
Chapter 14 Results Released

Terrance understands that if you choose different tricks to answer, if the explanation process is the same, choosing the shadow ball will score higher than the shadow clone. One hundred thousand volts is too easy, and he wrote down everything he could think of, in just 45 minutes out of 90 minutes he had already answered all the questions.

After revising for 5 minutes, Terrance raised his hand. Xiaochun also raised her hand at the same time. Both applied for early submission.

Just like that, Terrance and Xiaochun walked out of the 303 examination room under the surprised eyes of others.

The exam lasted 90 minutes, and now, only 50 minutes have passed.

The other assessors were amazed by Terrance and Xiaochun's answering speed, and of course, some were sceptical, after all, the two of them looked too young for them to believe.

And joy Yiling, who was in charge of the test, returned to the stage after covering the test paper, carefully looked through their information again, and then smiled, a little curious.

"Is it over?" The answering speed of the two of them was within Master Shengzong's expectations, and it was not too surprising to see them come out early.

"It's pretty easy." Terrance and Xiaochun both answered in this way.

"What do you think your grades will be? Why don't we make a bet? If the two of you rank among the top five of this year's examiners, I will give each of you a special reward." Master Shengzong said with a smile.


The reward of a top breeder, Terrance knows without thinking that it must be a good thing, and it seems that there is no loss even if the conditions mentioned by the master are not met.

Speaking of the overall grades of the first-time examiners, Terrance is not clear, but this is not related to the assessment of age. If Terrance can say that he will be the first, it is impossible. At least, facing Xiaochun in front of him, Terrance was not sure that his grades would surpass her.

Although the answer was fairly smooth, who knows if there are any loopholes in the answer he thinks is correct?

What's more, even if it is a debate topic he is confident in, it is impossible to pass it with full marks.

Neither Xiaochun nor Terrance had any reason to reject the bet made by Mr Shengzong.

"Okay then, let's look forward to the results of the next assessment." The passing score of the first assessment is 60 points, and the maximum number of people allowed to pass is 100. If it exceeds this number, the lowest score will be screened out until the number of people is Up to 100, then, the second assessment.

As for the number of people who finally passed the junior cultivator assessment, there were almost less than 10 people every year from a region.

But facing the assessment, Terrance didn't seem as nervous as other examiners.

The end time of the assessment is 9:30, and the marking time will probably last until the afternoon. At 2:00 pm, everyone's results will be announced. Immediately afterwards, the invigilators will announce the questions for the next assessment.

A few hours passed in the blink of an eye. During this time, Terrance and the others didn't go anywhere and stayed in the room to discuss the topic of the written test.

After listening to Master Shengzong explaining some questions, Terrance understand Some of the answers he thought were correct, but there were loopholes somewhere, and the traps in the questions were everywhere.

For the next argument question, Sheng Zong also helped Xiao Chun and Terrance analyze it step by step,

The two of them were hooked. The top master is worthy of being a master. His thinking is rigorous and interlocking. He can't wait to listen to a few more similar essay questions.

"Oh, the results are coming out soon, let's go... Let's watch the results announcement together!" Master Shengzong said after looking at the time.

"Okay, let's go." Xiaochun stood up with a smile and walked out of the room.

Terrance was also looking forward to it. He estimated a score and wanted to verify if there was any error.

After hearing Master Shengzong's explanation, he also knew that he had loopholes in several topics due to knowledge. Compared with Xiaochun, this was his weakness.

On the other side, other assessors were also discussing: "I don't know who is the first in the written test this time... Generally speaking, the top five in each written test are almost guaranteed to pass the test, right?"

"Almost, if there are no accidents, it's probably like this."

"I feel that my answer is not bad. I hope I can pass the written test. The second practice is my strong point."

During the discussion, most of the examiners and their family members had already gathered in front of the big screen where the results were announced.

"Quick...Look! Forty-sixth place, it's me...it's me...it's my first time to pass the written test. It seems that I'm one step closer to being a junior breeder!"

"See me! 75 points! Fifteenth place!"

"That's me... tenth! 78 points!"

Everyone looked at the electronic screen, starting from the eighty-eighth, the names and grades of the examiners flashed one after another. The first written test only takes a maximum of 100 examiners. Of course, if it is less than 100, it will be counted as a passing score of 60 points. This time, the number of examiners who have reached the passing line is not 100.

The dozens stand out from the hundreds of examiners, and although they are not up to the level of junior trainers, in terms of knowledge, they are already much better than most trainers. After all, trainers are a special Profession.

Looking at the happy or sad examiners around, Terrance and Xiao Chun didn't care. They stared at the screen seriously, for fear of missing their names. Now it's displayed in tenth place, and their names haven't appeared yet. Naturally, It means that the results of the two have already ranked in the top ten.

As for the specifics, then continue to read.

Ninth, eighth...

Seventh... until the sixth place, when the names of the two have not appeared, they are relieved. At least half of the bet with Master Shengzong has been won...

Immediately afterwards, the fifth place, still not, and then the fourth place, finally, Terrance's name appeared on the big screen, the fourth place, 85 points, excellent. Next came third place with 86 points. At the same time, a young man in his twenties cheered and jumped up. The second place was Xiaochun with 88 points. First is 10 points higher, 98 points, someone named Mikri.