
Chapter 1 Old Green Orphanage

Yoshien area, northeast, Qiuye Town Akiba forest.

  The gloomy and dense sea of ​​trees formed a natural labyrinth, which separated Yantu Mountain in the centre from Qiuye Town in the periphery.

  With the rise of the profession of trainers, although the Pokémon Alliance has begun to pay more and more attention to the development of the wild to create a safe travel environment for trainers travelling abroad, there are still many places that are "to be developed" Akiba Forest is one of them.

  In these places, there are rich natural resources, but along with these, whether it is dangerous and unknown terrain, environment, or aggressive pokemon, it is a reason for people to stay away.

  At the intersection to the north of the Autumn Leaf Forest, the tall trees blocked most of the sunlight entering the centre of the forest, but it did not affect the visibility of the road ahead.


  Not far away, besides a few ancient trees clustered together, a burst of golden lightning flashed, making the dim forest shine with gorgeous light and shadow. Someone rumoured that it seemed to show that something was going to happen.

  Terrance hid behind a giant tree, licked his dry lips, and waited for something. There were white silk threads wrapped around his wrist, which seemed to be connected to something. Before long, a tingling sensation came passed over, feeling the trembling of the nerves, there was a slight arc at the corner of Terrance's mouth, it was time for him to appear.

 Terrance has short golden-brown hair and an intriguing smile on his immature face Terrance made a judgment and immediately rushed in one direction, and locked his eyes on a few special plants.

  "I found it, Foongus—" After a glance, Terrance heaved a sigh of relief.

  After confirming that everything was in line with the plan, Terrance started picking mushrooms quickly, full of youthful agility. "Beautiflys, hold on for a while." Next to him, there is a butterfly with aqua-blue compound eyes flapping its wings, controlling a sea of ​​silk shimmering with golden currents. Small creatures that look like mushrooms.

  "Don't struggle, I only take half of it..." Putting the aromatic mushrooms into the backpack, Terrance turned his head, looked at the few mushrooms blocked by the Beautifly, and smiled, "As long as it takes a while, they will grow back."

  However, these words did not dissipate the anger of the magic mushrooms. They looked at the magic mushrooms with dull faces. After Terrance packed up his things, he walked out of the forest. "Beautiflys, remember to follow, beware of their spores."

  The sound of the Beautifly being attacked and fleeing in a hurry came from behind, and the corner of Terrance's mouth twitched. "Hurry." The Beautifly's sneak attack stopped the mushrooms, but when the Beautifly after flying away, they immediately launched a counterattack. Terrance had a way to control the mushrooms before leaving, but Terrance did not do so.

  According to Terrance's evaluation of himself, although he has a dark belly, he is still a good person in essence!

  Restricting the freedom of the magic mushrooms and putting them in danger in this forest, as a good boy, you can't do it!

  Snatching away the other party's Foongus, out of emotion and reason, Terrance was too embarrassed to imprison the mushrooms again.

  When Beautifly chased after him, Terrance also let go of his pace and walked towards Qiuye Town in the distance. This is the outskirts of the forest. It won't be long before beautifly and he can return to the Ancient Green House.

  As it approaches, in front of Terrance, there is a small town with about a dozen families. Qiuye Town is an agricultural town. Because it is close to Yantu Mountain, whenever the breeze blows, the volcanic ash on the mountain will float here, providing rich nutrients for the local plants.

  The town is not big, but also very ordinary,

But for Terrance, especially the Green House in the centre of the town, it is a turning point in his new life.

  Green House is an orphanage. This small town with a small population is a relatively unique building. Here, a group of children often gather to laugh and play together.

  Looking at the Beautiflys flying around, Terrance sighed, "Has it been almost a year?"

  "Gu~" Beautifly nodded upon hearing this.

  A year ago, to avoid the predation of the proud swallows, the Beautifly, which was still a Wurmple, crawled out of the grass and forest where it lived, and after tossing and turning, the little guy wandered into the ancient greenhouse.

  Then, this timid Wurmple was caught by the lively children and became the object of teasing, but fortunately, Terrance discovered this scene in time, stopped the children, and saved the Wurmple

  The nature of the children is not bad. It didn't take long for the thorn tail to receive a sincere apology from the children, and they got along with the children very happily. In the end, Terrance didn't expect this little guy who had been wandering outside for a long time, actually stayed here all the time, and joined the big family of Green house very naturally, becoming a part of it.

  Terrance has been in charge of taking care of Wurmples this year.

  Back from the autumn leaves in the forest, before noon, Terrance walked into the ancient greenhouse, looked at the courtyard full of dust and fallen leaves because he went out early in the morning, and sighed.

  "This group of guys..." Wrinkled his nose slightly, Terrance showed a helpless expression, but it was his turn to clean the courtyard today.

  "Beautiflys, come and help!" Patting the dust on his clothes, Terrance put the backpack aside, then picked up the broom in the corner, and cleaned the courtyard first.

  The courtyard is huge, but Terrance is very serious and careful, without any impatience, and refuses to let go of a fallen leaf, a speck of dust...

  As time went by, most of the yard had been cleaned. At this moment, a clear and clear shout suddenly came from Terrance's ear.

  He raised his head subconsciously and saw a little girl running over happily.

  "Little Linai." Seeing the little girl, Terrance smiled. Linai is also an orphan of the Old Green House, but they have known each other for a long time, slightly before entering the Old Green House.

  Thinking of the innocent little Lina who was sticking to him at that time, and his clumsy behaviour at the beginning, Terrance was startled suddenly and had an illusion of time travel.

  Time flies, four years have passed.

  Terrance himself is a native of Hualan City. He lost his family four years ago and was adopted into this orphanage.

  Four years were tedious. Fortunately, Terrance gradually got used to this kind of life, and slowly cheered up in this familiar and strange world.

  But no one knew that Terrance had been "swapped" four years ago, and Terrance at this moment came from another blue world, the earth!

  "Brother Terrance...why are you in a daze!" Little Lina stepped forward, staring at Terrance suspiciously, and said with bright big eyes flashing suddenly.

  Little Linai spoke, and Terrance came to his senses, feeling a little dazed and sad, "It's nothing, are you hungry, shall I prepare lunch first?"

  Seeing Terrance's smile, Lina felt delighted. She looked at the ground around her, and said embarrassedly, "Brother Terrance, I'm sorry, Tiger Tai and we went to explore the cave together in the morning...so I didn't clean it up for you. " After finishing speaking, Linai clasped her hands together, grinning and apologetic, "Now, brother Terrance, are you and Hunting Swallowie coming here? Let me help you."

  Lina was about to make a move, but Terrance shook her head and stopped her: "No need, girl, leave these to Beautifly, it can do it by itself."

  "Then...then let me prepare lunch for you?" Linai wanted to do something.

  "Let me come, but you go to the cave without permission, do you know how dangerous it is?" Terrance said seriously, "I have told you several times, don't run around, just stay in the town!"

  "But don't you always run outside?" Linai curled her lips, glanced at the hunting butterfly, a little envious, and muttered to herself, "It's not that dangerous outside, and there are many friendly pokemon who often help us Woolen cloth."

  "It's a fluke for you." Terrance sighed, "It seems that Grandma Oran has to come to give you a lecture, and I'm going to invite you to have lunch. Today I picked the aromatic mushrooms you like to eat, which is the last one I made for you. Let's have a meal." Terrance continued, as he spoke, his tone suddenly became a little gloomy.

  "The last meal?" Linai was stunned for a moment, and noticed the subtext in Terrance's words: "Brother Terrance...what is the last meal?"

  Terrance didn't answer yet, but an old woman came out at this moment, and lovingly touched Xiao Linai's head: "Silly girl, haven't you seen it yet? Your elder brother Terrance is already planning to leave here."

  leave here?

  Linai stared blankly at Terrance: "Leave from the Old Green House?"

  Looking at Linai, Terrance remained silent.

  In the 209th year of the alliance calendar, on the adoption day, Terrance and Lina, both orphans in Hualan City, lost the ability to live independently.

  Adopted by Oran in the Green House Orphanage.

  Ever since he came to the Ancient Green House, Terrance has been very mature and sensible to repay Grandma Olan's kindness, not at all like a child. He will take the initiative to undertake many things in the Ancient Green House as long as he can do it. In this way, Terrance is like a big brother among the children of Old Green House.

  And being relied on by the children is already a natural thing for Terrance.

  Right now, hearing that Terrance is going to leave, it is human nature for Linai to be reluctant and panic.

  After a moment of silence, Terrance nodded: "Grandma Oran, I plan to go to Qishui City tomorrow, thank you for your care over the past four years."

  "What are you going to do? Is it because we are disobedient?" Linai's eyes were already turning red, and she interrupted Terrance.

  "No, I just want to see the outside world. In addition, I am going to participate in the cultivation home assessment. If I succeed, then I can share some of the burdens for Qing Guwu." Terrance said calmly.

  Grandma Oran sighed: "Ting Shu, you have to think, the children here grow up in poverty, and they don't even have the qualifications to register as trainers. If you go out to make a living at such a young age, you might as well stay in the Here, help grandma take care of the Old Green House."

  "I know this, Grandma Oran, but I have hands and feet, can't I take care of myself? Isn't my four years of study just for this day?" Terrance's answer was surprisingly firm.

  Terrance has been here for four years, not only knowing how to play like other children but studying hard every day, spending this boring and novel life with boring books, to be able to get out of here one day and see look out at the world.

  To be honest, after Terrance accepted the fact that he travelled through time, he was unwilling to stay in one place for the rest of his life, but the reality gave Terrance a heavy blow.

  However, Terrance did not give up, knowledge is an extremely important path he found to build a bridge with the outside world!

  Different from the earth, although this world has technology, the relevant content is very precious. It belongs to advanced knowledge and is monopolized in the hands of alliances and big consortia. Although some secret organizations study these things privately, they hide them and dare not cooperate with the alliance. Go head-on.

  Knowledge about science and technology belongs to high-end knowledge, and it is an important means for the alliance to check and balance. The world's science and technology are developing rapidly, and it has not yet been derived to the point where some knowledge is disclosed and talents are vigorously sought after like the earth.

  On the contrary, the mainstream of this world is a magical creature, the pokemon!

  They replace technology and are pursued by people. Various industries are built and built around them, and they are indispensable partners in human life in this world.

  What Terrance learned was nothing but knowledge about pokemon.

  In the past four years, although the public knowledge on the mainland is complicated and numerous, Terrance still established a learning system that belongs to him to fulfil his dream.

  When Grandma Olan heard what he said, she knew that Terrance had thought it through, so she could only sigh and say nothing.

  Terrance has been very sensible since he came here four years ago, not only did he not bother her, but he has been helping to take care of the Old Green House.

  However, Olan can also see that Terrance's thoughts are not here. Although he also helps to take care of the children, Olan has lived for most of his life. Naturally, he can see that Terrance is fundamentally different from these children.

  It seems that Terrance is having difficulty integrating into this group of children.

  Although he was still young, Terrance was already very assertive at that time. I am afraid that his heart had already jumped to a wider place along with the books.

  Perhaps, from the adoption day four years ago, Grandma Olan should have seen that this child was different from Terrance's calm eyes and self-introduction.

  It is indeed unrealistic for someone like Terrance to take care of these children and stay in the Old Green House, or even the small Qiuye Town, and Grandma Oran does not want to see such a situation.

  But even so, Olan didn't know why Terrance was so persistent. It was hard to imagine that a young man would have such perseverance and such a bold decision.

  Every orphan here has experienced different pains, but none of them has a heart as firm as Terrance's.

  Grandma Olan doesn't understand, and neither do the other children, but only Terrance understands the difference between herself and others! For him, it might not be an advantage. With this, he had long thought of going outside for a while.

  And this world is so fantastic, bright, colourful and magnificent! For people from another world, every place here attracts Terrance and wants him to explore and cross.

  At the same time, Terrance also understands that the development of Ancient Green House has fallen into a low period in recent years. It is difficult for the orphanage of Old Green House to operate for a long time relying solely on Grandma Oran's savings.

  Therefore, not only for himself, Terrance also doesn't want to burden the Qing orphanage anymore. Even knowing that the next road will be very difficult, Terrance did not have the idea of ​​backing down.

  Now that he has met through time travel, Terrance also wants to see the outside world. If he doesn't have the courage, then he is too ashamed of the title of "time traveller". What is the difference between that and a salted fish?

  There is no reason, I just want to see the elegance of this world!

  "I will succeed." Looking confidently at Grandma Olan and Little Linai, Terrance's eyes showed an unreadable look.