
Pokemon: Flames of Rebirth

Tomorrow was the day my entire life would change, whether I liked it or not. I was ten, which meant I was old enough to start my Pokémon journey. Everyone seemed to think it was this grand adventure—freedom, excitement, and endless possibilities. But me? I wasn’t so sure. The excitement I was supposed to feel hadn’t hit me, not really. Instead, this gnawing pit of doubt settled in my stomach, twisting tighter every time I tried to picture the future. Sitting at my desk, Growlithe by my side, I spent the night scribbling down my thoughts. Useless. My mom barged in, talking like she wasn’t worried, but I knew better. I wasn’t just leaving home. I was leaving everything behind. Dad’s shadow hung over me like a storm cloud, his reputation as one of the greats in the world of Pokémon looming larger than life. And then there was the dream. Or maybe it wasn’t a dream at all. A deal. A reincarnation. A system that would give me power in exchange for… what, exactly? I wasn’t even sure anymore. The man in white had told me I’d been reincarnated into this world. Some past version of me had made a deal to live in a place where Pokémon were real. Now, I was the result, given a “cheat system” to help me rise above the rest. At first, it seemed like a joke. I mean, who gets a second shot at life and ends up in a world where fire-breathing dogs and telepathic monsters roam the land? But as I stood there, staring at my reflection, the truth hit me hard. This was no ordinary journey. And with Growlithe by my side, I couldn’t just wander aimlessly like the other kids. I was here to conquer. And with every step I took, with every Pokémon I defeated, I’d grow stronger. But at what cost? Tomorrow, everything would begin. And no matter what, I couldn’t let myself falter. Not with Growlithe depending on me. Not with the weight of Dad’s legacy breathing down my neck. Not with that eerie, otherworldly deal hanging over my head like a sword waiting to fall. I’d make my mark on this world—or die trying. --- AN: 1 chapters daily with each chapter around 2500 To 3000 words. Every 3 Power stone = 1 Extra chapter.

Vivid_Horizons · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs

Chapter 5: Breaking the Unbreakable

Sunlight pierced through the curtains, a sharp, unwelcome reminder that morning had arrived. 

I groaned and pulled the pillow over my head, hoping to squeeze out just a few more minutes of sleep. 

But that light was relentless, creeping into every corner of the room. 

Eventually, I gave up, flinging the pillow aside as I sat up with a huff. 

I blinked against the brightness, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. 

Growlithe wasn't in the room. 


He was usually sprawled at the foot of the bed by now, all warmth and snores.

The absence felt strange. 

I padded to the bathroom, brushing my teeth as quickly as possible, then stepped into the shower, letting the warm water wake me fully.

Once I was clean and dressed, I grabbed my bag and headed for the door. 

I hesitated just a moment, the weight of today settling over me, then pushed it open and stepped into the quiet hallway.

The living room was eerily still. It was never like this when Mom was around—always filled with the clatter of pots, pans, and her humming some song I never knew the name of. 

But today, it felt like the world had stopped.

I made my way to the kitchen, where a note stuck to the fridge caught my eye.

"Good afternoon, sweetheart," it read, in Mom's neat handwriting. "I left a sandwich for you in the fridge. If you want to eat something else, you can make it yourself or grab something from outside. Bye, sweetheart!"

I couldn't help but smile. 

Classic Mom. 

I folded the note and slipped it into my pocket as I heard soft paws padding toward me. 

Growlithe trotted over, his orange and cream fur shining in the light. He nuzzled my leg, looking up with those big, eager eyes.

"You hungry, buddy?" I asked, scratching behind his ears.

He gave a sharp nod, and I chuckled. 

Typical Growlithe—always thinking about food. 

I walked over to the counter, grabbed his Pokémon food, and filled up his bowl. 

His tongue lolled out in anticipation, and I couldn't help but laugh as he dove into his meal with the same enthusiasm he showed for everything.

"Alright, go on then," I said, stepping back to let him eat in peace.

I pulled the sandwich from the fridge and sat down at the table, unwrapping it with deliberate slowness. 

My mind was elsewhere—on what lay ahead. 

Today wasn't just another day. 

Today was the day. 

The moment that would define my journey as a Pokémon Trainer. And it was all starting at Brock's Gym.

As soon as Growlithe finished, we packed up and headed out, locking the door behind us. 

The walk through Pewter City was familiar—same cobbled streets, same faces, but everything felt different today. 

The weight of what I was about to do made the world seem... heavier.

We reached the imposing stone building of Brock's Gym, the massive doors standing before us like a challenge in itself. 

I swallowed hard and pushed them open.

The hallway leading inside felt endless, the sound of my footsteps echoing off the cold, rocky walls. 

Growlithe trotted beside me, his usual energetic self, but even he seemed to pick up on the tension. 

As we rounded a corner, the lights flickered on, illuminating the rugged terrain of the battle ground ahead.

And there he was—Brock. Standing tall, arms crossed, waiting like a statue carved out of stone.

"So, William," he said, his voice steady and low. "You've finally decided to battle me."

I nodded, my throat suddenly dry. "Yeah. I'm ready."

Brock's eyes narrowed. "I won't go easy on you just because you're the son of a former Champion."

"It'd be better if you didn't," I shot back, meeting his gaze.

He gave a firm nod, his expression unreadable. "This will be a one-on-one battle. We each use two Pokémon for two matches, and no switching. Understood?"

I nodded again, adrenaline surging through me as I grabbed Growlithe's Pokéball, but he was already ready, standing at my side, his tail flicking in anticipation.

Brock reached for his Pokéball. "Let's see if you've got what it takes."

With a flick of his wrist, he tossed the ball into the air, and in a flash of light, a Geodude materialized on the battlefield, its rocky body hovering a few feet above the ground, glaring at us with a determined scowl.

Growlithe stepped forward, growling low in his throat, his fur bristling. 

He was already in the zone, and I could feel my heart racing as I looked at him. 

This was it.

"First match: Geodude versus Growlithe. Let the battle begin!" Brock's voice echoed through the cavernous gym.

"Geodude, let's start this!" Brock commanded, his voice booming through the gym.

"Growlithe, you know what to do," I said, my voice lower, but steady.

The two Pokémon stared each other down, the tension thick in the air, waiting for the first move.


Brock's smirk deepened. He pointed forward with deliberate calm. "Geodude, start things off! Use Defense Curl!"

Geodude didn't hesitate. 

In an instant, it curled into itself, its rocky exterior hardening, shimmering with a dull sheen. 

It became a stone wall, immovable, impenetrable. 

The air between us felt heavy, like the gym itself was holding its breath, waiting for me to screw up.

I hesitated for a heartbeat, maybe two. Then—"Growlithe, use Roar! Disrupt him!"

Growlithe inhaled sharply and let out a sound that shook the very walls of the gym. 

A deep, ferocious roar, filled with all the energy I had bottled up inside. 

The sound bounced off the stone walls, causing dust to rain down from the ceiling. 

For a moment, Geodude trembled, its defenses wavering, but Brock's eyes flashed, and Geodude held firm, its Sturdy ability keeping it grounded.

Brock didn't flinch. "Geodude, shake it off! Rock Throw, now!"

Before I could blink, Geodude smashed its fists into the ground, tearing boulders from the earth as if they were nothing, hurling them straight toward Growlithe. 

The rocks flew fast—too fast. 

"Dodge!" I shouted.

Growlithe leaped sideways, but not fast enough. 

One of the rocks clipped its leg, sending it tumbling across the battlefield. 

It skidded to a halt, struggling back to its feet, its leg shaking. 

But before I could panic, it shot me a look—those burning eyes said it all. 

It wasn't done.

"Ember! Now!"

Growlithe's mouth opened, and a spray of glowing embers erupted, fizzling as they hit Geodude's rocky exterior. 

The embers barely left a mark, but I noticed something—the stones above us, where the embers had struck, were starting to crack under the heat.

Brock's eyes narrowed. He noticed too. "Harden, Geodude! Prepare for impact!"

Geodude's body glowed again, its defenses intensifying, making it almost impossible to break through. 

But the rocks overhead—those weren't as tough. 

I needed to buy some time.

"Growlithe, go in close! Use Bite!" 

Growlithe, despite the pain in its leg, bolted forward. It moved fast, teeth bared, and with a powerful leap, it latched onto one of Geodude's arms, sinking its fangs into the rock. 

The crack of stone echoed as Geodude winced, its rocky skin giving way slightly.

Brock didn't waste a second. "Take Down!"

Geodude swung its entire body, slamming into Growlithe with a force that nearly knocked me backward. 

The impact sent Growlithe crashing into a pile of rocks, and for a split second, I feared it was over. 

But then, through the cloud of dust, Growlithe stood. Bruised, battered, barely hanging on—but still standing.

I swallowed hard, my throat tight. "Stay strong, Growlithe… Ember, on the ceiling!"

Growlithe's breath came in ragged gasps, but it obeyed. 

It tilted its head, firing another burst of embers upward. 

This time, the rocks couldn't take it. 

With a loud crack, they began to splinter, and suddenly, several large boulders broke free, crashing down toward the battlefield.

"Geodude, Dig—quick!" Brock's command cut through the chaos.

Geodude vanished, burrowing beneath the surface just as the boulders hit, sending up a cloud of dust and debris. 

Growlithe, barely able to move, dodged the smaller falling stones by sheer instinct. 

The battlefield was a wreck—rock and rubble everywhere—but Geodude was still out there, waiting to strike.

My heart raced. 

I scanned the ground, every muscle in my body tensed. 

There—a slight tremor beneath a boulder. It was subtle, but it was there.

"Growlithe… wait for it," I whispered, barely audible. Then louder, "When it comes out—Bite! Everything you've got!"

The seconds ticked by like hours, and then the ground erupted. 

Geodude burst forth, roaring as it launched itself at Growlithe, aiming to end it. 

"Now!" I screamed, voice hoarse with desperation.

Growlithe lunged, fangs bared, and clamped down on Geodude's head as it emerged. 

The force of the Bite, combined with the earlier damage from the falling rocks, was enough. 

Geodude wobbled, its stone skin cracked, and with a final groan, it collapsed, defeated.

The silence that followed was deafening. 

Brock's eyes widened, just for a second, before he recalled Geodude with a quiet nod of respect.

"Geodude is unable to battle. The first match goes to William and Growlithe."

I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding. 

Growlithe limped back to me, exhausted but triumphant. 

I knelt beside it, running a hand over its singed fur. 

It was hurt—badly—but it still had that fire in its eyes.

Brock crossed his arms, his expression cold, calculated. "You're good, William," he said, his voice carrying that calm authority again. "But not good enough to win my badge this time."

I gritted my teeth, standing tall. The first match was mine, but this battle was far from over.


Brock's voice rumbled through the gym like the boulders he commanded. "This is the final round. William, if you can survive this, you'll be one step closer to your first badge. But... it won't be easy. Onix, you're up."

I speak in my mind. "Growlithe—teach him Double Team and Fire Blast."

Ariana's voice in my mind. [Done. Growlithe's Double Team and Fire Blast move has been mastered. Points 15.]

My stomach twisted as Brock's towering Onix slithered forward, its massive body casting a shadow that swallowed the battlefield. 

Growlithe, small and battered, stood his ground, but his legs trembled. 

The fire in his eyes had dimmed, and I could feel the doubt creeping in, the weight of how close we were to losing.

"Growlithe, get ready," I whispered, my voice lacking the confidence I'd started with.

Brock folded his arms, his expression unreadable but firm. "One hit, William," he said, voice like stone, "and your Growlithe is done."

I clenched my fists, feeling the cold pit of fear clawing at my gut. 

My eyes flicked to Growlithe, his chest rising and falling in shallow breaths. 

I could hear the unspoken truth in Brock's words. 

One hit, and it was over. 

But I couldn't back down. Not now.

"Onix, Screech!"

The command came like a crack of thunder, and Onix opened its maw, unleashing a high-pitched wail that rattled the walls. 

The sound hit like a physical force, cutting through the air, shaking Growlithe to his core. 

His legs buckled, paws slipping on the loose stones.

"Growlithe, Roar!" My voice cracked, desperation creeping into the edges.

Growlithe let out a weak cry, his roar barely pushing back against the waves of sound crashing down on him. 

His paws skidded across the ground, the force of Onix's screech driving him back inch by inch. 

My heart pounded in my ears. He couldn't hold on.

"Rock Throw!" Brock's eyes gleamed with certainty.

Onix's tail swung through the air, hurling a cascade of massive boulders toward Growlithe. 

The rocks, as big as my head, crashed down like meteors, aiming to crush my partner beneath their weight.

"Double Team!" I shouted, my voice trembling with urgency.

Growlithe pushed through his pain, his form flickering into a dozen afterimages that danced across the battlefield. 

The rocks smashed down, shattering into smaller debris, dust billowing around the arena. 

Each Growlithe flickered out just before impact, but I knew this trick wouldn't last long. 

We were running out of time.

"You can't hide forever," Brock warned, his voice calm, steady. "Onix, Bind!"

Onix lunged, its massive body coiling, crashing down on the shifting illusions. 

The ground shook beneath its weight, the real Growlithe darting between the falling stones. 

But Onix's sheer size overwhelmed the battlefield, its coils wrapping around what seemed to be the real Growlithe.

But it wasn't.

The flicker of light vanished, leaving Onix clutching nothing but air. 

My heart raced. 

I had to move fast.

"Bite!" I barked, pushing down the fear choking my throat.

Growlithe darted out from behind a pile of rubble, his small form moving like lightning as he charged at Onix's side, aiming for a weak point between the boulders. 

But just as Growlithe leapt, teeth bared, Brock was ready.

"Body Slam!"

Onix twisted with terrifying speed, slamming its full weight into Growlithe mid-air. 

The impact was brutal. 

Growlithe yelped, crashing into the rocks with a sickening thud, his body crumpling to the ground, barely moving. 

My breath hitched, the world spinning. 


Not like this.

Pain shot through my head like a hot knife, blinding, disorienting. 

I collapsed to my knees, clutching my skull as the gym faded into darkness. 

My vision blurred, the sounds of the battle slipping away. 

But something inside me stirred, something sharp and cold. 

And suddenly, I wasn't in control anymore.

I stood up, my body moving on its own, my voice hard, unrecognizable. "Growlithe... stand."

Growlithe's eyes flickered open at the sound of my voice, something in it different, stronger. 

He staggered to his feet, flames licking the edges of his mouth, his growl low and dangerous.

"Fire Blast. Now."

Growlithe obeyed without hesitation, unleashing a roaring inferno, a star-shaped flame that scorched through the dust-filled air. 

The firestorm blazed toward Onix with a fury that distorted the very air around it.

Brock's eyes widened, the cool confidence faltering for the first time. "Onix, Skull Bash!"

Onix roared, lowering its head, its rocky skull glowing as it charged straight into the flames. 

The ground trembled, the massive Pokémon plowing through the heat with sheer determination. 

The Fire Blast struck its body, but Onix pushed forward, rocks cracking under its relentless momentum.

I didn't flinch. "Use the rocks around you. Ember."

Growlithe darted toward a fallen boulder, using it as cover, and sprayed embers into the air. 

The glowing specks ignited the battlefield, small flames spreading across the scattered debris, surrounding Onix in a ring of fire.

Onix stumbled, flames licking at its rocky hide, the heat finally taking its toll. 

It roared in frustration, thrashing wildly as the fire closed in.

"Now, Bite!" My voice cut through the chaos, sharp, commanding.

Growlithe lunged, fangs sinking into a crack in Onix's stony body. 

The fire-coated rocks had softened its exterior just enough, allowing Growlithe to grip tight. 

Onix thrashed, but Growlithe held on, flames swirling around them both.

Brock's voice wavered. "Onix, Take Down!"

Onix surged forward, dragging Growlithe with it, slamming its body into the ground. 

The gym echoed with the sound of rock crashing against rock, of fire crackling, but Growlithe wouldn't let go.

Onix faltered. 

Its massive body shuddered, eyes glazing over as it collapsed, a thunderous crash shaking the entire gym. 

Dust billowed up, and the flames began to die down.

I stared at the fallen Onix, my body stiff, cold. "Finish it."

Growlithe let out one final burst of flames, sealing Onix's defeat. 

The battlefield was silent, save for the crackle of dying embers. 

I felt the darkness creeping back, the strange force that had taken control of me fading as quickly as it had come.

And then I collapsed, the world going black as Growlithe limped to my side, his body bruised but victorious.

Brock rushed forward, his voice thick with disbelief. "William… how did you…"

But I didn't hear the rest.

There will be 2 chapters daily with each chapter around 2500 To 3000 words.

Every 1 Power stone = 1 Extra chapter.

Vivid_Horizonscreators' thoughts