It is going to be my fourth badge."

"That's some confidence you got there. You'll need it against her. She's pretty versatile on the field."

"I'll be able to handle her. I have my ways."

"Okay then. Let's go," she said as she led him to the corridor that Erika had gone down. It took only a couple of minutes before they arrived at the battlefield. Erika was already on the opposite side of the field.

Ash looked at the field. It was plain but the ceiling was glass, and it let in a lot of sunlight. "Hey kiddo!" he heard Erika call out. "What's your name?"

"Ash Satoshi Ketchum," he called back.

"No wonder you looked so familiar. The son of the Master himself."

"Alice please be a darling and be our referee."

"Alrighty then," Alice said as she heads to the centre of the field.

"What level of battle will this be?" Erika asked her assistant.

"It's his fourth badge ma'am," Alice replied. After Erika settled down, Alice began. "The Gym Battle between Ash Satoshi Ketchum and Erika of the Celadon Gym will now begin. This is going to be a three-on-three battle for the Rainbow badge. Challenger has the first move."

Erika tossed a pokéball into the air and out came a Weepinbell.

"Weepinbell huh. Come on out Zorua," Ash said as Zorua came out of her ball.\

"Zorua vs. Weepinbell, begin."

"Leer into fury swipes."

Zorua leered at Weepinbell as she supposedly lowered its defense before shooting off with extended claws.

"Weepinbell counter with vine whip." Vines extended from Weepinbell as both it and Zorua clashed, claw with vine. Neither side appeared to be giving in, and they looked like they could go on forever. Erika decided to break the attack.

"Back and razor leaf."

Weepinbell dropped its vine whip attack, causing Zorua to almost trip and fall. Weepinbell proceeds to fire razor sharp leaves at Zorua.

"Bounce and follow up with fury swipes."

Using bounce, Zorua became airborne before kicking off against the roof and launching herself at Weepinbell. "Sludge bomb."

"Payback," Ash responded back calmly.

The purple sludge attack hit Zorua before she reached Weepinbell, but instead of stopping mid-attack, she continued with the momentum of payback as she slammed into Weepinbell, dealing double the damage Weepinbell dealt to her.

"I must say, I didn't expect you to reverse my attack with payback. Then again, you can't rely on payback because the move is also dependent on the stamina of both pokémon involved. Weepinbell power whip."

Ash understood what she said perfectly and nodded with a smile.

"Sucker punch." Before Weepinbell could latch out with power whip, Zorua slammed into him with a glowing white fist, and sent him tumbling.

"Now fury swipes," Ash commanded.

Zorua launched at Weepinbell, landing a direct hit with fury swipes causing Weepinbell to elicit a cry of pain.

"Weepinbell return the favour with petal dance."

A flurry of petals, courtesy of Weepinbell, slammed into Zorua and sends her flying across the field. Zorua got back up defiantly, indicating that she was okay for battle. "Zorua use dark pulse."

Zorua retaliates by blasting Weepinbell with the dark energy. Weepinbell gets up after the attack with ease and glares at Zorua.

"Weepinbell seed bomb."

"Sucker punch."

Faster than Weepinbell could use seed bomb, Zorua's fist met its face. The grass type was launched upwards before landing with a thud.

"Dark pulse."

Zorua shot the dark energy at Weepinbell's downed body, further causing the grass type damage. "Don't let up!" Ash shouted and Zorua amped the power behind the attack until an explosion occurred. When the smoke cleared, Weepinbell was out cold.

Okay. I hope no one is surprised at how fast the battle occurred or how Zorua knocked out Weepinbell. In case we have those who are surprised, here's my reason. Zorua while being in her pre-evolved form and is still young has trained in the wild before she was caught by the league to be used as a prize in the St. Anne. She is also older than two months and has experience. The fact that she is a Zorua also helps as she is on a totally different class from Weepinbell. I sincerely hope that that clarifies it all.

Erika silently returned Weepinbell while throwing another pokéball. Out of it came a Leavanny. A grass type native of Unova.

"Leavanny vs. Zorua begin."

"String shot and then leaf blade."

"Dodge and fury swipes."

Faster than Zorua could dodge, string shot had already trapped her. Leavanny's scythe-like arms glowed green before it came upon Zorua with amazing speed and slashed at her. Zorua was sent tumbling back by the force of the attack.

She got up and that was when Ash noticed that Leavanny was in a totally different league from Weepinbell.

"Quick attack and Leaf blade, back-to-back." Leavanny shot off again with scythes glowing green. It slashed at Zorua before coming back again and slashing at her. Soon, Leavanny was just a green blur on the field as it kept slashing at Zorua continuously.

"Leavanny use night slash."

"Zorua dark pulse."

Leavanny's scythes took on a purple glow as it shot off at Zorua who had unleashed the dark move. Leavanny swerved to the other side as dark pulse passed her and slammed into the psychic barriers. Leavanny's scythes found their place on Zorua's face as she was sent into the ground.

"Zorua is unable to battle. The victory goes to Leavanny. Challenger send out your next pokémon."

Ash returned Zorua and thanked her for her hard work. He took Beedrill's pokéball from his belt and released the bug/poison type. Beedrill came out of her pokéball and soon took a fighting stance.

"Beedrill vs. Leavanny begin."

"Focus energy and then drill run."

"Leavanny counter with energy ball."

Beedrill glowed with a red aura before her drills began to spin with ground energy, before launching herself at the energy ball that was heading straight for her. She thrust her drill into the attack, blowing it away and making her way towards Leavanny.


Leavanny expertly side stepped as Beedrill came rushing past her. Being the kind of battler that she was, Beedrill made a U-turn and slammed into Leavanny with all her might. The impact sent Leavanny sprawling across the ground where she skidded to a stop.

"Quick attack into leaf blade."

"Rapid fire poison sting."

Leavanny's scythes glowed green as she squatted and shot after Beedrill. Beedrill just stood calm as she brought forth her stingers and unleashed a barrage of poison stings. Leavanny tried dodging, but to no avail as one by one, the super effective move slammed into it and knocked it down. A purple glow soon covered Leavanny, indicating that it was poisoned.

"Shit. That's not good," Erika muttered. Ash had drawn her into a trap.

Meanwhile, the raven-haired trainer was smirking. His plan rested a lot on luck, but now that phase one was complete, phase two could be set in motion.

"Move in for a bug bite attack."

"Don't back down Leavanny, use bug buzz."

Leavanny's flaps began to vibrate at a high frequency, releasing red sound waves into the air that disoriented Beedrill, halting her attack. "Now solar beam."

Ash's eyes widened as Leavanny began charging the powerful grass type move. "Beedrill snap out of it and use solar beam too."

Beedrill recovered from the bug buzz to see Leavanny about to fire solar beam. She quickly began to charge her own beam. When Leavanny was done with charging, it let loose the beam of pure grass energy. About a quarter distance between Beedrill and the beam, she released her own, and almost instantly both beams clashed and after about ten seconds, they exploded. The resulting explosion kicked off dust and smoke covered the field. Beedrill had taken more damage due to being closer to the explosion.

"Beedrill!" Ash yelled. As the smoke cleared, Ash could see Beedrill struggling to keep herself in the air. There were burn marks all over her, and she was breathing heavily. Leavanny was also thankfully, not all the better. It also had burn marks all over.

"Beedrill, are you okay."

Beedrill nodded back at Ash.

"Leavanny, let's get back in this. Night slash."

Leavanny nodded and shot off towards Beedrill with scythes glowing an ominous purple.

'We're going to use their momentum against them.' "Venoshock."

Beedrill opened her mouth as she spat a purple blob of boiling poison at Leavanny's incoming form. The attack exploded on contact and dealt double the damage due to the fact that Leavanny was poisoned.

'He had this planned from the start. He purposely didn't use venoshock when he could have because then, I may have been able to uncover his plans. That is smart. And now, he has used Leavanny's momentum against it.'

Leavanny slowly got up after receiving the super effective attack. He got up only to have the purple glow wash over him. He was still determined to win at all costs.

"Sludge bomb." Beedrill gathered poison in her mouth as she spat the explosive blob of pure poison at the grass type. The blob exploded on contact as the move took effect. Leavanny tried to stand up but couldn't and was soon out cold.

"Leavanny is unable to battle. Victory goes to Beedrill. Gym Leader send out your final pokémon."

"I must say Ash. Well done bringing me to my final pokémon. I hope you're ready for him."

"As ready as I'll ever be," Ash said with a smirk.

Erika nodded as she took her final pokéball and tossed into the air, the light from the pokéball died down, revealing a green bipedal pokémon. It had a red mushroom on its head and a tail that ended in what looked like a bunch of berries.

"Breloom," he said as he came out. He jumped up and down, mimicking the movements of a boxer. He was fierce.

"That Breloom sure looks tough, but it's not something we can't handle." Ash returned Beedrill, earning a confused look from Erika before tossing a pokéball into the air as he released his Butterfree.

"Why the change Ash?" Erika asked.

Ash simply shrugged. "I promised him a gym battle he'll never forget, and I intend on keeping that promise. "Right buddy?"

Butterfree responded with a nod as he took a fighting stance.

"Breloom vs. Butterfree begin."

"Breloom quick attack!" Erika ordered sharply. The grass/fighting type shot off at blinding speeds towards Butterfree who just stood there awaiting Ash's orders.

"String shot, send it flying and then confusion."

Butterfree opened his mouth as he shot silky thread at Breloom, wrapping the grass type, before sending it flying. Butterfree's eyes glowed a second later as he sent a wave of psychic energy that slammed into Breloom.

Breloom got back up after the confusion attack and stood facing Butterfree.

"Growth and then grassy terrain."

Breloom gave a battle cry as a green aura washed over him. After the aura died, he growled as the entire field was bathed with plant energy. Plants began to grow on the field. Breloom growled once more as the plants seemingly stopped growing and began to sway in an invisible wind.

'That's not good. She is intent on turning this battle in Breloom's favour. That means I have to act fast.' "Butterfree use wing attack."

Butterfree's wings glowed as he charged Breloom. "Catch it," Erika ordered.

Breloom simply put forth his claws as he stopped Butterfree. The bug type was also in shock that his attack had being easily halted. "Seismic toss."

Breloom held on to Butterfree tightly as he leapt into the air. While in the air, Breloom began to spin rapidly before hurling Butterfree to the field. Butterfree impacted the field, causing a small crater to appear.

"Use quick attack to descend and then nail him with dynamic punch."

Breloom righted himself with the help of his tail as he sped up with descent with quick attack, leaving behind a white trail. His hands glowed a dangerous orange as he slammed it into Butterfree, causing an explosion.

"BUTTERFREE!" Ash screamed after the dust settled. The dual bug/flying type came out of his crater. His body gleamed a little before going back to his normal colour. He had used Harden to reduce the damage he took.

"That is one smart Butterfree," Erika muttered. "You ready to continue Ash?"

"I sure am. Butterfree quick attack and psybeam."

Butterfree shot off as he left behind a white trail of energy. His eyes glowed blue as he shot a beam of pure psychic energy. Erika countered by having Breloom use energy ball. Both attacks fought for dominance before exploding, kicking up smoke.

Butterfree burst out of the smoke, revealing glowing wings as he slammed into Breloom, knocking the grass type into the air and letting it fall back to the ground. Breloom got up and gestured at Butterfree.



Butterfree spat the purple blob at Breloom who swiped it away as a counter. This continued for some time until Breloom sent the blob at Butterfree. Erika decided to capitalize on the moment Butterfree used to dodge.

"Leaf blade." Breloom's claws glowed green as he leapt at Butterfree and delivered the strike. "Iron tail." Breloom's tail attained a metallic sheen as it swiped at Butterfree. It ended up hitting dirt as Butterfree had rolled out of the way.

"Silver wind."

The twin crescent wind slammed into Breloom as he was sent unto his back. "Wing attack." Not missing a beat, Butterfree's wings glowed white as he slammed his wings into Breloom's iron tail. They were both in a stalemate for about four seconds, before Butterfree broke and slammed into Breloom thanks to his initial momentum.

"Climb back and use solar beam."

Butterfree pulled back as he began to charge up solar beam.

"Solar beam and fire that beam with a jump."

Breloom nodded as he began to charge up solar beam also. Both pokémon finished their solar beam at the same time. Breloom leapt up as he fired the solar beam at Butterfree's incoming beam. Both beams met and clashed for a split second before exploding with a great force that shook the entire gym. Smoke and dust filled the entire field as both pokémon were knocked back from the force.

"BUTTERFREE/BRELOOM!" Both trainers yelled. After sometime, Butterfree flew out of the smoke and took a stance in front of Ash. Breloom also indicated that it was still conscious by shooting bullet seeds at the ceiling.

Erika nodded as she saw the state that Breloom was in and ordered him to absorb the energy from the grass and dissipate grassy terrain.

"Alright Butterfree, let's end this match with our new move." Butterfree's eyes flooded with psychic energy.

Butterfree as a pokémon were one of the few pokémon that had the abilities of types that they were not related to. While being a dual bug and flying type, Butterfree appears to possess latent psychic energies that if they are trained properly, they would be able to use like a secondary typing.

Butterfree summoned all the psychic energy in his being as he began to charge solar beam.

'What kind of attack is that? Breloom isn't done absorbing enough plant energy. He is going to need it if he is going to counter Butterfree's attack.'

After Butterfree had finished charging solar beam, he began to coat it with his psychic energy. The result of the mixing of psychic and plant energies caused Butterfree's wings to glow in sparkling colours. Ash mentally recorded the ordeal and focused on Butterfree who was now feeling the strain of the attack. "Are you ready Butterfree?" He asked as the bug type nodded.

At that moment, Breloom was done absorbing part of the remaining plant energy. "Breloom, full power focus blast."

Breloom gave a war cry as he charged one of the strongest fighting type moves.

"PSYCHIC SUN!" Ash yelled as Butterfree hurled the attack at Breloom. Breloom shot the focus blast attack at the incoming psychic sun. Both attacks clashed and without missing a beat, the psychic sun eradicated focus blast and slammed into Breloom in a mighty explosion.

The psychic barriers flared as the explosion occurred. The entire field swirled with both plant and all knowing energies. Butterfree was sent back by the force of the explosion. The smoke and dust kicked up took about two minutes to finally clear, and the result was very clear.

"Breloom is unable to battle. The victory goes to Butterfree. Since the Gym Leader has lost all her pokémon, the winner of this match is Ash Satoshi Ketchum."

"Yes," Ash cheered as he ran to pick Butterfree who was slumped on the ground after expending so much energy. "You did it buddy."

"Freeeee," the bug type responded.

"Ash," a voice called snapping him out of his celebration. He returned Butterfree as he stood up to face the grass type Gym Leader.

"I must say, that was an amazing battle style that you showcased just now. And that last move was unexpected. What did you call it again... Psychic sun?"

"Yeah. It's a move we came up with when we were coming here, and I'm glad it paid off."

"Keep it up and you'll place high in the league next year. From what I can see about your pokémon, Butterfree is definitely stronger than the rest, though Beedrill also surprised me a lot and had you kept her in the match, it would have taken lesser for Butterfree to take out Breloom."

"Thanks Erika. Is it okay if I ask for your help on something?"

"And what is that?"

"I need help with my Venusaur. Maybe some tips or something along the lines?"

Erika smiled. "I'd love to. Let's go out back to the training field."

She led him to the training field and gestured for him to release his Venusaur. Ash nodded and took out Venusaur's pokéball. He tossed it into the air and released the massive behemoth. Maybe behemoth was taking it too far.

The grass type let out a growl as he came out. Erika smiled, always eager to see a grass type.

"Seeing the way you battle Ash, I never would have thought that you would have a Venusaur as a starter."

"Well, Venusaur isn't my starter. My starter is Charizard."

"I must say I'm impressed, having two of the Kanto starters is no easy feat."

"Actually, I have all three of them," Ash said with a look of pride on his face. This caused Venusaur to smack the back of his head with his vines.

Erika smiled before whistling sharply. It was as though the ground began to shake at the sound of Erika's whistling. Ash looked closely and noticed a Venusaur making his way towards them. Compared to his Venusaur, that one was huge and massive.

"Say hello to my starter," Erika said as the Venusaur reached them. "She has being with me since I began my journey seventeen years ago. Now back to your pokémon, you're going to leave your Venusaur with mine for some time and then, we'll come back. Is that okay?"

"Yeah, I'm down for that."

"Good," Erika said as she turned to her Venusaur and gave her instructions. The older Venusaur growled to Ash's and called him to her.

Erika in turn gestured for Ash to follow her.

The training for Venusaur was brutal. He had to endure a couple of brutal power whips. After that Venusaur had him perform his attacks over and over again, intent on increasing the power behind them. She had also offered pointers to her junior when he performed an attack wrongly or poorly.

While Venusaur was receiving his brutal training session, Erika was giving Ash tips on raising healthy grass types, and the young Aura Guardian in-training was taking notes eagerly from her. Any pointer he could get was extremely valuable in his sights. Regular exposure to the sun was very necessary in the growth of grass types, because all their attacks were dependent on the intensity of the rays of the sun on their bodies. She said that regular exposure to the sun light was helpful as it helped increase the "plant life" being of grass types, and helped their attack power grow. The parts that were also to be exposed were not just any parts of their body, but they were the vital parts. For instance, in the case of Venusaur, it would be the tree on their backs.

She also advised a regular exposure to water, though not as intense as the exposure to sunlight, was still not to be taken lightly. Constant water intake would help in boosting their resistances to fire and heat related attacks.

Since grass types loved soil, she also recommended soil based pokémon food. Food that had a little bit of humus and fertilizer in them, you know to help in the growth area. Regarding that she also had Ash learn a powerful grass type technique that would help his team in battle. It involved the pokémon learning moves such as absorb, mega drain and giga drain. It was called Rooting. Her best bet was that her Venusaur had already began teaching it to use the move, so she explained it to Ash, by reminding him of what Breloom had done during their fight. The technique was useful in areas with sweet soil and was also evenly watered, allowing the said grass pokémon to absorb the nutrients directly from the soil. Sounds easy enough? Wrong. The tricky part of it all was siphoning the nutrient of the soil and transforming it into energy for the pokémon. So basically, it was just taking energy that was not yours and using the photosynthetic method of producing food, transforming that energy into something productive for you. It was a very taxing technique that required constant practice to get the hang on.

The last thing Erika advised him on was concerning Venusaur. She told him to not focus on his speed or attack power but that he should work on making him a tank that can shrug off attacks. Just that style alone would scare of most opponents.

As they got back to the two Venusaur, they noticed that Erika's was teaching Ash's how to use the infamous grass type move, ingrain. Ash walked up to them after their session ended. "How was the training session?"

Venusaur growled as he waved his vines. "Wow, ingrain, absorb, and mega drain. You must have had your hands full." He knew that she would have already taught Venusaur the concept of rooting. Before he could get on his thought train, Venusaur growled again.

"Yeah, yeah buddy. She told me too, and from our next training sessions we will begin to work on it."

Ash turned his attention to Erika. "Thank you so much Erika. I'll never forget this and I promise to take good care of my grass types."

"I should be the one thanking you Ash, for such a great battle and all. Just keep up that attitude and I'm sure you'll place well in the league."

"Thanks for the kind words Erika," Ash said as he turned around and made his way towards the gym exits. "Bye Erika."

"Take care Ash."

Ash quickly made his way out of the gym door, dropped off Butterfree, Beedrill and Zorua's pokéball headed directly for the Game Corner. He was determined on playing his best to win something from the Game Corner. He entered the huge building and saw a multitude of people on different slot machines. That was not all, some rich men and ladies were also in what appeared to be a casino area. But of course, this was a famous Game Corner in the entire world so of course he would see the rich and the wealthy.

He made his way to the counter and proceeded to talk to the lady behind it. "Good afternoon."

"Good afternoon, how can I help you?"

"I'd like to purchase some game coins for the slot machines. How much is it?"

"It costs a thousand pokédollars for one hundred coins and ten thousand pokédollars for a thousand and fifty coins."

"Give me five hundred coins for five thousand pokédollars," Ash said as he handed her the cash from his wallet.

"Thank you," she said as she took the money from him. "Here you go." She handed over to him five hundred coins from behind the counter. "Thank you," Ash replied as he made his way to the slot machines. He set down his coins and began to work. His aim was a pokémon that couldn't be found in the wild. It was the pre-evolution of the same pokémon that had attacked them at the St. Anne. Porygon. It was the only pokémon that had the guarantee to not be seen in the wild. Come think of it, Ash was beginning to wonder how Team Rocket got their hands on so many of them. Did they create their own? That was for another day. His focus was on winning the slot machines and that was what mattered most to him. Porygon was worth nine thousand coins in the Game Corner.

3 Hours Later

After working his butt off for three painstakingly long hours, Ash had arrived at nine thousand coins. He took all his coins and made his way to the Cash out Area. He cashed out his coins and received his pokémon. The thing with Porygon was that they automatically followed others from the first person who commands them.

Before Ash left the building, a poster caught his eye. It was a picture of the pokémon world. Above it were two huge letters "T" and "R". The poster looked extremely strange to Ash's eyes. After sometime of pondering on the poster, Ash saw two guys that wore black caps and brown trench coats carrying some boxes out back. Ash monitored them closely as they carried the boxes back. The boxes were also seriously covered all over.

He decided to activate his aura sight under the shade of his cap. He looked closely at them and gasped as he recognized them as Team Rocket agents. He saw red. What where they doing here?

He looked closely at the walls and was able to make out a faint passage. He couldn't see further because of how thick the walls were. He decided to follow them. He saw them disappear through a side door in the Cash out Area. After waiting some minutes, he decided it was best to follow them.

He sneakily went out back without being noticed by anyone. He looked closely at the site where they disappeared through and noticed that there was no door. He activated his aura sight and noticed that the door was well camouflaged. After uncovering it, he tried opening it but to no avail. He looked around before noticing a small box near the door just high enough for anyone to reach. He removed the top and it revealed what looked like a screen that had the word "Password?" and four white circles. The bottom part had the keypads zero to nine. 'Guess it must require a password to open the door. How I'm I in the world going to get…' At that moment, he remembered the Porygon that he had only recently won. "That should do it."

He released the normal pokémon from its confines. The creature made a digital sound as it processed its surroundings. "Hey Porygon, how are you doing? My name is Ash Ketchum and I'm your trainer from now on. I assume that now is not the best time to do this introduction because we're on a mission."

Porygon appeared to have processed everything upon hearing that Ash was his trainer. "Right now, I need you to hack into this device and input the password. Is that okay?"

Porygon nodded at that and materialized into the device. After sometime, he appeared on the screen in a sprite format. Ash didn't know much about the Porygon-line, but one thing he did know about them was that they had bio-digital forms. They were biological and digital hybrids and could enter into any digital system. They were basically working computers.

After sometime, Ash saw the passwords appear on the screen gradually and the door unlocked. Not a second later, Porygon materialize to his physical form.

Ash turned on his pokédex and spoke a command to it. "Pokédex run surface scan on Porygon."

Dexter, (the name Ash gave his pokédex) spoke in its usual animatronic voice. "Scanning Pokémon known as Porygon."

"Porygon, the Virtual Pokémon. A man-made pokémon that was created as a result of research. This pokémon is made completely out of programming code and possesses the ability to travel through cyberspace.

This pokémon knows the moves conversion 2, tackle, sharpen, Psybeam, agility, recover, magnet rise, and shockwave. It learns no move by breeding and has the ability download and the hidden ability analytic."

"Awesome Porygon, you're just perfect. Welcome to the team," Ash said as he returned the normal type and went inside. It was basically pitch black and Ash knew that if he used Aura sight, it would give away his location, which was the last thing he wanted. Instead, he decided to rely on more traditional means and used aura sense. As he activated it, his vision soon became just like night vision.

He gradually made his way forward down the only path before stopping at a curve. "Xceed (the name Ash gave his Xtransceiver)," he said in almost a whisper.

"Yes Ash."

"Give me my location coordinates."

"Right away Ash… Sorry but it seems that were you currently are, is not registered on my database."

"Figures," Ash muttered to himself. "Begin 3D mapping of the area and please, send Misty my coordinates in thirty minutes."

"Will do Ash."

Xceed got to work on mapping the area while Ash got down to tracking the Rockets down. He went slow and steady. He was already prepared for a battle and he was going to show them how much he had improved since the St. Anne. His current lineup consisted of Blaze, Golduck, Glaceon, Venusaur, Riolu, Porygon, and Volt. He kind of regretted on sending Blastoise home, but now was not the time for regrets.

He made his way forward until he came across a corridor that had faint lights. He had being working for almost ten minutes. The corridor appeared to have some doors and Ash decided to check the rooms one by one. He had opened about five doors before he came across one in which he heard voices. He heightened his aura sense usage to the max and could sense the auras of pokémon through the door. He also noticed the auras of the two grunts he saw earlier.

His hand quickly shifted to Venusaur's ball. This was it. Time for battle. He released the hulking grass type and instructed him to get ready to use sleep powder when he opened the doors. Ash took a deep breath as he covered his nose and flung the door open. "Now!"

Green powder flew through the air and before the grunts could do anything, they were fast asleep. Ash walked up to the pokémon that were held in the cages and noticed that there were majorly just normal pokémon with the exception of the rare few like Pinsir, Scyther, and Graveler. He quickly ordered Venusaur to use an extra strong dose of the powder to put them to sleep.

"Let's go," he said as he turned to his grass type.

They did the same thing for the next two rooms before they came across the camera room. He slowly opened the door after noticing the presence of two grunts. "Incapacitate them with vine whip and put them to sleep. Venusaur nodded and as Ash opened the door, he extended forth his vines and captured both of them and put them to sleep.

Ash released Porygon and ordered the virtual pokémon to erase all the video footage and disable all the cameras in the building. The Virtual Pokémon nodded and began its work on the computers, erasing every single file that he could, though there were a couple of files that it could not erase, but Ash instructed it to exit the computer.

He continued his mission and soon spotted three grunts. They were in a three way discussion about matters that were most likely Team Rocket.

"So how did you end up in Team Rocket?" the first one asked.

"Well… long story short, Petrel saved my life when I was younger and after seeing my skills, he offered me a job in Team Rocket."

The other two looked at him before bursting into laughter. "What?!" he yelled, slightly annoyed.

"There's no way in hell Petrel would recognize someone's skills in this agency, and the position they just so happened to give that person was a grunt?" this intensified the laughter between the two.

"That's so true man. Damn bastard thinks he can fool us. You're a freaking bastard."

"Am I interrupting?" Ash asked.

As they turned to look at him, he quickly shot three aura spheres at the grunts. "Now Venusaur." The grass type released a cloud of green powder that the grunts inhaled. Quickly as they inhaled it, they fell asleep.

"Let's continue," Ash said to the grass type. He had a feeling he was getting closer. It was just easy. 'A little too easy.' As soon as he took a right turn, an alarm went off. 'Damn. Motion sensors were placed in this area. I must be getting closer.' A few seconds later and Ash was hearing voices, and from the sound of it, the voices were getting closer.

A horde of Rockets appeared in front of him. There were flashes of light all over as the Rockets released their pokémon. "Guess it's now or never." The flashes of light condensed into different pokémon. Ekans, Zubat, Rattata, Koffing, Weezing, Raticate and Arbok filled the entire hallway. Ash responded by releasing Glaceon, and Volt to counter them.

Immediately Ash activated his aura sight and began giving orders to the various pokémon. "Volt go after the Zubat and the Rattata. Hit them hard. Glaceon go after the Ekans, Raticate and the Arbok. Venusaur you go after the Weezing and the Koffing. Don't hold back for anything at all."

Ash released Porygon and Riolu to fend off against any attackers that got too close for comfort.

Ash's pokémon charged forward with all their might as they mopped the floor with the Rocket's pokémon. Ice beam after ice beam escaped Glaceon's mouth as she blasted pokémon after pokémon without missing a beat. She occasionally switched her attack pattern to include iron tail and some other ice based moves. She encased her opponents with ice before bashing them with a powerful iron tail, one shotting weaker opponents. The ones that escaped this combo get to face the full wrath of Glaceon's ice powers. She would bite into some Arbok and literally use ice fang on them, thrashing them about. She would also use icicle crash on them, knocking them out. She would also use baby-doll eyes to lower their attack. She wasn't holding back for any reason. She also did well to trap the occasional grunts that caught her eyes.

Volt on the other hand was a different issue. He was mowing through the enemy lines. He was blasting Zubat all over with thunderbolts and nailing Rattata with fighting moves. He wasn't going to slack off cause he saw it as a training opportunity. The occasional pokémon that got to sneak up on him where met with a powerful jolt of thunder. There was no room for slip ups. He continued bashing them continuously until none would be able to get up. He made sure to use thunder wave to paralyze the Rockets that got too close.

Venusaur was more or less enjoying himself. Bashing Weezing and Koffing with power whips and sending them bouncing. He didn't relent until he made sure they were knocked out. Occasionally, Venusaur would pick up Arbok and slam them into Weezing. He also did well to put the Rockets to sleep.

The occasional pokémon that did avoid that triple threat were faced with Riolu and Porygon's awesome power. Riolu slammed a Raticate with counter, sending it flying back at Venusaur. Ash almost felt sorry for the poor guy.

Soon, he had dealt with all the Rockets, save one. "I can't even rely on these guys to even take out a kid. I'm the Grunt Leader here and I apologize for your death."

'This guy must be really powerful if he is talking like that. I need to be cautious.' "Stay on guard. I'm getting really bad vibes from this guy." His pokémon nodded and all took defensive stances in front of Ash.

The Grunt Leader tossed two pokéballs into the air as he prepared to face Ash. The light from the first pokéball condensed into a bipedal bright yellow pokémon. Its tail had black stripes in the form of rings and a bright red bulb at its tip. It had three ringed black stripes on its neck and two ringed bright stripes on each ear. A red bulb at the center of its head, with a small machine at the back of his head, probably the rage device. The second materialized into a hulking brown pokémon with a yellow ring at its center. It had sharp, large claws and hair-like shoulder pads. At the center of its head was a small machine, the rage device.

"Ampharos and Ursaring," Ash muttered. "Venusaur use rooting and replenish yourself. The rest of you… here." He tossed a max potion to both Volt and Glaceon. Venusaur sprouted vines from his back that tore through the ground, sapping the nutrients from the soil with ingrain. Volt and Glaceon both consumed the max potion as they awaited Ash's orders. Ash's eyes flared with aura as he activated aura sight.

"Kill them."

"Riolu and Glaceon, go after the Ursaring. Immobilize it and don't engage in direct combat unless necessary. Volt and Venusaur, take the Ampharos. Let's do this."

Ampharos charged at Volt and Venusaur with flaming hands. It reared back as it thrust its fist, only to be countered by Volt's fire punch. Both fists clashed but Volt was launched back by the force of the blow. Venusaur took the opportunity to wrap Ampharos with his vines and toss it at Ursaring, tripping the Hibernator Pokémon.

The Ursaring got up as it made his way towards the pokémon. "Riolu vacuum wave and Glaceon ice beam."

Glaceon quickly froze the hulking pokémon, allowing Riolu to land his vacuum wave attack. Ash's eyes darted back and forth. A plan was forming in his head. He was drawn out of his thought by a hammer arm nailing Glaceon and sending her flying.

Volt retaliated by unleashing a full power thunder attack on the Hibernator pokémon. "It will be best to have them fight as a united force. I have no idea how powerful this rage devices work so I'm basically a sitting duck.' "Change of plans. Attack as one unit." All his pokémon roared as they got his gist.

Ursaring roared as he charged up a hammer arm, only to be intersected by a power whip from Venusaur. They got tied up in a power tussle and kept on dragging back and forth, neither side giving in. Glaceon roared as she bit an ice fang into Ursaring's leg, eliciting a grunt. Riolu took to the air and began to continuously nail force palm upon force palm Ursaring.

Ampharos shrieked as it released a point blank thunder attack on them. Venusaur had to quickly break the power tussle and throw up a protect to block the attack. The attack broke through the protect after some time and hit Venusaur. The grass type roared as the attack struck him. Despite the fact that the move was not very effective, it still dealt a lot of damage to him.

Volt instinctively charged up a thunder punch and took the thunder attack, cutting the attack towards Venusaur. Meanwhile, Ursaring had broken free from its attacks and tossed Riolu at Venusaur who was desperately trying to recover from the attack he just received. Glaceon quickly charged up iron tail on Ash's command and used quick tail to continuously assault Ursaring, causing the Hibernator to grunt.

Ampharos cut off the power to the thunder only to be hit by a thunder punch from Volt. It stumbled back a few feet and Venusaur bashed it with power whip. The Ampharos flared with power as it used electro ball on Volt. The electric type crossed his hands as he took the full brunt of the move. Volt shrieked in pain as the attack exploded.

"No!" Ash yelled as the grunt smirked. "Toxic on the Ampharos." Venusaur spat a huge blob of poison at the electric type. The poison move soaked its skin and it glowed a deep purple before grunting. An electric attack lanced through the air and nailed the Ampharos.

"Where did that come from?" the guard snarled. The smoke that stood were Volt once was cleared to reveal a bright yellow bipedal pokémon. It had two antennas on its head and a fang sticking out. "Buzz!" it yelled as its body flared with electricity.

"Volt, you evolved!" Ash exclaimed.

The electric type smashed his fist together as he generated a far stronger volt of electricity than he did as an Elekid. His arm glowed a deep orange as he charged Ursaring with a powerful hammer arm. Glaceon leapt back to avoid being caught in the crossfire of the attack.

Ursaring yelped as the powerful hammer arm crashed into the side of its head and it was knocked off its feet and into the sky. "Power whip." Venusaur's vines wrapped tightly around each other as they glowed an ominous purple. He smashed the power whip into Ursaring, sending the normal type crashing into the ground and creating a small crater.

Ash was pulled out of his thoughts by Ampharos smashing into Riolu with a brick break. "Glaceon ice fang."

Glaceon's fangs filled with icy energy as she sank her teeth into Ampharos' legs eliciting a grunt from the electric type. Before Ampharos could react, he was met with a focus punch from Volt. "Venusaur take out the grunt, you too Glaceon."

"What?!" the Grunt head said as Venusaur's vines wrapped around him and he felt ice encapsulating him. "No!-"and he was out.

Ampharos got up from the small crater that it had caused. "Sunny day Venusaur. Volt, keep it busy."

Volt's hands became ablaze as he engaged Ampharos in hand-to-hand combat, while Venusaur released a glowing blob of orange energy into the sky, creating a miniature sun. Venusaur's tree glowed with plant energy as he charged solar beam.

Ursaring growled as it used giga impact and slammed into Glaceon. The move knocked Glaceon out as she crashed into the wall where Ash returned her. While, Ursaring was recharging from using the move, Riolu began to continuously hit Ursaring with sky uppercut.

Volt flipped backwards as Venusaur was ready to fire the solar beam. Venusaur released the beam which crashed into Ampharos and impacted the electric type into the wall, shaking the entire building. As the attack ended, the electric type was hit by a powerful thunder from Volt. The combined attacks knocked it out and Ash turned his attention towards Ursaring.


Misty had followed the coordinates Ash sent to her and was making her way inside the building. She had Starmie outside and had ordered it to use flash.

With Ash

Ursaring was knocked out by a combined focus punch and sky uppercut by Volt and Riolu. Ash breathed a sigh of relief but stopped himself as he felt someone enter within the range of his senses. He calmed as he saw that it was Misty.

"Ash are you okay?" she asked as she approached him.

"I'm fine now."

"You really littered the floor with Rockets."

"Yeah, but I am not done yet. There's still more to this place and I'm not leaving until I find out what it is."

"Then let's hurry up and get out of here," she said as she pulled him. He returned his pokémon save Venusaur. They continued their mission as they made their way to a hall. The hall had no lighting whatsoever and Misty ordered Starmie to use flash. As they made their way through the hall, they come across a door. As Ash opened the door, it revealed a lab. There were tubes filled with water and they contained Ditto cells and it looked like they were being stabilized. They were a couple of tubes with other rare pokémon.

There was a table with a large note opened on it. A pen was on top of the book, a microscope was by the side and there was a lamp directly above the book. A computer was also open on top of the table.

Ash peered into the book. It read,

"March 1st, 2011.

The boss has ordered the Rocket's best scientists to work on a rather… delicate project that involves the mythical pokémon Mew. It's a good thing that I have been assigned to head the project, being an Executive has its perks."

Ash flipped the page and read carefully.

"March 28th, 2011.

We have gotten our hands on the DNA of the Mythical pokémon Mew and have began the process of using it to create a Super Pokémon, but first, the boss says that we should test out the theories on other pokémon before genetically engineering a pokémon from Mew's DNA."

He flipped towards the end and read the last page.

"It took more than a year, but our experiments have become a success. The Super Pokémon we created from tiny, microscopical fragments have shown promise, and the Super Pokémon experiments have begun. Only two more DNA samples from the other Super Pokémon are needed. They are vital and as soon as they are done, all experiments will be directed to create the Super Pokémon, Mewtwo."

Ash's eyes darted to what was in front of him. There were two large tubes, probably the two pokémon who's DNA are needed for the creation of that… Mewtwo. In the tubes were an Alakazam and an Absol. They were inside a green liquid that was probably keeping them in stasis. They also appeared bigger than normal pokémon of the same species. Ash looked at the machine that they were hooked unto. It showed that each of the pokémon was fused with enhanced Ditto cells and had their genetic makeup altered to increase their power.

"I better destroy these machines, which should put a dent in their plans," Ash said as he released Blaze. The fire type came out with a bored look but as soon as Ash mentioned the Rockets, he became angry and spat a plume of flames. Before Ash could order Blaze to begin trashing the place, a voice interrupted him.

"What the hell are you two doing in here?"

Ash and Misty turned around to see a woman by the door. She was wearing a lab coat with the Team Rocket insignia and she had orange-brown hair. Ash retorted in anger as he jabbed a finger at her.

"I'm here to put a stop to your plans."

"Let me guess. Raven black hair, chocolate eyes and zs on his cheeks. You must be that little brat that Petrel and the others were complaining about. My name is Ariana and I'm the fifth of Team Rockets executives and I'm so going to love killing you," she said as she held out two pokéball.

"You're on," Ash replied as he held out a pokéball. "Blaze I need you on standby." The fire type growled as he heard this but obeyed.

Ariana tossed her pokéballs into the air. The lights materialized from the balls and condensed into two distinct forms. The first light condensed into a huge purple snake-like pokémon. Its appearance was similar to that of a cobra, possessing the same crest-like hood with a pattern in front and at the back. It hissed as it stood to full height.

The second was a huge blob of pure poison that reeked. It had huge hands and no apparent leg. A huge mouth with no visible tongue and a black abysmal end.

"A Muk and an Arbok," Ash muttered as he released Venusaur and Electabuzz. "No time to explain, those are our targets. Attack with everything you've got."

Both pokémon growled as they charged their opponents. "Kill them."

Arbok and Muk gave their war cries as they attacked the opposition. Arbok slithered over and wrapped Volt, squeezing him tightly before tossing him into the path of Venusaur's vine whip. Venusaur withdrew his vines as Volt got up, only to be headbutted by Arbok again. Volt recovered and quickly used a powerful thunder attack on the surrounding area, but it didn't do much damage.

Venusaur retorted by using a power whip on Arbok, stunning it for a few seconds, allowing Volt to use a combo of thunder and fire punch on the poison type. Arbok recovered quickly and blasted Volt with poison sting.

"Call Officer Jenny!" Ash barked to Misty.

"Already on it," she replied as she was on her Xtransceiver.

Ash turned his eyes back to the battlefield to see both Venusaur and Volt taking a severe beating from their targets. 'Guess I'll have to rely on him,' Ash thought to himself. He tossed a pokéball and out came Golduck.

"Muddy water and follow up with ice beam."

Golduck slammed his hands on the ground as he sent a wave of mud at their targets. Venusaur used protect to cover both him and Volt. Volt's antennas sparked as he sent a volt of electricity at their targets further electrocuting them. After the shock, they recovered like nothing happened.

"You think that's enough to stop me!" Ariana practically yelled.

Muk and Arbok began to rain sludge bomb after sludge bomb and successfully poison Ash's team. Ash was getting frustrated. "Blaze, let's do this."

The fire type growled as he destroyed the tanks containing the Super Pokémon and subsequently destroyed them, something which made Ash's rage burn more.

"You bastard! You've ruined me!" she shouted as Blaze rained destruction on the lab. She tossed a final pokéball into the air. "No holding back now." The light materialized into a purple pokémon with shady, bloodshot red eyes and a wide grin on its face.

"Gengar!" it announced as it fully materialized. "Kill them."

The Gengar faded and appeared, slamming a shadow ball into Blaze's gut and knocking the fire type off balance. Blaze roared as he spat a plume of flames at the ghost type, but it dodged and used hypnosis to put Blaze to sleep. It flew off and attacked the others with the rest of Ariana's pokémon. Arbok was wrapped around Volt and was squeezing the life out of him. Muk had restrained Venusaur with the help of Gengar. Volt was knocked out swiftly with a shadow ball from Gengar and so was Venusaur.

"Kill him and the girl."

Arbok slithered forward as it used glare to paralyze Misty, before proceeding to wrap and squeeze her tightly. She couldn't even release any of her pokémon as she felt her life slowly slip away. Muk sent hurled blobs of poison at Ash, but he flared up and blasted each and every one with aura spheres.

Gengar faded behind Ash and slashed the base of his neck earning a pained shriek and knocking him down. "Aahhhh!" Ash screamed as Gengar charged a shadow ball in front of him. Blaze's eyes opened as he darted off and used wing attack to slam into Gengar, sending it hurling into Arbok and Misty. Blaze's tail flame flared up and grew into blue flames. It wasn't blaze activating, he was just really pissed. He spewed a torrent of blue flames at Muk, and blasting it into the wall. He raged as he continued to spew flames.

"Subdue him!" Ariana shrieked.

Gengar formed two shadow balls as it faced off against Blaze. Blaze picked Ash and sent him to Misty who was now free from Arbok's grip. Ash hurriedly went to her as he watched Blaze face off against three powerful pokémon.

Blaze began the assault. No one was going to threaten the life of his trainer and get away with it. He was going to prove why he was the strongest pokémon in Ash's team. He hated that he was unable to do anything at the St. Anne, but now he was going to do something.

He spat a stream of flames as he slammed the ground with all his might, shaking the entire place and causing the poison types to spasm from the super-effective move. All but Gengar who hurled both shadow balls at Blaze. Blaze responded by blasting the incoming ball with flames and pushing it slowly towards Gengar before it exploded, sending debri everywhere.

Xceed suddenly spoke. "Officer Jenny is about half a kilometer from here and she's with backup."

"What?! This is bad… real bad." She recalled all her pokémon and fled. Ash passed out after exhausting his aura trying to restore Misty back to capacity. Just before passing out, he ordered Xceed to tell them what happened.

Blaze was able to recall all of Ash's pokémon to their pokéballs and passed out after expending so much power.

Officer Jenny arrived a couple of seconds later and was horrified at their state of being. She had apprehended all the Rockets that Ash had taken out and was with Erika.

Okay. I am pretty happy mainly because I have reached the point where I stopped rushing the story.

I hope you all enjoyed the battle between Erika and Ash and between Ash and Team Rocket.

If anyone recalls, I don't plan on making Team Rocket weak in this fanfic. They will be a dominant force and their activity will be a lot more than it was in the anime.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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